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Operating Instructions FOR THE ——{S28 CENTRE LATHE PREFACE In handing you these Operating Instructions dealing with the erection, operation and upkeep of the machine, we ask you to make yourself well acquainted with its contents before putting it inter service. This handbook would fail in its purpose, if it did not reach the foreman and the operator who will be responsible for the machine. It is essential to have a thorough knowledge of all the controls of the machine before starting it for the first tume. You will save time and avoid defects if you strictly follow the instructions contained in this handbook. Before being des- patched from our works, each machine is subjected to a severe test in regard to its performance. You will be satisfied with the performance of the machine if you ollow the instructions con- tained in this handbook. We wish you successful work on our machines. Main nee and Technical Data of the $-28 Lat: Centre over bed . B over carriage . in fixed steady c++ mm eee mm seeceeeees mM 4 280 1" 150 5 29/32" l2- 100 15/32" 3 15/16" Hing in travelling steady ..i.....seeeeeeeee mm 10 = 80 Z 25/64" 3 5/32" tance between centres ......eeeeeeeeeeses MAX4750 = 29 3/8" ing length when using taper rule gle up to 15°/ ...... PRRath ee eee Biemeter of face plate . Beeneter of driving plate . SaWesrev ves idle ate Mime frig mm om juare tool head — outer = inner ............ mm Bexinum +001 section | Spin DSpindle tore .... Zeper in spindle ... @aper of lathe centres . Bormal .. Becreased . Gmeréased .. 280 - 11" 250 = 9 7/18" 250 = 9 7/16" 150 = 5 29/32" 100 ~ 68 3 29/32" 9 2 21/328 16 x 16 5/8" x 5/8" 36 1s 20M 40 Morse No.3 M68 x 6 31 = 1600 r.p.m. 20 - 1000 r.p.m. 63 = 3150 r.pem, longitudinal feeds per 1 spindle rev. 0,03 - 3,52 mm eross feeds per 1 spindle rev. ...... 0,01 - 1,24 mm Metric threads, pitch ... Oy375 - 44 mm English threads, pitch "3/128" - 2 3/4" Whitworth threads 3/4 = 88 t.p.i. Module threads ... seeceeceees 09375 = 44 mom dule Diemetral threads, pitch ... 3/4 - 88 Dp meter of lead screw ... 28 om Sch of lead screw s stendara . 6 om er of threads per inch . ete wing electric motor n = 2.800 /min. output 3 kW or of eccentric pump, output .. coe 0,125 iv imum distance between centres . 750 mm 25 1/2" or space required /length x width/ . 140 x 910 mm 2°11 $3/64" x 7 1/4" Weight of machine inc.standard equipment . 1080 kg /1bs.2380 Weight of machine incl.packing . 1200 kg/1bs.2644 Weight of machine incl.overseas packing 1400 kg/1bs.3085. Gabic contents of box . esc ovieWtcone Sees 10 OF OEM cub.£t.99 fo Main diseneions and technical date Breotion of the sachine d/ Transport und iigbing by orsne @/ Erection and levelling Starting the machine T/ Dubrication 8/ Electric equipacnt Machine wervioing parte Banoription of machine end maintenence Tf Gear box a/ Machine :drive #/ Setting up of diso oluteh Y/ Setting ap of brake 4/ Liniting ef working apinale play $f Morton ‘bax af Getting up of feeds and threada b/ Limiting of lead orew play ‘Ti/Gurringy box Iti/Mointensnoe and setting ap ef carriage Ty/Tallstock Eqdipment supplied anly on apectal orders If Dooling equipment @/ Taper turning attachmest af Longitudinel stop drum 4/ Orcwa stop drum $/ Collet chuck’ sttechment Bconomts mohining Tf Tool grinding 2/ Chip section / Cutting spend 4/ Durability of tools Pages B. Practical calculations: 1/ Setting up of change gears for revolution tenge feed and thread cutting 2/ Calculation of change gears for non stendard threads 3/ Thread outting 4/ Thread cutting by means of thread dial a/ Calculation for Metric threads b/ Calculation for English threads Spare parts: 1/ Specification of bearings 2/ Specification of parts subject to rapid wear Illustrations 1 to 27 diately after receipt of the machine make.sure whether & hes not been demaged during transport and check according the enclosed packing list whether any equipment is missing. @iscrepancies should be immediately notified to the agent to us. Later claims will not be taken into consideration. Zransport, ifting by Crane /Fig.l/ transport of the machine to the place of eregtion use len beams, fitted to the bottom of the machine. The bottom the machine is provided with recess on both ends to enable lifting of the lathe. The wooden beams are removed on the tion place. When trensporting the machine by crane ensure the machine weight is correctly distributed. Small diffe- ies in weight can be regulated by displacing the carriage is should be done only after the machine has been cleaned/. transport use good quality hemp ropes. The latter must be ed on the machine so as to prevent damage to the shafts, s or other protruding parts. For this reason it is some- es necessary to place wooden blocks under the rope. ng /Fig.2,3/. of the basic conditions of a smooth machine run and its due le accuracy is correct erection and accurate levelling on the pared concrete foundation. 4 concrete floor is sufficient y if it is sufficiently thick and seated on firm ground. When @sing brick foundation use concrete mortar, The depth of the Sandation is determined according to the ground conditions. For evelling of the lathe use an accuraté level, which is placed on “the cleaned bed guideways, see Fig.3. Bre @ admissible devietion in horizontal plane is 0,02 to 0,03 mm © 1000 mm, in cross direction 0,02 mm per 1000 mm, The level- Zing is performed with setting screws, the holes for which are ‘ovided in the lathe stand, Place steel wedges between the ps Tos Bloor and setting screw being so as to leave between the mae SBine and-floor a space of approx. 1 om to allow groa g the MBechine with thin concrete mortar. 4s soon as the latter ig ews and HSeck the machine position in longitudinal and cross direction. 