Operating System - Quiz (Q & A)

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1. Which of the following statements is incorrect about user mode and kernel mode?
answer: None of the above
2. Random Access memory:
answer: Is volatile
3. The four main structural elements of a computer system are:
answer: Processor, Main Memory, I/O Modules, System Bus
4. What is the main characteristic of embedded operating system?
answer: Restriction of memory size, speed of CPU, screen size, powers
5. Which is the difference between personal computers and mainframe computers?
answer: All of the above
6. What is not correct about system calls?
answer: In terms of performance, using system calls is better than using procedure calls
7. What is correct about trap instructions and interrupts?
answer: All of the above
8. A Control/Status register that contains the address of the next instruction to be
fetched is called the:
answer:Program Counter (PC)
9. The general role of an operating system is to:
answer:Provide a set of services to system users
10. The two basic types of processor registers are:
answer: General and special registers
11. What is interrupt vector?
answer:Part of memory which contains the addresses of interrupt handlers
12. What is not a main function of an operating system?
answer: Provide user interfaces
13. Which of the following instructions should be allowed in user mode?
answer: Read the time-of-day clock
14. ____sets the process's process control block (PCB) to the blocked state and links it
to the queue of processes waiting to enter this particular critical region

answer: WAIT
15. Which of the following statements is incorrect about timesharing and
multiprogramming systems?
answer: All multiprogramming systems are timesharing systems
16. MS-DOS is a example of
answer: Monolithic system
17. Which of the following statements is correct about Shortest Job First
answer: Minimize average waiting time
18. In order to implement mutual exclusion on a critical resource for competing
processes, only one program at a time should be allowed:
answer: In the critical region of the program
19. Which of the following process state transitions are legal?
answer: running -> ready
20. Which of the following is not correct about user-level threads ?
answer: With user-level threads, customized scheduling algorithms cannot be
21. What is Software proposal in the solution of Mutual exclusion with Busy waiting
answer: All of the above
22. Which of the following is a preemptive scheduling algorithm
answer: Round Robin
23. The scheduling strategy where each process in the queue is given a certain amount
of time, in turn, to execute and then returned to the queue, unless blocked is referred to
answer: Round-Robin
24. Which of the following process state transitions are illegal?
answer: waiting -> running
25. The following requirement must be met by any facility or capability that is to provide
support for mutual exclusion:
answer: All of the above
26. Which is the correct description of transitions between process states below? (see
answer: 1: Process blocks for input; 2: Scheduler picks another process; 3: Scheduler
picks this process; 4: Input becomes available

27. Which of the following cannot be shared among different threads of a process?
answer: Stack
28. In a single processor system, mutual exclusion can be guaranteed by:
answer: Disabling interrupts
29. Which is not a goal of a scheduling algorithm for batch systems ?
answer: Response time
30. Which is a wrong statement about the quantum used in Round Robin algorithm ?
answer: None of the above
31. Which of the following synchronization mechanisms does not rely on busy-waiting ?
answer: Semaphores
32. A page fault means that we referenced a page
answer: that was not in main memory
33. Which of the following is appropriate to release page table and pages?
answer: Process termination time
34. Page replacement algorithms determine
answer: which page to remove to provide space for an incoming page
35. The page table for each process maintains
answer: The frame location for each page of the proces
36. Which of the following information bits in the entry of page table is used to indicate
Page Fault?
answer: Present/absent bit
37. The second-chance page-replacement algorithm
answer: Moves pages found at the head of a FIFO queue with the referenced bit turned
on back to the tail of the queue to avoid replacing them
38. Which of the following information bits used by the various page replacement
policies indicates if the page has been called lately?
answer: Referenced bit
39. When a virtual memory system manages memory in fixed length units, which of the
following terms correctly represents its unit?
answer: Page
40. In terms of speed the best method of Dynamic Storage-Allocation is:
answer: First fit

41. The actual location in main memory is called a(n):

answer: Absolute address
42. LRU replaces the page that has spent the
answer: longest time in memory without being referenced
43. In a system employing a paging scheme for memory management, wasted space is
due to
answer: Internal fragmentation
44. The task of subdividing memory between the OS and processes is performed
automatically by the OS and is called
answer: Memory Management
45. Which of the following is appropriate to determine program size and create page
answer: Process creation
46. What is the method to keep track of memory usages?
answer: a and b
47. The special files are:
answer: Both a and b
48. Which of the following is true about the block size in disk space management
answer: the larger the block size is the worse the disk space utilization is
49. A file is generally defined to be:
answer: A collection of similar records
50. Which of the following is not a path name for the file /etc/passwd
answer: None of the above
51. What are the allocation methods of disk blocks for files:
answer: All of the above
52. File Structure can be:
answer: All of the above
53. What is incorrect about contiguous allocation of files ?
answer: It does not cause disk fragmentation
54. The i-nodes are used in which of the following allocation methods

answer: Indexed allocation

55. Which of the following is specified to indicate the directory where the file is located?
answer: Path name
56. Which of the following is not correct about hard links and symbolic links?
answer: Hard links can point to files on other machines
57. Device Driver is normally written by:
answer: Device's Manufacturer
58. Which of the following I/O software device layers is done by user-level software?
answer: Converting binary integers to ASCII for printing
59. An example of the key differences that can exist across (and even in) classes of I/O
devices is:
answer: All of the above
60. In general, which is the best technique for I/O Data transfer?
answer: Direct Memory Access
61. Which of the following statements is not correct about DMA ?
answer: DMA controller is usually faster than CPU
62. Which of the following is not correct about the reliability of different RAID levels?
answer: All RAID levels can survive one disk crash
63. Which of the following statements is not correct about \"device independence\"?
answer: Device independence requires all programmers to deal with different devices
64. What kind of I/O devices that disks and tapes belong to?
answer: Block-oriented devices
65. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
answer: A hard drive is an example of a character-oriented I/O device
66. The I/O technique where the processor busy waits for an I/O operation to complete
is called:
answer: Programmed I/O
67. The system is said to be in an unsafe state if
answer: The operating system cannot guarantee that all current processes can
complete their work

68. If in a resource-allocation graph, each resource type has exactly one instance,
which of the following indicate a deadlock situation?
answer: The graph has at least one cycle.
69. All deadlocks involve conflicting needs for resources by
answer: Two or more processes
70. What is the characteristic of deadlocked systems
answer: Circular wait
71. A possibility of deadlock can occur:
answer: If a system is in unsafe state
72. What is the weakness of the Banker's algorithm?
answer: Requiring that processes state their maximum needs in advance
73. The permanent blocking of a set of processes that compete for system resources is
answer: Deadlock
74. Which of the following is not a condition necessary for deadlock to exist?
answer: preemption condition
75. Dijkstra's Banker's Algorithm require the system to maintain the resource
information for each process, including:
answer: The maximum..,The number...
76. If a deadlocked system, the processes can
answer: do nothing
77. Is resources that cannot taken away from its current owner without causing the
computation to fail
answer: Nonpreemptable
78. Each resource is either currently assigned to exactly one process or is available
answer: Mutual exclusion
79. A process currently holding at least one resource is waiting to acquire additional
resources held by other processes
answer: Hold and wait
80. A resource can be released only voluntarily by the process holding it, after that
process has completed its task
answer: No preemption

81. There must be a circular chain of two or more process, each of which is waiting for a
resource held by the next member of chain
answer: Circular wait
82. The process is holding an instance of resource
answer: A directed arc from a resource to process
83. A directed arc from a resource to process
answer: The process is holding an instance of resource
84. A directed arc from a process to resourceThe process is currently blocked and
requests instance of resource
answer: The process is currently blocked and requests instance of resource
85. The process is currently blocked and requests instance of resource
answer: A directed arc from a process to resourceThe process is currently blocked and
requests instance of resource
86. Strategies for dealing with deadlocks
answer: ignore,detection.covery,avoid,prevent
87. The layers in Layered System are
answer: Operator \u2013 process communication, User programs, and Processor
allocation and multiprogramming
88. Which of these statements about the advantages of Virtual Machines are true ?
answer: Do not disrupt the normal system operation, Completely protecting system
resources, and Solving system compatibility system
89. Which type of OS structure does give each user a subset of the resource instead of
exact copying entire of underlying real machine?
answer: ExoKernel
90. What is the below five statements described? 1. Put the argument of called function
on the stack 2. The interrupt occurs to switch from user mode to kernel mode 3. The
system functions are located and executed 4. After finished, the interrupt occurs again
to switch to user mode 5. The control is returned to the called function
answer: The interface between user programs and the OS is used to call the special
procedure in kernel
91. The OS is written as a collection of procedures, linked together into a single large
executable binary program. Which OS structure is described ?
answer: MS-DOS
92. A process is running in user mode and needs a system service, it has to execute
________ to transfer control to the OS.

answer: A trap instruction

93. The shell is ________
answer: A piece of software that essentially provides a kind of interface for end-users
94. The _______ is a file that contains a list of shell command be executed in order
answer: Shell scripts\t
95. What is the mechanism? 1. The mechanism ensures that all access to system
resources is controlled 2. The mechanism detects latent errors at the interface between
component subsystems 3. The mechanism protects the system from unwanted
answer: Protection
96. What is the below contents described? 1. Making the different programs think they
have the hardware on their own 2. The abstraction that is referenced to the set of
addresses a process 3. Is decoupled from the physical memory (larger or smaller)
answer: The collection of user's or developer's address is used to write or develop the
97. A computer has 1.5 GB of memory, with OS taking 730 MB and each user program
also taking up 350 MB with an 50% average I/O wait. How percentage of CPU utilization
does ?
answer: 75%
98. Which important things do the IPC involve ?
answer: Race condition, Critical Region, and Mutual Exclusion
99. What is wrong about the Lock Variables proposal in solving the problem of race
conditions ?
answer: It allows two processes to be simultanemously inside their critical regions
100. Which conditions required to avoid race condition does the \"Strict Alternation\"
violate ?
answer: No process should have to wait forever to enter its critical region, No
assumptions may be made about speeds or the number of CPUs, and No process
running outside its critical region may block other processes
101. Assume jobs A-D arrive in quick succession in the READY queue. Using round
robin scheduling with time slice equaling 4, the turnaround time for job C is
____________ . Arrival time: 0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 4 5 5 4
answer: 16

102. Assume jobs A-D arrive in quick succession in the READY queue. Using shortest
job first scheduling, the average turnaround time for each process is ___________ .
Arrival time: 0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 4 5 5 4
answer: 9.25
103. Assume jobs A-D arrive in quick succession in the READY queue. Using shortest
remaining time next scheduling, the average waiting time for each process is
__________. Arrival time: 0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 4 5 5 4
answer: 4.75
104. Different of the TLS Instruction and Disable interrupts are __________
answer: performing a read on a memory word followed by a write does not prevent a
second processor on the bus from accessing the word between the read and the write
105. This program can occur the following problems as
answer: Deadlocks, Starvation, and Race condition
106. Which effect is describes in the below scheduling algorithm? 1. All the other
processes wait for the one big process to get of the CPU Result of this generates the
CPU and device utilization lower
answer: The convey effect\t
107. How many way can the developer manually split the program using overlays
technique ? 1. The program is partition such as assembler into part 1 code (50KB), part
2 code (100KB), and the symbol table (30KB) and common routines (40KB) used by
both pass 1 and pass 2 2. The memory has 200 KB. 3. Assume that the management
overlay has its size as 20KB
answer: All of the others
108. With given page table and 16 bit virtual address, that is split 4 bit page numbers
and 12 bit offset. If user references the address 28500, which physical address is in
memory ?
answer: If the page fault occurred, the page frame is evicted as 7, the physical address
is 32596
109. Given the relation of the virtual addresses and physical memory. Applying the
paging strategy, Which of these statement are true when the user reference the address
45156 ?
answer: 28772
110. Given the relation of the virtual addresses and physical memory. Applying the
Multilevel page table strategy, Which of these statement are true when the user
reference the address 16822855 ?
answer: Index of table level 1 is 4, Index of table level 2 is 11, offset is 583, the physical
address is 29255

111. What is the table's name ? 1. Each one entry in table represents page frame in real
memory 2. An entry contains the pair (n, p). Let n represents as process, p represents
as page 3. The hardware search entire the table for the entry (n, p) 4. If so, the entry
position is the page frame. Otherwise, the page fault occurs
answer: Inverted page
112. The process references only a relatively small fraction of its pages in execution.
What does the sentence reference ?
answer: Locality reference \t
113. A memory free in 4 frames. Which state of the memory after the page 4 is
accessed when the requested page as 2 3 2 0 1 5 2 4 5 3 2 5 2 using LRU
answer: 2 5 4 1
114. When the page fault occurs, the page replacement algorithm is applied. How many
page faults can occur at least if the memory has 5 page frames and the program
splitting 4 pages ?
answer: 4 \t
115. A memory free in 5 frames. How many page hit do occur after running as the
following page 2 3 2 0 1 5 2 4 5 3 2 5 2 using FIFO
answer: 5\t
116. The set of pages that a process is currently using
answer: Working set
117. Sector 0 of the disk is called the ___________ that is used to boot the computer
answer: Master Boot Record
118. Given the i-node structure that is implemented on OS. A i-nodes has contain 12
direct addresses and 1 single directed addresses and 1 double directed addresses of 4
bytes each and all disk blocks are 1KB. What is the size of possible file that the i-node
can be opened to manage file ?
answer: The largest size is 65804 KB \t
119. Which is it ? 1. The computer is booted, the BIOS reads in and executes it 2. It
locates the active partition, reads in active partition' boot block and executes
answer: MBR\t
120. To access the file, the disk address of first block is got associate with the number
of allocated blocks. Which strategy is used to implementing the File System ?
answer: Linked List\t
121. The File Systems are implemented on CD-ROM as __________
answer: Rock Ridge Extensions and Joliet Extensions\t

122. To read a file, MS-DOS must first make an open __________ to specifies a path
that is looked up component to component until the final directory is located and read
into memory
answer: System call
123. A directory entry contains one entry for each file in that directory including file
name (14 bytes) and the number of i-node (2 bytes). Which File System is described ?
answer: UNIX V7\t
124. Which solution is described above pictures ?
answer: Reducing Disk Arm Motion\t
125. Which solution is described above pictures ?
answer: Cache for File System Performance\t
126. Block size is ___________
answer: efficiently read, but waste of HDD space if the block has large size \t
127. Which layer of four I/O software layers do \"Checking to see if the user is permitted
to use the device\" ?
answer: Device independent software
128. The I/O devices have no way of seeing memory addresses as they go by on the
memory bus, so they have no way of responding to them. Which the type mapping with
memory has above disadvantage ?
answer: Memory-Mapped I/O
129. DMA is a solution that solves ________
answer: CPU read the disk block from the controller's buffer a byte or a word at a time
by executing a loop, and Waste the CPU's time
130. How many registers have the DMA controller ?
answer: At least 3\t
131. DMA tells the device to acquire the bus, issue a series of transfer, then release the
bus Which mode is described in DMA ?
answer: Block mode \t
132. What is described ? 1. PC is saved in a known place 2. All instructions before the
one pointed to by the PC have fully executed 3. No instruction beyond the one pointed
to by the PC has been executed 4. Execution state of the instruction pointed to by the
PC is known
answer: Precise \t
133. Goals of the I/O software are _________
answer: Solving the Sharing and dedicated devices

134. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10 171 47 126 4
124 23 8 76. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 50. The ordering cylinder
in progress using SSF algorithms ?
answer: 50 47 23 10 8 4 76 124 126 171\t
135. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10 171 47 126 4
124 23 8 76. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 50. How many Averages
seek length of cylinder do the head movement using elevator algorithms on
answer: 23.667\t
136. The virtual single disk is divided up into strips of k sectors each to store data in
distributing as Strip 0: sectors 0 to k \u2013 1, Strip 1: sectors k to 2k \u2013 1, and
Strip n: sectors nk to (n+1)k \u2013 1. What is referenced ?
answer: Striping
137. The graphs have two kinds of nodes
answer: Processes that are shown as circles, and Resources that are shown as
138. The main rule of the recovery through Killing process
answer: The process victim should be chosen only if it can be rerun from the beginning
with no ill effects
139. The process table slots are finite resource. When the table is full, the _______
occurs due to wait a random time and try again to enter the process table
answer: Live lock
140. 1E = (8, 12, 15, 16) Which process can runnable in order using deadlock detection
algorithms ?
answer: None of the others\t
141. 1E = (8, 11, 12, 14) Choose the correct statement using the banker's algorithm
answer: P4, P5, P1, P2, P3
142. Communication deadlocks can be resolved with ___________
answer: One of six functions of clock software
143. Communication deadlock can occur in ___________ in which two or more process
communicate by sending message
answer: All of the others
144. Which system is applied the below strategy? 1. First phase, the process tries to
lock all records it needs, one at a time 2. If it succeeds, it begins the second phase,
performing its updates and releasing the locks

answer: Database system

145. First Approach of Attacking the Circular Wait Condition
answer: A process is entitled only to a single resource at the moment. If it needs a
second one, it must release the first one
146. Totally unacceptable and must prevent deadlocks at all costs. Whose ideas is
referenced ?
answer: Mathematicians
147. Which is the difference between personal computers and mainframe computers?
answer: All of the others
148. Which of the following statements is incorrect about user mode and kernel mode?
answer: None of the others
149. Kernel mode is defined that
answer: The mode has complete access to all the hardware ,The mode can execute
any instruction the machine is capable of executing
150. _______ is the rapid switching of the CPU between multiple processes in memory
answer: Multi-programming
151. It is a list of memory locations (set of addresses) from 0 to some maximum, which
the process can read and write2. It make the different programs think they have the
hardware on their own
answer: Address space
152. _____ are used to model printers, modems, and other devices that accept or
output a character stream
answer: A character special file
153. Which of these statements about the advantages of Virtual Machines are true ?
answer: Do not disrupt the normal system operation, Completely protecting system
resources, and Solving system compatibility system
154. Put the argument of called function on the stack 2. The interrupt occurs to switch
from user mode to kernel mode 3. The system functions are located and executed 4.
After finished, the interrupt occurs again to switch to user mode 5. The control is
returned to the called function Which is above five statements described ?
answer: System calls

