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The American International School of

Budapest, Hungary
Table of Contents
WELCOME TO THE 2014/2015 SCHOOL YEAR! .............................................................. 2
WHAT DOES THE PSA DO ....................................................................................................... 3
HOW THE PSA IS ORGANIZED ............................................................................................... 4
AISB SOURCES FOR ADVICE & HELP ................................................................................ 12
TEENS IN BUDAPEST ............................................................................................................. 12
FUN THINGS TO DO IN BUDAPEST ................................................................................... 17
OTHER SERVICES ................................................................................................................... 22
SECURITY REMINDERS ......................................................................................................... 23
USEFUL EMERGENCY PHRASES ......................................................................................... 25
EMERGENCY NUMBERS ........................................................................................................ 26
HEALTH CARE IN BUDAPEST ............................................................................................. 26
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS & PRECAUTIONS ............................................................ 27
HEALTH INFORMATION....................................................................................................... 30

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


The Parent School Association (PSA) would like to welcome you to AISB. Our school
community offers a rich, multicultural environment with wonderful educational,
social and community service opportunities for students and their families with
over 55 nationalities represented. We encourage all parents to become involved in
the school community through the PSA. It is a fun and rewarding way to make
friends, settle in to your new community, and help ensure the highest quality
education for your children.
This Welcome Booklet was created for both new and returning families to provide
important information about the school community and the role of the PSA, and to
offer helpful suggestions to make your transition to Budapest and to the AISB
community as easy as possible. A full list of the PSA Board members is also available
on the PSA link on the schools website, on the parent portal.

2014/2015 PSA Board

Vice Chair

Phil Christian
Kaye Little
Michelle Griffin

Elementary School Reps

Emese Szinku
Melissa Lozano
Jean Delaroullou
Carrie Rullo

Middle School Reps

Deb Christian
Nikki Smith

High School Reps

Teresa Siovolgyi
Deanna Mazour
Kirsten Reinicke

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


The PSA is a volunteer, not-for-profit organization that actively promotes
cooperation between parents, faculty and administration to promote academic
excellence in a positive school culture.
To accomplish this purpose, the PSA has five objectives:

Support effective communication among all members of the school

Support the administration and faculty in developing and maintaining
high academic standards.
Organize activities and events, which support the school community and
enhance student experience.
Raise funds to support activities and events open to all students.
Cooperate with other community organizations and charities to present
students with meaningful experiences that expand understanding.

The PSA is a parent-run forum and functions as a support system for parents, and as
an advocate for a positive school culture and community spirit. The PSA Board
represents the parent community, and also supports the School Administration
and/or School Board by acting in an advisory capacity when appropriate. All
parents of AISB students are members of the PSA.
The PSA sponsors various events designed to provide information, promotes twoway communication between the school and the parent community, introduces
parents to how the school operates, and helps maintain quality education.
For more information about the PSAs functions and responsibilities, policies and
procedures, and election procedures, please refer to the PSA by-laws which are
posted on the AISB website on the parent portal ( A copy can also be
obtained upon request from the PSA Chair or PSA Secretary.

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


The PSA Board is comprised of 4 board-elected positions: Chair, Vice-Chair,
Secretary, and Treasurer.
The board is also comprised of a minimum of two nominated Representatives from
each of the division levels by the parent community:

Elementary School (Pre K 5)

Middle School (6 8); and
High School (9 12).

The School Director and the Community Liaison Officer sit on the PSA Board as nonvoting members. The monthly board meeting date and times are listed on the
parent portal of the AISB website. Minutes of the monthly board meetings are also
posted on the parent portal of the AISB website.
PSA Division Meetings:
Each Division holds monthly meetings chaired by the PSA Representatives who sit
on the PSA Board. All division parents are encouraged to attend to learn what is
happening in their division and to bring their questions, concerns and suggestions.
PSA Division Meetings are open to all parents. Some division meetings are
scheduled throughout the year at special times often coordinated with other events.
Please check the School Activities Calendar, the divisional PSA bulletin boards or the
PSA section of the Parent Portal for the schedule of those meetings.
Individual Action/Interest Groups: All parents, teachers, and students are
members of the PSA and are represented at the Division Parent Meetings:
1. Room Parents: Each classroom in Elementary School is represented by a
Room Parent. Room Parents help teachers organize special activities for the
class, such as holiday parties and field trips, by communicating and soliciting
volunteers from among the classroom parents. Room Parents and Parent
Contacts may also work with teachers in the classroom as needed. Room
Parents help classmates and parents get to know each other. Room Parents
keep their classroom parents up-to-date on all-school activities and concerns.

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015

2. Welcome Contacts are parents who make themselves available to support

and facilitate the integration of new families into the school and into the new
environment in Budapest. While Welcome Contacts are especially
important to the newest members of AISB, they are also available to anyone
who needs a friendly voice of support or advice in their native language. This
can make a world of difference in the sometimes stressful transition to life in
a foreign country and help to overcome language and/or cultural barriers.
The PSA would like to have a Contact from each country represented at AISB.
For more information on this program, please contact:
Barbara Kezsmarki
Room Parents and Welcome Contacts are encouraged to attend the PSA
Divisional meetings and act as communication links between the PSA
Divisions and the parents in their classrooms, grade levels and/or national
groups. Parents interested in volunteering as Room Parents or Welcome
Contacts should contact their PSA Representatives at any of the PSAsponsored welcome events, or by e-mail.
3. Faculty Representation: The division principals and counselors periodically
attend PSA Division meetings to update parents on events and issues.
4. Students: Student leadership is encouraged through Student Councils in each
Division. It is the PSAs goal to work closely with the student representatives
to enhance and support student activities in a variety of ways, including
student council fundraisers and events, student service projects, support for
athletics through the Blazer Booster Club, and support for PSA initiatives for
student learning.
All parents, students, and faculty are encouraged to help by supporting PSA
activities, attending meetings, and volunteering for committees and events.
Check the parent portal on the schools website for the latest information on PSA
meetings and school events. For questions, please contact your Divisional
Representatives or Room Parent.

