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Chapter 21 Review Sheet

Joe Springer Hr. 2 APUSH

Please write a sentence or two about the following plans or battles:

Anaconda Plan

Bull Run

Peninsular Campaign

Total War

Draft of 1863 and the Draft Riots in New York

Please write a Paragraph here describing the Naval Battles of the Civil war
(Merrimac and Monitor, Blockade)

How was the second battle of Bull Run different from the first one?

Another paragraph here about the battle of Antietam, this is HUGE! Be sure to talk
about the Political, Social, and Diplomatic consequences of this battle.

The Emancipation Proclamation: What was it, how did it affect the war, and affect
Lincoln’s COT on the issue of slavery? What was the reaction that soldiers and
people had to it? (Paragraph here )

A short paragraph here describing the roles freed black soldiers had in the war
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Describe what happened at Gettysburg (Pickets Charge, Little Round Top, etc)

How was the Gettysburg Address generally received?

New Orleans 1862


Sherman’s March through Georgia (“Blue Bellies”)

What was so radical about the Republicans during this time?

In a Chart below, list the differences between the Democrats of this era.

Peace Democrats War Democrats Copperheads

Below write a short description of Clement’s Vallandigham Man without a Country

and the effects it had on the war.
Election of 1864-

Union Party

Andrew Johnson

George McClellan

Farragut’s Naval Victories

Bayonette Vote

Write a paragraph here regarding the Wilderness Campaign


Write a paragraph here about Lincoln’s Assassination

Crucifixion Thesis of Andrew Johnson

Costs of the War

North South

On the back of this page please write a short story describing a small child’s dairy
that relate to the Varying Viewpoints.
From the Dairy of Jake Thomas:

Mommy says that the war is over now, and Daddy will be home for a long time. She
said that the South will never try to leave us again, that’s good. I also overheard her
talking about new laws being added to the Constitution. I don’t quite understand
them, but she explained them to me once. They sound exciting! She says that
Adam, the black boy down the street, will be free to go wherever he wants now! I
wish I could go wherever I wanted! She also told me that I could keep my
greenbacks, as the new National Banking System is going to stay for a long long
time, I hope that’s true! I sure do love em!

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