155. A process is running in user mode and needs a system service, it has to execute
________ to transfer control to the OS.
answer: An Interrupt ,A trap instruction
156. What is the mechanism? 1. The mechanism ensures that all access to system
resources is controlled 2. The mechanism detects latent errors at the interface between
component subsystems 3. The mechanism protects the system from unwanted
answer: Protection
157. Which is a wrong statement about the quantum used in Round Robin algorithm?
answer: None of the others
158. Which of the following process state transitions are illegal?
answer: blocked -> running
159. A ssume that four jobs A-D require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the RoundRobin algorithm with time slide equaling 4, the average of turnaround time of one
process is ______ . Arrival time: 4 1 0 2 Job: A B C D ,CPU cycle: 5 2 6 4
answer: 10.5
160. Which benefits do the threads get?
answer: Responsiveness and better resource sharing , Less time to switch between two
threads within the same process
161. Assume jobs A-D arrive in quick succession in the READY queue. Using shortest
job first scheduling, the average turnaround time for each process is ____. Arrival time:
0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CP cycle: 8 4 9 5
answer: 14.25
162. A ssume that four jobs A-D require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the Shortest
Job First algorithm, the ____ job is run first. Job: A B C D CP cycle: 5 2 6 4
answer: B
163. Which important things do the IPC involve ?
answer: Race condition ,Mutual Exclusion ,Critical Region
164. Which conditions required to avoid race condition does the \"Strict Alternation\"
violate ?
answer: No assumptions may be made about speeds or the number of CPUs ,No
process should have to wait forever to enter its critical region,No process running
outside its critical region may block other processes
165. Different of the TLS Instruction and Disable interrupts are __________
answer: performing a read on a memory word followed by a write does not prevent a
second processor on the bus from accessing the word between the read and the write

166. The first-come, first-served (FCFS) algorithm is fine for most ____ systems.
answer: batch
167. Suppose a virtual address space of '2^28' words and the page size is '2^12' words.
If the virtual address is 1234567 in Hexadecimal, what would be the page number in
answer: 1234
168. When a virtual memory system manages memory in fixed length units, which of
the following terms correctly represents its unit?
answer: Page
169. A memory free in 3 frames. Which values do the last page frame contain after
running as the following page 7, 0 , 1, 2 , 0, 3, 0 , 4, 2 , 3 , 0 , 3 , 2 , 1, 2, 0, 1, 0 , 7
using FIFO
answer: 7, 1, 2
170. With given page table and 16 bit virtual address, that is split 4 bit page numbers
and 12 bit offset. If user references the address 15016, which physical address is in
answer: 2728
171. Loading pages before letting processes run or before resuming the process
answer: Prepaging
172. A memory free in 3 frames. Which values do the last page frame contain after
running as the following page 7, 0 , 1, 2 , 0, 3, 0 , 4, 2 , 3 , 0 using LRU
answer: 0, 2, 3
173. With given page table and 16 bit virtual address, that is split 4 bit page numbers
and 12 bit offset. If user references the address 28500, which physical address is in
memory ?
answer: If the page fault occurred, the page frame is evicted as 7, the physical address
is 32596
174. What is the table's name ? ,1. Each one entry in table represents page frame in
real memory ,2. An entry contains the pair (n, p). Let n represents as process, p
represents as page ,3. The hardware search entire the table for the entry (n, p) ,4. If so,
the entry position is the page frame. Otherwise, the page fault occurs
answer: Inverted page
175. A memory free in 5 frames. How many page hit do occur after running as the
following page 2 3 2 0 1 5 2 4 5 3 2 5 2 using FIFO
answer: 5

176. Which of these statements about No Memory Abstraction are true?

answer: No swapping , No paging
177. What is not correct about contiguous allocation of files?
answer: It does not cause disk fragmentation
178. Which Linux command is used to add the execute permission to the file named
foo (assume foo is located in the current directory)
answer: chmod + x foo
179. A data structure associates with every file is divided two part. The first part
contains a list of attributes. The other contains the address of disk block ith in directly
and the address of block of pointers that is used with large file
answer: i-node
180. Given the i-node structure that is implemented on OS. A i-nodes has contain 10
direct addresses and 1 single directed addresses and 1 double directed addresses of 4
bytes each and all disk blocks are 2KB. What is the largest possible file that the i-node
can be opened to manage file?
answer: 525332 KB
181. Given operations required to remove a file in UNIX:\267 Remove the file from its
directory.\267 Release the i-node to the pool of free i-nodes.\267 Return all the disk
blocks to the pool of free disk blocks Which strategy is used to ensure the file
answer: Journaling File system ,Atomic transaction ,3 operation should be indivisible
182. The directory entry that contains
answer: Some file attributes ,The information needed to find the disk blocked
183. Given the i-node structure that is implemented on OS. A i-nodes has contain 12
direct addresses and 1 single directed addresses and 1 double directed addresses of 4
bytes each and all disk blocks are 1KB. What is the size of possible file that the i-node
can be opened to manage file ?
answer: The smallest size is larger than 0KB ,The largest size is 65804 KB
184. The File Systems are implemented on CD-ROM as __________
answer: Rock Ridge Extensions and Joliet Extensions
185. Which solution is described above pictures ?
answer: Reducing Disk Arm Motion
186. Block size is ___________
answer: Better with size as 2KB ,Span multiple blocks and reduce performance if the
block has small size ,Efficiently read, but waste of HDD space if the block has large size

187. Which is the right order between the 4 I/O software layers?
answer: User-level I/O software, Device-independent OS software, Device drivers,
Interrupt handlers
188. Which of the following actions generates an external interrupt?
answer: An input/output operation is completed.
189. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 12, 23, 0, 140, 56,
20, 189, 84, 11, 33. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder 143. What is the
average seek length that disk arm moves to satisfy all the pending requests using FCFS
answer: 79.4
190. Each control register is assigned an I/O port number, an 8/16 bit integer 2. The set
of all the I/O ports form the I/O port space and is protected 3. Address spaces for
memory and I/O are different Which the type mapping with memory can corresponded
with 3 description?
answer: Memory-Mapped I/O Data Buffer , Memory-Mapped I/O
191. Any changes make to registers or memory must be undone before the interrupt
happens. Which interrupt types is deal with?
answer: Precise
192. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. The ordering cylinder in
progress using a slight modification of elevator algorithms
answer: 18, 20, 22, 38, 40, 2, 6, 10
193. DMA is a solution that solves ________
answer: CPU read the disk block from the controller's buffer a byte or a word at a time
by executing a loop, and Waste the CPU's time
194. DMA tells the device to acquire the bus, issue a series of transfer, then release the
bus Which mode is described in DMA ?
answer: Block mode
195. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10 171 47 126 4
124 23 8 76. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 50. The ordering cylinder
in progress using SSF algorithms ?
answer: 50 47 23 10 8 4 76 124 126 171
196. The virtual single disk is divided up into strips of k sectors each to store data in
distributing as Strip 0: sectors 0 to k \u2013 1, Strip 1: sectors k to 2k \u2013 1, and
Strip n: sectors nk to (n+1)k \u2013 1. What is referenced ?
answer: RAID strategy ,Striping

197. A possibility of deadlock can occur:

answer: If a system is in unsafe state
198. Consider the following snapshot of a system1E = (10, 5, 7) Choose the correct
statement in progress of process using the banker's algorithm
answer: P2, P4, P5, P1, P3
199. Basic fact in safe and unsafe states
answer: To avoidance deadlocks ? ensure that a system will never enter an unsafe
200. Strategies for dealing with deadlocks
answer: Detection and recovery ,Prevention, by structurally negating one of the four
required conditions , Dynamic avoidance by careful resource allocation
201. A requests R 2. C requests T 3. A requests S 4. C requests R 5. A releases R 6. A
releases S 7. B requests S 8. C requests S 9. B requests R
answer: The system can be resolved by process B attacks the No-Preemption
condition ,The system is deadlock
202. The main rule of the recovery through Killing process
answer: The process victim should be chosen only if it can be rerun from the beginning
with no ill effects
203. 1E = (8, 11, 12, 14) Choose the correct statement using the banker's algorithm
answer: P4, P5, P1, P2, P3 ,The resource assigned is safe
204. Communication deadlock can occur in ___________ in which two or more
process communicate by sending message
answer: Client \u2013 Server ,Message passing system ,Communication system
205. ____ refer the objects as hardware devices, data records, files, etc .. that must be
granted, acquired, used and released
answer: resources
206. Which of these statements about Layered System are not true?
answer: The highest layer is hardware ,Bottom layer is the user interface
207. _______ is the rapid switching of the CPU between multiple processes in memory
answer: Multi-programming
208. Which of these statements about Microkernel are not true?

answer: None of the others

209. If the system passes control to a user program, the ____ mode switches to the
____ mode
answer: kernel/user , supervisor/user
210. Which of these statements about Batch service in Mainframe OS are true?
answer: CPU is often idle, all jobs are kept on a disk ,The OS always residents in
memory and transfer control automatically from one job to the next in the sequence
requested jobs ,Process routine job without interactive user present
211. It is a list of memory locations (set of addresses) from 0 to some maximum, which
the process can read and write 2. It make the different programs think they have the
hardware on their own What's is it?
answer: Address space
212. The mechanism allows a child process to inherit a communication channel from its
parent; data written to one end of it can be read at the other hardware on their own 2. A
mechanism for passing data among processes What's is the mechanism?
answer: Pseudo file ,pipe
213. The OS figures out what the calling process wants by inspecting the parameter,
then it carries out the _______ and returns the control to the instruction following the
answer: system call/ system call ,kernel mode/ user mode
214. Put the arguments in registers or on the stack 2. When the system call handler
has completed its work, the interrupt is issued to witch form kernel to user mode 3. The
procedure returns to the user program in the usual way procedure calls return 4. Issue
trap instructions to switch form user mode to kernel mode at the fixed address where
the procedure located 5. The kernel mode dispatches to the correct system call handler
Arrange the above sentences in order that describe the \"system call\"progress.
answer: 1, 4, 5, 2, 3
215. ______ provide a convenient environment for _______ development and execution
answer: Program ,System programs
216. A computer has 2 GB of memory, with OS taking 512 MB and each user program
also taking up 200 MB with an 70% average I/O wait. How percentage of CPU utilization
answer: 91.765%
217. Which benefits do the threads get?
answer: Responsiveness and better resource sharing , Less time to switch between
two threads within the same process

218. Combine the advantages of user-level threads with kernel-level threads

answer: Hybrid Implementations , Scheduler activation
219. The terminology define \" 1. Switching the CPU to another process requires saving
the state of the old process and loading the save state for the new process 2. It can
create a performance bottle neck\" What's is it?
answer: Context switch \t
220. Assume jobs A-D arrive in quick succession in the READY queue. Using round
robin scheduling with time slice equaling 4, the turnaround time for job D is ____. Arrival
time: 0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 8 4 9 5
answer: 22
221. Assume jobs A-D arrive in quick succession in the READY queue. Using shortest
job first scheduling, the average turnaround time for each process is ____. Arrival time:
0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 8 4 9 5
answer: 14.25
222. Assume jobs A-D arrive in quick succession in the READY queue. Using shortest
remaining time next scheduling, the average waiting time for each process is ____.
Arrival time: 0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 8 4 9 5
answer: 6.5
223. The producer \u2013 consumer problem is solved by
answer: Mutexs ,Message Passing ,Monitors
224. Handles the incoming message by the system creates a new thread that are
brand new 2. This thread is identical to all the others, but it do not have any history
(registers, stack, \u2026) that must be restored Which type is thread?
answer: Pop-up Thread
225. Which of these statements about race condition are true?
answer: The final state of a resource is unpredictable and could be inconsistent , A
situation where several threads (or processes) manipulate the same (shared) data
concurrently and the outcome of the execution depends on the precise order of what is
happening when
226. The developer divides the program to many pieces. When a program started, First, the piece manager (piece 0) is loaded into the memory - Then, the piece 0 is
informed to load the little piece (piece 1) into memory either above piece 0 in memory (if
there was space for it) or on top piece 0 (if there was no space) - When the piece 1
finished, the piece 0 is informed to load the piece 2 into memory either above piece 1 in
memory (if there was space for it) or on top piece 0 (if there was no space), and so on
What is the mechanism?
answer: Overlays

227. With given page table and 16 bit virtual address, that is split 4 bit page numbers
and 12 bit offset. If user references the address 15016, which physical address is in
answer: 2728
228. Given the relation of the virtual addresses and physical memory. Applying the
Multilevel page table strategy, Which of these statement are true when the user
reference the address 12599303?
answer: Index of table level 1 is 3, Index of table level 2 is 4, offset is 7, the physical
address is 16391
229. Let n represents as process, p represents as page. Which the strategy does the
paging apply?
answer: Inverted page table
230. Loading pages before letting processes run or before resuming the process
answer: Prepaging
231. A memory free in 4 frames. How many page faults do occur after running as the
following page 2 3 2 0 1 5 2 4 5 3 2 5 2 using LRU
answer: 7
232. Should the page replacement algorithms try to find LRU page consider only the
page currently allocated to particular process, or should it consider all the pages in
memory? Which policy does this question reference?
answer: Global Allocation , Local allocation
233. The copy-on-write strategy solution is known as
answer: Sharing data , Deep copy ,Sharing modified page
234. Map a disk block to a page (s) in memory and page used the file on disk as the
backing store 2. Allowing a part of the virtual address space to be logically associated
with the file What's is the strategy?
answer: Memory-mapped file
235. The amount of data storage in a block is not a power of two because the pointer
takes up a few bytes Which implementing file mechanism does this disadvantage
answer: Linked List
236. Given the i-node structure that is implemented on OS. A i-nodes has contain 10
direct addresses and 1 single directed addresses and 1 double directed addresses of 4
bytes each and all disk blocks are 2KB. What is the largest possible file that the i-node
can be opened to manage file?
answer: 525332 KB

237. Given a data structure associates with every file - Part 1: Lists the attributes - Part
2: Disk addresses of the file's block. It divides 2 sub parts\267 Sub part 1: contain the
address of disk block 'i^(th)' in directly\267 Sub part 2: contain the address of block of
pointers that is used with large file Which the implemented file does the above data
structure describe?
answer: i-node
238. How many way to speed the searching directories is applied in implemented
answer: Using cache , Using hash table
239. Structure the entire disk as a log 2. All writes are initially buffered in memory, and
periodically, all the buffered writes to the disk in a single segment at the end of the log 3.
i-nodes are scattered all over the log Which File system is described?
answer: Log-Structured
240. Given operations required to remove a file in UNIX:\267 Remove the file from its
directory.\267 Release the i-node to the pool of free i-nodes.\267 Return all the disk
blocks to the pool of free disk blocks Which strategy is used to ensure the file
answer: 3 operation should be indivisible operation ,Journaling File system ,Atomic
241. Which mechanism is applied to prevent people from hogging too much disk space
on the multiuser accessing the OS?
answer: Disk Quotas
242. Which problem did occurs? Which position? How to resolve it?
answer: Duplicate in free list ,Rebuild the free list ,The problem occurs at the '4^(th)'
243. It uses a table of counters per files. 2. Traverse the directory tree, incrementing the
counter when each every i-node in every directory 3. When the checker is all done, it
has a list, indexed by i-node number, telling how many directories contain each file 4. It
then compares these numbers with the link counts stored in the i-node themselves
Which checking is applied with the above description?
answer: Checking for directory and its file in consistency
244. A/An _______ entry contains one entry for each file in that directory including file
name (14 bytes) and the number of i-node (2 bytes)
answer: UNIX directory
245. Which layer of four I/O software layers do \"Computing the track, sector, and head
for a disk read\u201D?
answer: Device driver

246. Each control register is assigned an I/O port number, an 8/16 bit integer 2. The set
of all the I/O ports form the I/O port space and is protected 3. Address spaces for
memory and I/O are different Which the type mapping with memory can corresponded
with 3 description?
answer: Memory-Mapped I/O ,Memory-Mapped I/O Data Buffer
247. Which function of the control registers of DMA can do?
answer: Specify the number of bytes to transfer in one burst ,Specify the transfer unit ,
Specify the I/O port to use
248. The CPU sets the DMA controller registers so DMA knows what to transfer where,
and how many transfer \267 The CPU command the disk controller read data from disk
to internal buffer, then verify the checksum 2.\267 The disk controller sends an
acknowledgement signal to DMA controller when the write is complete \267
Simultaneously, the DMA controller decides which device to service next (using RR or
priority scheme) \267 In each transfer, the DMA controller increments the memory
addresses to use and decrements the byte count \267 If the byte count is still greater
than 0, step 2 through 4 are repeated until the count reaches 0 \267 If the byte equals 0,
the DMA controller interrupts the CPU to let it know the transfer is now complete 3.\267
The disk controller transfer a word/ byte from internal buffers to main memory at the
address that is described in the DMA's memory address register 4.\267 The DMA
controller initiates the transfer by issuing a read request over the bus to the disk
controller Arrange all description to describe the DMA work in order
answer: 1, 4, 3, 2
249. Which of these statements about disadvantages of DMA are true?
answer: The need of figuring out at boot time which memory addresses are not really
memory addresses , Caching a device control register would be disastrous ,The I/O
devices have no way of seeing memory addresses as they go by on the memory bus,
so they have no way of responding to them
250. Any changes make to registers or memory must be undone before the interrupt
happens. Which interrupt types is deal with?
answer: Precise
251. The CPU uses polling to watch the control bit, constantly looping to see whether
the device is ready. Which I/O software type is deal with?
answer: Programmed
252. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 200 171 47 126 4
124 23 500 76. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 50. The ordering
cylinder in progress using SSF algorithms?
answer: 50 47 23 4 76 124 126 171 200 500

253. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 200 171 47 126 4
124 23 500 76. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 50. How many cylinder
do Total head movement using slight elevator algorithms? (Assume the moving from the
maximum cylinder to minimum cylinder equals 0 cylinder)
answer: 493
254. Strip the client machine of all it smarts and software and just use it as a display,
with all the computing done on the server side. Which definition is described?
answer: THINC ,Thin clients
255. Which of these statements about the advantages of preemptable resources are
answer: Preemptable resources can be resolved deadlocks by reallocating resources
from one process to another
256. Strategies for dealing with deadlocks
answer: Detection and recovery ,Dynamic avoidance by careful resource
allocation ,Prevention, by structurally negating one of the four required conditions
257. A requests R 2. C requests T 3. A requests S 4. C requests R 5. A releases R 6. A
releases S 7. B requests S
answer: All process no deadlock ,The system is in safe state
258. 1. A requests R 2. C requests T 3. A requests S 4. C requests R 5. A releases R 6.
A releases S 7. B requests S 8. C requests S 9. B requests R
answer: The system can be resolved by process B attacks the No-Preemption
condition ,The system is deadlock
259. The important ideal of deadlock avoidance is _______
answer: Carefully resource allocation
260. Attacking the Mutual Exclusion Condition
answer: Avoiding assigning a resource when that is not absolutely necessary ,Try to
make sure that as few processes as possible may actually claim the resource
261. The technique is used to prevent the communication deadlock
answer: Timeout ,Acknowledgement signal
262. Deadlook can occur in__________in which two or more process communicate by
sending message
answer: Communication system
263. Which is the difference between personal computers and mainframe computers?
answer: All of the others

264. What is not a main function of an operating system?

answer: Provide user interfaces
265. MS-DOS is a example of \u2026.
answer: Monolithic system
266. What is the main characteristic of embedded operating system?
answer: Restriction of memory size, speed of CPU, screen size, powers
267. Which of the following statements is incorrect about user mode and kernel mode?
answer: None of the others
268. A time-sharing system is
answer: A multi-user, multi-process, interactive system
269. Which of these statements about Microkernel are true?
answer: The modules run user mode '\\rightarrow' protection against bugs ,Resist
crashing the entire system
270. In the OS concept, the software can be divided into 2 important modes
answer: Supervisor mode ,User mode
271. Kernel mode is defined that _______
answer: The mode can execute any instruction the machine is capable of
executing ,The mode has complete access to all the hardware
272. The virtual machine
answer: Can run any OS that will run directly on the bare hardware ,Is identical to the
true hardware
273. Which is a wrong statement about the quantum used in Round Robin algorithm?
answer: None of the others
274. Preemption is essential in which of the following systems?
answer: Real time system ,Interactive system
275. What is Software proposal in the solution of Mutual exclusion with Busy waiting
answer: All of the others
276. The following requirement must be met by any facility or capability that is to
provide support for mutual exclusion:
answer: All of the others
277. Which of the following process state transitions are illegal?
answer: blocked -> running

278. Assume that jobs A-D arrive in the ready queue in quick succession and have the
CPU cycle requirements listed below. Using the Shortest Remaining Time Next
algorithm, the Turnaround time of job D is ____. Arrival time: 0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU
cycle: 6 3 1 4
answer: 6
279. Assume that jobs A-D arrive in the ready queue in quick succession and have the
CPU cycle requirements listed below. Using the Shortest Remaining Time Next
algorithm, the Waiting time of job A is ____. Arrival time: 0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU
cycle: 6 3 1 4
answer: 8
280. A ssume that four jobs A-D require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the
Shortest Job First algorithm, the ____ job is run first. Arrival time: 4 1 0 2 Job: A B C D
CPU cycle: 5 2 6 4
answer: C
281. A ssume that four jobs A-D require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the RoundRobin algorithm with time slide equaling 4, the average of turnaround time of one
process is ______ . Arrival time: 4 1 0 2 Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 5 2 6 4
answer: 10.5
282. A ssume that four jobs A-D require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the RoundRobin algorithm with time slide equaling 4, the waiting time of all process is ______ .
Arrival time: 4 1 0 2 Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 5 2 6 4
answer: 25
283. Suppose a virtual address space of '2^28' words and the page size is '2^12' words.
If the virtual address is 1234567 in Hexadecimal, what would be the page number in
answer: 1234
284. The page table for each process maintains:
answer: The frame location for each page of the process
285. A computer has four page frames. The time of loading, time of last access, and the
R and M bits for each page are as shown below (the times are in clock ticks): Which
page will NRU replace?
answer: 0
286. Which of the following information bits in the entry of page table is used to indicate
Page Fault?
answer: Present/absent bit
287. When a virtual memory system manages memory in fixed length units, which of the
following terms correctly represents its unit?

answer: Page
288. Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes
in memory order: 10 KB, 4 KB, 20 KB, 18KB, 7 KB, 9KB, 12 KB, and 15 KB. Which hole
is take for successive segment requests of 12 KB, 10KB, 9KB for first fit?
answer: 20 KB, 10KB, 18KB
289. Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes
in memory order: 10 KB, 4 KB, 20 KB, 18KB, 7 KB, 9KB, 12 KB, and 15 KB. Which hole
is take for successive segment requests of 12 KB, 10KB, 9KB for best fit?
answer: 12KB, 10 KB, 9KB
290. A memory free in 3 frames. How many page fault occur after running as the
following page 7, 0 , 1, 2 , 0, 3, 0 , 4, 2 , 3 , 0 , 3 , 2 , 1, 2, 0, 1, 0 , 7 using LRU
answer: 12
291. A memory free in 3 frames. Which values do the last page frame contain after
running as the following page 7, 0 , 1, 2 , 0, 3, 0 , 4, 2 , 3 , 0 , 3 , 2 , 1, 2, 0, 1, 0 , 7
using FIFO
answer: 7, 1, 2
292. A memory free in 3 frames. How many page fault occur after running as the
following page 7, 0 , 1, 2 , 0, 3, 0 , 4, 2 , 3 , 0 , 3 , 2 , 1, 2, 0, 1, 0 , 7 using FIFO
answer: 13
293. What is not correct about contiguous allocation of files?
answer: It does not cause disk fragmentation
294. The i-nodes are used in which of the following allocation methods
answer: Indexed allocation
295. What are the allocation methods of disk blocks for files:
answer: All of the others
296. A directory in UNIX/Linux consists of the following
answer: inode number and file name
297. Which Linux command is used to add the execute permission to the file named foo
(assume foo is located in the current directory)
answer: chmod + x foo
298. The absolute pathname of a file in Linux is with respect to the
answer: Root directory on the system
299. The cd .. command makes the following as your new current directory
answer: Parent of your current directory

300. Which the sharing file type does cause the problem as \"a user can be billed for a
remove file\u201D?
answer: Traditional Linking ,Hard Linking
301. A data structure associates with every file is divided two part. The first part
contains a list of attributes. The other contains the address of disk block ith in directly
and the address of block of pointers that is used with large file
answer: i-node
302. Which ways are the directories searched to enhance its performance?
answer: using hash table ,using cache
303. Which is the right order between the 4 I/O software layers?
answer: User-level I/O software, Device-independent OS software, Device drivers,
Interrupt handlers
304. The I/O technique where the processor busy waits for an I/O operation to complete
is called:
answer: Programmed I/O
305. Which of the following is not correct about the reliability of different RAID levels?
answer: All RAID levels can survive one disk crash
306. Which of the following statements is not correct about DMA?
answer: DMA controller is usually faster than CPU
307. Which of the following actions generates an external interrupt?
answer: An input/output operation is completed
308. The following algorithm can be described as ______ (1) Set list data structure to all
requested cylinder (2) Set the current to the current cylinder that is just served (3) Do
while list != NULL nextCylinder = min(list, current) Set current = nextCylinder remove(list,
nextCylinder) End Do
answer: SSF/ SSTF
309. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 12, 23, 0, 143, 56,
20, 189, 84, 11, 33. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder 143. What is the
ordering cylinder in progress using a slight modification of elevator algorithms?
answer: 143, 143, 189, 0, 11, 12, 20, 23, 33, 56, 84
310. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 12, 23, 0, 143, 56,
20, 189, 84, 11, 33. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder 143. What is the

total distance that disk arm moves to satisfy all the pending requests using SSF
algorithms? Suppose that the disk drive has 200 cylinder (numbered 0 to 199)
answer: 141
311. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 12, 23, 0, 140, 56,
20, 189, 84, 11, 33. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder 143. What is the
average seek length that disk arm moves to satisfy all the pending requests using FCFS
answer: 79.4
312. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 12, 23, 0, 140, 56,
20, 189, 84, 11, 33. The drive is currently serving a request at cylinder 143 and the
head move downward. What is the ordering cylinder in progress using the elevator
answer: 143, 140, 84, 56, 33, 23, 20, 12, 11, 0, 189
313. A possibility of deadlock can occur:
answer: If a system is in unsafe state
314. If in a resource-allocation graph, each resource type has exactly one instance,
which of the following indicates a deadlock situation?
answer: The graph has at least one cycle.
315. The simplest way to break a deadlock is to
answer: kills one of the processes
316. The system is said to be in an unsafe state if
answer: The operating system cannot guarantee that all current processes can
complete their work
317. Which of these statements about the advantages of resource graph are true?
answer: Can generalized to handle either single resource or multiple resource ,Help
carrying out the requests and releases step by step, and after every step check the
graph to see if it contains any cycles to check deadlock or not
318. The ability to take a resource away from a process, have another process use it,
and then give it back without the process noticing it is highly dependent on the nature of
the resource
answer: recovery through Preemption
319. Basic fact in safe and unsafe states
answer: To avoidance deadlocks ? ensure that a system will never enter an unsafe

320. Take the true statement in deadlock prevention 1. Mutual exclusion: Take a
resource away 2. Hold and wait: Request all resources initially 3. Circular wait: Order
resources numerically 4. No preemption: Spool everything
answer: 2,3
321. ____ is a sort of pseudofile that can be used to connect to processes
answer: pipe
322. _____ are used to model devices that consist of a collection of randomly
addressable blocks such as disks
answer: A block special file
323. _____ are used to model printers, modems, and other devices that accept or
output a character stream
answer: A character special file
324. OS manage the system security such as authentication, protecting the system from
unwanted intruders
answer: Protection
325. The UNIX command interpreter, or GUI
answer: shell
326. Which of these statements about virtual memory are true?
answer: Gives the ability to run programs larger than the machine's physical memory by
moving pieces back and forth between RAM and disk
327. Which of these statements about virtual memory are not true?
answer: None of others
328. System calls
answer: Permit application programs to access protected resources ,The interface
between user programs and the OS
329. Put the steps in making a system call in order 1. System calls may vary from one
OS to another 2. System calls are like procedures: take parameters, calling routine
waits for response (a call to an OS service) 3. Once a system call occurs control passes
to a specific routing in system mode. If the parameters are correct and legal the request
will be executed (a trap into the OS code)
answer: 2, 3, 1
330. Which of these statements about Monolithic Systems are true?
answer: All of others
331. Assume that jobs A-D arrive in the ready queue in quick succession and have the
CPU cycle requirements listed below. Using the Shortest Remaining Time Next

algorithm, the average waiting time is ____. Arrival time: 0 1 2 3 Job: A B C D CPU
cycle: 6 3 1 4
answer: 2.75
332. Assume that four jobs A-D require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the Shortest
Job First algorithm, the average waiting time is ____. Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 5 2 6 4
answer: 4.75
333. A ssume that four jobs A-D require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the Shortest
Job First algorithm, the ____ job is run first. Job: A B C D CPU cycle: 5 2 6 4
answer: B
334. The first-come, first-served (FCFS) algorithm is fine for most ____ systems.
answer: batch
335. First-come, first-served (FCFS) is a very simple algorithm to implement because it
answer: uses a FIFO queue
336. Process includes ______
answer: All of others
337. A process is a program on the disk (A) A process is not a program on the disk (B)
answer: Only B is true
338. A process has _____
answer: a state ,input and output
339. When was the process created?
answer: A user request to create a new process ,Execution of a process creation
system call by a running process
340. A computer has 512MB of memory, with OS taking 512 MB and each user
program also taking up 128MB with an 80% average I/O wait? How percentage of CPU
utilization does?
answer: 79%
341. Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes
in memory order: 10 KB, 4 KB, 20 KB, 18KB, 7 KB, 9KB, 12 KB, and 15 KB. Which hole
is take for successive segment requests of 12 KB, 10KB, 9KB for worst fit?
answer: 20KB, 18KB, 15 KB
342. Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes
in memory order: 10 KB, 4 KB, 20 KB, 18KB, 7 KB, 9KB, 12 KB, and 15 KB. Which hole
is take for successive segment requests of 12 KB, 10KB, 9KB for next fit?
answer: 20KB, 18KB, 9KB

343. A memory free in 3 frames. Which values do the last page frame contain after
running as the following page 7, 0 , 1, 2 , 0, 3, 0 , 4, 2 , 3 , 0 using LRU
answer: 0, 2, 3
344. Each page can be labeled with the number of instructions that will be executed
before that page is first reference. Choose the page that will be the latest one accessed
in the future between all the pages actually in memory
answer: Optimal
345. Which address range (byte) is corresponding to 32 bit virtual address 0x00403004
(4.206.596 in decimal)? (Using Multilevel Page Table)
answer: 4.206.592 to 4.210.687
346. Which of these statements about No Memory Abstraction are true?
answer: No swapping ,No paging
347. One of the way of memory organization is ____ at the bottom of memory in the
simplest model of the No Memory Abstraction
answer: Operating System
348. Which of these statements about address space definition are true?
answer: Do not have to be numeric ,Is decoupled from the physical memory
349. Base register holds the ________ where the program begins in A memory
answer: physical address
350. Limit register specifies ______ in A memory Abstraction
answer: the length of program
351. Which of these statements about the advantages of i-node are true?
answer: All of others
352. The main function of the ______ is to map the ASCII name of a file onto the
information needed to locate the data of that file
answer: directory system
353. The directory entry that contains
answer: The information needed to find the disk blocked ,Some file attributes
354. Long and variable-length file name is implemented as

answer: Lasting of directories entries is actual file name with long it may be (each file
name is terminated by special character) ,Making the directory entries themselves all
fixed length and keep the file names together in a heap at the end of the directory
355. To speed up searching directories, ______ is used
answer: hash table ,cache
356. Disk blocks are not listed in directories, but in a little data structure (i-node)
associated with the file itself. The directories would then point just to the little data
answer: hard linking ,symbolic linking
357. The solution is used to many different file systems are used on the same computer,
even same OS
answer: Virtual File System
358. To prevent people from hogging too much disk space, multiuse OS often provide a
mechanism for enforcing _______
answer: disk quotas
359. Start at block 0 of disk, writes all the disk blocks onto the output tap in order, and
stops when it has copied the last one
answer: Physical dump
360. The technique is applied in File System Performance
answer: All of others
361. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. The ordering cylinder in
progress using SSF algorithms is
answer: 18, 20, 22, 10, 6, 2, 38, 40
362. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18 and the head move upward.
The ordering cylinder in progress using elevator algorithms is
answer: 20, 22, 38, 40, 10, 6, 2
363. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. The ordering cylinder in
progress using a slight modification of elevator algorithms
answer: 18, 20, 22, 38, 40, 2, 6, 10
364. Which of these statements about the advantages of clocks are true?
answer: Maintain the time of day and prevent one process from monopolizing the CPU,
among other things ,Are essential to the operation of any multiprogrammed system

365. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. How many cylinder do Total
head movement using SSF algorithms?
answer: 62
366. Programmable clocks typically have several modes of operation
answer: one-shot mode ,square-wave mode
367. Typical duties of a clock driver
answer: Handling alarm system call made by user processes , Providing watchdog
timers for parts of the system itself ,Accounting for CPU usage
368. The message using on mouse software usually occupies 3 bytes containing
answer: the change in x position since the last message ,the change in y position since
the last message ,the status of button
369. The X Window System include
answer: X client ,X Server
370. The average red, green, and blue values of each grid square are then sampled
and saved as the value of one ______
answer: None of others
371. ____ refer the objects as hardware devices, data records, files, etc .. that must be
granted, acquired, used and released
answer: resources
372. There are two type resources
answer: nonpreemptable , preemptable
373. _____ is resources that can be taken away from the process owning it with no ill
answer: preemptable
374. Which of these statements about the advantages of preemptable resources are
answer: Preemptable resources can be resolved deadlocks by reallocating resources
from one process to another
375. The sequence of events required to use resource
answer: Request the resource, Use the resource, Release the resource
376. A set of processes is ____ if each process in the set is waiting for an event that
only another process in the set
answer: deadlocked

377. A resource that is owned by a deadlocked process

answer: resource deadlocks
378. The Memory Manager, the Interface Manager, the User Manager, and the File
Manager are the basis of all operating systems.
answer: False
379. The Device Manager monitors every device, channel, and control unit.
answer: True
380. The File Manager is responsible for data files but not program files.
answer: False
381. The central processing unit (CPU) is the brains of the computer with the circuitry to
control the interpretation and execution of instructions.
answer: True
382. Until the mid-1970s, all computers were classified by price alone.
answer: False
383. Onboard systems are computers placed inside other products to add features and
answer: False
384. Few major advances were made in data management during the 1960s.
answer: True
385. The fixed partition scheme does not require that the entire program be stored
contiguously and in memory from the beginning to the end of its execution.
answer: False
386. A large job can have problems with a first-fit memory allocation list.
answer: True
387. In the relocatable dynamic partitions scheme, the Memory Manager relocates
programs to gather together all of the empty blocks and compact them to make one
block of memory large enough to accommodate some or all of the jobs waiting to get in.
answer: True
388. After relocation and compaction, both the free list and the busy list are updated.
answer: True
389. Compaction should always be performed only when there are jobs waiting to get in.
answer: False

