Synchronous 3

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Synchronous 3-Day Training Manual

Stephanie Sheehan
CUR 532
March 12, 2015
Todd Burke

Overview/Day 1
Part I Vital Information in the Facilitator Training
Training program audience
The audience for this training are faculty members at a Sunrise community college who
are interested in moving from teaching in class to online.
Assumed current skill sets
Basic teaching skills
Ability to engage students
Provide knowledge
Specific knowledge such as:
Assumed current experiences?
Most teachers will have to have taught at least four face to face class at the community
college. Teachers will be accepted from other institutions if they meet the requirements.
Level of current knowledge
Since many of the teachers involved in the program have taught face to face courses
previously it is safe to assume teachers have knowledge of the course materials related to
their subject. They simply need to know how to transfer from face to face from online.

Training program goals and objectives

Part one will be covered on day one as an overview of the days to come.

Day 1/Part 2
Goal- Learners will understand skills related to teaching distance learners.
Facilitators will write an activity similar to the one described in the training manual
using the same skills listed.
Facilitators will create a group presentation covering the stages of the phased
Facilitators will write 200 words describing the two types distance learning theories.
Facilitators will write 50 words describing two of the ways to engage students.

Day 2/Part 3
Goal- Instructors will understand the mentoring program of learning online facilitation.
The faculty will be able to list the criteria needed to be a mentor.
Faculty will be able to list one type of evaluation and one type of management
strategy from the mentoring program.

Faculty will be able to write to two types of platforms that influenced to making of
current learning platform.
Faculty will be able to write 200 words about one of the technologies discussed.

Day 3/ Part 4
Goal- Learners will understand issues and classroom management
Facilitators will describe in 50 words one of the 3 types of distance learners.
Facilitators will make a five minute Prezi comparing synchronous and asynchronous
facilitation skills.
Facilitators will write 50 word paragraph with another potential technology
management issue and resolution.
Facilitators will write a 200 word class expectation list that covers possible classroom
management issues.
Facilitators will switch expectation list and write 50 word feedback on expectation list
activity to another student.
Facilitators will make a 5 minute PowerPoint in a group discussing challenging
behaviors and ADA issues.

Summative assessment of trainee learning

How will you be assessed to assess learning at the end of the program?
Instructors will have to be evaluated by taking a 50 question test. They will have to pass
with 75% accuracy.
How will the success of the program be assessed?
The successes of the program will be measured by the percentage of instructors who
move on to be successful online instructors.

Day 1
Part II Facilitator Skills and Instructional Materials
Skills needed to create effective distance learning
Learning Coach- Being a coach to learners is the same as being a coach to a team, the
teacher presents a skill and then put it to work with the students much like a coach puts
players on the field.
Tour guide- Guides students through the online learning experience. The facilitator must
make sure all students take in the goals and objectives.
Cheerleader- Facilitators should find ways to encourage learners and give encouraging
Social Butterfly- This is the ability to be personal in an online environment. Facilitators
should act as a party host getting to know everyone.
Valve control- Topics that have a lot of content must be reduced to a manageable amount to
ensure absorption of the material. This means instructors will have to highlight what needs to
be learned.
Co-learner- Facilitators must be lifelong learners. Must be involved in the learning process.
(Bull, 2015).

Weebly activity to improve skills

Learning Coach- Show students how to create a Weebly demonstrating who they are.
Include Name, Past work, Interests, and other details that define themselves.
Tour guide- Students will create a Weebly with basic info about themselves. Students will
then be paired with another student to review each others Weeblys.
Cheerleader- Each people will write feedback for each other that encourages and critiques
with the intention of creating a positive message with helpful tips to improve.
Social Butterfly- Students should use one tool on the Weebly to make it more personalized.
Example: Add video or audio.
Valve control- The Weebly should not be overbearing for readers. Must be manageable for
learning basic information.
Co-learner- Students must write 300 word about how they learned from the experience.

Phases of development for distance learning facilitators.