2fficiently hara, tighten uniformly the fourdation Besides the above mentioned levelling, it is recommended to @eeck the parallelism of the longitudinal carriage motion with Bee spindle axis in vertical as well as in horizontal plane, ee Fig.3, For this purpose use the arbor with a taper shaft and @plindrical part 300 mm long, This check permits. a deviation vertical plane as well as in horizontal plane of up to 0,02/ an. ' Starting the Machine. Zubrication /Fig.4/. The gear box, quick change gear box and spindle are lubricated by one pump. The oil gear pump fcr lubrication of the gears, roller bear- angs and working spindle bearings is situated on the lowest bert of the gear box. The 011 is distributed to all seatings end gears and flows back into the tank. The oil is filled through the hole accessible after unscrew- _ ing the upper lid on the headstock. The oil level in the gear _ box is indicated on the oil gauge 1928/Fig.4/. For draining the oil from the gear box serves plug 1933. The control oil gauge 1922 indicates, whether the pump lubricates the gear box and the Norton quick change gear box. The quantity of oil delivered to the change gears is regulated by 2 set screw in the oil distributor after opening the cover ef the change gears. The working spindle bearings are lubpicated over a filter by everfall lubrication. Tos fhe carriage vox is lubricated by and independent ce:.tral Piston pump 1285 /Fig.4/. The piston pump is driven by an accenter 1270/Fig.15/ fit- Sed on the feed worm axis. Oil is filled through tuz hole ®n the oil gauge 1510 and drained through the plug 1320 7Pig.4/. 411 other places including the carriage screws and lead Screws are lubricated with an oil can, see Fig.4. Lubrication Control To be lubri- Contents Ex- BE place: Place cated during of tank change at, 8 hours work. approx.50°C |) shift: box Drive Automatic Change e859. Gerriage Insig a Outsiae Gerriages Lubricators for screws ‘Bead screw Rear ged rod bearin, Teilstock Pinole 11; Machine oil I. ======: see Blectricel_Zauipment /Pig.7,8/ dical_descripti to 1S Switching and control arrangement the electric motor the S-28 lathe /Fig.7,8/ is evZected by the contactor combi- @on which is fitted on the inside of the casi iron lathe @ lid. The plug for the light 24 V, 50 c/s is convectea to Transformer 220/24 V, 50 c/s, output 100 Va. The secondary is provided with 2 4 4 insert. 2 production tension of 220 V 50 c/s, 380 V, 50 c/s or 500 V e/s or any other tension and execution without a z-vo conduc- = the coils of the contactors and transformer primere are wound Sension between two phases. For a service tension of 380 ¥ sre wound for a tension of 24 V obtained from the trans— re ‘ Signal bulbs for a tension of 3,5 V are fed by the trans- er winding of the contactor coils. connection and arrangement of the electric devices for a pro- ton tension of 380 V 50 c/s is illustrated ih Fig.8. wipti s_/Pig.7/. switch KSP 15, dimensioned for a constant current of 4, serves for connection /disengaging/ of the combination *hus the entire electrical part to the mains, while the sup- Contactor remains under tension, The position of the handle "0" indicates disengaged, on "I" engaged /Fig.8/V/. WSK_15 with a overcurrent protection RT1 6 *he main electric motor 3 kW and contactor YSK 15 with a ection relay RT2 0,4 & for the pump motor with output 0, 115kW eh protects the electric motors against overload, are control- by means of push-buttons situated above the combination and ar engaged state ig signalled by the respective signalisation by a red bulb, The contactors are designed for a nominal ent of 15 dat 500 V 50 c/s and their corisumption when oper ang is 68 Va, when engaging 12 Va. In case the nominal tension by about 35% velow uurmal, the contactor disengag2s an? be switched on again only by the respective control push on. Overcurrent relay is fitted directly to the contactors ter- fis and secure the mtor in two phases. In case of overloading @lectric motor the relay the contactor disengages =nd thus the motor from the mains. The contactor oan be switched on only by pressing lever P on the relay and the resuective rol push-button /Fig.7/. mominal current of the relay is set up in the works accord- to the nominal current of the electric motors and regulation Possible within the range of + 20% approvimately. the main electric motor, pump and various current production, 380 V 500 V 220 VV 380V 5000 125-807, 20a. 15. a motor 0,115-RT 0,6 Sing_fuses: To the contactors melting fuses are connected in e phases for rough protection, Short circuit currents may considerably higher than the disconnecting ability of the con- sors VSK 15 and during full short circuit the contactor might “damaged, this, however, is prevented by rough pretection of melting fuses. The correct proportioning of the fuses is in- D serves for starting and stopping the etric motors during the working period. The push=buttons ed I ere for starting, while those marked 0 are for disene _AY 10+ dng. The left push-buttons control the pump, the right the electric motor. above the push-buttons are signals indi- ing the electric motor run. The signals are provided with derd bulbs 3,5 V, fed from the transformer winding of ise Dust is removed from their parts by . When changing contacts, exchange both the firme and mo- contactors. Partial exchenge of contactors causes bad tit- , different distribution of pressure and consequently rapid Ste : Before proceeding with any adjustment, switch off con~ tactor KSP 15. FREQUENT DEFECTS: contactor sounds: The engaging coil is connected to the un- ct /lower/ tension. The actual tension in the mains shows excessive fall. is dust or some other impurity between the ground electro- + flats. Displacement of a moving part caused during trane- or assembly. per without motor during -preiiminery tests sdoss nol oguone 4y connection of control circuit. Faulty insert in prearran- Zuses. Damaged coil end. tection does_not_act promptly. Press lever P of protection. sy insert of fuse. =ctor_doeo_not operate, while the contactor catohes: Defeot Zein line or in the transformer. Faulty inserts of fuse. gtion disengeges_without = connection from contactor to motor, or earth connection of ty conductor. ‘BPoRTANT INSTRUCTIONS: = electric motor must be connected so that it rotates in the Girection of thé arrow on the motor. > repairs to the electric installation should be done only Wy 2 skilled electricion. er forget that each machine with a fitted electric motor be well earthed. ere proceeding with any adjustment on a contactor, switch the.main switch and remove the inserts