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015

How Can a Parent Communicate a Suggestion, Plan or Concern to the PSA?

To introduce an idea or plan and have a quick and successful outcome, it is
recommended that parents use the following guidelines and present the plan to
their Division Representatives or the PSA Board.

Write a short summary of the plan, idea or concern.

Include who will benefit from it and whether it is grade-, division- or
school-wide, students, teachers, parents or others.
Indicate exactly what will be achieved by implementing the plan or idea.
Include any finances that may be involved. How much money is needed
and how will it be raised? Will there be profit, and if so, what will be done
with the money?
Outline a brief timeline involving a starting and ending date.
Ensure there is a direct contact person who is responsible for the project.
Estimate manpower needed and how volunteers will be recruited.
Present your plan or concern during the public comment time at the
beginning of a PSA Division or Board meeting. Each commenter will be
limited to three minutes, or five minutes if he/she signs up at least 48
hours in advance. This will not be a time for two-way discussion, but the
board will listen to what you have to say and may ask clarifying
questions, and will note the concerns. If you would like to make a fiveminute comment at one of our next PSA meetings, please register with
one of your Division Representatives or the PSA Board Secretary.

The PSA sponsors a variety of events and activities, including:

PSA Welcome Coffees
The PSA sponsors a Welcome Coffee at the beginning of the school year. Parents are
encouraged to join us for coffee, tea and pastries. It is a great opportunity to meet
other parents and collect information about the school and the Budapest
community. PSA Board members will be available for questions.
PSA Welcome Picnic
At the beginning of the school year, a family picnic for all parents, students, faculty,
and staff is held on the sports fields. This is an informal get-together where we are
happy to see each other again and make new friends. Sports activities and games
are provided and supervised.

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015

Back to School Nights

Back to School Night is a tradition at AISB. These evening sessions give parents an
opportunity to meet their students teachers and learn about the curriculum and
classroom objectives.
International Festival
The PSA sponsors one major fund-raiser each school year. The International
Festival is held at AISB and this year is scheduled on Sunday, April 19, 2015.
The focus of this yearly event is on community and family fun. You will find Country
Booths representing the many countries that make up our international school and
featuring national specialties (this presents a great opportunity to taste delicious
dishes from around the world). AISB service groups sell food, new and used books,
art, and other items. Organized games and activities are planned for children of
various ages. AISB students, classes, and families provide entertainment by singing,
dancing, or playing various instruments. Vendors from the AISB community and
select vendors from the Hungarian community, set up tables to sell their wares. A
raffle offers a wide variety of great prizes and gifts.
All proceeds of the Festival are used to support general and cultural student
activities and in support of charities, all with the purpose of giving students valuable
learning opportunities. Parent volunteers organize the International Festival and
everyone in the school community is encouraged to participate. Join us for a festive
day of fun for the entire family!
We encourage all parents to volunteer to make this event a great success!!
Blazer Boosters Club
The Blazer Boosters Club is a parent-organized support group of the Athletic
Department. The Boosters Club is open to all parents and supporters of the AISB
Athletic Department. All proceeds from Boosters Club events go directly back into
the Athletic Department budget to support our students and their participation in
athletic events of AISB.
For General Blazer Boosters Club Information, please contact AISB Athletic Director
Matt Fleming.
Other Events & Activities
Please refer to the 2014-15 PSA Calendar of Events located on the Parent Portal of
the school website.
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015

The AISB Administration, Faculty, School Board and PSA Board all endorse the
system of Direct Communications as the most effective way for parents to handle a
concern about his or her childs academic program or other concerns related to
their school experience. Direct Communications means that the parent should
first approach the person most closely connected to resolve the concern.
Academic Issues:
First contact your (homeroom) teacher and then your division principal.
With most academic issues, the parents first contact should be with the teacher.
Contact can be made at Parent-Teacher Conferences, or by letter, e-mail, telephone
or a scheduled meeting.
If the parent and the teacher cannot agree upon a resolution, or if the agreed-upon
actions are not carried out, or prove to be ineffective, parents are then welcome to
bring the issue to the attention of the Principal. If an effective solution is not found,
the parent should then bring his or her concern to the Director.
This process not only provides the most direct route to resolving the problem, it
also strengthens the relationship between the parent and teacher. Often,
problems turn out to be a simple miscommunication.
Parents are encouraged to be honest and constructive with teachers when bringing
up concerns. If a parent is uncomfortable with consulting a teacher for any reason,
they are encouraged to contact the division counselor for advice in how to approach
the problem. The counselors are both teachers and student advocates, so they can
often offer very useful insight to both parent and teacher.
Suggestions for Parents
Here are a few ideas that will enhance productive discussions between parents and

Focus your message on your own child and the impact on him/her. Avoid
generalizations such as all the kids feel
Report only your own direct observations (Jimmy does no homework,
or Sally has cried for three nights straight over her math homework).
Avoid spreading rumors or reporting hearsay as fact.

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Focus, at least initially, on the problem rather than the solution you have
already decided upon. Generating a conversation about the nature of the
problem you have observed gives you and the teacher a chance to explore
what is wrong, and to share perspectives and identify the best solution.

