CV Valerija Zudro

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Valerija Zudro

Peltokylntie, Helsinki, 00740

Tel: +358 402413879


Personal statement
Tenacious and initiative graduated Art History student at Aberystwyth University,
looking for an opportunity to develop her skills in Arts field further. Since moving to
Wales in September 2012 I have taken every opportunity to develop art management
skills. During three years at the university proved to be ideas-driven and creative
problem solver and became financially independent by the end of the first year.

Arts management: curating exhibitions (including curating part of Graduation show at
School of Art in Aberystwyth), working in the gallery space as well as education
environment at the School of Art, curating George Powells exhibition;
Photography: exhibited in Aberystwyth, working as a photographer for Sisters Act
theatre performance at the Arts Centre, Aberystwyth;
IT skills: extensive knowledge Pascal and Photoshop and other Adobe Products;
knowledge of MS Office package; working knowledge of Windows OS and Mac OS;
Languages: English (fluent), Russian (native) and Estonian (native); beginner in


Finnish, Spanish, Belorussian and Ukrainian;


Teamwork: working in Subway team, in the team of artists in residence at


Aberystwyth, in professional team in the Gas Gallery;

Multi-tasking: during the degree successfully balanced multiple priorities: intense
studies, a part-time job, curating exhibitions, volunteering for the Gas Gallery;
Problem solving: working as Course Representative of Art History students and as a
Team Leader in Subway has exposed me to variety of complex situations and


developed my problem-solving skills;

Teaching: assisting mathematics teacher in Estonian primary school, teaching English
to foreign students, teaching Art at Plascrug Primary School, Aberystwyth.


Global English TESOL

Level 4 + Business
Aberystwyth University
BA Art History
Tallinn Central Russian High School
Final exams: Estonian, Russian, Mathematics, History, Art
Paldiski Secondary School
Final exams: Maths, Russian and Estonian
Paldiski Design Studio

Page 1 of CV for Darcy Austin

available on

Valerija Zudro

Peltokylntie, Helsinki, 00740

Work Experience
May 2013
-June 2015:

Subway, Aberystwyth
Team Leader

Sept 2012
-June 2015:

School of Art, Aberystwyth

Course Representative

June 2014
-Aug 2014:

Gas Gallery, Aberystwyth

Invigilation, Events Co-ordinator

May 2014
-Sept 2014:

Oxjam Takeover, Aberystwyth

Production Co-ordinator

Awards and achievements:

2004 won the International competition of youth and children's art Rosa Vetrov
Children Painting Moscow, Moscow, Russia;
2011 invited to the meeting, talk and excursion by Prime Minister of Estonia A.Ansip
to the official seat of Estonian Government for an outstanding academic achievements;
2012 awarded with the trip to the European Parliament, Strasbourg, France by
Tallinn Central Russian High School for helping organizing school activity;
2013-2014 working closely with professors at the School of Art and artists in
residence in Aberystwyth and mid-Wales;
2012-2015 working with fine art and photography collection at National Library of
Wales and Aberystwyth University.


I am a keen photographer, who is inspired by the nature, people and student

societies (e.g. Historia Normannis Aberystwyth), did photography course at
Aberystwyth University (works can be found on my website);
I am passionate about music and practicing playing a guitar for about 6 years;
As a multi-cultural person I am fascinated about history, different cultures and
religion as well as learning languages;
Volunteering in such fields as arts, music and politics;
Sport, especially running, swimming, volleyball, football and walking around
the hills and towns.

Dr Christopher Webster
Lecturer in Fine Art
Aberystwyth University
Tel: (+ 44) 01970 628447

Richard Warrender
Tel: (+44) 01970 615577


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