in the prearranged tector fuses. OF ACOIDENT! MACHINE SERVICING Parts /Pig.9/ Push-buttons for main electric motor and electric pump with control bulbs. Mein cylindrical switch of main motor and pump, position 0 current feed disengaged position I main motor and pump engaged Bever for engaging disc clutch for both rotation directions. Lever for set up of feeds and threads Lever for engaging feeds or threads direction Tever for switching over to steep thread /8 : 1 and 1:8 see chart of revolttions/, Spindle speed coupling lever CountersKaft displacement lever /1s1 and 1:8 see chart of revolutions/ : Zever for set up of out thread /see label of change gears/, Zead screw or drawing spindle engaging lever Swivel sguare tpol head lever Gross feed crank Upper carriage orank Zever for tailstook pinole locking fe Tailstock pinole hand wheel saiigteck locking lover Ustocatic feed dinongaging lever ieud gorew nat handle Is Lengitadins] or crosw feed enguging button fe Sand wheel for longitudinel feed of slide. SSSrEi ne. 350 ond §2ipl ran: Frocesding with aterting the mchine, ake yourselves scqusinted with oll machine servicing parts and thetr par + Reed carefully therefore the desaription of the respeo— We Sschine parts on page 5. After thorough by cleaning the heck correot connection-to the soing and the quantity. #aelity of 041 in of1 tanks, ty end all ths soving machine porta, cheok the cil. ierels Sheok all levers, Only after relable carrying oat of the pstory work may the machine be oterted. Before starting @oter, the aterting lever 2, Fig.9, gust be in ite centre Ation. @achine ic_started an follown: Sain coltector K8P if is ocmiected to the mins and the @iegiric moter started by mesne of the pushebutton centrel-~ the remete cahtentor. Wait till the mo Tune Bhd in accor Sith the speed chart, the sockine is set up to the lowest epeede by eoving lever 2 to right the caching 45 started Stes lowest speed ond left for nbout I heut, the lubrication BSSE Under constant control. then change the apeed and feeds Bathe lowst revolutions and medicm revolutions, and sske your S-ecqusinted with the Norton bex servicing. The aachine is eG to the highest revolutions only after perfeat running SS cuit hested main spindle bearings/. Coupling of the feed threat apse ie done without any forme ind sither with the Eine at stendstili or during tts inertio, Engaging of speeda g the wechine run might caase danage to the gears and se— dangge to the mechine. Staneo aloo ite moburacy end durwbility. er 2 /Pig.9/ in ite left position the soin apindle ro Gn inverse direstion, while with the lever in ite right R the main spindle rotates forwsrd and im centre posi~ eluten in engaged, the muvomatio brake gutonati= beeking the epindie. m 1 Ghanging of the revolution direction of the mein’ spine le should be done only with the amin apindle at mtand- etill, Remember that correct running in of the machine inoreases itn life. Ferannent use of saxinus apeed of 3,150 r.p.emin. im recominded ofter 400 hours of marvice, eription and Maintenance of the Machine gag 20% /Pig.13/ Biltable, up-to-date deoign, the otend, drive ond Morten well os the headstock foruing one casting. The bed is to the atand by meana of o large Zlongy. In the lower ef the box there is the aching drive with oil tank fitted coling ribs, the esr punpand the olectrio combination She coin snitch. In the centre part there ta the quick ohan- bex with change geora for feed ond thresd cuttings the part of the gear box forma the head-atock, suchine io driven by # flange electric aotor which drives a fiee dlutoh the change gears 4,3 /Pig.@4/ ani the elotch it provided with two disco clutahes accessible after unserem che reer lid. geors 4, B enable three ronges of sain spindle revolu- to be achieved ag follows: Sernsl range from Bloo= 1600 repam, from “20 = 1000 rsp.m, from 63 = 3150 repem. Ay Vi The setting of the change gears in specified on the label ef revolutions fitted on the machine. Set-up_ i /®ig.10/. In case the clutch does not Zanction well, it is necessary to adjust the clutch anew, 2s otherwise the discs might get heated up and this conse- @uently affects their lifetime. The disc clutch is easy ac- eessible after removing the rear lid. The required mesh is set-up by nuts 84, which must be loosened by means of nnt $0. After the adjustment do not fail to retighten screw 90. Zee correct set-up of the disc clutch requires a skilled Gechnicien to prevent excessive tightening of the discs, WEich would cause their friction even in disengaged position. Zz the disc clutch is correctly set-up, it is possible to Switch over ring 83 byfaena, using little force. Gei-up_of _dise_brake /Fig.10/. The friction dise brake, which $s situated on axis II, serves for rapid braking of the main Spindle when the clutch is disengaged. If the friction brake Zs correctly set-up, the inertia of the main spindle lasts y few seconds, the minimum being 6. “Hee brake lever 8-28 493 is controlled simultaneously with Zie lever of disc clutch shaft S-28 473. In case it is neces- ery to set-up the friction brake, proceed in the same way es Wen setting up the disc clutch. Remove the rear 11a and tight- == or loosen screw 8-28 494, which causes an increase or de~ Ercase of the spring pressure force 66803 and simultaneously nges the position of lever 3-28 476. screwing screw $ 28 494 the pressing force is smaller the inertia longer and, on the contrary, when loosening screw, the pressing force is greater and the inertia eter. The set-up position is secured by nut 500. friction brake should never be set-up so that the driving + is braked instantly. Instant stopping causes a shock, eh has a bad influence on the friction brake as well as _/AY on the genre, Therefore the met-up of the broke should be dene oo thet the tine vtuted obove io muintuined. Limiting. of play in_nopking svindls sensing /Ptg.11/+ Zt de abeclutely necessary that limiting ef play in the morking apindle seating be do: by @ aedlled technicinn, oo unskilled setting up of the bearings would consequently af~ feot the auoursay of agnting and the wliding surface would feune unoven weer. “Thessdjugtoent js done_en follows /Pig.5/1 the setting nute ‘re ecoomnible