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Bransons Class

Morning Routines

Come in with a positive attitude/leave worries at the door!

morning Greeter will say Hello!
Make a lunch choice (stick in mailbox)- lunch/attendance takers!
Read instructions on the board
Turn in homework listed
Get out all math materials and wait to watch morning

What NOT to do:

wait to be reminded to read the board

have a discussion at the coat rack
leave/go to the bathroom or somewhere around the school
right away
rush up to teacher with question/concern immediately

Everyday at 11:15
No peanuts/treenuts in classroom!
Snack has to be HEALTHY! (fruit, granola bar, pretzels)
no donuts, Poptarts, etc
Must be easy to prepare/clean up

Afternoon Routines

Write all assignments in your notebook, check that you have all
materials for home
Check in with Responsibility Partner
Ask questions if you are UNSURE about something!
Dismissal Leader will wish you a good afternoon!

Hold up your end of the Homework Contract. Dont negotiate with

parents/teachers. Do your homework at a consistent time, in a
quiet spot. Just like your parents/teachers maintain daily
responsibilities of their jobs, Your job is to be a student!

Classroom Jobs

Lunch Count- work with attendance person to submit info

Attendance- work with Lunch Count person to submit info
Messenger- deliver messages/equipment to teachers
Secretary- answer phone calls/get a teacher if needed/make copies
Desk Inspector- check desks and provide feedback/encouragement
Paper Passer- assist teacher with paper passing/collecting
LUnch Bin 1 & 2- deliver/retrieve bin
Greeter- welcome classmates to class and remind of responsibilities
Absentee Helper- write info for each subject/get homework home
Homework Checker- make sure all names/papers are turned in A.M.
Dismissal Leader- make sure all chairs are up/materials cleared
Mailman- put weekly handouts in mailboxes-- no graded work
Materials Manager- throughout the day, ensure room is in order
Assignment Board- explain homework at the end of the day

Classroom Expectations

Golden Rule of Respect

Were at Team! We work together for everyones success!
Give Me 5- students can direct the class, demonstrate a
skill, provide feedback/advice throughout the day
Responsibility Partners- check in with a buddy/bounce ideas
off of eachother
Both passive & active leadership skills are important!
Be an active learner/try your best
Ask questions when you are unsure!


Brownie Points are earned as a class

when you fill the pan, the class earns a reward
Positive Principal Referral
get caught doing something good and you may be sent to the
principals office to hear some praise!
Think Sheets
if you are given a reminder and are unable to correct your
behavior, you will be asked to fill out a sheet in the hall. It will
be sent home for your parents to sign.
Calls/emails home
for both positive behavior & when student isnt fulfilling

Contract with Parents established at start of year.
it is students responsibility to update as sports/after
school events change throughout year.
ONE hour dedicated to school/learning a night; if you
finished work in assignment, you read/study/work on longterm projects!
Make sure your papers end up in your accordion file
each night. This is YOUR responsibility, not your parents.
Cross check your assignment book/accordion and
prepare all things for the next day the NIGHT BEFORE!


you must know your schedule
do not wait for Mr. Berry to call/interrupt class
be on time
be a good role model!
Morning Announcements
be on time!
be enthusiastic!
be responsible!
Other clubs


You need to advocate for your own learning! If you have a

question ASK! Dont wait until you become frustrated/behind.
Active vs Passive Leadership- both are important!
Be kind to everyone. Every adult, student, and employee at
school deserves your respect.
Be open to working with a variety of students. Your
partnerships will change often/daily. This is a life lesson you need
to learn!
If something is bothering you, be sure to communicate this to
Mrs. Branson/your parents. Use the comment box if you need

Follow my Blog./Twitter!
MrsELlieBranson on Twitter

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