Whenever possible, use specific incidents to illustrate your concern. Joey wrote his
essay in 15 minutes and he earned an A is a clearer illustration of Joey not being
challenged than saying Joey is bored with English.
If you are still wary of speaking directly to the teacher about your concern, we
encourage you to contact the division counselor for advice in how to approach the
problem. Another suggestion would be to talk to your childs favorite teacher about
strategies you might consider. That person will probably not be able to solve the
problem, but may be able to help by offering good advice about how to approach the
teacher, or if necessary, the Principal.
If a parent feels that they have made a good-faith effort to resolve an issue and are
not satisfied with the answers or the results they have received, they are then
advised to consult the PSA Board.
Issues Related to School Culture
Issues relating to the school environment, such as discipline, behavior, and codes of
conduct, are more difficult to resolve through the Direct Communication system
because these types of issues affect a wide range of children in different ways and it
is often difficult for families to gauge just how their child is personally affected. This
does not discount, however, the fact that the school culture has a direct effect on
student focus, productivity, character, and mental health and must be addressed.
Suggestions for Parents
It is the role of the PSA to provide positive guidance to parents, not only to help new
parents settle in and become involved and informed about how AISB operates, but
also to assist parents who may have questions or concerns about their childs
experience at AISB.

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015

If parents are concerned about a particular social issue, or an issue pertaining to

school culture, the PSA Board encourages them to bring the concern first to the
appropriate Principal, and then to the PSA Reps for their childs division. The
Division Reps may bring these concerns to their Division meeting for further
discussion, and/or to the PSA Board, who may consult further with members of the
administration and faculty, and consider whether the issue warrants soliciting input
from the parent community as a whole, before making any requests or
recommendations to the School Director.
It is always the PSAs goal to:
Help build consensus;
Educate parents on the process of communication; and,
Maintain a positive environment.
It is NEVER the PSA Boards role to create issues, but rather to keep lines of
communication open and be informed of parent opinions. For this reason, parents
are encouraged to refrain from engaging in gossip or spreading hearsay out of
frustration. Effective communication within the PSA will enable the PSA Board to
take action when necessary and appropriate.
Who To Address With A Question, Concern Or Initiative, At A Glance

Is It About:

Go To:

Your child
More children
Class level
Grade level
Division level
More divisions or school wide level
Initiative for parents on a division level
Initiative for parents school wide
Something else
Academic issues:

Teacher (homeroom or specialist teacher)

Teacher(s) and/or parents
Teacher and/or Homeroom Parent
Teachers and/ Homeroom Parent and/or
PSA Division Reps
PSA Division Reps
PSA Board Member
PSA Division Reps
PSA Board Member
PSA Board Member
1. Class or subject teacher without
success go to:
2. Principal without success go to:
3. Director, email:

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


High School CAS Questions:

Ben OBrien email:

Social School matters:

(behavior, well-being, study techniques
and choice, group dynamics)

1. Class or Homeroom Parent

2. Counselor
3. Principal
4. Director


1. School nurses:
Sue Spencer or Aranka Barlay
2. Exceptional situations:
also the Principal


Business Office: Magdi Tarnczi



School bus providers:

Sargent Bus:
Capital Bus:

After School Activities (Students):

MS/HS Sports: Matt Fleming
Other : Ben OBrien (HS)
Marc Lavoie (MS)
Matt Kutni (ES)

School culture:

1. PSA Division Representative

2. Principal

School organization, buildings, surroundings: 1. Principal

2. Director
Community matters:

1. PSA Division Reps

2. PSA Chair


Gery Salat +36-26-356-330
PSA Secretary or write an email to

All other:

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015



David Spencer, High School Counselor email:
Ben OBrien, High School Student Life and CAS Coordinator email:
Mike Campbell, High School Student Citizenship email:
Nancy Seibel, Middle School Counselor email:
Shawn Edwards, Elementary School Counselor:

The Parent School Association (PSA), with the help of Administration and students,
decided to publish this section to address the issue of teens in Budapest. To be
independently mobile is the desire of many teens. While parents cope with their
teen's desire for independence, questions concerning safety, social issues, alcohol,
and drugs take center stage.
Budapest is generally considered to be a relatively safe city by many expatriates.
However, violent incidents involving teens do occur. As foreigners and perhaps not
reading local papers and watching local TV, we may have a false sense of security
that Budapest citizens do not. We advise you to stay in close contact with your local
embassy for the latest information on health and safety in Hungary.
Our teens generally exercise good judgment. They travel in groups and look out for
each other. However, knowledge of the laws in Hungary, along with clear family
expectations and responsibilities, are necessary for peace of mind to exist for all.
The ultimate decision regarding behavior and curfew remains with the family. We
intend to inform parents and teens of present Hungarian laws and practices. We
hope this serves as a guide for family discussion and clarifies concerns that may
exist. Please notice that the information is made by the PSA as a guideline for you.
The PSA cannot be held responsible for your actions and the following
Teens Out and About
Teens new to Budapest might like to know what some of their peers are up to.
Budapest Malls are a popular place to meet up with friends. Mammut Shopping Mall
is popular for movies, cafs, bowling and pool. MOM Park also has movies and many
cafs. On the Pest side, Westend City Center is also a favorite for movies and cafs.
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