Phased approach:
This is a development that happens over a lifespan. One does not become an effective online
instructor by attending one single workshop. Learning the skills is a progression and that
happens in stages.
Stage 1 (Teacher as learner) - This is the phase where information is gathered to develops
skills needed to use technology for instructional tasks.
Stage 2 (Teacher as adopter) - The Teacher experiments with technologies with a focus
on task management. Teachers should use mentors and peers to aid them through the
Stage 3 (Teacher as co-learner) - At this point there should be a clear relationship

between delivering curriculum through the use of technology. Recommended training at

this stage is a workshop for improving instruction using technology. Additionally sharing
assessment and lesson ideas with peers can be helpful.
Stage 4 (teacher as reaffirmer or rejecter) - This phase will include the development of
awareness of learning outcomes. The teacher should be able to understand the different
technologies and how it using it can impact student learning. Showing student progress
that has been impacted by the use of technology is a good tool to use at this phase.
Stage 5 (Teacher as a leader) - At this phase the instructor is experienced and should use
their experience to become leaders and share knowledge. The instructors are encouraged
to use their training and become mentors or lead workshops.

Theories of distance learning

Didgital media theory- This is a theory that focuses on learning through the use of visual
learning through technology. Visual learning might include still or moving images. This may
seem like a very narrow scope of learning but in fact it actually highlights the fact that there
are just so many opportunities to use digital media for learning.


Didgital media theory application- The perfect application of this theory is the Pecha
Kucha. This is a PowerPoint presentation that has only 20 slides, each slide lasts 20
seconds long and the presentation is 6 minutes and 40 Seconds. This is a visual media
tool that is perfect for getting information to people in a manageable dose.
Multimodality/Transformation and transduction- Transformation refers to meaning
making portion of learning. This is when students make sense of new learned material based
on available resources. Transforming in multimodality is having to use multiple modes of
receiving information and connecting them all together. Transduction is specific term which
relates to switching modes of learning which is an often accordance in eLearning.


ELearning often times requires students to use many tools and resources so
transformation and transduction must be used to connect a new material to learn.

Engaging distance learners

Engaging Students
Instructor should Know students and be aware.
Knowing students- Knowing students will allow you as an instructor to be able to
identify when students are struggling or need extra help. You can set the tone of a
comfortable environment by responding personally to each student. The key is to not
berate or intimidate.
Know the class mechanics that are related and or used in the course.
Know the class mechanics- As an instructor it is important to know how to navigate
and explain how to navigate through a course. If you as an instructor cannot explain
and help student make it through the course it will cause frustration. This could lead
to the failure of the course.

Be approachable and give feedback within appropriate time.

Be approachable and give feedback within appropriate time- When teaching online
you are not consistently seeing students. This factor make availability extremely
important. One should make sure students can find contact information easily. Many
times a short phone call can solve many problems.
Post weekly about any announcement even if it is not required by university.
Post weekly about any announcement even if it is not required by university- This
may seem excessive but it could be extremely helpful to students. The weekly updates
could be used to give extra guidance to students who may be falling behind.
Give productive feedback to students that is positive and constructive.
Give productive feedback- It is very valuable to give substantial feedback to students.
In addition to being substantial one must critique, it is important to not be too harsh
and find ways to encourage the student.
Find ways to make class fun.
Make class fun- Learning can be very stressful at times so it is important to lighten
things up sometimes.
(Jones, 2015).

Day 2
Part III Management and Technology Tools
Mentoring program for faculty
Goals and objectives of the mentoring program.
Goal- The faculty will have a clear understanding of what it takes to be a mentor.
Objective- The faculty will be able to list the criteria needed to be a mentor.
Goal- The faculty will understand management and evaluation process for the mentoring
Objective- Faculty will be able to list one type of evaluation and one type of management
strategy from the mentoring program.
Goal- Faculty will know about learning platform used for online learning.
Objective- Faculty will be able to write to two types of platforms that influenced to
making of current learning platform.
Goal- Faculty will understand useful technologies used in online learning.
Objective- Faculty will be able to write 200 words about one of the technologies

Identification criteria for mentoring program

Mentoring program will be progressive.
First class Instructor will shadow mentor.
Second class instructor will guide discussion under mentor supervision as well as
continue to shadow.
Third class mentor will shadow and give advice and impute as needed.
Fourth class new instructors will conduct a course alone. Mentors may check in at any
Mentees will be able to choose mentors, mentors may also approach mentees.