390. Each page of a job is actually stored in a page frame that can be located anywhere
in available main memory.
answer: True
391. To find the exact position of an instruction in memory, after the page number has
been calculated, the operating system refers to the job's PMT to find out which page
frame contains the page.
answer: True
392. The address of the beginning of a page frame is found by multiplying the page
frame number by the number of frames.
answer: False
393. Demand paging requires that the Page Map Table for each job keep track of each
page as it is loaded or removed from main memory.
answer: True
394. The first-in first-out (FIFO) page replacement policy will remove the pages that
have been in memory the shortest.
answer: False
395. When using a FIFO scheme, more memory will always result in better performance.
answer: False
396. In general, when a job is allocated to the CPU its Page Map Table is loaded into
main memory while the Segment Map Tables are loaded only as needed.
answer: False
397. A program is an active entity that requires a set of resources, including a processor
and special registers, to perform its function.
answer: False
398. A single processor can be shared by several jobs, or several processes, but if, and
only if, the operating system has a scheduling policy, as well as a scheduling algorithm,
to determine when to stop working on one job and proceed to another.
answer: True
399. The transition from one job or process status to another is initiated by either the
Job Scheduler or the Process Scheduler.
answer: True
400. The Process Scheduler often uses a timing mechanism and periodically interrupts
running processes when a predetermined slice of time has expired.
answer: True

401. Shortest job next (SJN) is a nonpreemptive scheduling algorithm (also known as
shortest job first, or SJF) that handles jobs based on the length of their CPU cycle time.
answer: True
402. The type of system designed to perform one specific type of function is________.
answer: Embedded.
403. ____ operating systems are typically used for a network platform.
answer: Linux, NetWare, UNIX, Windows
404. ____ systems are used in time-critical environments where reliability is key and
data must be processed within a strict time limit.
answer: Real-time
405. A hybrid system is a combination of the ____ systems.
answer: batch and interactive
406. Second-generation computers were developed to meet the needs of ____.
answer: businesses
407. In second-generation computers, to reduce the discrepancy in speed between the
I/O and the CPU, an interface called the ____ was placed between them to act as a
answer: control unit
408. The most common mechanism for implementing multiprogramming was the
introduction of the ____ concept, which is when the CPU is notified of events needing
operating systems services.
answer: interrupt
409. A typical ____ computer houses devices to perform audio, video, and graphic
creation and editing.
answer: multimedia
410. ____ is the partitioning of a single server, each of which can support a different
operating system.
answer: Virtualization
411. The name for the core part of an operating system is____.
answer: kernel
412. In a single-user system, jobs are processed ____.
answer: sequentially

413. In the algorithm to load a job in a single-user system, the program counter is
initially set to ____.
answer: the address of the first memory location
414. Assume the Memory Manager receives a request for a block of 200. When the
best-fit algorithm is used, ____ is the beginning address of the block granted by the
Memory Manager.
answer: 7600
415. ____ is how memory is deallocated in a fixed partition scheme.
answer: Memory Manager resets the status of the memory block where the job was
stored to \"free.\u201D
416. In a dynamic partition scheme, ____, is how the Memory Manager deallocates a
block that is between two other free blocks?
answer: The sizes of the three free partitions must be combined.
417. There are ____ entries per page in the PMT.
answer: 1
418. If a particular demand paging configuration has 9 page interrupts out of 11 page
requests, failure rate is ____.
answer: 82%
419. In the PMT, the ____ bit for all pages in memory is 1.
answer: status
420. The following phrase____,means that during any phase of its execution, the
program references only a small fraction of its pages.
answer: locality of reference
421. ____ can be thought of as being an intermediary between main memory and the
special-purpose registers, which are the domain of the CPU.
answer: Cache memory
422. A ____ is a portion of a process that can run independently.
answer: thread
423. When the job is accepted by the system, it's put on ____ and placed in a queue.
answer: HOLD
424. The transition from ____ is initiated by the Process Scheduler or the Job Scheduler.

425. ____ holds pertinent information, including the address where the job is stored and,
in the case of virtual memory, the mapping between virtual and physical memory
answer: Main memory
426. Device controllers is ______ component in I/O units
answer: an electronic
427. Of the three components of access time in a movable-head Disk Arm Scheduling
Algorithms, ____ is the longest.
answer: seek time
428. The first-come, first-served (FCFS) algorithm is fine for most ____ systems.
answer: batch
429. The purpose of an extension is to ____.
answer: identify the type of file
430. When using random access files, the program used to store the data follows a set
of instructions, called a ____ algorithm, that transforms each key into a number, the
record's logical address.
answer: hashing
431. Deadlock is a system-wide tangle of resource requests that begins when two or
more jobs are put on hold, each waiting for a vital resource to become available.
answer: True
432. Locking can be done only at the level of the entire database.
answer: False
433. A deadlock is preceded by five simultaneous conditions that are not necessary for
the operating system to run smoothly.
answer: False
434. In many cases, there exists at least one allocation of resources sequence that will
allow jobs to continue without becoming deadlocked.
answer: True
435. Although the Banker's Algorithm has been used to avoid deadlocks in systems with
a few resources, it isn't always practical for most systems.
answer: True
436. One problem with the Banker's Algorithm is that resources aren't well utilized
because the algorithm assumes the worst case and, as a result, keeps vital resources
unavailable to guard against unsafe states.
answer: True

437. There are several recovery algorithms, but they all have one feature in common:
they all require at least one victim, an expendable job, which, when removed from the
deadlock, will free the system.
answer: True
438. The master/slave configuration is an symmetric multiprocessing system.
answer: False
439. The symmetric configuration is best implemented if the processors are all of the
same type.
answer: True
440. Test-and-set is a single indivisible machine instruction known simply as TS and
was introduced by IBM for its multiprocessing System 360/370 computers.
answer: True
441. The classic problem of producers and consumers is one in which one process
produces some data that another process consumes later.
answer: True
442. Implied parallelism includes automatic detection by the compiler of instructions that
can be performed in parallel.
answer: False
443. Thread Information Blocks contain basic information about a thread such as its ID,
state, and a pointer to the process that created it.
answer: False
444. The universal serial bus (USB) controller acts as an interface between the
operating system, device drivers, and applications and the devices that are attached via
the USB host.
answer: True
445. Direct access storage devices (DASDs) are devices that can directly read or write
to a specific place on a disk.
answer: True
446. Two of the most important measures of optical disc drive performance are
sustained data-transfer rate and longest access time.
answer: False
447. DASDs are good for files with low activity (the percent of records accessed) or for
users who access records in a random fashion.
answer: True

448. The job of the I/O control unit is to keep up with the I/O requests from the CPU
and pass them down the line to the appropriate control unit.
answer: False
449. Most RAID configurations require fewer disk drives, which decreases hardware
answer: False
450. When does a fixed partition scheme work well?
answer: when jobs have the same size
451. What is the name for fragments of free memory between blocks of allocated
answer: external fragmentation
452. Which memory allocation scheme places jobs in the first partition fitting the
answer: first-fit memory allocation
453. Which memory allocation scheme results in the smallest amount of wasted space?
answer: best-fit memory allocation
454. Consider the following space requirements for jobs 1-4 and memory blocks.
Assuming a first-fit scheme is used, which job is not able to run?
answer: J3
455. Consider the following space requirements for jobs 1-4 and memory blocks.
Assuming a best-fit scheme is used, which job is placed in the last block?
answer: J2
456. The ____ contains the value that must be added to each address referenced in the
program so it will be able to access the correct memory addresses after relocation.
answer: relocation register
457. What is the actual memory address for a job that starts at 18K?
answer: 18,432
458. In a fixed partition scheme, what is the problem with partitions that are too large?
answer: wasted memory
459. ____ gives users the appearance that their programs are being completely loaded
in main memory during their entire processing time.
answer: Virtual memory

460. When there is an excessive amount of page swapping between main memory and
secondary storage, the operation becomes inefficient. This phenomenon is called ____.
answer: thrashing
461. Assume that four page frames are available and are numbered 1-4. Pages A-D
have been loaded into page frames 1-4 in order. Assume that page E is requested.
Which page frame will it be loaded into when the FIFO algorithm is used?
answer: 1
462. Assume that four page frames are available and are numbered 1-4. Pages A-D
have been loaded into page frames 1-4 in order. The program has accessed the pages
in the following order: B, D, A, C. Assume that page E is requested. Which page frame
will it be loaded into when the LRU algorithm is used?
answer: 2
463. Consider the following four cases. Which page would the LRU policy be lease
likely to swap?
answer: Case 4
464. Which of the following phrases means that during any phase of its execution the
program references only a small fraction of its pages?
answer: locality of reference
465. To access a location in memory when using segmented memory management, the
address is composed of two entries: ____.
answer: the segment number and offset
466. The need for a memory to be
answer: +3: infinitely large + infinitely fast + nonvolatile
467. the primary advantage of storing programs in noncontiguous locations is that
answer: main memory is used more efficiently
468. Fixed partitions are also called _____ partitions.
answer: static
469. In newer operating systems, a subdirectory is created when a user opens an
account to access the computer system.
answer: true
470. The File Manager is in charge of the system's physical components, its information
resources, and the policies used to store and distribute the files
answer: True

471. A record is a group of related bytes that can be identified by the user with a name,
type, and size
answer: False
472. Without the File Manager, every program would need to include instructions to
operate all of the different types of devices, and all of the different models within each
answer: True
473. A file descriptor usually contains only a file name and the directory name in which
the file is located
answer: False
474. Sequential record organization is by far the easiest to implement because records
are stored and retrieved serially, one after the other
answer: True
475. The objective of a hybrid configuration is to select among the strong points of each
topology and combine them to meet that system's communications requirements most
answer: True
476. Circuit switching is a communication model in which a dedicated communication
path is established between two hosts
answer: True
477. Under a DO/S, resources are allocated based on negotiation and compromise
among equally important peer sites in the distributed system
answer: True
478. In a distributed system, there is a high level of cooperation and sharing of actions
and data maintained by the sites when determining which process should be loaded
and where it should be run
answer: True
479. The operating system manages each and every piece of hardware and software
answer: True
480. The Memory Manager, the Interface Manager, the User Manager, and the File
Manager are the basis of all operating systems
answer: False
481. The File Manager is responsible for data files but not program files
answer: False

482. Card systems date from the earliest computers, which relied on punched cards or
tape for input when a job was entered by assembling the cards into a deck and running
the entire deck of cards through a card reader as a group
answer: False
483. All computers have only a finite amount of memory and if a program doesn t fit,
then either the size of the main memory must be increased or the program must be
answer: true
484. A process is an inactive unit, such as a file stored on a disk
answer: False
485. The Process Scheduler often uses a timing mechanism and periodically interrupts
running processes when a predetermined slice of time has expired.
answer: True
486. First-come, first-served (FCFS) is a preemptive scheduling algorithm that handles
jobs according to their arrival time
answer: False
487. DASDs are good for files with low activity (the percent of records accessed) or for
users who access records in a random fashion
answer: True
488. RAID-0 is ideal for data-critical real-time systems.
answer: False
489. The File Manager is in charge of the system's ____ components.
answer: physical
490. ____ are special files with listings of filenames and their attributes.
answer: Directories
491. A ____ is created when a user opens an account to access the computer system.
answer: subdirectory
492. As long as users refer to files in the ____ directory, they can access their files
without entering the complete name from the highest level to the lowest
answer: Working
493. On magnetic disks, files can be organized in one of three ways, ____.
answer: sequential, direct, or indexed sequential

494. When using random access files, the program used to store the data follows a set
of instructions, called a ____ algorithm, that transforms each key into a number, the
record's logical address
answer: hashing
495. In noncontiguous storage, linking can take place at the ____ level where each part
of the file points to the next one in the sequence
answer: Storage
496. The most commonly used access control scheme is the ____.
answer: access control list
497. ____ compression is a technique used to save space in files.
answer: Data
498. Usually, the term ____ indicates a specific location in a network containing one or
more computer systems
answer: Site
499. The geometric arrangement of connections (cables, wireless, or both) that link the
nodes is called a ____
answer: Topology
500. In the ____ topology configuration hosts are connected to each other through a
central controller which assumes all responsibility for routing messages to the
appropriate host.
answer: Star
501. In the ____ topology, hosts are connected to one another in a linear fashion
answer: bus
502. When using a bus topology, ____
answer: 1 sites can successfully send a message at a time.
503. A ____ is an internetworking device, primarily software driven, which directs traffic
between two different types of LANs or two network segments with different protocol
answer: router
504. When using RIP, the path ____ is chosen
answer: with the smallest number of hops
505. ____ is a good example of a circuit-switched network

answer: A telephone system

506. ____ is true of a NOS
answer: Resources are owned by local nodes
507. In process-based DO/S, special servers called ____ are responsible for accepting
requests for service on the individual devices they control, processing each request
fairly, providing service to the requestor, and returning to serve others
answer: guardians
508. If the local device manager cannot satisfy a user's request, the request is sent to
answer: is another device manager
509. ____, part of the operating system, is unique to each operating system.
answer: User Command Interface
510. The primary distinguishing characteristic of modern computers is ____.
answer: processor capacity
511. A thread (or ____) can be defined as a unit smaller than a process, which can be
scheduled and executed
answer: lightweight process
512. ____ consists of fragments of free memory between blocks of allocated memory.
answer: External fragmentation
513. ____ can be thought of as being an intermediary between main memory and the
special-purpose registers, which are the domain of the CPU
answer: Cache memory
514. A ____ is a portion of a process that can run independently
answer: Thread
515. Some systems increase the priority of jobs that have been in the system for an
unusually long time to expedite their exit, which is known as
answer: aging
516. No movement between queues is a very simple policy that rewards those who
have ____ jobs.
answer: high-priority
517. Deadlock occurs on a modern printer when ____
answer: The printer needs all of a job's output before it will begin printing, but the
spooling system fills the available disk space with only partially completed output

518. In a directed graph used to model deadlock, ____ represents deadlock

answer: a cycle
519. The scheme of ____ removes the possibility of a circular wait and therefore
guarantees the removal of deadlocks.
answer: hierarchical ordering
520. The ____ configuration is an asymmetric multiprocessing system
answer: master/slave
521. Automatic detection by the compiler of instructions that can be performed in
parallel is called ____.
answer: implicit parallelism
522. In a fixed-head magnetic disk, each circle is called a ____
answer: Track
523. The RAID level ____ uses word parity for error correction
answer: 3
524. The Memory Manager, the Interface Manager, the User Manager, and the File
Manager are the basis of all operating systems.
answer: False
525. The Device Manager monitors every device, channel, and control unit.
answer: True
526. The File Manager is responsible for data files but not program files.
answer: False
527. The central processing unit (CPU) is the brains of the computer with the circuitry to
control the interpretation and execution of instructions.
answer: true
528. he File Manager uses the address of the ____ to access the next sequential record
answer: last byte read
529. ____ allocation allows files to use any storage space available on the disk
answer: Noncontiguous storage
530. The primary disadvantage of contiguous storage is that ____
answer: file can't be expanded unless there is empty space available immediately
following it

531. When using random access files, the program used to store the data follows a set
of instructions, called a ____ algorithm, that transforms each key into a number, the
record's logical address
answer: hashing
532. The purpose of an extension is to ____.
answer: identify the type of file
533. For every file request, the ____ is the point of entry.
answer: MFD
534. The File Manager writes the volume name and other descriptive information on an
easy-to-access place on each unit: ____ of the CD or DVD
answer: the innermost part
535. ____ control the transfer of information between the disk drives and the rest of the
computer system.
answer: Disk drive interfaces
536. The data-transfer rate for an optical disc is measured in ____ and refers to the
speed at which massive amounts of data can be read from the disc.
answer: megabytes
537. Movable-head magnetic disks, such as the computer hard drive, have ____
read/write head(s).
answer: One
538. The USB controller assigns bandwidth to each device depending on its priority,
and the ____ priority is assigned to real-time exchanges where no interruption in the
data flow is allowed, such as video or sound data.
answer: highest
539. A thread transitions from RUNNING to ____ when it has to wait for an event
outside its control to occur.
answer: WAITING
540. Once a thread is in the ready state, the state it can enter next is ____.
answer: RUNNING
541. Each active thread in a process shares the ____ and the resources allocated to its
answer: data area
542. Most current operating systems support the implementation of threads, or ____,
which have become part of numerous application packages.
answer: lightweight processes