An evening out can cost between 4,000-10,000 ft. Curfew times for students vary.
Most students seem not to go out during the school week.
Many students use public transportation. The buses, trams and metro are reliable
and fast. Authorities checking for valid tickets on public transportation regularly
stop students. A fine has to be paid directly by those who try traveling without a
ticket, with an invalid ticket, pass or travel card. For the most up to date schedules
and fees on public transportation check their web site at
Taxis are best when returning late in the evening; however late-night bus service is
now available to most locations. City Taxi is the choice for most students. (Phone
+36-1-211-1111). Always call a taxi for your own safety.
Budapest is for the most part, a comparatively safe city. As with any city, students
should be aware of their surroundings, watch out for their money, and don't do
anything you wouldn't do at home. In particular, many parents feel it is more
important than ever to stay in groups and not travel home alone at night. Common
requests from parents include a call or SMS when on the way home and to never
pick up a taxi from the street always call for one. Students need to be aware that
Szell Kalman tr (Moszkva tr) and other large transportation stations, while
generally fine during the day and early evening hours, are far less pleasant and safe
past 9 or 10 p.m. (21:00 / 22:00).
Teens and Drinking
Officially, it is against the law for any bar or club to sell alcoholic drinks to teens
under the age of 18. Although I.Ds are rarely checked, it is illegal to sell alcohol to
minors. Both the club and the student can be punished for underage drinking.
Students can be taken to a police station and parents may be held responsible and
have to pay a fine. In addition, the teen may have to go to court and face some form
of sentencing. Teens need to be 18 in order to buy liquor in a package store. Again,
ID may not be checked, but if asked, it is against the law and the shopkeeper will be
fined. The alcohol will be confiscated.
Teens and Drugs
It is illegal to buy, sell and use drugs of what is considered the "recreational" variety,
as well as the harder drugs. That is to say, cannabis, hash, and xTc, are all illegal.
These are the three drugs that are most available to students. If a teen is caught
using any of these drugs there is a possibility of jail time. If the teen is a foreigner,
there is the potential for the entire family to be asked to leave Hungary. The
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


consequences for drug use and/or selling, if caught, are more severe in Hungary
than they are in neighboring European countries.
Driving Under the Influence
In Hungary there is ZERO TOLERANCE for driving under any state of drug or alcohol
use. If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your license
will be revoked.
Teens and Driving
Once you are 16, you may begin lessons to obtain an international driving license
here in Budapest. There are several options for English language Driving Schools.
The course consists of three parts: Theoretical, Driving Practice and Examinations.
In the Theoretical Course you learn about Highway Code, First Aid and Technical
Knowledge (how a car works). There is a formal exam on these areas.
Driving Practice consists of 29 lessons of 50 minutes each of driving on the road
before you can take the one hour exam. You can take extra lessons if you feel you
need them. The driving exam consists of 2 parts: vehicle handling and driving test
in traffic.
Traveling Teens and Visas
Many AISB students travel to other countries during the school year through sports,
clubs or music organizations. It is important to check with your embassy to see if a
visa is needed and check with the embassy of the country to visit to find out all the
steps to take. Check with the school group (e.g. Athletic Director) to see what may
be done to expedite the process. Sometimes the process can take a long time, often
3-4 weeks.
Parental Responsibility
Parenting a teen at home is difficult enough. Parenting a teen abroad is even more
complicated. There is always a fine line between allowing your teen to become
independent while developing their sense of responsibility. Independence is
important, but so is the need for involvement in family activities and routines. In
Budapest, it is quite easy to act independent and more grown-up, with the easy
access to public transportation, clubs and alcohol.

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Healthy teenagers can learn how to adapt to changing circumstances. They can take
responsibility for the consequences of their actions and decisions. Responsibility
must accompany independence. All too often teenagers grab the independence and
push away the responsibility. This is a balancing act that requires many years of
fine-tuning. The role of parents at this stage should be compared to a manager who
needs to step in if the teen makes decisions that put his/her life at risk (i.e.
substance abuse or other life-threatening behavior).
During these years, our children should develop a complete understanding of the
immediate and long-term effects of alcohol and drugs. It is ultimately the parents'
job to make sure their children have the needed information. Family values, rules,
and agreements with teens become the guiding principal. Open communication is
Emotional Health
In addition to the normal transitions of adolescent development, moving to or living
abroad during the teen years may present additional emotional challenges.
Culture Shock. Culture shock is the initial reaction your child will have to his/her
new and uncertain environment. Keep an open mind toward Budapest and its
values. While you may feel it is important to adhere steadfastly to your own value
system as a source of strength and security, your teenager may find it easier to
adapt if there is more flexibility. Identify several core values that you want to
maintain, while at the same time allow your teen to experience the richness of
international living.
Stress. We all experience different degrees of pressure. In addition to the abovementioned social pressures, academic pressure may cause anxiety. If you see signs
that your child is struggling academically, contact the appropriate teachers, and/or
Depression. Besides allowing for a grieving period for the loss of the previous life
and friends when we move to Budapest, we should work hard at stimulating our
children to help them overcome feelings of alienation and rootlessness. Early
symptoms of depression can include feelings of anxiety, panic or fear. The following
are some other signs of depression: negative or anti-social behavior, wanting to
leave home, restlessness, sulkiness, aggression, unwillingness to cooperate in family
projects, withdrawal from social activities, hiding out in one's room, school
difficulties, poor grades, difficulty getting along with teachers and peers, inattention
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


to personal appearance, extreme or sudden mood changes, sensitivity to rejection,

