Introduction (Math T)

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Binomial distribution is invented by Jacob Bernuolli. The binomial distribution model

is an important probability model that is used when there are two possible
outcomes (hence "binomial"). For example, children with a bacterial infection might
respond to antibiotic therapy or not, medical device such as a coronary stent might
be successfully implanted or not. These are just a few examples of applications or
processes in which the outcome of interest has two possible values. The two
outcomes are often labeled "success" and "failure" with success indicating the
presence of the outcome of interest.
In probability theory and statistic, Poisson distribution is named after a French
mathematician name Simon Denis Poisson, it is a discrete distribution that express
the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed amount of time.
Poisson distribution applies when the occurrences are independent, so that one
event will not diminishes or increases the chance of another event. The Poisson
distribution can also be used for the number of events in other specified intervals
such as distance, area or volume.
The normal distribution is an important and most widely used distribution in
statistics. It is sometimes called the "bell curve," although the tonal qualities of such
a bell would be less than pleasing. It is also called the "Gaussian curve" after the
mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss. The normal distribution is remarkably useful
because of the central limit theorem. In its most general form, it states that
averages of random variables independently drawn from independent distributions
are normally distributed.
The aim of this project is to determine the relationship between binomial, poisson
and normal distribution. Binomial distribution may be approximated, under certain
circumstances by poisson distribution or normal distribution. One practical
advantage is that the calculation is much less tedious to perform.

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