The performance status of the mentor:

Experience with distance education
Mentors should be an online educator for at least three years before becoming a mentor.
The mentor should have successfully taught 12-18 online courses.
Criterion of success
Pass rate anywhere from 75%- 85%.
Positive student feedback.
Positive faculty feedback.

Management and evaluation programs for facilitators

The faculty learning community approach and management.
Creating an online learning community could impact both mentor and mentees.

Mentors can learn from other mentors. They could exchange what worked for them and
what did not.
Mentees could learn things from other mentors. A mentor might post helpful tips or give
encouraging advice.
A learning community may lead to a mentee finding a mentor that suits their learning
Mentors can gain management skills form other mentors.

Challenges related to managing adjunct faculty from a distance.

Written emails, messages, and announcements may seem impersonal. This could lead to a
feeling for neglect or lack of community.
Managers may not know when faculty is struggling.
Issues may go unresolved.

Strategies used to manage adjunct faculty from a distance.

Do an occasional phone call or skype to show personal interest in wellbeing of faculty.
Do Temp checks to see if staff have any issues.
Management should try to establish healthy relationships with staff in efforts to seem
approachable in times of need.

Evaluation strategies to use for facilitators

Pass and failure rates of students will be monitored pass rates should stay within 75%-85% of
the class.
Student surveys will be conducted.
Mentors will conduct evaluations on discussion, class engagement, and class presence.

How will the evaluation and management strategies align to the identification
of effective faculty skills and behaviors in Part I?
The overall goal of the program is to develop skills to make successful online instructors.
Having a high level of involvement of both mentors and other staff members will help
enhance the skills we seek to set in motion as will our temp checks, feedback, and

Definition of which system is used, LMS or CMS.

The school has a hybrid of the two programs that has been designed to focus on course and
learning management.
There will be designated areas to turn in assignments.
Assignments will be listed in the online syllabus.
There will be a forum for class discussions for each week.
All teacher announcements will be made in a teacher announcement forum that the whole
class can see.
Each student and faculty will have an email for private messages.

Processes used to do the following:

Present information, such as lectures or videos.

Information, lectures and videos will be listed in the Syllabus.

Videos, lectures, and other information will be posted in the assigned reading and
lectures for each week, otherwise they will be added to class announcements.
Conduct class discussions.
Class discussions will happen in a specific discussion forum.
Conduct private discussions.
Each student and staff member will have a private email assigned by the school.
Receive assignments
Assignments will be posted in designated assignment tabs in the platform.
If unable to submit in assignment tab due to technical issues the assignment can
be emailed.
Provide assignment feedback and grades
Assignment feedback will be posted in the assignments tab. If a rubric is given the
rubric will be posted as well as the revised assignment.

Technology or media tools that engage and enhance student

Video- This is a great tool to include lectures, presenting information in a fun and new way.
In online courses many of the students must be self-learners. Students must read the text in
order to understand the material.
Doing a video lecture on the material might help increase students understanding as
well as engagement. Especially if you encourage them to make a video discussion
Visuals and infographics- Reading the text can seem monotonous.
Adding an additional infographic or visual may help you as the instructor deliver
important information in a different way other than the text.
Encouraging students to make visuals may also help make learning fun and creative.
Games and simulations- Online learners often have to observe information through text,
discussion and other readings.
Adding a game like a crossword puzzle could get the students engaged in learning in
a way that is both fun a productive.


Day 3
Part IV Issues and Classroom Management
Technology tools for student collaboration.
Wikis- Students can create Wikis for group assignments, or students can choose to
conduct a discussion in a wiki for a week.
The classroom learning platform to be used- This will be the main area where students
can collaborate. They will be engaging in class discussions.
Teleconferencing tools- Skype, Apple FaceTime, or other teleconferencing tools
maybe used to encourage students to collaborate. These tools may help students reach
conclusions faster as well as have personal contact with each other. These tools can help
the learning community.