abuse of alcohol or drugs, sexual promiscuity, weight loss or weight gain,
sleeplessness or sleeping more than normal.
Flirting with Danger, Drugs and Alcohol. During these years, our children should
develop a complete understanding of the immediate and long-term effects of alcohol
and drugs.
Eating Disorders. Anorexia or bulimia can occur at any age, but young people seem
more susceptible at two particular times. The first is just before or just after
puberty. The second is when a young person is making a move or has just moved
away from home. Experts estimate that eating disorders strike as many as one out
of every five college-going women.
At different ages, development offers unique opportunities as well as critical times
for communicating about social challenges in Budapest. The following chart, A
Parent's Guide to Prevention, published by the U.S. Department of Education, gives
an interesting timeline of adolescent development:
Seventh - Ninth Grade:
Fitting in with friends becomes a controlling influence
A time of casting off the past in an effort to separate and find identity
Frequently a time of shaky self-image
Not sure if changing and growing adequately
Often in conflict with adults
Not sure where headed
Tend to see themselves as "not okay"
Strong emotional support and a good model of adult behavior are
particularly important at this time
Experimentation with alcohol, tobacco and drugs, by those who use it,
typically begins before leaving ninth grade
Discussions should emphasize the immediate, unpleasant effects of
substance use, e.g. talk of lung cancer or heart disease is less impressive than
talking about stained teeth and bad breath
Practice ways to say "NO"
Tenth-Twelfth Grade
Developing broader outlooks and becoming more interested in the world
around them
More future oriented
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Excellent time to focus on the potential long-term negative effects of alcohol

and other drugs:
o -Getting into college
o -Being hired for certain jobs


Hungarian Open Air Museum on Sztaravodai t., Szentendre (a very quaint

village filled with Hungarian crafts, cafes, and restaurants) Tel: (26) 312
304. Open 9 5 every day, except MONDAYS! (April through October)
Boat ride on the Danube: MAHART operates from Vigad tr. Tel: 318 1223
(March October)
Go to Clark Adam ter and ride the funicular up to the Castle District
Visit the Matthias Church, Fishermens Bastion, Labyrinth (catacombs) and
have coffee in the Ruszwurm pastry shop in the Castle District.
Take a ride on the Childrens Railway. A 12 kilometer ride through the hills
of Buda. Take a picnic lunch! From the top of Svbhegy to Hvsvlgy
Chair lift Libeg: Operates from Zugliget to Jnos Hill, the highest point in
Budapest, then race to the top and catch the view from the tower.
Margaret Island: Off the rpd and Margit-hid, (no car access from Margithid) a good place to ride bikes, picnic or stroll to the zoo.
Gellrt Hotel Spa and Baths: With an outside wave pool in the summer,
beautiful indoor baths of varying temperatures. Massage and medical
services available.
Plvlgy Stalactite Caves: The most spectacular and largest in Budapest. Off
Szpvlgyi t in District II. (April October). Closed on Monday, bring a
jacket as it is quite cool underground.
Pannnia Golf and Country Club, 45 minutes outside of Budapest in
Mriavlgy, tennis, biking, horses and golf!
Citadel (Liberation Monument) atop Gellrt hill a great view, any time of
Hungarian National Museum visit the Royal Crown and the other
Hungarian coronation treasures.
Fine Arts Museum - Wonderful art from the middle ages to the 20th century
Parliament tours available, contact a travel agent for information.
Central Market Hall Vmhz krt #1-3 large covered market with
everything from fresh vegetables to folk art souvenirs.
State Opera House go on a tour, or better yet see an opera or musical!

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Heroes Square with Millenary Monument in the middle of the Museum of

Fine Arts and the Art Gallery (Both also worth the visit)
Budapest Bob Balatoni t. (Hwy 70) Bobsled runs and mini golf (March
Challengeland in Normafa (
Go carts located in Budaors & Euro Center in Obuda.
City Park Vajdahunyad Castle, Agricultural Museum, Zoo, Circus, and the
Transport Museum
Esztergom 60 km from Budapest along Road 11 Cathedral, Castle Hill
Botanical Garden Vcrtt (37 km from Budapest) Botanical Research
Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences romantic landscape garden
with waterfalls and artificial ruins.
Hollk one of Hungarys World Heritage sights M3 to Hatvan, consult a
good map.
Eger also north on the M3, home of the National Teachers College, Basilica
and wineries.
Palace of Wonders, 1222 Budapest, Nagyttnyi Way 37-43
Science Museum for youngsters (ages 6 12). Lots of things to do and play
pusztaszer (between Kecskemt and Szeged). National Historical Memorial
Park. Contains the impressive and massive Arrival of the Magyars circular
painting, plus other exhibitions, open air museum, etc.
Ice Skating - City Park (behind Heroe's Square; large open air rink open in the
winter months. Duna Plaza and the Plus Centre (year round indoor rinks),
please note that skates can be hired at all the above locations.
Roller Blading for fun - Grzenl rpd t. 2000 (behind wall with graffiti all
over it)
Tours of Budapest: Bob Dent 316 8376 (author Blue Guide Hungary, Blue
Guide Budapest and Budapest 1956 Locations of Drama )
Campona Tropicarium located in the Campona Shopping Center

For other sources, check out:

Central Tourist Information office TOURINFORM located at St u. 2, just off
Dek tr. Tel: 317 9800 (English and other languages spoken)
Information Hungary, available in major hotels, Walking Round Budapest,
Budapest: A Complete Guide and Childrens Hungary, all by Corvina, sold in

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Funzine frequently offers you nice tips on how to spend your weekend. Also,
look for the Budapest Sun ( or Out and About
and other special magazines available for you at the school reception area
detailing upcoming events.
Happy Exploring!!!