after removing the Lid of the headatook, sexewing the front ond reor apiidie 1id Drawing Ho.2024 a> end 2003 BY ond after removing the covering spring 2164 83 ef the reer boering. ‘U/ Geteup of redisl_plag! the front beoring ia net~up to lo= wer play by nute 2094/R3 oo thot the rear nat ie locaened and the front nut tightened. The ploy 19 shecked by a Aish indicator fitted in the tool holder, The rear bear ing in wet up in the sane way oo the front besring ty geana of nuta 2194/B3 and 2076/23. The dig] indicator, do fitved to the headetook by mesnad holes on the lid Pigs i, The cediol play of beth bearings mist be within the lij site 0,025 to 0,03 m. After edjasting the rent uote of both benringn drawing Wo. 2034 83 and 2074 BR} suat be tightened. ( $epeop_of_axial play mick between the headstock and Sailutcok centres u sufficiently leng ond thick ghaft with esctre-ncles, Sy turning the Rand wheel press the working @pindle to the axial benring item 222 00 thot 0 io etill Sgessitle to turn the spindle by hand. The odjuataent so Gece by mene of mot 2104/83 ont the indisotor dial fitwd The the tool holder on the carriope. Thia axial play suet Be at lesst 0,01 mm. Seouring of the nut io done by means Sf eeouring sheet item 197. ice The spindle, when correctly set-up, must when pushed by hand, rotate at least four-times. It is necessary to men- tion that when using high revolutions the temperature in the spindle bearings rises to 75°C without affecting the safety of the machine. It is not necessary, therefore, to increase the play of the spindle bearings because of this temperature. The temperature of the drained oil is approxi- astely 65°C. When starting the machine at,3150 r.p.m. the machine S-28 mast first run for about 5 minutes to 1250 r.p.m.,further 4 minutes to 2000 r.p.m. and then 3 minutes to 2500 r.p.m. after proper heating of the machine, engage the revolution range of 3150/n. te: Screen 2124/R3u should be frequently cleaned /Pige5 and 11/. 2 Quick change _gegr_. /Pig.12/. The quick change gear box 4s completely closed and the gears are autometicelly lubri- ested by a gear pump. The Norton quick change gear box is Griven through the change gears from the head stock shaft. Por arrangement of the change geara see para: Practical cal~ eulations. is /Fig.13/. When setting up feeds or threads proceed precisely according to the labels fit ted on the machine and follow the instructions given below: 1/ Lever 6 for change of feeds and threads in upward po- sition 2/ Lever 7 engages steap threads 8 : 1, while taking ca- re that lever 10 is in its downward position /see la- pel for spindle speeds/. 3/ Do not fail to set-up lever 11 in position for the re- quired thread. 4/ Lever 12 in left position engages the lead screw, while in its right position it engages the drawing shaft /see machine label/. 5/ after correct adjustment of the feeds and reg change gears proceed to selection of the teed and thread size. This adjustment, is done by means of lever 4, This le- ver has 6 positions which are secured by aretation and each position of this lever is marked with a number from 1 to 6, Read on the universal thread and feed la~ bel the required pitch of thread or feed, the corres- ponding position of levers 4, 5, 6 as well as the set- up of the change gears. In case for some special purpose a finer thread is re= quired than indicated “on the machine label, we can sup- Py as special equipment the corresponding change gears. bé Limiting play /Fig.14/. Friction rings 302 are subjected to wear after a certain time. The caused play of the lead screw must be limited, as it might have an unfavourable influence on the accuracy of the cut threads. Setting nut 304 serves for limiting the play. Proceed as follows: Remove the lid of the rear bearing and place into the cen- tre hole of the lead screw a ball against which place the dial indicator. By means of the lever 20 /Fig.9/ close the lead screw nut and without using great force, turn hand wheel 22 in both directions. By reading the dial find out the size of play, which should be approx.0,02 - 0,05 mm. The play can be limited by tightening nut 304, locked by screw 305. Apron_box /Fig.15/. The function of the respective levers strated on Pig.9. Hand motion of the carriage with the box the bed in both directions is controlled by hand wheel 22. @atomatical longitudinal and cross feed is transmitted from gi ae 2a. the drawing rod by means of gaara 1275, le? to the worn its and norm wheel 1156. The wort wheel 19 connected with further. Vronomigoiona with apeciel adjustable gevian with dropping lever /Pig.9/ for engaging longitudinal ond oroau feed, Pulling cut of knot 21 /Fig.9/ into ite extreme position causes engeging of the wutomatio lomgitudinul feed, while preesing the lever into i$m extrese ponition onaneo engaging of the sutonatic Sross feed. Between toth extreme ponitions in the neutral pomition, Lifting the dropping lever 19 csusea engaging of the autemetia ead by Stune of the gesred olutch of the worm wheel and 9 special de= vine aituated in the dropping laver head. Then reaching the etep or wheb axdeeding the permiusible prea- gure on the tool, lever 19 eotonsticmlly dropa dows fron itm Bpper position and thos disengngam the witotetic feed. Tha nox @@asory spring pressure 1i84? /Pigsi5/ iu set-up by Geana of gorew 1iSOP, ty turning it to. the right the apring ia preaned whi consequently the prewsure and resistance of the geare of The coupling ‘sgeingt disengaging is inorenged. This devise in specially dewigned for turning ogainat otendy. wtopo, where it in nhdolutely « ntinl thet the auteaqtic lon gitudinel feed in alwaya divengsged in the eane spot, When the Serringe with apron box contecta the ateody step, 11 atopa nlea she pinion 1220, seohing the cam for igngitadingl feed, dinen= Gages the cechaniss of safety clutch 1167, Dep, 1149, which Starta the oet-up pressure arrangement and interrupte the nutomaq “oe feed. hn the meteup preseure of apring L184 te conatant, at disengegen the feed glwayn in the same spot, which enables machining of recesoed porta with the highest BcoUreoy. Sever 20 /7ig.9/ engages the nut of the load gorew when threod Setting. Wien thenut