543. When a computer evaluates the expression A = 3 * B * C + 4 / (D + E) ** (F \u2013

G), in a sequential manner, ____ is evaluated as a first step.
answer: F \u2013 G
544. The ____ configuration is the most difficult to implement.
answer: symmetric
545. In the \"dining philosophers\"problem, a philosopher can pick up a fork when____.
answer: When there are two available
546. ____ developed the Banker's Algorithm.
answer: Dijkstra
547. ____ is necessary in any computer system because some resources such as
memory, CPU, and dedicated devices must be exclusively allocated to one user at a
answer: Mutual exclusion
548. ____ showed how the four conditions can be modeled using directed graphs
answer: Holt
549. A network that's congested or has filled a large percentage of its I/O buffer space
can become deadlocked if it doesn't have ____ to control the flow of messages through
the network.
answer: protocols
550. ____ is when, in modern printing systems, a disk accepts output from several
users and acts as a temporary storage area for all output until the printer is ready to
accept it.
answer: Spooling
551. Fill in the missing event that causes deadlock in a database. There are two
processes (P1 and P2), each of which needs to update two records (R1 and R2) and
the following sequence leads to a deadlock
answer: P1 requests R2, which is locked by P2.
552. Interactive systems generally improve the use of resources through ____ resource
sharing, but this resource sharing capability also increases the possibility of deadlocks.
answer: dynamic
553. The SCAN algorithm moves the arm methodically from the inner to the outer track,
servicing every request in its path

answer: False
554. First-come, first-served (FCFS) is the simplest device-scheduling algorithm.
answer: True
555. A magneto-optical (MO) disk drive combines the technology of magnetic disks with
that of optical discs.
answer: True
556. Access methods are dictated by a file's organization; the most flexibility is allowed
with indexed sequential files and the least with sequential.
answer: true
557. Sequential record organization is by far the easiest to implement because records
are stored and retrieved serially, one after the other.
answer: True
558. When someone creates a folder, the system creates a subdirectory in the current
directory or folder.
answer: True
559. An extension is usually two or three characters long and is separated from the
relative name by a period.
answer: True
560. Tree structures are inefficient for searching because there are fewer entries in
each directory.
answer: False
561. In newer operating systems, a subdirectory is created when a user opens an
account to access the computer system.
answer: true
562. Each volume can only contain a single file.
answer: False
563. Examples of batch commands are CREATE, DELETE, RENAME, and COPY.
answer: False
564. Additional complex configurations of RAID can be created by combining multiple
answer: True
565. RAID Level 0 is the only one that does not provide error correction, or redundancy,
and so it is not considered a true form of RAID because it cannot recover from hardware

answer: True
566. The file's type include
answer: Regular, Directories, Character Special, Block Special
567. The 1st block in each partition is called _____
answer: boot block
568. A ____ is a group of related records that contains information to be used by
specific application program.
answer: File
569. A ____ is a group of related bytes that can be identified by the user with name,
type, and size.
answer: Filed
570. A ____ is a group of related fields
answer: Record
571. appears to the file manager to be a type of file, but are more complex because
they\266re actually groups of related files that are interconnected
answer: Database
572. contains instructions
answer: Program files
573. are listings of file names and their attributes
answer: Directories
574. _____ is having one directory containing all files
answer: Single-level Directory System
575. The interface between the controller and the device is often _____
answer: a very low level interface
576. The controller's job is to convert the _____ into a block of bytes and perform any
_____ necessary
answer: serial bit stream, error correction
577. For a movable head device, which of the following contributes the most to the total
access time for a record?
answer: seek time
578. To write data to flash memory, an electric charge is sent through one transistor,
called the ____, then through a metal oxide layer, and into a second transistor called
the control gate where the charge is stored in a cell until it's erased.

answer: floating gate

579. A dual-layer, single-sided DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) can hold the equivalent of
____ CDs.
answer: 13
580. A fundamental difference between an optical disc and a magnetic disk is the track
and sector design.
answer: True
581. Buffers are used to store data read from an input device before it's needed by the
processor and to store data that will be written to an output device.
answer: True
582. RAID introduces the much-needed concept of redundancy to help systems recover
from hardware failure, it also requires fewer disk drives, which decreases hardware
answer: False
583. RAID Level 0 is the only one that does not provide error correction, or redundancy,
and so it is not considered a true form of RAID because it cannot recover from hardware
answer: False
584. The advantage of RAID Level 3 is that if any one drive fails, data can be restored
using the bits in the parity disk.
answer: False
585. The advent of optical discs was made possible by developments in ____
answer: laser
586. Which of the following is true of an optical disc?
answer: There is only one track
587. The software used to create a CD-R uses a standard format, such as ____, which
automatically checks for errors and creates a table of contents, used to keep track of
each file's location.
answer: ISO 9096
588. At the start of an I/O command, what information passed from the CPU to the
answer: All of the above- Channel number, Address of the physical..., Starting address
of a memomry...

589. Which is the seek strategy in which the request with the track closest to the one
being served is the next to be satisfied?
answer: SSTF
590. Which RAID level uses word parity for error correction?
answer: 3
591. Which RAID level requires two different parity calculations?
answer: 6
592. The number of characters that can be recorded per inch on a magnetic tape is
determined by the ____ of the tape.
answer: density
593. How many bits make up the Channel Status Word (CSW)?
answer: 3
594. ____ devices are assigned to only one job at a time.
answer: Dedicated
595. The I/O ____ allocates the devices, control units, and channels
answer: scheduler
596. is special high-speed memory that allows a microprocessor to access data more
rapidly than from memory located elsewhere on the motherboard.
answer: cache
597. ____ is usually a prefix that means 1,000.
answer: Kilo
598. A ____ is 1,024 bits
answer: kilobit
599. The prefix ____ means billion.
answer: giga
600. A ____ is an integrated circuit designed to process instructions.
answer: microprocessor
601. The ____ performs arithmetic operations, such as addition and subtraction.
answer: ALU
602. The ALU uses ____ to hold data that is being processed.

answer: words
603. ____ means a billion cycles per second
answer: Gigahertz
604. Using a technology called ____, a processor can begin executing an instruction
before it completes the previous instruction.
answer: pipelining
605. ____ is a temporary holding area for data, application program instructions, and
the operating system.
answer: RAM
606. Unlike disk storage, most RAM is ______.
answer: volatile
607. RAM speed is often expressed in ____.
answer: nanoseconds
608. ____ is a type of memory circuitry that holds the computer's startup routine
answer: ROM (Read-Only Memory)
609. ____ time is the average time it takes a computer to locate data on the storage
medium and read it.
answer: Access
610. Data ____ rate is the amount of data that a storage device can move from the
storage medium to the computer per second.
answer: transfer
611. If a processor has begun executing an instruction before it completes the previous
instruction, it must be using ____.
answer: pipelining
612. Software to set up communication between a computer and a device
answer: device driver
613. Buffers are used to store data read from an input device before it's needed by the
processor and to store data that will be written to an output device.
answer: True
614. Without DMA, the ____ is responsible for the physical movement of data between
main memory and the device
answer: CPU
615. Advantages of Memory-Mapped I/O

answer: A I/O device driver can be written entire in C, No special protection

mechanism is needed..., Every instruction that can reference memory can also
reference control registers
616. Disadvantages of Memory-Mapped I/O
answer: Caching a device control register would be disastrous, The I/O devices have no
way of seeing memory addresses..., The need of figuring out at boot time which
memory addresses are not really memory addresses
617. is a sort of pseudofile that can be used to connect to processes
answer: A pipe
618. are used to model devices that consist of a collection of randomly addressable
blocks, such as disks
answer: Block special files
619. are used to model printers,modems and other devices that accept or output a
character stream
answer: Character special files
620. The UNIX command interpreter, or GUI
answer: shell
621. Which of there statements about virtual memory are true?
answer: Enabled the abi...,Gives the ability...
622. Which of there statements about virtual memory are not true?
answer: None of others
623. System calls
answer: The interface...,Permit application...
624. OS manage the system security such as authentication, protecting the system from
unwanted intruders
answer: Protection
625. Which of there statements about Monolithic Systems are true?
answer: All-A set of service, utily pro..,A main program...
626. The First-Come, First-Served algorithm is very simple to implement because it
answer: uses a FIFO queue
627. Process includes
answer: variable,register,curent value of PC
628. A process is a program on the disk

answer: false
629. A process is not a program on the disk (A)
answer: True
630. A process has
answer: state,i/o,expression
631. When was the process created?
answer: A user request,Excution of a...
632. A memory free in 3 frames. Which values do the last page frame contain after
running as the following page 7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0 using LRU
answer: 4 3 0
633. A memory free in 3 frames. Which values do the last page frame contain after
running as the following page 7, 0, 1, 2 , 0, 3, 0 , 4, 2, 3 , 0 using LRU
answer: 4 3 0
634. Each page can be labeled with the number of instructions that will be executed
before that page is first reference. Choose the page that will be the lastest one
accessed in the future between all the pages actually in memory
answer: Optimal
635. Which address range (byte) is corresponding to 32 bit virtual address 0x00403004
(4.206.596 in decimal)? (Using Multilevel Page Table)
answer: 4.206.592 to 4.210.687
636. Which of these statements about No memory Abstraction are true?
answer: No swapping, No paging
637. One of the way of memory organization is ______ at the bottom of memory in the
simplest model of No Memory Abstraction
answer: Operating System
638. Which of these statements about address space definition are true?
answer: Is decoupled,do not have...
639. Base register holds the ________ where the program begins in A memory
answer: physical address
640. Limit register specifies ______ in A memory Abstraction
answer: the length of program
641. Which of these statements about the advantages of i-node are true?

answer: All of others

642. the main function of the ______ is to map the ACSII name of a file onto the
information needed to locate the data of that file
answer: directory system
643. The directory entry that contains
answer: The information needed, some file...
644. To speed up searching directories, _____ is used
answer: cache, hastable
645. Long and variable-length file name is implemented as
answer: Lasting of..., making..in the heap
646. Disk blocks are not listed in directories, but in little data structure (i-node)
associated with the file itself. The directories would then point just to the little data
answer: hard linking, symbolic
647. The solution is used to many different file systems are used on the same computer,
even same OS
answer: Virtual File System
648. To prevent people from hogging too much disk space, multiuse OS often provide a
mechanism for enforcing _____
answer: disk quotas
649. Start at block 0 of disk, writes all the disk blocks onto the output tap in order, and
stops when it has copied the last one
answer: Physical dump
650. The technique is applied in File System Performance
answer: All-block read, cache, reducing
651. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. The ordering cylinder in
progress using SSF algorithms is
answer: 18, 20, 22, 10, 6, 2, 38, 40
652. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. The ordering cylinder in
progress using elevator algorithms is

answer: 18, 20, 22, 38, 40, 10 6 2

653. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. The ordering cylinder in
progress using a slight modification of elevator algorithms
answer: 18, 20, 22, 38, 40, 2, 6, 10
654. Which of these statements about the advantages of clocks are true?
answer: Maintain the time, Are sessential..
655. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. How many cylinder do Total
head movement using SSF algorithms?
answer: 62
656. Programmable clocks typically have several modes of operation
answer: one-shot, square-wave
657. Typical duties of a clock driver
answer: Handinh alarm, watchdog, accouting
658. The message using on mouse software usually occupies 3 bytes containing
answer: the change in x,y, the status of button
659. The X Window System include
answer: X server, X client
660. The average red, green, and blue values of each grid square are then sampled
and saved as the value of one _____
answer: bitmaps
661. E = (3, 14, 12, 12)
answer: P1, P3, P4, P5, P2
662. E = (10, 5, 7)
answer: P2, P4, P5, P1, P3
663. A = (1, 5, 2, 0)
answer: None of others
664. A = (1,5,2,0)
answer: None of others
665. ____ refer the objects as hardware devices, data records, files, etc .. that must be
granted, acquired, used and released
answer: resources

666. The are two type resources

answer: nonpreemp,preemtable
667. ____ is resources that can be taken away from the process owing it with no ill
answer: preemptable
668. Which of these statements about the advantages of preemptable resources are
answer: Preemptable resource can be...
669. The sequence of events required to use resource
answer: Request, use, release
670. A set of process is ____ if each process in the set is waiting for an event that only
another process in the set
answer: deadlocked
671. A resource that is owned by a deadlocked process
answer: resource deadlocks
672. A computer has 512MB of memory, with OS taking 512 MB and each user
program also taking up 128MB with an 80% average I/O wait? How percentage of
CPUutilization does?
answer: 49%
673. The need for algorithms to resolve conflicts between processors is called process
answer: synchronization
674. The only reason for multiprocessing is to increase computer power
answer: False
675. For many computational purposes, serial processing is sufficient; it's easy to
implement and fast enough for most users.
answer: true
676. Threads share the same resources as the process that created them.
answer: True
677. In a symmetric configuration, processor scheduling is ____.
answer: decentralized
678. Multiprocessing can refer to one job using several processors to execute sets of
instructions in parallel.

answer: true
679. Parallel processing is also called ____.
answer: multipprocessing
680. ____ proposed a solution to the readers and writers problem that did not result in
starvation for readers or writers.
answer: courtois
681. The loosely coupled configuration features several complete computer systems,
each with its own memory, I/O devices, CPU, and operating system.
answer: True
682. The success of process synchronization hinges on the capability of the operating
system to make a resource available to other processes while it is being used by one of
answer: False
683. The common element in all synchronization schemes is to allow a process to finish
work on a critical region of the program before other processes have access to it.
answer: True
684. For many computational purposes, serial processing is sufficient; it's easy to
implement and fast enough for most users.
answer: True
685. Multiprocessing can refer to one job using several processors to execute sets of
instructions in parallel.
answer: True
686. Operations on semaphore s enforce the concept of ____, which is necessary to
avoid having two operations attempt to execute at the same time.
answer: mutual exclution
687. A ____ of processing must be handled as a unit.
answer: critical region
688. The only reason for multiprocessing is to increase computer power.
answer: False
689. The supercomputer was developed primarily for government applications needing
massive and fast number-crunching ability to carry out military operations and weather
answer: True

690. In the 1950s, only one FORTRAN program could run at a time, and then the
FORTRAN compiler had to be reloaded into memory.
answer: False
691. A supercomputer can perform ____ floating-point operations per second.
answer: 2.4 trillion
692. A system with ____ divides programs into parts and keep them in secondary
storage, bringing each part into memory only as it is needed.
answer: virtual memory
693. Real-time systems are used in time-critical environments where reliability is key
and data must be processed within a strict time limit.
answer: True
694. Powerful microcomputers developed for use by commercial, educational and
government enterprises are called ____.
answer: workstations
695. Since the mid-1970s rapid advances in computer technology have blurred the
distinguishing characteristics of early machines.
answer: True
696. ____ means that several logical records are grouped within one physical record.
answer: Blocking
697. ____ include(s) every peripheral unit in the system such as printers, disk drives,
CD/DVD drives, flash memory, keyboards, and so on.
answer: I/O Devices
698. The first bug was a moth trapped in a Harvard computer.
answer: True
699. The overwhelming demand for ____ capability in the mid-1990s sparked the
proliferation of networking capability.
answer: Internet
700. Vacuum tube computers were used during the period of ____.
answer: 1940-1955
701. ____ introduced the need for control cards, which defined the exact nature of each
program and its requirements.
answer: Job Scheduling

702. The minicomputer of the 1970s was smaller than the microcomputer.
answer: False
703. Many early programs used convoluted logic that only the original programmer
could understand, so it was nearly impossible for anyone else to debug or change the
program later on.
answer: True
704. The ____ is unique to each operating system.
answer: User Interface
705. The name for the nucleus of an operating system is the ____.
answer: Kernel
706. The ____ is used to indicate that a program is permanently held in ROM (read only
memory), as opposed to being held in secondary storage.
answer: firmware
707. The high-level portion of the Process Manager is called the Process Scheduler.
answer: False
708. A process requires space in main memory where it resides during its execution
although, from time to time, it requires other resources such as data files or I/O devices.
answer: True
709. The ____ allocates each resource, starts its operation, and, finally, deallocates the
resource, making it available to the next process or job.
answer: Device Manager
710. The best-fit free list scheme uses memory more efficiently than the first-fit free
scheme but it is slower to implement.
answer: True
711. To overlay is to transfer segments of a program from main memory into secondary
storage for execution, so that two or more segments take turns occupying the same
memory locations.
answer: True
712. During compaction, the operating system must distinguish between addresses and
data values, and the distinctions are not obvious once the program has been loaded
into memory.
answer: True
713. The following,____, describes the first memory allocation scheme.

answer: ...was loaded in its entirety into memory and allocated as much contiguous
space in memory as it needed
714. The operating system can tell the ____ of each group of digits by its location in
the line and the operation code.
answer: function
715. The ____ of memory, sometimes referred to as garbage collection or
defragmentation, is performed by the operating system to reclaim fragmented sections
of the memory space.
answer: compaction
716. Research continues to focus on finding the optimum allocation scheme.
answer: True
717. By compacting and relocating, the Memory Manager optimizes the use of memory
and thus improves throughput, but an unfortunate side effect is more ____.
answer: Overhead
718. The first attempt to allow for multiprogramming used fixed partitions.
answer: True
719. The fixed partition scheme works well if all of the jobs run on the system are of the
same size or if the sizes are known ahead of time and don't vary between
answer: True
720. For a fixed partition system, memory deallocation is quite complex.
answer: False
721. The fixed partition scheme does not require that the entire program be stored
contiguously and in memory from the beginning to the end of its execution.
answer: False
722. The fixed partition scheme works well ____.
answer: when jobs have the same size
723. One of the problems with the best-fit algorithm is that the entire table must be
searched before the allocation can be made because the memory blocks are physically
stored in sequence according to their location in memory.
answer: True
724. First-come, first-served (FCFS) is a very simple algorithm to implement because it
answer: uses a FIFO queue

725. Multiple-level queues isn't really a separate scheduling algorithm but works in
conjunction with several other schemes.
answer: True
726. The Job Scheduler seeks to ____, when scheduling jobs.
answer: balance CPU and I/O intensive jobs
727. Assume that four jobs A-D require the CPU cycles listed below. Using the SJN
algorithm, the average turnaround time is ____.
answer: 9.0
728. Assume jobs A-D arrive in quick succession in the READY queue. Using round
robin scheduling, the turnaround time for job C is ____.
answer: 24
729. The Process Scheduler assigns the CPU to execute the processes of those jobs
placed on the ____ queue by the Job Scheduler.
answer: READY
730. From HOLD, the job moves to WAITING when it's ready to run but is waiting for the
answer: False
731. Each job is uniquely identified by the user's identification and a pointer connecting
it to its descriptor.
answer: True
732. In a highly interactive environment there is a third layer of the Processor Manager
called the ____ scheduler.
answer: middle-level
733. Some systems increase the priority of jobs that have been in the system for an
unusually long time to expedite their exit, which is known as ____.
answer: aging
734. The Processor Manager is a composite of two submanagers: one in charge of job
scheduling and the other in charge of program scheduling.
answer: False
735. As a job moves through the system it is always in one of five states (or at least
three); these are called the job status or the process status.
answer: True
736. Once starvation has been detected, an algorithm can be implemented in which the
system blocks new jobs until the starving jobs have been satisfied.
answer: True

