Media Studies Assignment Learner Feedback Sheet OCR

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Media Studies Assignment Learner Feedback Sheet


Unit: G321
Student Name: Swallow, Tom
A Block
Topic/Essay Title: February Half Term Blog Review
The table below gives you feedback and understanding on how your work has been marked
against assessment criteria for the Preliminary Task.

Assessment Objectives Summative Feedback

AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding to A proficient degree of knowledge and
show how meanings are created when understanding have been demonstrated.
analysing media products and evaluating
their own practical work.
AO3 Plan and construct media products A proficient ability to plan and construct
using appropriate technical and creative media products using appropriate
skills. technical and creative skills has been
AO4 Undertake, apply and present A proficient ability to undertake, apply
appropriate research. and present appropriate research has
been demonstrated.

The table below provides you with tutor feedback, and/or their recommendations for key
areas on how to pass the task.

Task Completed
At least 5 College Magazine front covers. 
At least 5 Music Magazine front covers 
At least 5 medium close up photos. 
An analysis of a college magazine front cover 
All the photographs you took for your college magazine front cover. 
A hand drawn rough design of your college magazine cover. 
A hand drawn rough design of your college magazine contents page. 
An analysis of a college magazine contents page. 
Your completed college magazine front cover. 
Your completed college magazine contents page layout. 
Three Photoshop Elements Camstudio videos. 
Three Quark XPress Camstudio videos. 
Music magazine industry research video. 
Lesson Objectives 
Proof Read/Spelling etc, 

Key Areas for My Individual Development

This is good work Tom, well done, have a gold star. You need to ensure that
you write the relevant assessment objectives on every blog post.

Mark 15/15

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