te engaged, securing bolt 1242 /Pig.15/ 4 disploced thus preventing angnging of the drawing roa. 5-28, “Tid: Meintenence ond setup of sotriouen /Piz.15,18¢. Fee aliding ted aurfaces mat often be cleaned from fine chips, So prevent domege to the groand and sorapped aurfaon. after Sleaning do not foil to oll the nlide guideway. (Teen limiting the ploy of the longitadinal slide, tighten wodge WO nooording to requirements ao thet the slide seve. nlong the ed without any herafal play ond without force. Loosen therefore “SEt screw of the wedge at the left wiper and tighten.correspon— Hingly the screw of the wodge in the right wiper. ‘The wedge ef orcas alide 994 ta ahifted by setting sorew 995. Surning to right the wedge ia forged angle ond thus limite the Biay in guideway, Bislting of play in the upper osrrigge guideway 1a done ofter Slightly Locsening acre 1030 and tightening worews 1031. Rore~ fal play in the nut threading of orows acrew 981 ie limited oo thot after loosening soraw 962, screw 983 4a tightensd and se- sired anaw by screw 902. Flay limiting of screw /1016/ of the upper carrings in dona by the two sorewn 1011 on the mut 1008, which ore seated perelledy sh goraw 1016. The a¢rawn wre aocessible with a leng screw ariver under the upper carriage, when dinplaced towards the tail- tack, Wy taiiptook /Pig.a0/. Ter adjustment of the tuiistoak on the bed locsen-the nut on worem $=28 1495, by means of lever 3-28 1492 oo that the teil ‘Ftock oan glide and after the adjustment tighten it anew /3=28 L54/. Por tuming long topers the toiletoek io orcsawine edjusted by ‘Sata of screw 9-28 1478 ofter loosening worenn 5-28 1483, 3-28 M91 and 3-25 1495 /NV 153 Pig.20/. For averse reverne adjust- want there serves o groove on the thilutosk rear siday for accu fete od justment preferubly use o dial indientor and arbor. Jay. When removing the centre /point/ it is noranliy sufficient to ingert the pinole by turning the hand wheel to the left $=28 1465, mich onuoem pulling out of the centre. Handle $-28 1470 Sightens the required position of the pinola. SPIPMEMT SUPPLID ONLY OX SPECIAL ORDER Qevling equipment /Pigei7/. Selection of coolant. Cooling of the tool during machine turning in aleo « very importent item, os ta lubrication, The ooolsnt and the lubricont enable the tool output to be inorwaged und consequently their Lif tine da dnoressed. Correct ocoling end lutricuting i» there=- fore not only o aeana to moke production more economia /the. teclu can operste at o-higher outting speed/, but aloo in proves the quality of the machined aurface and decreases the outting pressure, The most frequently used coolant and lubricants are: af Drilling of] /diffused soap in aineral oil with and adai- tion of various fot woida /io comonly used au emuleton in water. The denolty ta determined gocording to the type of work and in g ratio of of] to water up to 1s10; for Foughing operstions leau, for smoothing operations more oil. 2/ Yogetable of12 = rape ofl, olive oil, turpentine, are used moutly for aecothing operations /autting of threads, ata/. The maximom tenperature of the tool during work, without the danger of ainesling, ia fer tcol Ll pppros. 300°C, high speed steels 660°C and hard alleys 600°C. The use of coolunta and lobrioante 18 dependent on the type of ceterinl used and ite may of machining. These teol must be wall cooled by a steady wtreom before starting work. Regurivticn_ct_socling.guudpmgpt. The tonk for the ocolent mist be thoroughly cleaned before being filled. The tank do @ituated ih the right leg uf the lothe. The coolant #8" supp- ‘Lied by a GC 15 eluctric pump /Pig.i7/ and fed through piping A, S28. =21- fo the tool. The piping 1s casy odjusteble by means of aa= verel joints and ita fitting engbles simultaneous motion with the tool. Tha quantty of coolant oan be reguleted by B oock, Or cub off entirely when necessary. The waste is fed back into the tank, while the coolant to cleaned through the mesh situated in the tray. The tank, meah ond woote piping ohould, from time to time, ba walk ned. For this purpose pup the coolant into an auxiliary vessel, remove the Lid with the #lectric pump $0 15/Pig.17/ and remove the remaining goolant by seons of w hand pump. ifter clesning the tonk, clesn the fitting surface of the 1id and the body of the right stand, slightly cover with good qunlity fitting neonm ond tighten the ecrew. The electric pump is started by pressing the left black Push-button on the panel board. Disengagement is effected ‘by penne of the red button, Taper_turming stigchment (FigeL9/~ User for turning outaie and inner tapers and toper threads without reaetting of tailstook. Tapers up to 15° are odjusteble ty moana of the teper tarn- ing attuchment. Description: Bracket 2227 with s guiding rule ia fitted on the rear aide of the bed by means of acrews 2226. The bracket cnn be disploced after locaening the morema on the Pear of the bed to the place where the taper ia to be turned. The guiding rule 2238 io awivably oitugted on the supporting ‘bracket 2227, The pitch of the taper up to 15" aan be ndjust= 4 by screw 2252. We drew your attention to the meceseity of abaclutely acourwte eetting up of the rule after loosening both securing acrows. During the longitudinal sotion of the carriage along tha Ay 2B 5 ~2t- bed the guiding hoop 2239 io forced to follow the devintion Of the guiding rule 2238 ond beongae it in firaly connected with guiding atone 2246 to the cross carringe ocrev, trans mits the motion over the ndt to the oross carringe end con Geguently to the tool, performing the sane way as the gii- ding hoop. The axial play of the feed aocew is Limited ‘by tightening ute 989 on the sore and. It in reconmended to order the taper copying uttectment do= gether with the moshins to ensure ite correct asanmbly. For tepar turning 5 toa] of best quality materiel must te aued, eopecially when turning long tapera %o prevent prome ture weer of the tool edge. Thon taper turning the tool ta alwaya wet-up to the seis. Tria foot fe not generally known, it ia, however, instruc tive that, esgewith «a large dim 40 om, length 1400 mm end taper 1:20 oatting up of the tool 2 mm above the axig will decrease the dia 40 =: /calouluted from gmail dia/ by 6,040m. Tha devintion io not large, bat with o different piteh and different: tuper the @ifferences ore greater. Prom the mathe= Rational point of view it creates not # taper, but o hyper= Role, which riges when e line is turned oround another and Bimultenecusly with 1t pameing by lines. When turning inside tapers the tool must be set-up accurstely in the axis, al= though the edjustment 1a rather difficult with ragari to guahioning of the tuol or boring rod. In couse of on ingoou= Tote component, the lathe is often tlased, shila the real Teason lies in ingccarate odjunteent of the tool. Longitudinal atop drum /Pige2l/. The atop deviow oerves for socurate turning of recessed parts ageinat the steady atop. The opline shoft §-28 2137 in provided with adjustable stopa S+28 0139 pesaing through the grooves of the mtop basring, if the atop lever 6-26 2135 i9 not dropped down. By maane =23- Of lover 9-26 2145 is the oppreprigte set-up stop tarned by hond agsinet the stop lever $-26 2133. The stops can be used for both directions of feed by tilting the right or left stop lever, Bearing S28 2127 is odjuateble on the bed oa required by Leosening screw 5-28 2150 and beth tightening screwo, This arrangesent, when using end geugea and with the satomatia longitudinal feed fittved in the carriage box, enables sven dn mass produotion very accurate turning of recessed compo= nante. 4/ Gross stop drum /Fig.18/. The funotiowt of the orcas atop drum ia aimiler to the longitudinal atop drum. On request, the cross stop drum can be equipped with = diel indicator. fhe orosa stop serves for oetting up the cut depth in masa production, S/ Qollet chucking /Pige.23/. Por turning profile bare it 4s posdible to use collet chucking for the standard working apindle during production, Chacking during the michine run /Pig.23/. The chuoking of the bar stook during the machine run in done by hand lever 8-28 2326 2, which is sested in bearing §-26 2326. The a= tion of the lever $<26 23262 towards the chucking sollet oaises displacecent of dieplacenent bush §=28 2303, which by ive inner taper pulla the ring S26 2306 over balls 5-26 23068, shifts the draw pipe 2309, drew in the collet and gon= sequently shucks the auterial. Wien turning in colleta it da neoeseary for the front threaded ond to be protected mgninat dasage by Seann of protecting nut 5-28 2338. Ror_thrigd gutting 19_gnd_26 t.«pei. it ie necessary to place an order for gears. eonomy of turnii ng /Fig.26/. Por the economic turning we recall the following chiet which must be taken into consideration when machining lathes Perfectly ground tools. The most suitable section of chip /according the machine eutput/ Bconomic cutting speed Durability of tool > Por correct grinding of tools or cutting edge lapping refer te technical literature. By the section of chip /F/ is understood the product of chip @epth x feed Pe hea the point of view of thermal strain of the tool a chip ih 2 small feed and great depth is more suitable. Each machi- Zeterial produces under certain cutting conditions a cer- Pressure on the tool, which correspénds to its properties is called its cutting resistence. For each material it is ble to find out the apecific cutting resistance, i.e.the Pressure on the tool /P/ in kg for a certain chip section. machining it is essential to ensure that the tool is cor- sly sharpened, to enable perfect use of the tools The rélative speed between the sharp edge and the turned is called the cutting speed. 4n economic cutting speed is of the main conditions which should interest each turner if as to fullfil all economic conditions. eutting speed can be roughly stated according to the type Surned material, quelity of tool, kind of work and shape of B+ Severs] experiments with tools of high speed steel and Zetals have indicated that the cutting speed depends also =25— Fe wdc Aiemeter and shape of the chip, When caleulating uotting eteds, it would he correct to state this according to the cen= Gee of cutting average, practically, the cutting speed is calcue d according to the outer cutting diameter. In some particu- cases, for instance, thread cutting of large steap, the Speed should also be taken in consideration. standard feeds the feed speed is in comparison with the eutting speed motion, small, and therefore its influence not be considered. cutting peed is caloulated according to the formula: Dn a vu SR 1000 cutting speed in mm per one minute 3,14 Diameter in mm P+Dem, The durability of the tool /cutting edge/ should be greater, the more expensive the tool ana the longer its time for grinding and exchange. PRACTICAL CALCULATIONS feed range ana 4/ The change gears 4,B for main spindle revolution range are accessible after unscrewing lid 759. The use of these change gears enables the achievement of three ranges of main spindle revolutions as follows: Seeeeeeeseveseee 20 = 1000 ripsm. 1- i $- 8 culanasietetactee Sl — 2600 xeueme i- # Gag coctp yaeets ven GSi~ ao 5 0iebame JAY S-26. ~26— These change gears are set-up according the required revolu- tions and type of work. B/ Change gears for feed end thread cutting, which are situa- ted in a special box on the left side of the lathe, are acy cessible after removal of the lid of the change gear cover. The change gears are spray lubricated from the main oil gea~ rea pump. The set-up of the change gears is done according to the charts, which are fitted on the Norton box lid, for each ,type of thread. Por cutting metric, module and English threads use twofold of change gear transmission as follows: c a While for number of threads per 1 inch and threads of Dia~ metral pitch use threefold of change gear transmission ¢ a where gears a, c, @, drive and gears b, d, f, are driven. Change gears for special threads are set-up according to special calculation. 