737. In the \"dining philosophers\"problem, a philosopher can pick up a fork when____.

answer: there are two available
738. 1 P1 requests and is allocated the printer R1. 3 P2 requests and is allocated the
disk drive R2.
answer: There is no deadlock
739. In the dining philosophers problem there are five philosophers and four forks.
answer: False
740. According to the Banker's Algorithm an unsafe state always leads to deadlock.
answer: False
741. ____ occurs when two processes do not release control of resources they are
answer: Resource holding
742. When modeling deadlock, if there's a cycle in the graph, then there is a deadlock
involving the processes and the resources in the cycle.
answer: True
743. Consider the case of a home construction company with two application programs,
purchasing (P1) and sales (P2), which are active at the same time. They each need to
access two files, inventory (F1) and suppliers (F2), to update daily transactions. The
following series of events will cause a deadlock. Fill in the missing event in the
answer: purchasing (P1) does release the supplier file (F2) which is then requested by
sales (P2)
744. For ____ systems, deadlocks quickly become critical situations.
answer: real-time
745. Failure to lock database records before updating them may result in a ____
between processes.
answer: race
746. A deadlock is preceded by six simultaneous conditions that the operating system
could have recognized.
answer: False
747. ____ developed the Banker's Algorithm.
answer: Dijkstra
748. At an insurance company the system performs many daily transactions. One day
the following series of events ties up the system:

answer: P2 is put on hold while the control unit moves the arm to satisfy P1's request
749. Deadlock does not usually affect the entire system.
answer: False
750. A network that's congested or has filled a large percentage of its I/O buffer space
can become deadlocked if it doesn't have ____ to control the flow of messages through
the network.
answer: Protocols
751. One problem with the Banker's Algorithm is that resources aren't well utilized
because the algorithm assumes the worst case and, as a result, keeps vital resources
unavailable to guard against unsafe states.
answer: True
752. Deadlocks are most serious in real-time systems.
answer: true
753. Once starvation has been detected, an algorithm can be implemented in which the
system blocks new jobs until the starving jobs have been satisfied.
answer: True
754. ____ is the act of allowing only one process to have access to a dedicated
answer: Mutual exclusion
755. According to the Banker's Algorithm an unsafe state always leads to deadlock.
answer: False
756. If locks are not used to preserve data integrity, the updated records in a database
might include only some of the data\u2014and their contents would depend on the order
in which each process finishes its execution.
answer: True
757. In the dining philosophers problem there are five philosophers and four forks.
answer: False
758. Starvation is the result of the liberal allocation of resources.
answer: False
759. When modeling deadlock, if there's a cycle in the graph, then there is a deadlock
involving the processes and the resources in the cycle.
answer: True

760. Deadlock was a serious problem for early batch systems.

answer: False
761. Fill in the missing step in the following deadlock situation. Two users from the local
board of education are each running a program (P1 and P2), and both programs will
eventually need two DVD drives to copy files from one disc to another. Only two DVD-R
drives are available and they're allocated on an \"as requested\"basis. Soon the
following sequence transpires:
answer: P2 requests drive 2 and gets it.
762. An optical disc drive adjusts the speed of the disc's spin to compensate for the
sector's location on the disc\u2014this is called continuous linkage velocity (CLV).
answer: False
763. The SCAN algorithm moves the arm methodically from the inner to the outer track,
servicing every request in its path.
answer: False
764. The data-transfer rate for an optical disc is measured in ____ per second and
refers to the speed at which massive amounts of data can be read from the disc.
answer: megabytes
765. If the transport speed for a magnetic tape is 200 inches per second and the density
is 1600 bpi, a total of ____ bytes can be transferred in one second.
answer: 32.000
766. ____ is a way to optimize search times by ordering the requests once the
read/write heads have been positioned.
answer: Rotational ordering
767. ____ uses the same underlying philosophy as shortest job next, where the shortest
jobs are processed first and longer jobs are made to wait.
answer: SSTF
768. A DVD with a fast data transfer rate will drop fewer frames when playing back a
recorded video segment than will a unit with a slower transfer rate.
answer: True
769. The traffic controller maintains a database containing the status and connections
for each unit in the I/O subsystem, grouped into Channel Control Blocks, Control Unit
Control Blocks, and Device Control Blocks.
answer: True
770. A fixed-head disk is lower in cost than a movable head disk.
answer: False

771. Direct access storage devices (DASDs) are devices that can directly read or write
to a specific place on a disk.
answer: True
772. Among the many differences between an optical disc and a magnetic disk is the
design of the disc track and sectors
answer: True
773. When using DMA, the CPU is involved in transferring data to and from memory for
the entire transfer.
answer: False
774. To put data on an optical disc requires a high-intensity laser beam, which burns
indentations, called pits, and flat areas, called ____.
answer: lands
775. Data recorded on fixed-head DASDs may or may not be blocked at the discretion
of the
answer: application programmer
776. When using the clock page replacement policy, a page with a reference bit of ____
is replaced.
answer: 0
777. The segmented/demand paged memory allocation scheme offers the logical
benefits of segmentation, as well as the physical benefits of paging.
answer: True
778. Studies have shown that having any ____, even a small one, can substantially
improve the performance of the computer system.
answer: cache
779. Every time an instruction is executed, or a data value is used, the operating system
(or the hardware) must translate the job space address, which is relative, into its
physical address, which is absolute.
answer: True
780. One sector will hold one page of job instructions and fit into one page frame of
answer: True
781. With demand paging, jobs are divided into equally sized ____ that initially reside in
secondary storage.
answer: pages

782. The cache hit ratio is ____, if the total number of requests is 10 and 6 of those are
found in cache memory.
answer: 60%
783. Consider the following page fault handler algorithm. Replace the * in the algorithm
with ____.
answer: write page to disk
784. One sector will hold one page of job instructions and fit into one page frame of
answer: true
785. The ____ policy is based on the theory that the best page to remove is the one that
has been in memory the longest.
answer: FIFO
786. Assume that the Page Map Table below is in effect. The number of lines per page
is 400. The actual memory location for line 433 is ____.
answer: 4033
787. When there is an excessive amount of page swapping between main memory and
secondary storage, the operation becomes inefficient, which is called ____.
answer: thrashing
788. A job's working set is the set of pages residing in memory that can be accessed
answer: False
789. A variation of the LRU page replacement algorithm is known as the clock page
replacement policy because it is implemented with a circular queue and uses a pointer
to step through the reference bits of the active pages, simulating a clockwise motion.
answer: True
790. Within the Memory Manager the Segment Link Table lists details about each
segment (one for each job).
answer: False
791. Consider the following four cases. The LRU policy,____, will be least likely to swap.
answer: Case 4
792. The key to the successful implementation of demand paging is the use of a direct
access memory device that can work directly with the CPU.
answer: False

793. Every time an instruction is executed, or a data value is used, the operating system
(or the hardware) must translate the job space address, which is relative, into its
physical address, which is absolute.
answer: True
794. The ____ policy is based on the theory that the best page to remove is the one that
has been in memory the longest.
answer: FIFO
795. The term ____, means that during any phase of its execution, the program
references only a small fraction of its pages.
answer: locality of reference
796. One of the most important innovations of demand paging was that it made ____
answer: virtual memory
797. One sector will hold one page of job instructions and fit into one page frame of
answer: True
798. To move in a new page, a resident page must be swapped back into primary
answer: False
799. During the second generation, programmers started dividing their programs into
sections that resembled working sets, really segments, originally called roll in/roll out
and now called ____.
answer: Overlays
800. The use of virtual memory requires cooperation between the Memory Manager
(which tracks each page or segment) and the processor hardware (which issues the
interrupt and resolves the virtual address).
answer: True
801. Demand paging was the first widely used scheme that removed the restriction of
having the entire job in memory from the beginning to the end of its processing.
answer: True
802. The Job Table (JT) contains two entries for each active job: the size of the job and
the memory location where its Page Map Table is stored.
answer: True

803. To find the exact position of an instruction in memory, after the page number and
displacement has been calculated, the operating system refers to the job's PMT to find
out which page frame contains the page.
answer: True
804. to support the ability to have (pseudo) concurrent operation even when there is
only one CPU available
answer: OS abstraction
805. An abstraction of the sequence of instructions
answer: executed by the processor
806. instance of an executing program
answer: current values of PC, registers, and variables
807. is a sequential stream of execution in its own address space
answer: process
808. By switching the CPU between processes, the OS can make the computer more
answer: True
809. The program is a static (inactive) entity, whereas the process is an active one
answer: True
810. There are two parts of a process
answer: sequential execution, process state
811. no concurrency inside a process; everything happens sequentially (There is only
one CPU and one physical program counter)
answer: sequential execution
812. everything that process interacts with (registers, memory, files, etc)
answer: process state
813. contains all the information, that needed (varies from system to system) so that a
process can be restarted as if it had never been stopped
answer: PCB(Process Control block)
814. The CPU is allocated only one process at one time
answer: True
815. Handles the incoming message by the system creates a new thread that are brand
new . This thread is identical to all the others, but it do not have any history (registers,
stack, \u2026) that must be restored
answer: Pop-up Threads

816. Advantages of Pop-up threads

answer: creat quickly, .. very short
817. Disadvantages of Threads
answer: Greater cost, thread creation, saving is slow
818. The part of program where the shared memory is accessed
answer: critical regions
819. If one thread is executing in its critical section, no other threads can be executing
in their critical sections (Only one process can use a shared resource at one moment)
answer: Mutual Exclusion
820. is a system call that causes the caller to block, that is, be suspended until the
another process wakes it up
answer: sleep
821. call has one parameter, the process to be awakened
answer: wakeup
822. There are two ways of using semaphores
answer: Mutual exclusion, Synchronization
823. Is a proposal of Brinch Hansen (1973) and Hoare (1974) Is a proposal of Brinch
Hansen and Hoare Is a collection of procedures, variables, and data structures that are
all grouped together in a special kind of module or package
answer: Monitors
824. is used for the communicating processes are on different machines connected by a
answer: Message-Passing System
825. Is intended for groups of processes rather than two process producer-consumer
type situations
answer: Barriers
826. OS component that decides what process will be run and for how long
answer: Scheduler
827. A key issued related to scheduling is when to make
answer: scheduling decisions
828. A decision needs to be made whether run the parent or child process
answer: Process creation

829. A decision must be made when a process exits. That process can no longer run,
so some other process must be chosen from the set of ready processes. If no process
is ready, a system-supplied idle process is normally run
answer: Process termination
830. When a process blocks, another process has to be selected to run
answer: Process blocking
831. If the interrupt came from an I/O device that has now completed its work, some
process that was blocked waiting for the I/O may now be ready to run
answer: Interrupt occurrence
832. equivalent processes get equivalent CPU times
answer: Fairness
833. if the local policy is that safety control processes get to run whenever they want to,
even if it means the payroll is 30 sec late, the scheduler has to make sure this policy
answer: Policy enforcement
834. The number of processes that complete their execution per time unit
answer: Throughput
835. Amount of time to execute a particular process Is the sum of the periods spent
waiting in the ready queue, executing on the CPU, doing I/O, etc Is the time from the
process is submitted until it is completed
answer: Turnaround time
836. When a request that is perceived as complex takes a long time, users accept that,
but when a request that is perceived as simple takes a long time, users get irritated
answer: Proportionality
837. avoid quality degradation in multimedia systems
answer: Predictability
838. First-Come First Served (FCFS)
answer: simplest,non-preem,require a single queue
839. Shortest Job First (SJF)
answer: non-pree,optimal algorithm
840. Is the optimal algorithm (only) when all the jobs are available simultaneously
answer: Shortest Job First (SJF)
841. priorities are predetermined for each process
answer: statically

842. priorities are assigned by the system to achieve certain goals

answer: dynamically
843. The low priority processes can be waited indefinitely (cannot be executed if the
system occurred errors in runtime) for CPU by higher priority processe
answer: Starvation
844. Is a technique of gradually increasing the priority of processes that wait in the
system for a long time (using the clock interrupt)
answer: Aging
845. One simple way of mapping priorities onto actual scheduling decisions would be to
give to each process a time slice related to its priority
answer: Multiple Queues
846. Is to make estimates based on past behavior and run process with the shortest
estimated running time
answer: Shortest Process Next (SPT)
847. Shortest Process Next (SPT)
answer: Non-preemptive policy
848. If a single-user system with n processes running, each one should get 1/n of the
CPU cycles
answer: Guaranteed Scheduling
849. can be used to solve problems that are difficult to handle with other methods
answer: Lottery scheduling
850. Each process is scheduled on its own, without regard to who its owner is
answer: Fair-Share Scheduling
851. Round-robin and priority scheduling is applied Switching a thread takes a handful
of machine instructions
answer: User-level
852. User-level thread is more performance than kernel-level thread in scheduling
answer: True
853. all of them take their left forks simultaneously. None will be able to take their rights
answer: deadlock

854. all of them could start the algorithm simultaneously, pick up their left forks, seeing
that their right forks were not available, putting down their left forks, waiting, and picking
up \u2026 forever
answer: Starvation
855. keep track of which part of memory are in use and which are not allocate and
release areas of main memory to processes coordinate how the different types of
memory are used allocate and release areas of main memory to processes manage
swapping between main memory and disk, when main memory is too small to hold all
the processes
answer: Memory Manager
856. is possible to run multiple programs at the same time
answer: Multiple Programs
857. At the compile time, the address of program is a relative addresses After loaded,
the process cannot change its location in memory Not protection inside process
answer: Static relocation
858. Is the abstraction that is referenced to the set of addresses a process - Is the set of
addresses that a process can use to address memory - Is decoupled from the physical
memory (larger or smaller) - Is a very general concept and occurs in many contexts - Do
not have to be numeric
answer: Address space
859. hold the physical address where the program begins in memory.
answer: Base register
860. specify the length of program
answer: Limit register
861. The memory is divided up into allocation units of the same size - provides a simple
way to keep track memory words in a fixed amount of memory because the size of the
bitmap depends only on the size of memory and the allocation units
answer: Bitmaps
862. The memory manager scans along the list of segments until it finds a hole that a
big enough
answer: First-fit
863. Search the entire list, from beginning to end, and takes the smallest hole that is
answer: Best-fit
864. Take a largest available hole, so that the new hole will be big enough to be useful

answer: Worsk-fit
865. Each program has its own address space, which is broken up into chunks
answer: Pages
866. When the program references a part of its address space that is not in physical
memory, the OS is alerted to go get the missing piece and re-execute the instruction
that failed
answer: Page fault
867. Is a generalization of the base and limit register idea Is the separation of user
logical memory from physical memory This separation allows an extremely large virtual
memory to be provided for developers when only a smaller physical memory is available
answer: Virtual Memory
868. A mapping unit from virtual addresses into physical addresses
answer: (MMU)Memory Management Unit
869. The physical memory is divided up into units of the same size corresponding in the
physical memory called
answer: page frame
870. Virtual address space Is divided into fixed-size units
answer: pages
871. Is divided into fixed-size units called pages
answer: Virtual address space
872. Is divided up into units of the same size corresponding in the physical memory
called page frames
answer: The physical memory
873. In traditional, the paging has been handled by hardware
answer: True
874. a trap into the OS because of a reference to an address located in a page not in
memory - generated by the MMU - result in a swap between physical memory and disk the referenced page is loaded from disk into memory - the trapped instruction is reexecuted
answer: Page fault
875. Is the function with page number is argument and the page frame as result
answer: Page table
876. for handling large address spaces
answer: inverted page table

877. A modification of FIFO to avoid throwing out a heavily used page

answer: Second-change
878. A program causing page faults every few instructions - If the available memory is
too small to hold the entire working set, the process will cause many page faults and run
answer: Thrashing
879. The process references only a relatively small fraction of its pages in execution
answer: Locality of Reference
880. Keep track of each process's working set and make sure that it is in memory
before letting the process run
answer: prepaging
881. Reduce the page fault rate
answer: avoid thrashing
882. DMA uses physical memory address as following
answer: OS convert the virtual address...
883. What are the three type registers of DMA?
answer: memory address, control, count
884. A computer system consists of
answer: 3,User+system soft,hardware
885. acts as an intermediary between user of a computer and the computer hardware
answer: system software
886. Is also called supervisor mode
answer: Kernel mode
887. Allow multiple remote users to run jobs on the computer at once Each use has at
least one separate program in memory
answer: Timesharing (multitasking)
888. Handle large numbers of small requests
answer: Transaction processing
889. Process routine job without interactive user present Runs one and only one
application The OS always residents in memory and transfer control automatically from
one job to the next in the sequence requested jobs CPU is often idle, all jobs are kept
on a disk
answer: Batch

890. Is known parallel systems

answer: Multiprocessor OS
891. Have very severe processing power and memory constraints Can handle
electronic payments, presenting Java applets
answer: Smart Card OS
892. stores all the information of processes
answer: Process table
893. Make the different programs think they have the hardware on their own (protection
mechanism) a list of memory locations (set of addresses) from 0 to some maximum,
which the process can read and write (the developer can be flexible in coding)
answer: Address space
894. Provide a place to keep files or a way of grouping files together
answer: Directory
895. A mechanism for passing data among processes Is a sort of pseudofile that can be
used connect 2 processes
answer: pipe
896. Is a mechanism for controlling the access programs, processes, or users the
resources defined by OS Involves ensuring that all access to system resources is
controlled Can improve reliability be detecting latent errors at the interface between
component subsystems Give attributes of file to protect the file accession
answer: Protection
897. Is a piece of software that essentially provides a kind of interface for end-users Is
the UNIX command interpreter (or command-line interface) it is not part of the OS, it
makes heavy use of many OS features
answer: Shell
898. a file that contains a list of shell command be executed in order (same as the bat
file in DOS)
answer: shell scripts
899. Gives the ability to run programs larger than the machine's physical memory by
moving pieces back and forth between RAM and disk Enabled the ability to have a
program dynamically link on a library at run time instead of having it compiled in
completely protecting system resources, solving system compatibility system and do not
disrupt the normal system operation - can not allocate all disks - Supports to run more
OSs at the same time (Windows, Linux)
answer: Virtual Memory