Different distance learners

Cultural- So many things impact learning styles. Culture is a factor to consider in online
learning. Although statistically Asian Americans field independent it is not easy to
assume all Asian Americans are going to be the same. Online learning environments
should prepare to deal with individual learning styles in preparation for having to deal
with a cultural issue.
Experiential- This type of learner learns by experience. This may be a hard thing to
replicate in online learning but it can be done. Teachers can have students create
documents or projects that they might use when they are working. The key is to be able to
adapt to learning styles.
Prior learning experiences: nontraditional learners- This type of learner can cause
some problems in e learning environments or they can adapt very well. If a nontraditional student is not adapting it may have something to do with lack of access to
technology. This may be due to income, age, or overall lack of understanding for
technology used in online learning.

Differences between synchronous and asynchronous facilitation skills

Synchronous and Asynchronous facilitation skills often times are parallel they require
many of the same tasks such as:
Helping learners be successful
Giving productive feedback
Keeping discussions on topic
Having a positive demeanor
Covering content thoroughly
Modeling behavior wanted
Synchronous environments require
A start and end time for class
The ability to stand in front of a group of people to speak.
Asynchronous environments requires
Monitoring time spent


Controlling material to be absorbed

(The Role of a Facilitator, 2015).

Technology management issues and resolutions

Lack of knowledge- When introducing new technology provide examples or tutorials on
how to use them. Another option is to let them use something that they know that is
comparable to the desired technology.
Technologies fail- being aware of possible issues that might go wrong when using
technologies can help one prepare for that possibility a head of time.

Classroom management issues and resolutions

The best class room management tool is to display the behavior one wishes
to receive.
Issues related to the classroom:
Late work, missing discussions, being hurtful to others, not
participating, plagiarizing ect.
These types of issues are best addressed right away in the syllabus
or class expectations. As well as holding oneself to those
standards. Try to make class expectations as thorough as possible
to avoid issues. If something is not addressed in the expectations
be fair and honest.
Learner feedback
Learner feedback is important for instructors. If learners did not give feedback teachers would
not know how or where they need to improve. Learner feedback also shows if teachers are
responding to the feedback. Educators should be lifelong learners. Learner feedback can also
assess where students are during the class which will help teachers reteach or change teaching
Messages- Messages are a way to get personal feedback from individual students.
Teachers can message students personally through messages.
Comments- Comments in the public forum can allow students to give feedback that can
help teachers solve problems.
Audio- Creating audio feedback could be a more personal way for learners to provide
(Haythornthwaite & Andrews, 2011)

Challenging behaviors
All learning environments come with challenges. This is why presence as an instructor is so
important. Being aware of what is going on in the online classroom will allow instructors to stop
ad behaviors.
Cyber-bullying- This is an issue that should be addressed in the class expectations. Although
it may be in the class expectation it may not keep it from happening.
Have consequences set in place
Have a fair way to punish
Be aware of ways of bullying


Inappropriate posts- this is an issue that most instructors will have to deal with. Post can
get out of hand so it is important to monitor posts. One should:
Stop inappropriate posts as soon as possible
Address the issue as soon as it happens
Lack of participation or engagement- There will always be students who are more engaged
and students who are less engaged.
Ways to engage learners
Try new activates
Build personal relationships with students
Knowing students may allow instructors to know why students are not participating.
ADA learners and associated strategies
Adults with disabilities act ensures that all students no matter what their disability are
accommodated and given the chance to learn. There are many ways to do this in the online
Audio books can be made available to hearing impaired
Audio announcements can be made for the students.
For deaf students subtitles can be added to any videos posted.
It is important to make sure many options are available to the individual learner
("Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0", 1999).


Bull, B. (2015). Eight Roles of an Effective Online Teacher. Retrieved from
Haythornthwaite, C., & Andrews, R. (2011). E-learning Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks,
CA: SAGE Publications Inc..
Jones, R. C. (2015). Keeping Students Engaged in the Online Classroom. Retrieved from
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. (1999). Retrieved from
The Role of a Facilitator. (2015). Retrieved from

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