2/ Galoulation for change gears for special threads: Standard threads are cut according to machine labels fitted on the lathe. There are, however, cases where it is necessa- ty to cut threads whose pitch is not included in the charts. In such a case the change gears for special threads can be calculated by several methods. The most easy way is to calculate the change gears without considering the transmissions in quick change gear box so that the machine is set-up to such a pitch as to enable shortening in the mentioned equation. =26. fee transmission indicator of the change gears ii Ss 4, = -su7ieptez + + ‘get-up according to the machine tables. Beesple 1: ‘Getting of special thread pitch Sv = 34175 mm, ==4 corrected change gears are according to the Sv. = si7tabtez— += =-$$- = gzizing gears riven gears according to the formulae: S: Pitch of cut_thread i= -§h = Pitan se-learseren than in the first example. transmission of change gears a,b,c,4,e,2, axis XIII to axis XII /Fig.24/. BS sere Sv.= pitch of cut thread, Sv-table/ = pitch of thread i, = transmission indicator of corrected change g- 4 = transmission indicator of standard chunge 6+ S83 = 6 mm. ‘Ze this case the machine is set-up for cutting thread Sv = 2 mm 2p. BRRye = Malas? = SHB ‘this oase no abnormal number of change gear threads is re- 4, 4 further way of calculating change gears for an ab- 1 thread pitch is to set-up the transmission in headstock dn quick change gear box 1:1 and calculate the change gears the standard way as for a lathe without a quick change gear transmission in quick change gear box is set-up 1:1 even the arrow of the cross lever 4 is set-up to 1 and lever eG. In this calculation we shall receive more abnormal eclculation it is necessary to mention that for the twofold iiesion of change gears a,b,c,4, it is actually transmis- from axia XII to axis XIII, while in the case of the three~ formulae: it is the reverse 2 ‘Tee sontioned example of calculation for atnormel thresda is ely inforastive for the deacrited procedure. In most cases fie calociation is not sc eady #2 1t appeare to be. Tks exomples and possibilities ay ooour during practice SPs aany and we recomend for your perasal techoicel literature, pa SESEAD_ CUTIES MEiread cutting on the isthe 4s very sccurate work and oonetizes father difficult. It requires special sttention snd) skill of the Separator ne it hes a nunber of sanast eperations. thread cuttingthe carriege with the tool sust perfors sach Sotion that the threading tool during one revolution sf the apindie elides @ Gistence equsl to the reqdired piteh Sv the cut thread. setting up the regoired pitch Sr er number of threads per. ineh sarked Iv proceed te the hesdatock, change geare of on hex as whan setting up feeds with the difference that te ins positica so that the lead screw end draw shaft il, et stand She lethe is equipped with = stop arrangecent, i= is necesss- Ser the stops to psse freely throagh guising bearing s-26 of the stop drum, or for the atop fitted on the guising sce to be renoved, If the osrrisge, during threed outting A acesh the stop, damage might be caused to the atop device Ske geasra in the gear bex. Then ofly proceed with thread out- in the usual way. - Sng of the carriage with the-threading tool cen te done Giro saya. Zither the nut of the lesd screw in left engaged the perforsed oot and the ceching reversal engaged, or the $3 engaged efter osch performed cat and the carriage im re- 4 tc its starting position by means of hand wheel 22 with the dial indtostor when engaging the nut, Ay -29- Zee first way ie suitable for outting short threads and ouch GEreads where cutting with the use of the diel indicator is Got possible. Tee second way is used for cutting long threads, which for easons of economy are cut with the aid of the dial indicator. #/ Thread_cutting with the use of the dial indicator /Fig.18/. Ween thread cutting with the aid of the dial indicator a consi- erable saving in time is achieved, because the reversal of the Gerriege into its starting position is not used, After cutting @=2 chip simply open the nut of the lead screw and by means of Send wheel 22 /Big.9/ plece the carriage in its starting posi- Sion for the new cut, It is possible with the lead screw-with @etric thread /pitch in mm/ to cut only threads in mm pitch and SE the use of the lead screw in English only for cutting reads in inches. = diel indicator is pleced on the right side of the carriage 32 if not in use it can, after loosening the clamping screw, Be set out of mesh with the lead screw. Before proceeding with read cutting with the eid of the indicator dial make sure Secther it is well in mesh with the lead sorew. When the lead mm nut is open, the machine runs and the indicator diel Sern with the lead screw nut closed, the indicator dial is at jendstill. The pitch of cut thread Sv is always in a certain Getion to the pitch of lead screw S& and it is therefore ne- sary, before proceeding with thread cutting, to calculate 2 simple way on which division of the thread dial the nut the lead screw should be engaged. Celculation for cutting metric threads. If at the cut metric thread‘is its pitch contained without rest in the lead screw Pitch, i.e.that the pitch of the lead screw is a multiple ef pitch which is to be cut, then the nut may be engaged in eny position of the thread dial. __ fA Sv x whole number = §#, Then Barking sholé nomter @zsction with the tor Bowe receive baie feormlse: Sy. = 88 and consequently $4. lead scree piten Boe Se" gat-tisees ieee @ividing socording to Teale the lead Ray the pitch Sv we receive aunter i how many ‘he cut throod pitch te contained ln ihe lead screw pitch her words, after bow meny revolutions of the lead soraw Ssslleut comsdn mltiple/ the lead acres nit sy bo engs- iy Snficnted by the denominstor in the aiven formulae, erew pitch ahich Be shortened accordingly./aee exouple?/. if @ nicole sinber @Ptpined, the nut say be Bate to out thread ef pitch sy = 1,8 ma with the oid of: Ang dial. GS = 6 me, The geared wheel of the dial hea 24 » the threading inéicater being divided ints 12 divisio: & 20 t == 6 teeth of dinl ins. Sellest commen naltiple 52 and Sv cen be divided ty 36, ed SE 36: Gi = 6 teeth, The nut can be engaged at fal) & Rations of the lead soréw. a9 the geared wheal has 24 teeth Stans 6/24 = 1/400f the diel indicator févelution, t,¢.12 1.4 ia 3. ¢ the lead aorew enn ccnaequentl, y be engaged at every fivision of the digi threads ng indicator, ily the safest use of the threading dial da only in cases ‘the smellest coamon multiple of Pitéh $4 and Sy can be ed ty the lead sorem piteh. $8 gives a cubber whick ia ined in the acing indiostor division nuster without pPecainier, The following indicete of the disi ex of ¢ O,25, Dye Oyhy Of5, OyBy 0,75, Oy, Lym, 122, 1,5, Ze Sem Gym H,— divisions 2n4 division Sra division 0.9, 1,8, 2525, 6,5 mm 4th diviaion 5th division 1,25, 2555 3.75) 5. 