900. The interface between user programs and the OS (hidden to user) Permit
application programs to access protected resources Making a system call is like making
a special of procedure call located in the kernel
answer: System Calls
901. provide a convenient environment for program development and execution define
the view of the OS seen by most users Are a simply user interfaces to system call
answer: System programs
902. The entire OS runs as a single program in kernel mode The OS is written as a
collection of procedures, linked together into a single large executable binary program
Run only on one single large executable binary program (not flexibility) Do not
protection, but hide information
answer: Monolithic Systems
903. Remove all nonessential components from the kernel, and implement them on
user mode (splitting the OS into small, well-defined modules) Running each task as an
independent (separate) process The modules run user modeMaking a minimal kernel
by put the mechanism for doing something in the kernel but not the policy (scheduling
with highest priority process) Provide a communication facility using message passing
between the client program and the various series in user mode
answer: Microkernels
904. Is a program running in kernel mode Giving each user a subset of the resource
(instead of exact copying entire of underlying real machine) Allocate resources to virtual
machines and ensure the protection of them. make the VM thinking that it has its own
disk (0 to maximum size of partition area) scheme is saved a layer mapping Need keep
track of which virtual machine has been assigned which resource Separate the
multiprogramming in user mode (protection from real machine)
answer: Exokernels
905. Computer systems are full of resources that can only be used by one process at a
answer: True
906. All OS have the ability to (temporarily) grant a process exclusive access to certain
answer: True
907. A process needs exclusive access do not one resource, but several
answer: True

908. A set of blocked processes each holding a resource and waiting to acquire a
resource held by another process in the set, thus they will remain so forever
answer: Deadlock
909. Deadlock does not occur only on local machine but also across machines
answer: True-Deadlock
910. Deadlocks can occur in a variety of different situations such as requesting
dedicated I/O devices, on hardware or software resources
answer: True-Deadlock
911. Is resources that can be taken away from the process owning it with no ill effects
(either on system or others) can be resolved deadlocks by reallocating resources from
one process to another
answer: Preemtable
912. For a movable head device, which of the following contributes the most to the total
access time for a record?
answer: seek time
913. To write data to flash memory, an electric charge is sent through one transistor,
called the ____, then through a metal oxide layer, and into a second transistor called
the control gate where the charge is stored in a cell until it's erased.
answer: floating gate
914. A dual-layer, single-sided DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) can hold the equivalent of
____ CDs.
answer: 13
915. In a fixed-head magnetic disk, each circle is called a ____.
answer: track
916. Which RAID level requires two different parity calculations?
answer: 6
917. At the start of an I/O command, what information passed from the CPU to the
answer: All of the above
918. The advent of optical discs was made possible by developments in ____
answer: laser
919. The number of characters that can be recorded per inch on a magnetic tape is
determined by the ____ of the tape.
answer: density

920. How many bits make up the Channel Status Word (CSW)?
answer: 3
921. ____ devices are assigned to only one job at a time.
answer: Dedicated
922. Which of the following is true of an optical disc
answer: there is only one track
923. The I/O ____ allocates the devices, control units, and channels
answer: scheduler
924. The software used to create a CD-R uses a standard format, such as ____, which
automatically checks for errors and creates a table of contents, used to keep track of
each file's location.
answer: ISO 9096
925. 1. The Memory Manager, the Interface Manager, the User Manager, and the File
Manager are the basis of all operating systems.
answer: B. False
926. 2. The Device Manager monitors every device, channel, and control unit.
answer: A. True
927. 3. The File Manager is responsible for data files but not program files.
answer: B. False
928. 4. The central processing unit (CPU) is the brains of the computer with the
circuitry to control the interpretation and execution of instructions.
answer: A. True
929. 5. Until the mid-1970s, all computers were classified by price alone.
answer: B. False
930. 6. Onboard systems are computers placed inside other products to add features
and capabilities.
answer: B. False
931. 7. Few major advances were made in data management during the 1960s.
answer: A. True
932. 8. The fixed partition scheme does not require that the entire program be stored
contiguously and in memory from the beginning to the end of its execution.
answer: B. False

933. 9. A large job can have problems with a first-fit memory allocation list.
answer: A. True
934. 10. In the relocatable dynamic partitions scheme, the Memory Manager relocates
programs to gather together all of the empty blocks and compact them to make one
block of memory large enough to accommodate some or all of the jobs waiting to get in.
answer: A. True
935. 11. After relocation and compaction, both the free list and the busy list are updated.
answer: A. True
936. 12. Compaction should always be performed only when there are jobs waiting to
get in.
answer: B. False
937. 13. Each page of a job is actually stored in a page frame that can be located
anywhere in available main memory.
answer: A. True
938. 14. To find the exact position of an instruction in memory, after the page number
has been calculated, the operating system refers to the job's PMT to find out which
page frame contains the page.
answer: A. True
939. 15. The address of the beginning of a page frame is found by multiplying the page
frame number by the number of frames.
answer: B. False
940. 16. Demand paging requires that the Page Map Table for each job keep track of
each page as it is loaded or removed from main memory.
answer: A. True
941. 17. The first-in first-out (FIFO) page replacement policy will remove the pages that
have been in memory the shortest.
answer: B. False
942. 18. When using a FIFO scheme, more memory will always result in better
answer: B. False
943. 19. In general, when a job is allocated to the CPU its Page Map Table is loaded
into main memory while the Segment Map Tables are loaded only as needed.
answer: B. False
944. 20. A program is an active entity that requires a set of resources, including a
processor and special registers, to perform its function.

answer: B. False
945. 21. A single processor can be shared by several jobs, or several processes, but if,
and only if, the operating system has a scheduling policy, as well as a scheduling
algorithm, to determine when to stop working on one job and proceed to another.
answer: A. True
946. 22. The transition from one job or process status to another is initiated by either the
Job Scheduler or the Process Scheduler.
answer: A. True
947. 23. The Process Scheduler often uses a timing mechanism and periodically
interrupts running processes when a predetermined slice of time has expired.
answer: A. True
948. 24. Shortest job next (SJN) is a nonpreemptive scheduling algorithm (also known
as shortest job first, or SJF) that handles jobs based on the length of their CPU cycle
answer: A. True
949. 25. ____ operating systems are typically used for a network platform.
answer: C. Linux, NetWare, UNIX, Windows
950. 26. ____ systems are used in time-critical environments where reliability is key and
data must be processed within a strict time limit.
answer: D. Real-time
951. 27. A hybrid system is a combination of the ____ systems.
answer: A. batch and interactive
952. 28. Second-generation computers were developed to meet the needs of ____.
answer: B. businesses
953. 29. In second-generation computers, to reduce the discrepancy in speed between
the I/O and the CPU, an interface called the ____ was placed between them to act as a
answer: A. control unit
954. 30. The most common mechanism for implementing multiprogramming was the
introduction of the ____ concept, which is when the CPU is notified of events needing
operating systems services.
answer: D. interrupt

955. 31. A typical ____ computer houses devices to perform audio, video, and graphic
creation and editing.
answer: B. multimedia
956. 32. ____ is the partitioning of a single server, each of which can support a different
operating system.
answer: C. Virtualization
957. 33. The name for the core part of an operating system is____.
answer: D. kernel
958. 34. In a single-user system, jobs are processed ____.
answer: A. sequentially
959. 35. In the algorithm to load a job in a single-user system, the program counter is
initially set to ____.
answer: D. the address of the first memory location
960. 36. Assume the Memory Manager receives a request for a block of 200. When the
best-fit algorithm is used, ____ is the beginning address of the block granted by the
Memory Manager. Beginning Address Memory Block Size: 4075 105/5225 5/6785
600/7560 20/7600 205/10250 4050/15125 230/24500 1000
answer: B. 7600
961. 37. ____ is how memory is deallocated in a fixed partition scheme.
answer: D. Memory Manager resets the status of the memory block where the job was
stored to \"free.\u201D
962. 38. In a dynamic partition scheme, ____, is how the Memory Manager deallocates
a block that is between two other free blocks?
answer: A. The sizes of the three free partitions must be combined.
963. 39. There are ____ entries per page in the PMT.
answer: B. 1
964. 40. If a particular demand paging configuration has 9 page interrupts out of 11
page requests, failure rate is ____.
answer: C. 82%
965. 41. In the PMT, the ____ bit for all pages in memory is 1.
answer: A. status
966. 42. The following phrase____,means that during any phase of its execution, the
program references only a small fraction of its pages.
answer: C. locality of reference

967. 43. ____ can be thought of as being an intermediary between main memory and
the special-purpose registers, which are the domain of the CPU.
answer: B. Cache memory
968. 44. A ____ is a portion of a process that can run independently.
answer: A. thread
969. 45. When the job is accepted by the system, it's put on ____ and placed in a queue.
answer: A. HOLD
970. 46. The transition from ____ is initiated by the Process Scheduler or the Job
971. 47. ____ holds pertinent information, including the address where the job is stored
and, in the case of virtual memory, the mapping between virtual and physical memory
answer: A. Main memory
972. 48. The first-come, first-served (FCFS) algorithm is fine for most ____ systems.
answer: D. batch
973. 49. The purpose of an extension is to ____.
answer: B. identify the type of file
974. 50. When using random access files, the program used to store the data follows a
set of instructions, called a ____ algorithm, that transforms each key into a number, the
record's logical address.
answer: A. hashing
975. 1. Deadlock is a system-wide tangle of resource requests that begins when two or
more jobs are put on hold, each waiting for a vital resource to become available.
answer: A. True
976. 2. Locking can be done only at the level of the entire database.
answer: B. False
977. 3. A deadlock is preceded by five simultaneous conditions that are not necessary
for the operating system to run smoothly.
answer: B. False
978. 4. In many cases, there exists at least one allocation of resources sequence that
will allow jobs to continue without becoming deadlocked.
answer: A. True

979. 5. Although the Banker's Algorithm has been used to avoid deadlocks in systems
with a few resources, it isn't always practical for most systems.
answer: A. True
980. 6. One problem with the Banker's Algorithm is that resources aren't well utilized
because the algorithm assumes the worst case and, as a result, keeps vital resources
unavailable to guard against unsafe states.
answer: A. True
981. 7. There are several recovery algorithms, but they all have one feature in common:
they all require at least one victim, an expendable job, which, when removed from the
deadlock, will free the system.
answer: A. True
982. 8. The master/slave configuration is an symmetric multiprocessing system.
answer: B. False
983. 9. The symmetric configuration is best implemented if the processors are all of the
same type.
answer: A. True
984. 10. Test-and-set is a single indivisible machine instruction known simply as TS
and was introduced by IBM for its multiprocessing System 360/370 computers.
answer: A. True
985. 11. The classic problem of producers and consumers is one in which one process
produces some data that another process consumes later.
answer: A. True
986. 12. Implied parallelism includes automatic detection by the compiler of instructions
that can be performed in parallel.
answer: B. False
987. 13. Thread Information Blocks contain basic information about a thread such as its
ID, state, and a pointer to the process that created it.
answer: B. False
988. 14. The universal serial bus (USB) controller acts as an interface between the
operating system, device drivers, and applications and the devices that are attached via
the USB host.
answer: A. True
989. 15. Direct access storage devices (DASDs) are devices that can directly read or
write to a specific place on a disk.
answer: A. True

990. 16. Two of the most important measures of optical disc drive performance are
sustained data-transfer rate and longest access time.
answer: B. False
991. 17. DASDs are good for files with low activity (the percent of records accessed) or
for users who access records in a random fashion.
answer: A. True
992. 18. The job of the I/O control unit is to keep up with the I/O requests from the CPU
and pass them down the line to the appropriate control unit.
answer: B. False
993. 19. Most RAID configurations require fewer disk drives, which decreases hardware
answer: B. False
994. 20. RAID Level 0 is the only one that does not provide error correction, or
redundancy, and so it is not considered a true form of RAID because it cannot recover
from hardware failure.
answer: A. True
995. 21. Additional complex configurations of RAID can be created by combining
multiple levels.
answer: A. True
996. 22. The File Manager is in charge of the system's physical components, its
information resources, and the policies used to store and distribute the files.
answer: A. True
997. 23. Examples of batch commands are CREATE, DELETE, RENAME, and COPY.
answer: B. False
998. 24. Each volume can only contain a single file.
answer: B. False
999. 25. In newer operating systems, a subdirectory is created when a user opens an
account to access the computer system.
answer: A. True
1000. 26. Tree structures are inefficient for searching because there are fewer entries in
each directory.
answer: B. False

1001. 27. An extension is usually two or three characters long and is separated from the
relative name by a period.
answer: A. True
1002. 28. When someone creates a folder, the system creates a subdirectory in the
current directory or folder.
answer: A. True
1003. 29. Sequential record organization is by far the easiest to implement because
records are stored and retrieved serially, one after the other.
answer: A. True
1004. 30. Access methods are dictated by a file's organization; the most flexibility is
allowed with indexed sequential files and the least with sequential.
answer: A. True
1005. 31. A magneto-optical (MO) disk drive combines the technology of magnetic disks
with that of optical discs.
answer: A. True
1006. 32. First-come, first-served (FCFS) is the simplest device-scheduling algorithm.
answer: A. True
1007. 33. The SCAN algorithm moves the arm methodically from the inner to the outer
track, servicing every request in its path.
answer: B. False
1008. 34. Interactive systems generally improve the use of resources through ____
resource sharing, but this resource sharing capability also increases the possibility of
answer: C. dynamic
1009. 35. Fill in the missing event that causes deadlock in a database. There are two
processes (P1 and P2), each of which needs to update two records (R1 and R2) and
the following sequence leads to a deadlock: 1. P1 accesses R1 and locks it. 2. P2
accesses R2 and locks it. 3. ____ 4. P2 requests R1, which is locked by P1.
answer: C. P1 requests R2, which is locked by P2.
1010. 36. ____ is when, in modern printing systems, a disk accepts output from
several users and acts as a temporary storage area for all output until the printer is
ready to accept it.
answer: C. Spooling
1011. 37. A network that's congested or has filled a large percentage of its I/O buffer
space can become deadlocked if it doesn't have ____ to control the flow of messages
through the network.

answer: B. protocols
1012. 38. ____ showed how the four conditions can be modeled using directed graphs.
answer: B. Holt
1013. 39. ____ is necessary in any computer system because some resources such as
memory, CPU, and dedicated devices must be exclusively allocated to one user at a
answer: A. Mutual exclusion
1014. 40. ____ developed the Banker's Algorithm.
answer: C. Dijkstra
1015. 41. In the \"dining philosophers\"problem, a philosopher can pick up a fork
answer: B. When there are two available
1016. 42. The ____ configuration is the most difficult to implement.
answer: C. symmetric
1017. 43. When a computer evaluates the expression A = 3 * B * C + 4 / (D + E) ** (F
\u2013 G), in a sequential manner, ____ is evaluated as a first step.
answer: A. F \u2013 G
1018. 44. Most current operating systems support the implementation of threads, or
____, which have become part of numerous application packages.
answer: B. lightweight processes
1019. 45. Each active thread in a process shares the ____ and the resources allocated
to its process.
answer: C. data area
1020. 46. Once a thread is in the ready state, the state it can enter next is ____.
answer: D. RUNNING
1021. 47. A thread transitions from RUNNING to ____ when it has to wait for an event
outside its control to occur.
answer: C. WAITING
1022. 48. The USB controller assigns bandwidth to each device depending on its
priority, and the ____ priority is assigned to real-time exchanges where no interruption
in the data flow is allowed, such as video or sound data.
answer: A. highest
1023. 49. Movable-head magnetic disks, such as the computer hard drive, have ____
read/write head(s).

answer: B. one
1024. 50. The data-transfer rate for an optical disc is measured in ____ and refers to
the speed at which massive amounts of data can be read from the disc.
answer: B. megabytes
1025. 51. ____ control the transfer of information between the disk drives and the rest
of the computer system.
answer: D. Disk drive interfaces
1026. 52. The File Manager writes the volume name and other descriptive information
on an easy-to-access place on each unit: ____ of the CD or DVD.
answer: B. the innermost part
1027. 53. A ____ is created when a user opens an account to access the computer
answer: C. subdirectory
1028. 54. For every file request, the ____ is the point of entry.
answer: D. MFD
1029. 55. The purpose of an extension is to ____.
answer: B. identify the type of file
1030. 56. On magnetic disks, files can be organized in one of three ways; ____.
answer: D. sequential, direct, or indexed sequential
1031. 57. When using random access files, the program used to store the data follows a
set of instructions, called a ____ algorithm, that transforms each key into a number, the
record's logical address.
answer: A. hashing
1032. 58. The primary disadvantage of contiguous storage is that ____.
answer: C. file can't be expanded unless there is empty space available immediately
following it
1033. 59. ____ allocation allows files to use any storage space available on the disk.
answer: B. Noncontiguous storage
1034. _____allows a resource to be held by a processes as long as it is needed.
answer: No preemption
1035. 60. The File Manager uses the address of the ____ to access the next sequential
answer: B. last byte read