The following list of books by Hungarians or about Hungary is not exhaustive.
However, it includes titles we know to be available in English. These will acquaint
you with our host country, its past and its culture.
Non-Fiction Central & Eastern Europe
Anger, P.:
With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest
Dnes, Magda:
Castles Burning
Feyvesi, Charles:
When the World was Whole
Gadney, Reg:
Cry Hungary: Uprising 1956
Hoensch, J.K.:
A History of Modern Hungary
Hoffman, Eva:
Exit Into History (Central Europe & Hungary)
Lost in Translation (Poland & Canada)
Kaplan, Robert:
Balkan Ghosts (Eastern Europe, includes Hungary)
Kristof, Agota:
The Notebook
Lzr, Istvan:
An Illustrated History of Hungary
Linnea, Sharon:
Raoul Wallenberg. The Man Who Stopped Death
Litvn, Gyrgy:
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956
Lukacs, John:
Budapest 1900
Marai, Sandor:
Michener, James:
The Bridge at Andau
Cardinal Mindszenty:
Petrovics-Ofner, Saszlo:
Broken Places
Pressburger, G & N.:
Homage to the Eighth District - Tales of Budapest
Rosenberg, Tina:
The Haunted Land (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland)
Soros, George:
Soros on Soros
Sugar, Peter F. (ed.):
A History of Hungary
Wiesel, Elie:
Memoirs. All Rivers Run to the Sea
Kati Maron
Enemies of the People
Julian Rubinstein
Ballad of the Whiskey Robber

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Histories of Hungarian Literature

Czigny, Lrnt:
The Oxford History of Hungarian Literature Today.
Klaniczay, Tibor (ed.)
A History of Hungarian Literature
Santa, F.:
The Fifth Seal. History of Hungarian Literature
For Young People
Fischer, Tibor:
Seredy, Kate:
Siegal, Aranka:
Benjamin in Budapest
Helen M. Zsablya

Under the Frog

The Good Master
The Singing Tree
The Chestry Oak
Upon the Head of the Goat
The White Stag (Hungarian founding myth)
City Guide for Children
Fall of the Red Star

Hungarian Literature in English

Dry, Tibor:
Esterhzy, Peter:
The Book of Hrabal
She Loves Me
Helping Verbs of the Heart
Grdonyi, Gza:
Eclipse of the Crescent Moon
Slave of the Huns
The Wild Rose
Kaffka, Margrit:
The Ant Heap
Karinthy, Frigyes:
A Journey Around My Skull
Konrd, George:
A Feast in the Garden
Kosztolnyi, Dezs:
Darker Muses. Nero.
Anna Edes
Krdy, Gyula:
Lengyel, J.:
The Bridge Builders
Lengyel, Pter:
The Tragedy of Man
Mikszth, Klmn:
The Siege of Beszterce
Ndas, Pter:
Book of Memories
Nagy, Andrs:
The Seducers Diary
A Hungarian Quartet. Four Short Novels
Story Collections
Ady, Endre:
Neighbors of the Night
Gncz, rpd (Hungarys ex-President) Homecoming and Other Stories
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Mndy, Ivn:
Mricz, Zsigmond:
rkeny, Istvn:
Santa, Ferenc:

Weres, Sndor:

On the Balcony
Seven Pennies and Other Stories
One Minute Stories
God in the Wagon. Short Stories
Give or Take A Day, Contemporary Hungarian Short
The Kiss, Twentieth Century Hungarian Short Stories
Nothings Lost. 25 Short Stories

Eternal Moment

Some English Language Book Stores

Longman Bookshop Klcsey u. VIII;
Bestsellers V. Oktber 6. Utca II;
Livres Kiraly F t. 79;
Libra Books shops located in most shopping malls;
Pendragon English Language Bookshop
Reference Material
The AISB Directory: Available on the parent portal of the AISB website.
Insider's Hungary: A handy general reference book about Budapest and Hungary.
Just Enough Hungarian: A pocket size book English and Hungarian phrase-book
which is helpful in shopping, post-office, drugstore, taxi etc.
Budapest Atlas: A detailed street book map of Budapest. Every street is listed
alphabetically and can be located on a map. (a very important book to keep in your
car or home, as many streets have the same name but are located in different
districts.) also a very detailed street guide is available at most MOL stations
Budapest for Children: Published in the series Our Budapest which includes a great
variety of small, English-language booklets by different authors detailing many
aspects of Budapests history and architecture.
Blue Guide Hungary edition, revised, Editor: Bob Dent For history, culture
architecture and monuments

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Hungary: The Rough Guide

Hungary: Lonely Planet
Hungary: A complete Guide (Corvina)
Trk, Andrs: Budapest. A Critical Guide
Maloney, Vicki: 101 Best Shops in Budapest
Visit AISBs web site:
North American Womens Association (NAWA):
Budapest Sun
is a weekly newspaper and is also on line
Budapest Week is on line at (for the latest news and movie
The Best of Budapest, (highlighting the best restaurants services, etc.)
The Expatriates Guide to Budapest & Hungary,
Butcher, Baker, Candlestick-Maker

Boarding and Training Bernadette +36 309 543 761
Taxi Service:
City Taxi +36 1 211 1111
1191 Budapest, Attila t. 49-53

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Courtesy of: The Security Handbook, American Embassy of Budapest.
The following is from information prepared and issued by past PSA, and is
excerpted from the Security Handbook, American Embassy of Budapest, with
additions from NAWA members.
With crime ever increasing in Budapest, the following security precautions can help
you and your dependents reduce your risk and exposure to becoming a victim to
Common-sense home security tips:
o Keep all doors routinely locked whether away or at home.
o Use shutters on doors and windows (if your residence is equipped
with them).
o Use exterior home lighting at night. When away, make your residence
look occupied: use a timer to turn lights on and off at varying times.
o When away, leave a contact number and a set of keys with a friend or
a friendly neighbor. Have them check your home periodically.
o Never open the door to a stranger or unexpected messenger; instruct
your children and hired help to observe the same precautions.
o Resist giving housekeepers, gardeners or other hired help keys; if you
must, give them one. If you dismiss a hired help, get all keys back first.
Consider changing the locks.
o Clearly instruct your hired help that, besides them, no one is to enter
your residence without your permission. Make sure they know how
to reach you should a problem arise.
o Keep your inventory of personal property updated. Include photos
and serial numbers when appropriate. Keep a copy at your office or
other accessible, safe place.
o Post important and emergency telephone numbers near (all) your
o If you have an alarm system, USE IT at night and every time you leave
your home. Read the fine print of your personal insurance policy; you
may only be covered if the alarm was in use!
Common-sense personal security tips:
o Instruct children never to open doors to strangers or to give out
family information to a stranger over the telephone.