20, 30 mm hh diviaion 2,75; 5,5, 11 = 13th divi 3,25, 6,9, 13 om BSsiculation for thrend cutting in Anglioh inches, For cutting BS Eaglich inches it is necessery to make sure on which divi- Sees of the thresding dial the nut may be engaged. Provided with Wiitworth screw. u lead screw 26 = 4, = wheel with 24 taeth and a dial 4e4 inte 12 division, 1 division corresponds te # threede 1/s* - 1/2", two divintons are 4 threada sack 1/4", 1.e. Ts is there: possible to‘close the nat on seh second nusber of thresda 3v per 1 ingh {a given by fh oaloulation there serves the following forsalea: pb. . Huster_of shreeds_ par i of cpt sores Munber of threads per 1" of lead acres fesult is a shole may position, with ead screw ed by the nuster of threads If. the musber of thresda Zy cannot be divided & thresins Za, but 4¢ du, however on even mamber, say be etgaged on enoh in = sho uber, @ lead Sorel on every second diviaion. tumber snd fraction 1/2 the sores not may oh beck 44h division, fosber usd fraction 1/4, the only tm each sth division of threading indicator imaber of cut threada per 2* 12, 16, 20, 24, 25, 32, Hy 40, era 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, eto. 043 numbers 1, 3, 5; 71 9) €to~ L/e-ete. We, 11/2, 21/2, 5 Ya, 1 Ut, 21/4, 3 1/acetes 3 Las, 2 4, 3/8 eto. 3-28. Bxomple 3 ZH= 4 threads per 1", to cut Zv = 20 threads per 1" B= 2v/28 = 20/4 = 5, it is possible to engage the nut in any position. Brample 4: 25 = 4 threads per 1", to cut Zv = 14 threads per 1". B = 2V/z8 = 14/4 = 7/2, it is possible to engage the nut on each second tooth, because one division on the dial = 2 teeth then expressed in divisions 2 divisions/, 2 = 1 divi- sion, it is possible to engage the nut on each division of the dial. . SPARE Parts Gecponents subject to rapid wear. Men placing an order for spare parts which were damaged during [rensport, have become worn during production, please state the iowing data to ensure the precise execution of your order: Type of machine Production Aumber of machine stamped on the end of the bed guide ways, this being identical with the Operating instruc- tions book number. Year of production and receipt of machine. Mechine unit, ise.headstock, gear box, apron box, etc. Accurate and objective denomination of the part, ise.slever ef gear box disc clutch, upper carriage nut, etc. Bomber stumped on euch machine part, i.e.S 28 476. Bequired number of spare parts. Number of part in the operating instruction book, as well as number of Fig.State also the cau- se-of damage. Tas\— $-28. BIS? of Machine Parts Subject to Rapid Wear: Brawing No. Designation of Part No.of $-28-134 Rubber Insert 3 $-28-794 Outer Clutch Plate 16 $-28-804 Inner Clutch Plate 15 $-28-824 Clutch Lever 6 $-28-441 42 = Roller 5 $-28-74438 21 Bush Svecification of bearings: Machine unit - axis Number of bearing Gear Box Stendard - spare I 6305 6306 Ia 6308 6306 Ib 6205 che 6306 6305 III 6006x16006 Iv 6304 6006 7 6305 WI 6305" VII 6306 6307 51110 VIII $1111 Horton drive 1x 6204 6203 Ide 6205 100 108 126 125 147 170 187 188 224 222 242 262 243 $-28. Machine unit - axis of bearings Piece: Borton drive 6203 6203 Borton box 6205 6003 x 16003 6007 x 16007 6202 6203 pron box 51102 51101 51102 BEX BER ee we Biegram of Gonnections /Figs zo 0- Power supply =, 1-8 - Main Terminal Board Hi, 1-10 - Control Circuit Terminal Board #2, 11-16- Push-Button Panel Terminal Board $f 1/VSK.15/ - Main Motor Contactor $22 /VSK 15/ - Pump Contactor Protective Relay of Main Motor Protective Relay of Pump Fuses of Main Motor and Pump Secondary Puse of Transformer for Socket /4a/ Mwo Pole Plug for Lighting Transformer 50 VA for Lighting 220/24 Volts Main Motor Pump Motor Puoh-Button Panel Contactor Combination "ON" Push-Button "OFF" Push - Buttons Signal Light of Main Motor Signal Light of Pump Motor Main Switch fs daxt_for Teble 254_ if Teble of Feeds and Threads 2/ Gear Rotio in Headstock WM Lever on Headstock 4/ Spindle Speed 5/ Lever §/ Position of Cro Tf Ghunge Geare of Machine with Ived Gerew 6 oe 1/4" 8/ ‘Position of Change = Over Lever Qf Longitudinel Feedo in om 10/ Transverau] Feado tn om Wf Metric Thresde Lead in am iz/ Models Threage 13/ Whitworth Thread Mimber cf Threada per Inch Diawetral Fiteh 15/ Lead in Inches Text for Table. pes i/ Qutting Speed in sateen per win. 2 ehining Tise in seconds for a Turning Length of 10 m= Vo Disdeter in oe af Pueda in um per Revolution of Spindle SUPPLEMENT - The experience contained in this handbook is the result of many years practice in machine production which will not only in- struct you on how to operate the machine but will also help you to obtain the best working results. All the components of our machines are manufactured of the most advantageous material and the most up-to-date production methods and control facilities are applied. If all the operating instructions are followed, it is certain that the machine will render good service while the wear of its parts will be kept at a minimum. If, however, some defect should occur as a result of faulty operation or due to an accident the machine must be taken Out of the service immediately. A minor defect can always be removed in your own workshop without affecting the working efficency of the machine. If, however, the machine has been seriously demaged, it is advisable to get in touch with us in ‘order to obtain all necessary information (drawings, ete) which could be helpful at the repair. Telephone or cable order address to Strojexport only. Always state the serial number of the machine and number of the spare part in question according to this handbook or describe, as exactly as possible, the function of the same in order to enable us to execute your order as soon as possible. Thanking you, we are dear Sirs, ‘Yours faithfully < ! [° . «4

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