1036. Once starvation has been detected, an algorithm can be implemented in which
the system blocks new jobs until the starving jobs have been satisfied.
answer: True
1037. In the \"dining philosophers\"problem, a philosopher can pick up a fork when____.
answer: B) there are two available
1038. Assume the following events and actions take place. The following statement,
____ is true. Event Action: 1 P1 requests and is allocated the printer R1. 2 P1 releases
the printer R1. 3 P2 requests and is allocated the disk drive R2. 4 P2 releases the disk
R2. 5 P3 requests and is allocated the plotter R3. 6 P3 releases the plotter R3.
answer: A) There is no deadlock.
1039. In the dining philosophers problem there are five philosophers and four forks.
answer: False
1040. ____ is necessary in any computer system because some resources such as
memory, CPU, and dedicated devices must be exclusively allocated to one user at a
answer: A) Mutual exclusion
1041. According to the Banker's Algorithm an unsafe state always leads to deadlock.
answer: False
1042. ____ is when, in modern printing systems, a disk accepts output from several
users and acts as a temporary storage area for all output until the printer is ready to
accept it.
answer: C) Spooling
1043. ____ occurs when two processes do not release control of resources they are
answer: C) Resource holding
1044. When modeling deadlock, if there's a cycle in the graph, then there is a deadlock
involving the processes and the resources in the cycle.
answer: True
1045. Consider the case of a home construction company with two application
programs, purchasing (P1) and sales (P2), which are active at the same time. They
each need to access two files, inventory (F1) and suppliers (F2), to update daily
transactions. The following series of events will cause a deadlock. Fill in the missing
event in the sequence. 1. Purchasing (P1) accesses the supplier file (F2). 2. Sales (P2)
accesses the inventory file (F1). 3. Purchasing (P1) doesn't release the supplier file (F2)
but requests the inventory file (F1), but P1 is blocked because F1 is being held by P2. 4.
Meanwhile, ____

answer: A) sales (P2) doesn't release the inventory file (F1) but requests the supplier
file (F2)
1046. For ____ systems, deadlocks quickly become critical situations.
answer: C) real-time
1047. Failure to lock database records before updating them may result in a ____
between processes.
answer: B) race
1048. A deadlock is preceded by six simultaneous conditions that the operating system
could have recognized.
answer: False
1049. ____ developed the Banker's Algorithm.
answer: C) Dijkstra
1050. Fill in the missing event that causes livelock. At an insurance company the
system performs many daily transactions. One day the following series of events ties up
the system: 1. Process P1 wishes to show a payment so it issues a command to read
the balance, which is stored in cylinder 20 of a disk pack. 2. ____ 3. P2 gains control of
the I/O channel and issues a command to write someone else's payment to a record
stored in cylinder 310. If the command is not \"locked out,\"P2 will be put on hold while
the control unit moves the arm to cylinder 310. 4. Because P2 is \"on hold,\"the channel
is free to be captured again by P1, which reconfirms its command to \"read from cylinder
20.\"5. Since the last command from P2 had forced the arm mechanism to cylinder 310,
the disk control unit begins to reposition the arm to cylinder 20 to satisfy P1. The I/O
channel would be released because P1 is once again put on hold, so it could be
captured by P2, which issues a WRITE command only to discover that the arm
mechanism needs to be repositioned.
answer: A) While the control unit is moving the arm to cylinder 20, P1 is put on hold and
the I/O channel is free to process the next I/O request.
1051. Deadlock does not usually affect the entire system.
answer: False
1052. A network that's congested or has filled a large percentage of its I/O buffer space
can become deadlocked if it doesn't have ____ to control the flow of messages through
the network.
answer: B) protocols

1053. ____ is when, in modern printing systems, a disk accepts output from several
users and acts as a temporary storage area for all output until the printer is ready to
accept it.
answer: C) Spooling
1054. One problem with the Banker's Algorithm is that resources aren't well utilized
because the algorithm assumes the worst case and, as a result, keeps vital resources
unavailable to guard against unsafe states.
answer: True
1055. Deadlock is a system-wide tangle of resource requests that begins when two or
more jobs are put on hold, each waiting for a vital resource to become available.
answer: True
1056. There are several recovery algorithms, but they all have one feature in common:
they all require at least one victim, an expendable job, which, when removed from the
deadlock, will free the system.
answer: True
1057. Deadlocks are most serious in real-time systems.
answer: True
1058. Once starvation has been detected, an algorithm can be implemented in which
the system blocks new jobs until the starving jobs have been satisfied.
answer: True
1059. ____ is necessary in any computer system because some resources such as
memory, CPU, and dedicated devices must be exclusively allocated to one user at a
answer: A) Mutual exclusion
1060. ____ is the act of allowing only one process to have access to a dedicated
answer: D) Mutual exclusion
1061. ____ is necessary in any computer system because some resources such as
memory, CPU, and dedicated devices must be exclusively allocated to one user at a
answer: A) Mutual exclusion
1062. According to the Banker's Algorithm an unsafe state always leads to deadlock.
answer: False
1063. If locks are not used to preserve data integrity, the updated records in a database
might include only some of the data\u2014and their contents would depend on the order
in which each process finishes its execution.

answer: True
1064. Interactive systems generally improve the use of resources through ____
resource sharing, but this resource sharing capability also increases the possibility of
answer: C) dynamic
1065. In the dining philosophers problem there are five philosophers and four forks.
answer: False
1066. Starvation is the result of the liberal allocation of resources.
answer: False
1067. When modeling deadlock, if there's a cycle in the graph, then there is a deadlock
involving the processes and the resources in the cycle.
answer: True
1068. ____ occurs when two processes do not release control of resources they are
answer: C) Resource holding
1069. Deadlock was a serious problem for early batch systems.
answer: False
1070. A network that's congested or has filled a large percentage of its I/O buffer space
can become deadlocked if it doesn't have ____ to control the flow of messages through
the network.
answer: B) protocols
1071. Fill in the missing step in the following deadlock situation. Two users from the
local board of education are each running a program (P1 and P2), and both programs
will eventually need two DVD drives to copy files from one disc to another. Only two
DVD-R drives are available and they're allocated on an \"as requested\"basis. Soon the
following sequence transpires: 1. P1 requests drive 1 and gets it. 2. ____ 3. P1 requests
drive 2 but is blocked. 4. P2 requests drive 1 but is blocked.
answer: B) P2 requests drive 2 and gets it.
1072. Lock pages engaged in I/O in memory so that they will not be removed
answer: pinning
1073. Every process has a fixed fraction of memory allocated
answer: local
1074. page frames are dynamically allocated among runnable processes
answer: global

1075. Is often a parameter that can be chosen by the OS

answer: Page size
1076. only loaded either when the program is loaded or when functions in them are
called for the first time
answer: Shared libraries
1077. If function in a shared library is updated to remove a bug, it is not necessary to
recompile the programs that call it. The old binaries continue to work
answer: True
1078. A back ground process sleeps most of time but is awakened periodically to
inspect the state of memory Ensure a plentiful of free page frame to paging works best
If too few page frames are free, the paging daemon begins selecting pages to evict
using some page replacement algorithm, then written them to disk (if it is modified)
answer: Paging daemon
1079. Programmer can name regions of their memory the name of a memory regions
can be shared to many processes
answer: Virtual Memory Interface
1080. provides the mechanism to management memory with many completely
independent address spaces and are not fixed size as page Segmentation maintains
multiple separate virtual address spaces per process The address space is a collection
of segments Segmentation can grow or shrink independently
answer: Segmentation
1081. describes segments local to each program including codes, data, stack
answer: Local Descriptor Table (LDT)
1082. describes system segments including the OS itself
answer: Global Descriptor Table (GDT)
1083. Testing a variable until some value appears
answer: busy waiting
1084. Only one process can enters its critical region (reading or writing the buffer) at the
same time Only one process can be active in a monitor at any moment
answer: Mutual exclusion \u2013 binary semaphores
1085. Ensure the producer stops running when the buffer full and the consumer stops
running when it is empty
answer: Synchronization \u2013 Condition checking

1086. Processes may call the procedures in a monitor whenever they want to, but they
cannot directly access monitor's internal data structures from procedures declared
outside the monitor
answer: encapsulation
1087. DMA uses physical memory addresses
answer: OS convert the virtual address of the intended memory buffer into a physical
address and write this physical address into the DMA controller's address register
1088. virtual addresses are written into the DMA controller, then DMA must use MMU to
have the virtual-to-physical translation
answer: DMA uses physical memory addresses
1089. the controller need an internal buffer
answer: 2:can verify,Reduce the administration
1090. The DMA controller requests for the transfer of and gets one word Cycle stealing:
CPU has to wait the bus because device controller sneaks in and steals an occasional
bus cycle from CPU
answer: Word-at-a-time mode
1091. DMA tells the device controller to transfer the data directly to main memory To
have the device controller send the word to the DMA controller, an extra bus cycle is
provided per word transfer
answer: Fly-by mode
1092. It can be blocked the CPU and other devices with long burst is being transfer
answer: Block mode
1093. The CPU is faster and can do the job much faster when the limiting factor is not
the speed of the I/O device
answer: True
1094. An interrupt that leaves the machine in a well-defined state There is no prohibition
on instructions beyond the one pointed to by the PC from starting. Any changes make to
registers or memory must be undone before the interrupt happens
answer: Precise Interrupts
1095. Does not meet all requirements as precise Different instructions near PC are in
different stages of completions Machines with imprecise usually vomit a large amount of
internal state onto the stack to give the OS the possibility of figuring out what was going
answer: Imprecise Interrupts
1096. Write program can access any I/O device without having to specify the device
answer: Device independence

1097. The name of file or device should simply be a string or an integer and not depend
on the device in any way A path name is used to address
answer: Uniform naming
1098. The problem, that are not able to deal with hardware, should be told by software
answer: Error handling
1099. The way to allow CPU to do something else while waiting for device to become
ready is to use interrupts
answer: Interrupt-Driven I/O
1100. Is a procedure or routine located at fixed address memory Does whatever it has
to in order to handle interrupt
answer: Interrupt handler
1101. Is a device-specific code is used to control and attach the I/O device to a
computer This code is written by the device's manufacturer and delivered along with the
device Normally handles one device type, or at most, one class of closely related
devices There is no technical restriction on having one device driver control multiple
unrelated devices Is written by outsiders, then will be installed in OS Are normally
positioned below the rest of OS
answer: Device driver
1102. to perform the I/O functions that are common to all devices and to provide a
uniform interface to the user-level software
answer: Device-Independent I/O Software
1103. Is an issue both for block and character devices
answer: Buffering
1104. Are assigned to only one work at a time
answer: Dedicated devices
1105. Is a way of dealing with dedicated I/O devices in a multiprogramming system
answer: Spooling
1106. being used more and more to speed up CPU performance
answer: Parallel processing
1107. Are the abstraction (objects and mechanism), that models in a convenient way
the information stored and read it back on hardware devices and are managed by OS
Are logical units of information (created by processes)

answer: File
1108. Information stored in files must be persistent
answer: persistent
1109. Hides the complexity of storage hardware devices The OS's component that
manages the information stored on the storage devices and provides the users access
to that information in a convenient way Provides the users a uniform logical view of the
information stored on these devices, based on the concept of file Maps files onto
physical devices
answer: File System
1110. When a process creates a file, it gives the file a name.
answer: naming
1111. Provides some information about the file's content structure Is used to register
with OS and specify for each program owns that extension
answer: Extension
1112. Contain user data information (ASCII or binary)
answer: Regular files
1113. System files for maintaining the structure of the file system
answer: Directories
1114. Are related of I/O ad used to model serial I/O devices
answer: Character Speical files
1115. Attributes Is also called metadata
answer: atribitute-metadata
1116. A way of organizing files Impose a hierarchy of files Consists of a collection of
files and subdirectories Can be viewed as a special file managed by the OS
answer: Directory
1117. Is having one directory containing all files (root directory) Applying on system that
can be used by only one or many users Is adequate for simple dedicated applications
answer: Single-Level Directory Systems
1118. The 1st block in each partition is called boot block that is existed even if the
partition does not contain a bootable OS
answer: boot block
1119. The end of the MBR contains the partition table
answer: partition table

1120. Store each file as a contiguous run of disk blocks

answer: Contiguous Allocation
1121. Contains i-nodes, directory blocks, and data blocks, all mixed together
answer: single segment
1122. Keep a log of what the file system is going to do before it does it
answer: Journaling File System
1123. To prevent people from hogging too much disk space, multi-user OS often
provide a mechanism for enforcing disk quotas
answer: Disk quotas
1124. Start at one or more specified directories and recursively dumps all files and
directories found there that have changed since some given base date
answer: Logical dump
1125. Is a collection of blocks that logically belong on the disk but are being kept in
answer: cache
1126. Simple because they were designed for write once media They have no provision
for keeping tracking of free blocks Do not have concentric cylinders instead of a single
continuous spiral containing the bits in a linear sequence. The bits along the spiral are
divided into logical blocks is possible to add files after the initial burning, but these are
simply appended to the end of the CD-R
answer: CD-ROM

1128. is a sort of pseudofile that can be used to connect processes A pipe A block A
specific file A block file
answer: A pipe
1129. are used to model devices that consist of a collection of randomly addressable
blocks such as disks A pipe special file A separate special file A character special file A
block special file
answer: A block special file
1130. are used to model printers, modems, and other devices that accept or output a
character stream A block special file A separate special file A pipe special file A
character special file
answer: A character special file

1131. OS manager the system security such as authentication, protecting the system
from unwanted intruders
answer: Security
1132. The UNIX command interpreter, or GUI
answer: Shell
1133. Which of these statement about virtual memory are true?
answer: Enabled the ability to have a program dynamically // Gives the ability to run
programs larger
1134. Systerm calls
answer: The interface between user progarms and the OS // Permit application
programs to access protected resources
1135. Put the steps in making a system call in order 1. System calls may vary from one
OS to another
answer: Once a system call // System calls are like procedures // System call may vary
1136. Which of these statements about Monolithic Systems are true?
answer: A set of service // A set of utility // A main program
1137. useing the Shortest Remaining Time Next
answer: 2.75
1138. using the Shortest Job First
answer: 4.75
1139. The first-come, first-served (FCFS) algorithm is fine for most ____ systems
answer: batch
1140. First-come, first-served (FCFS) is a very simple algorithm to implement because it
answer: uses a FIFO queue
1141. Process includes
answer: variables // current values of PC // registers
1142. A process is a program on the disk A A process is not a program on the disk B
answer: A B true
1143. A process has
answer: a state // input and output // expression
1144. When was the process created?
answer: Execution of a process creation // a user request to create a new process

1145. A computer has 512MB of memory, with OS taking 512 MB and each user
program also taking up 128MB with an 80% average I/O wait? How percentage of CPU
utilization does?
answer: 49%
1146. Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole size
in memory order: 10 KB, 4 KB, 20 KB, 18KB, 7 KB, 9KB, 12 KB, and 15 KB. Which hole
is take for successive segment requests of 12 KB, 10KB, 9KB for worst fit?
answer: 20 18 15
1147. Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole size
in memory order: 10 KB, 4 KB, 20 KB, 18KB, 7 KB, 9KB, 12 KB, and 15 KB. Which hole
is take for successive segment requests of 12 KB, 10KB, 9KB for next fit?
answer: 20 18 9
1148. A memory free in 3 frames. Which values do the last page frame contain affter
running as the following page 7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0 using LRU
answer: 0 2 3
1149. Each page can be labeled with the number of intructions that will be executed
before that page is first reference. Choose the page that will be the latest one accessed
in the future between all the pages actually in memory
answer: Optimal
1150. Which address range (byte) is corresponding to 32 bit virtual address
answer: 4.206.592 to 4.210.678
1151. Which of these statements about No Memory Abstraction are true?
answer: No swapping // OS can run many program // No paging
1152. One of the way of memory organization is ___ at the bottom of memory in the
simplest model of the No Memory Abstraction
answer: Operaring System
1153. Which of these statements about address space definition are true?
answer: Do not have to be numberic // Is decoupled from the physical memory
1154. Base register holds the _____ where the program begins in A memory
answer: physical address
1155. Limit register specifies______in A memory Abstraction

answer: the length of program

1156. Which of these statements about the advantages of i-node are true?
answer: the space is reserved // allow the maximum // is smaller than the spaceti
1157. The main function of the ____ is to map the AsCII name of a file onto the
infomation needed to locate the data of that file
answer: directory system
1158. The directory entry that contains
answer: the infomation needed // a list of fixed size entries
1159. Long and variable-length file name is implemented as
answer: lasting of directories // making the directory...in a heap
1160. To speed up searching directories,____is used
answer: cache // hash table
1161. Disk blocks are not listed in directories, but in a little data structure (i-node)
associated with the life itself. The directories would then point just to the little data
answer: symbolic linking // path linking
1162. The solution is used to many different file systems are used on the same
computer, even same OS
answer: Virtual File System
1163. To prevent people from hogging too much disk space, multiuse OS often provide
a mechanism for enforcing
answer: disk quotas
1164. Start at block 0 of disk, writes all the disk blocks onto the output tap in order, and
stops when it has copied the last one
answer: Physical dump
1165. The technique is applied in File System Performance
answer: Block Read Ahead//Cache//Reducing Disk Arm Motion
1166. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. The ordering cylinder in
progress using SSF algorithms is
answer: 18 20 22 10 6 2 38 40
1167. A disk queue with requests for I/O blocks on cylinders in orders: 10, 22, 20, 2, 40,
6, 38. Assume that the disk head is initially at cylinder 18. How many cylinder do Total
head movement using SSF algorithms?

answer: 60
1168. Programmable clocks typically have several modes of operation
answer: one-shot mode // square-wave mode
1169. Typical duties of a clock driver
answer: Handling alarm system//Providing watchdog//Accouting for CPU
1170. The message using on mouse software usually occupies 3 bytes containing
answer: the change in y//the change in x//th status of button
1171. The X Window System include
answer: X Server // X client
1172. The average red, green, and blue values of each grid square are then sampled
and saved as the value of one
answer: point
1173. refer the objects as hardware devices, data records, files, etc..that must be
granted, acquired, used and released
answer: resources
1174. There are two type resources
answer: nonpreemptable // preemptable
1175. is resources that can be taken away from the process owning it with no ill effects
answer: preemptable
1176. Which of these statements about the advantages of preemptable resources are
answer: Preemptable can be resolved
1177. The sequence of events required to use resource
answer: Request the resource, Use the resource, Release the resource
1178. A set of process is ____ if each process in the set is waiting for an event that
only another process in the set
answer: deadlocked
1179. A resource that is owned by a deadlocked process
answer: resource deadlocked
1180. ____jobs are treated like all the others once they are in the system.
answer: High-priority
1181. ______allows for faster turnaround of CPU-bound jobs.

answer: Variabletime quantum per queue

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