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Bilzer Blitzer says:

November 19, 2012 at 10:01 pm

As a navy guy i can tell you that the color and fringe are an absolute its not a
conspiracy to lay out the facts of fringe and color variations. As a matter of
fact the last time i entered a california court and there were california and us
a flags with blue fringe and red fringe but no gold fringe.
not only is it important it is the comunication means of a class of overlords th
at eminate from masonary , the vatican state and the united nations one only nee
ds to look in the bylaws of the united nations and the CFR transcription of the
bilderburger (*actualy called olympians) to note that it is a means of heirarchy
identification and station. those who lambast that its all kooks are themselves
suspect. it is a game of hypnosis and diatribe used to controll masses all the
while making plain thier intentions gold Amirality over the see ( the holy see)
(under the angelo saxon/austriahungary administration) given by the papacy. do n
ot doubt me additionaly during this period before the one world goverment and it
s transition you will find these red and blue fringed flags in your courts and c
ounty facilities as they are systematicly absorbed by fiat. blue dropping the ad
mirality heirarchy for the rule of masonic states under the authority of decenda
ncy of the kingship of solomon. And they shall make the ephod [of] gold, [of] bl
ue, and [of] purple, [of] scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work. exo
dus says in the Torah. and it is of note the revelations says And saying, Alas,
alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet,
and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
this is the language of the iniates of babylon of icon of color of flag and frin
if you want to know what they are up to, look into hearlds ( shields of arms) f
lags, and flag colors
just for practice look at all the red white and blue countries ,,,,notice they a
re all the colors of the english flag, thats not an accedent and red to represen
t the direct authority of papal rule Constitution.pd

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