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Define what is earthquake

is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and movement of
large sections (tectonic plates) of the earth's rocky outermost crust. The edges of
the tectonic plates are marked by faults (or fractures).

2. Define earthquake engineering

- Earthquake engineering is the science of the performance of buildings and structures when subjected to
seismic loading.

3. Give the origin of earthquakes and discuss each of the origin
4. What are fault or faultlines?
- fault line is a break or fracture in the ground that occurs when the
Earth's tectonic plates move or shift and are areas where earthquakes
are likely to occur.
5. Define seismic waves.
- Seismic waves are the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking
of rock within the earth or an explosion. They are the energy that travels
through the earth and is recorded on seismographs.
6. Discuss the elastic rebound theory
- Elastic rebound theory states that as tectonic plates move relative to each
other, elastic strain energy builds up along their edges in the rocks along
fault planes. Since fault planes are not usually very smooth, great
amounts of energy can be stored (if the rock is strong enough) as
movement is restricted due to interlock along the fault. When the shearing
stresses induced in the rocks on the fault planes exceed the shear
strength of the rock, rupture occurs.
7. Differentiate earthquake intensity and magnitude
- Magnitude is a measure of earthquake size and remains unchanged with distance
from the earthquake. Intensity, however, describes the degree of shaking caused by
an earthquake at a given place and decreases with distance from the earthquake

8. Write the outline of the Rchter magnitude scale

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