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The Constitution of Ninth Street Hooligans

We students of the Claremont Colleges, recognizing the desire for an increase in the number of
opportunities for students to engage in the performing arts on campus, do come together to form this
group for that reason.
Article I. Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Ninth Street Hooligans.
Article II. Purpose
Section 1. The purpose of Ninth Street Hooligans shall be to provide an opportunity for students of all
the Claremont Colleges to express themselves through vocal music.
Section 2. Ninth Street Hooligans shall seek to encourage the musical, intellectual and social growth
of all of its members.
Section 3. Ninth Street Hooligans shall seek to provide the Claremont Colleges with musical
entertainment and enjoyment for students, faculty and staff.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Membership in Ninth Street Hooligans shall be open to students of all Claremont Colleges,
including both undergraduate and graduate institutions. Membership shall not be denied because of an
individuals age, gender, creed, color, sexual orientation, marriage status, disability, nationality, nation
of origin, or status as a veteran.
Section 2. Membership in Ninth Street Hooligans shall be subject to the completion of a successful
audition and offer of admission by current members of the group.
Section 3. Membership in Ninth Street Hooligans shall be limited to no more than twenty (20)
students. This number shall include up to five (5) members who are currently studying off-campus.
This limit may be waived by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all full members of the group in extreme
Section 4. Membership Revocation Procedures:
a) It is the responsibility of the President and Music Director to address any conflicts with a member of
Ninth Street Hooligans. The President and Music Director shall have a private conversation with the
said member about the issue. They can either try to alleviate the problem or suggest that the member
leave the group.
b) If the aforementioned conversation fails to succeed and a problem with a member of the group still
exists, the President may put the issue of membership revocation to a vote. Revocation of membership
shall require the unanimous vote of all members of Ninth Street Hooligans, excluding the member in
question, or at least 2/3 of the votes plus the approval of the President.
Article IV. Officers and Duties Thereof
Section 1. The elected officers of Ninth Street Hooligans shall be the President, Music Director, and a
Party Captain.

Section 2. There shall be no limit to length of service in any elected or appointed position.
Section 3. Each position shall be held by the occupant for one year from the time in which they were
Section 4. Any member of Ninth Street Hooligans may not hold more than one position
Section 5. Election Procedures:
a) Elections shall be held at the end of the fall semester.
b) All members who have completed at least one (1) full semester as a member of Ninth Street
Hooligans are eligible to vote in elections.
c) Any member of Ninth Street Hooligans is eligible to run for any elected position.
d) Election as President and Music Director shall require a majority vote of all voting members.
Section 7. Duties of Officers:
a) The President shall be responsible for the overall management of the group. This shall include, but
is not limited to: publicity, recruitment, finances and administrative duties. It is the Presidents duty to
organize rehearsals and other group functions. In addition, the President shall serve as the primary
contact for Ninth Street Hooligans relations with any and all vendors to the group. The President of
Ninth Street Hooligans is the executive power over all decisions pertaining to the group, including
those that fall under the responsibilities of the Music Director.
b) The Music Director is responsible for managing the musicianship of the group and shall run the
rehearsals of Ninth Street Hooligans. The Music Director is responsible for musical decisions
pertaining to Ninth Street Hooligans, including song choice, arrangements and vocal dynamics amongst
the group. The Music Director shall also maintain a list of current and previous arrangements used by
Ninth Street Hooligans and shall encourage and aid others in the production of new vocal
arrangements. The Music Director has the power to appoint up to two Assistant Music Directors to
assume some of his or her music-related functions.
c) The Assistant Music Directors shall assist the Music Director in the carrying out of his or her duties
and shall serve as acting Music Director in the event the Music Director is not available to carry out his
or her duties. The length of the Assistant Music Director position is one semester, after which the
Music Director must either appoint new Assistant Music Directors or reappoint the members currently
holding the position.
d) The Party Captain shall be responsible for maintaining a positive and productive group dynamic.
This may include, but is not limited to, the planning of group social activities, retreats and other
activities. In addition the Social Chair shall also develop and maintain group traditions.
Section 7. Officer Vacancies:
a) Should any office become vacant during the tenure of an elected official after elections have been
held for that academic year, an election to fill that vacancy shall be called by the President no later than
one (1) month after such vacancy originates.
b) Any officer may be removed from office during his or her tenure for good cause after a two-thirds
plus one (2/3 + 1) majority vote of all current members of Ninth Street Hooligans.
Section 8. Officer Privileges:
a) The President and Music Director may, at his or her discretion, invoke the right of Executive
Privilege (EP) on an issue pending before the group.

b) The President may use his or her Executive Privilege on any matter pertaining to the management of
the Ninth Street Hooligans, including any administrative, financial or event-related issues. He or she
may also use Executive Privilege over a music related matter of Ninth Street Hooligans.
c) The Music Director may use his or her Executive Privilege on a music related matter pertaining to
Ninth Street Hooligans, including issues that arise over rehearsals, arrangements, auditions and song
choice/order for performances.
d) The President has final say over any use of an Executive Privilege.
e) Executive Privilege enables the President and Music Director to:

end debate and force an immediate and binding vote on the issue.


make a binding decision on the matter at hand and preclude a vote.



The use of Executive Privilege to decide a matter without a vote may be overridden by a
two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present.

veto a decision of the group on a matter central to the function or musicality of the group.


The use of Executive Privilege to end discussion and force a vote may be overridden by a
two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members.

The use of Executive Privilege to override a decision reached by a vote of all members may
be overridden by a unanimous vote of all members present.

make a decision that will be held in abeyance until a vote can be taken at a later date.

c) The Assistant Music Director may utilize the power of Executive Privilege in the absence of the
Music Director if the Music Director has specifically and explicitly ceded such authority to the
Assistant Music Director.
d) The President shall have the right to set an attendance policy for the group and to set in place a
mechanism for enforcement of that policy.
Article V. Finances
Section 1. Whenever the personal finances of any member are expended, reasonable effort shall be
made by the group to seek reimbursement for these costs through the channels available at the
Claremont Colleges, including, but not limited to, student government organizations and Dean of
Students offices at the Colleges. This cost reimbursement requirement may be waived if all members
affected agree to waive that requirement.
Article VI. Meetings
Section 1. At the beginning of each semester Ninth Street Hooligans shall create a schedule of weekly
Section 2. At least one meeting per week shall be scheduled to address business related issues and all
non-musical proposals shall be submitted or presented officially at such time.
Section 3. All members of Ninth Street Hooligans must be able to attend the meeting described in
Section 2 of this Article.

Article VII. Amendments

Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any full member of Ninth Street
Section 2. Proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting
and shall not be voted on until the following regular meeting.
Section 3. Proposed amendments must be in writing and submitted to the President.
Section 4. A two-thirds plus one vote of all members (excluding the President and Music Director) and
the approval of the President and Music Director shall be required for adoption.
Section 5. The amendment is in effect immediately upon its adoption unless otherwise noted.
Section 6. At the end of each year, there shall be a constitutional review where all suggestions and
amendments not proposed during the year may be proposed, considered and voted on. This meeting
shall occur after the final concert of the year.
Section 7. By a two-thirds vote of all full members of Ninth Street Hooligans, a special constitutional
review may be called for in which the group President shall organize a meeting for the review and
potential revision of the constitution.
Section 8. Any amendment considered in a Constitutional Review session, either mandatory year-end
or special, shall have the same requirements for passage as described in Section 5 of this Article with
the exception that the specific approval of the President and Music Director is not required. Rather, the
President and Music Director shall vote as a full member and shall count either for or against the twothirds plus one requirement.

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