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Mass Media in Pakistan (Tentative)

Instructor: Ashraf Kakar

a) Introduction to Mass Communication/Media

Mc Luhan, M.
1964 Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man; NY. McGraw Hill,

George Rodmann.

2007 Mass Media in a Changing World; Mcgraw Hill Publication,.

ES Herman,& N Chomsky

2008 Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media- Random House
Anderson, B
1991 The Origins of National Consciousness. In Imagined Communities London: Verso
Teun A. Van Dijk
1995 The Mass Media Today: Discourses Of Domination Or. Diversity?
Javnost, Vol.2, No. 2, p.27-45.
b) History of Mass Media in Pakistan

Akhtar, Shakil.

2000 Media, religion, and politics in Pakistan .Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press

Zamir Niazi,

1992 The Shackles of Fear, The Press Under Siege, , Karachi :Oxford University

Pintak L., & Nazir S.J.

2013 Pakistani journalism: At the crossroads of Muslim identity, national priorities and
journalistic culture. Media, Culture and Society, 35 (5) , pp. 640-665.
Nadadur R.D

2007 Self-censorship in the Pakistani print media. South Asian Survey, 14 (1) , pp. 45-63.
c ) Media and Terrorism
Hashmi , Mobina
Ali Qadir & Pertti Alasuutari
2013 Taming terror: domestication of the war on terror in the Pakistan media. Asian Journal of
Communication ,23, ( 6), pp 575-589

Javed Jabbar

1994 The Media Factor in the Pakistan-India Relationship .South Asian Survey, September; vol.
1, 2: pp. 231-237
,d ).New Media

Huma Yusuf
Old and New Media: Converging During the Pakistan Emergency (March 2007-

February 2008 )

Roger Dickinson & Bashir Memon

2012 Press Clubs, The Journalistic Field And The Practice Of Journalism In Pakistan.
Journalism Studies 13, (4),
e ) Media Hegemony

Azmat Rasul & Stephen D. McDowell

2012 Consolidation in the Name of Regulation: The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory
Authority (PEMRA) and the Concentration of Media Ownership in Pakistan,Global Media
Journal 12, (20)

Muhammad Atif Khan

2009 The Mediatization of Politics in Pakistan: A Structural Analysis

Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies. 1, (1)
Azmat Rasula & Jennifer M. Proffitta
2013 Diversity or homogeny: concentration of ownership and media diversity in Pakistan
Asian Journal of Communication (23), (6),
f ) Cinema

Gwendolyn Sarah Kirk

Language ideologies and verbal art in Pakistani cinema:the Punjabi bahak

Daya Kishan Thussu

2007 The `Murdochization' of news? The case of Star TV in India . Media Culture Society; 29;
g ) Media & Gender

The Wilson Center's Asia Program,/Uks,

2010 More Women in the Pakistan Media: The Way Forward

h) Media and minorities

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