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1. Curriculum /krkjlm/ (noun) : chng trnh hc
=> curriculums / curricula (s nhiu)
broad/wide/narrow curriculum. Ex: The literature curriculum for grade 9
is too wide.
design/develop/plan curriculum
2. Grade /red/ (verb): chm im / xp hng
grade an exam/exercise/assignment
a grading system/structure
=> Synonyms: mark/ score/ categorize/ rank
3. Grade /red/ (noun): im
get/obtain/attain/achieve a grade
a good/high/low grade
=> Synonyms: mark/score
4. Campus /kmps/ (noun): khun vin trng
at/on campus. Ex: Private automobiles are not allowed on campus.
large/small/college/university campus
5. Discipline /dspln/ (countable noun): ngnh hc
academic discipline
core/main/major discipline
6. Faculty /fklti/ (noun): khoa
the faculty of something. Ex: the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
the law/arts/english/science/medical,etc. faculty
join a faculty
prep: in a/the faculty
The Head of Faculty/Dean of Faculty: trng khoa
=> Ngha khc: ability. Ex: faculty of speech/hearing
7. Criterion /kratrin/ (noun): tiu ch nh gi, tuyn chn
fulfill/meet/satisfy a criterion: t tiu ch
criterion for: tiu ch cho. Ex: The only criterion for being accepted on the
course is that you should have a bachelor's degree in a relevant subject.


8. Assessment /sesmnt/ (noun): s kim tra, nh gi
assessment of something
assessment by someone
assessment of a situation
risk/damage assessment: nh gi ri ro/thit hi
a frank/objective/accurate assessment
a careful/comprehensive/detailed/thorough assessment
carry out/make/undertake an assessment
assessment methods/procedures/process/technique/criteria
=> Synonyms: evaluation, test, appraisal
9. Coursework /kswk/ (uncountable noun): bi tp/ n/ n
submit one's coursework: np bi
submission/assessment of coursework
coursework requirement: yu cu ca bi tp
=> Synonyms: assignment
10. Thesis /iss/ (noun): lun vn/lun n
doctoral/MA/Master's/PhD/research, etc. thesis
work on/write/submit/publish thesis
thesis title/topic
thesis about/on something
11. Tutor /tjutr/ (noun): gia s, tr ging cho gio s. cc trng H
Anh th tutor ngha l ging vin lun.
English/art,etc. tutor
college/school/university tutor
personal/private tutor
good/experienced/professional tutor
act as tutor = teach (especially as a private teacher)
=> Synonyms: teacher, lecturer
12. Tutorial / (noun): hc nhm c hng dn ca ging vin
(gii thch thm: trng H nc ngoi thng c cc bui lecture v
tutorial xen k. Lecture l ging bi thun tu c th gp nhiu lp vo.
Tutorial thng l tho lun nhm hoc thc hnh trong 1 lp nh 15-20
give a tutorial: hng dn, dy lp nh
attend a tutorial: tham gia bui hc nhm
13. Tuition /tjun/ (uncountable noun): s ging dy
give/provide/offer tuition = teach
tuition in something: dy 1 mn no . Ex: tuition in English
private/personal/one-to-one/individual tuition: dy km
Tuition fees: hc ph
=> Synonyms: teaching, instruction


14. Lecture /lektr/ (noun): bi ging
a lecture by someone: bi ging bi ai
a lecture on the subject of something: bi ging v
a lecture entitled something: bi ging mang tn
give/deliver/present a lecture: ging bi
attend a lecture # miss/skip a lecture
fascinating/interesting/boring lecture
=> Lecturer (noun): ging vin
15. Professor /prfesr/ (noun): gio s
professor of... (mn g )
a distinguished/eminent professor: 1 gio s xut chng
associate professor: cao hn tr ging nhng thp hn gio s.
assistant professor: tr ging
16. Literate /ltrt/ (adi): c kh nng c v vit.
Ex: Over one-quarter of the adult population are not fully literate.
highly/fully literate: c vit thnh tho
barely literate: c vit c bn
fairly/quite literate: c, vit tm tm
a literate person: ngi bit c, bit vit
computer literate: bit dng my vi tnh
economically/musically/technologically literate: c kin thc chuyn mn
v kinh t, m nhc, k thut,...
=> Antonym: illiterate.
Purely illiterate: hon ton ko c vit c
Functionally illiterate: c v vit c nhng cu n gin, t vng n
=> Noun: Literacy.
Literacy rate: t l bit c bit vit.
17. Linguistics /lws.tks/ (uncountable noun): ngn ng hc
contemporary/modern linguistics: ngn ng hc hin i
=> Linguistic (adj): lin quan ti ngn ng/ngn ng hc.
linguistic skills/ability/diversity
=> Linguistically (adv)
=> Linguist (noun): ngi theo hc/dy ngn ng hc
18. Presentation /preznten/(noun): bi thuyt trnh
formal/effective/slick (trn tru)/polished (trau chut) presentation
make/give a presentation (on something)
19. Coeducational /k.edjkenl/ (adj): khi nam v n c dy chung
trong 1 mi trng
coeducational school/institution
=> Synonyms: mixed-sex/mixed-gender
=> Antonym: single-sex
20. Interdisciplinary /ntdsplnri/ (adj): nhiu chuyn ngnh kt hp
interdisciplinary research/ seminar/ studies/ project/ science
/perspectives/ collaboration


21. Education /edjken/(noun): gio dc
Education reform: ci cch gio dc
Private/Public/State education: gio dc t/cng
Remedial education: d b i hc
Vocational education: dy ngh
Enter higher education: vo i Hc
22. Appraisal /prezl/ (noun): nh gi
Carry out/Give/Make appraisal
Frank/Honest appraisal: nh gi chn thc
Critical appraisal: nh gi 1 cch c h thng, khoa hc
Detailed/Full/Thorough: nh gi y , chi tit
23. Mentor /mentr/ (noun): ngi hng dn
=> Mentor (verb): hng dn
=> Mentoring (noun): s hng dn
Mentoring programme
Mentoring support/service
24. Attainment /tenmnt/ (noun): thnh tch (thng dng s nhiu thm s)
Scholarly/Educational/Academic attainments: thnh tch hc tp, nghin
Career attainments: thnh tch trong s nghip
25. Training /tre.n/ (uncountable noun): o to k nng
On-the-job training: o to ngay trong khi lm vic
Hands-on/Practical training: o to ng dng c ngay
Basic/Initial/Preliminary training: o to c bn/s b
Intensive training course: kha o to tp trung
Do/Get/Have/Receive/Undergo training
Training in something
=> Synonyms: coaching, tutoring

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