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


o Know where to reach your children at all times, and they should know
how to reach you.
o Instruct children never to approach or get into cars with strangers.
o In the event of a problem, make sure your children know they should
go to a friends house or at least contact a friend. This should be predetermined.
o Keep all passports and official documents current; make a copy of all
documents and keep them in a safe place away from the originals.

Pick-pocketing, purse snatching and other types of theft are a rising problem.
Be especially careful in tourist areas, Metro, train and bus stations.
o Avoid carrying large sums of money.
o Dont exchange currency on the street: it is illegal and you could be
o Have a car alarm installed in your vehicle; Hungarian insurance
companies now require them in most cases.
o Car break-ins and auto theft has become a serious problem. Park in
well-lighted areas if possible. Dont leave valuables or anything that
gives your name and address or might otherwise attract attention, in
parked cars.
o If you have a garage, use it and keep both vehicle and garage locked.
Take all your valuables in the house with you when going to bed for
the night, even if your car is in a garage. This includes car keys,
laptop, purse, mobile phones, etc.
o Make sure you keep your spare car keys in a safe place. If your car is
stolen, you need both sets of keys in order to claim loss from any
insurance company.
o Vary times and mode of transportation to and from your regular
destinations, dont be predictable

What to do in case of an assault:

o Get to a safe place and call an ambulance if you need one.
o Contact the police for the district in which the crime happened either
by telephone or in person at one of the addresses listed in the Security
Directory. Keep your local district police number in your mobile
phone and by your house phone. The police can provide an
interpreter, but they may not always be on the premises at the time
you contact them. An investigation will be conducted. If youve been
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


sexually assaulted, do not bath or wash your clothes until a doctor has
had a chance to conduct a physical examination.
o Report the incident to your Embassy. To replace a stolen passport
contact your Embassy during normal working hours. If the embassy is
closed, there will be a duty officer who should be able to help in the
meantime. The duty officer can put you in touch with the appropriate
person or help you reach them. While the Embassies can assist, they
cannot take any steps in lieu of the police. The victim can make an
official complaint, which the Embassy can forward to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs Consular Section for action. The Embassies also have a
list of lawyers available should you need legal advice or assistance.
o Be proactive! Keep emergency numbers handy. Keep a photocopy of
your passport and visa and other crucial documents. Keep the
numbers and phone numbers for your credit cards in a separate place
so you can cancel them if theyre stolen. Stay alert when youre on the
street. Keep the name and phone number of a friend or colleague who
speaks both Hungarian and English handy in case youre ever in the
need of a friendly, reliable interpreter.
Please discuss these issues with your family and review these
suggestions from time to time!


Krem segtsen!
A cmem ......( + kerlet!)
A nevem .................
Nem rtem
Beszl angolul?
Krem kldje a rendrsget!
Itt betrk vannak!

Please help me!

My address is ...... (+ district nr.)
My name is ...............
I do not understand.
Do you speak English
Please send the police!
Here are burglars!

Krem kldjn egy mentt!

Please send an ambulance!
Nem beszlek magyarul.
I do not speak Hungarian.
Tz van a hzban! Krem kldje a tzoltkat!
There is a fire in the house, please
send the fire brigade!
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Hungarian European Emergency Number (any language)
Ambulance (public)
Fire Dept.


General Inquiries
Domestic Inquiries
International Inquiries
Auto Club Help Number
Tourist Police (24 hrs)




This section contains basic information on health considerations for expatriates
living in Hungary. A short list of recommended doctors, hospitals and pharmacies
are included. Take a look at the Health Information Form. Copy and fill one out
for each member of your family and have the information translated into Hungarian
and keep it on hand for emergencies. For a more comprehensive list of doctors,
contact one of the school nurses.
Aranka Barlay - Elementary School Division
Sue Spencer - Middle & High School Division


The information provided in this guide is meant only to provide you with names and
addresses of physicians and health care facilities. It in no way serves as a validation
of their credentials or their competency. You should carefully seek references
whenever using medical services in Hungary.
The following information has graciously been reprinted from the American
Embassy Medical Guide. We thank them for their permission to reprint this

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015



Recommendations for Food and Water Treatment
The tap water in Budapest and other major cities in Hungary is suitable for drinking.
In some rural areas, however, water for drinking may not always be drinkable. If in
doubt when traveling, order or carry bottled water.
Precautions related to washing raw fresh fruits and vegetables are similar to those
which should normally be practiced in the U.S.
Ticks carry diseases such as tick-born encephalitis (FSME Fruhsommer mimingencephalitis) or Lyme disease. Infected ticks tend to be concentrated in certain
wooded areas - usually clearings, young forests and shrubbery areas at the edge of
When in wooded areas, wear shoes or boots, walk on clear paths, and use insect
repellent creams containing DEET, available in Hungary at the pharmacy (Patika).
Be sure to check children and pets, as well as yourself, for ticks after you have spent
time outdoors.
Deer ticks, which transmit Lyme disease are tiny, as small as a pinhead, and may
cause a red, bulls-eye rash to develop. FSME can be prevented with a vaccine,
available here through your physician and is strongly recommended for those who
enjoy the outdoors. The vaccination series consists of two doses about four weeks
apart and a third dose one year later. Very young children are NOT immunized.
The longer a tick is imbedded in the skin, the greater the risk of transmitting
infection. Try to remove the tick as soon as possible. Using tweezers, firmly grasp
the tick as close to its head as possible, even taking a bit of skin, and pull it straight
out. Wash well with soap and water and apply some antiseptic. Don't put oil or a
match to one and expect it to let go. Try not to squeeze the body of the tick.
If a fever, rash, joint pains, infection or headache follow a tick bite after a few days,
or up to three weeks after a bite, a doctor should be consulted.
Please note: the FSME vaccination series is recommended in Hungary.
Lead Content in Drinking Water
Older buildings may utilize lead pipes for plumbing systems. Tap water which
stands overnight in plumbing system tests higher for lead than water during
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


