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Mathematical Conventions A. General functions {00 9.2) f L()* a) Gr), Go) G(T) JCD) T(x) KC) function of continuous variables (x, y, 2) function of the discrete variable = nA, n integral convolution of f(r) with g(r) Fourier transform of g(1) correlation of f(1) with g(t) for a displacement + Bessel function of the first kind of order Modified Bessel function of the first kind Modified Bessel function of the second kind B. Special functions a) (1), 8, boxcar(s) comb (r) sine (1) u(t)= +1, 1>0 +1,6=0; =0 unit step function; u(¢) = 0.4 < unit impulse (Dirac delta), 8(r) = for 1 #0 boxcar(1) = +1, —wy Sw < tus; = 0 outside this range infinite series of equally spaced unit impulses (sin 1)/t C, Mathematical conventions >.< BL < <\> A AvB AXB v v2 ve VA VXA of om a ix det(a,,) greater than, less than greater than or equal to, less than or equal to much greater than, much smaller than of the order of approximately equal to correspondence between a function and its transform vector of magnitude scalar (dot) and vector (cross) products of vectors A and B del, the vector operator i 4/Ax + j9/dy + k A/dz Laplacian 07/8x? + ?/dy? + 07/02? gradient of (x, y, 2) = grad @ (see Eq. (A.17)) divergence of A(x, y, 2) = div A (see Eq. (A.19)) curl of A(x, y. 2) = curl A (see Eq. (A.20)) matrix with elements a), transpose of af with elements a, inverse of of absolute value of x determinant with elements a,, Ls, ° x ixo La z Inx og x ess Vey Uner d Re{ f(z)} Im{f(2)} ‘Mathematical Conventions Bot B+ B+ +Bq Bot ait eat +8, sum of g, for appropriate values of k log, x Jogi x partial derivatives of U with respect to x (twice), x and y, z (three times) wD real and imaginary parts of a complex quantity /(z)

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