daytime hours when the system is run frequently. It is recommended that you allow
your tap to run freely for 2-3 minutes before drawing water for drinking purposes.
Considerations should be given to children age 6 months to 6 years to have their
blood lead levels checked.
Fluoride and Oral Health
The tap water is deficient in fluoride, so parents should obtain a suitable fluoride
preparation to give to their children to prevent cavities. Daily fluoride supplements
are recommended for children from two weeks of age until 14 years of age. The
daily use of fluoridated toothpaste and dental floss has been shown to prevent
dental caries and gum disease in adult populations. Remember to visit your dentist
on home leave or while on R&R!
Traffic Accidents/Seat Belt Use/Mobile Phones
Motor vehicle accidents are one of the highest causes of death in people overseas. In
many overseas locations, including Budapest, emergency medical care is not readily
available or is even non-existent. Wearing a seat belt is a must! Seat belts and child
safety seats provide the single greatest margin of safety in an accident.
It is prohibited to hold your mobile phone in your hand while driving.
Child Seat
Effective January 1, 2002 the following laws were introduced:
All children under the age of 12 or less than 150 cm tall must be in the back
seat of the car and wearing a seat belt.
All children under the age of 1 are required to be in a rear-facing car seat.
All children under the age of 8 are required to be in a car seat/booster seat

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015



Dli Patika on the Buda side: 1123, Budapest, Alkots t 11 (right across from Dli
Train Station)
Tel: (+36-1) 355 46 91
Terz Gyogyszertr on the Pest side: 1067, Budapest, Terz Krut 41. (on the same
side as Nyugati railway station next to Hotel Bke, on the corner of Szondi street).
Tel: (+36-1) 311 44 39

Frankel Le t. 22


Szentendrei t 2/a
Pozsonyi u. 19
Terz krt. 41
Rikczi t 39
lloi t. 121
Liget tr 3
Kosztolnyi Dezso tr 11
Alkots U. 1/b
Gyongyosi Stny 1
Bosnyk U. 1/a
Ors vezr tere
Jkai Mr u. 2-4
Pesti ut. 170/a
Thkly t. 3-5
Ady Endre u. 1
Aruhaz ter 8
Kaldor Adolf u. 3-7


(+36-1)212 4311/
(+36-1)212 4406
(+36-1)388 6528
(+36-1)379 3008
(+36-1)311 4439
(+36-1)314 3694
(+36-1)215 3800
(+36-1)260 1687
(+36-1)466 6494
(+36-1)355 4691
(+36-1)329 8401
(+36-1)383 0391
(+36-1)252 999
(+36-1)407 5632
(+36-1)257 3871
(+36-1)290 3047
(+36-1)283 0110
(+36-1)278 0608
(+36-1)226 0126

Poison Control Budapest:

Heim Pl Hospital, Department of Toxicology

(+36-1)333 5079

Poison Control USA

00(1800)222 1222

First Med Center

(+36-1)224 9090

Rzsakert Medical Center

(+36-1)392 0500

AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


Childrens Hospitals on Duty in Budapest

Heim Pl Gyeremekkrhz-1089 Budapest, lloi t 86
(+36-1)459 91 00
Heim Pl Gyeremekkrhz Madrsz utca1131 Madarsz u. 22 24
(+36-1)450 37 00
Szt. Jnos Krhz (Jnos)-1125 Budapest, Dis rok 1
(+36-1)458 45 00
SOTE I. Gyermekklinika-1083 Bud, Bokay Janos u 53-54
(+36-1)334 31 86
SOTE II Gyermekklinika-1094 Budapest, Tzolt u. 7-9
(+36-1)215 13 80
Bethesda Gyermekkrhz-1146 Budapest, Bethesda u. 3-5
(+36-1)364 90 20
Pterfy Sndor utcai Krhz -1081 Budapest, Fiumei t 17
(+36-1)299 77 00
Szent Lszl Krhz-1097 Budapest, Gyli t 5-7
(+36-1)455 81 00
Traumatology & Surgery & Burns on the BUDA side - always Jnos Krhz
Traumatology & Surgery on the PEST side - alternate between hospitals, day to day
Burns on the PEST side - always Bethesda
Private Hospital in VIENNA
Address: Billrothstrae 78, 1190 Wien Tel.: +43-1-36036-0

This is important information to have with you at all times. This is a sample of a
form that you should take with you when you visit a doctor in Hungary. The
answers to the questions on this form you should have translated into Hungarian

Health Information Form/Egszsgugyi Informcos lap

Birthdate/ Szletsi id
Medical Conditions/Betegsgek
Past History (with dates)/Anamnzis
Hospitalizations/Krhzi ellts
Vaccination record/ Vdolts
Include Tetanus, Hepatitis, Polio
Blood type/Vrcsoport
AISB PSA Booklet 2014/2015


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