English Language

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Date: 24.03.2014

English Language Test


1. Convert the sentences into the passive voice.

1. Thomas washed the dishes. -->
2. Frank feeds the dogs. -->
3. Maria prepared the food. -->
4. David cleans the kitchen. -->
5. My father pays the bills. -->
6. The gardener cut the bushes. -->
7. Helen sets the table. -->
8. My mother watered the plants. -->
9. Arthur does the laundry. -->
10. My uncle drives us to school. -->

2. Circle the correct answer. The sentences can be in the active or in the passive voice.
1 Nokia mobile phones ___ in Finland.
2. Over a million of people _________English.
3. A film star ___ to give interviews.
4. My friends ______selfish and dishonest.

A) are make
A) spoken
A) are often asked
A) is being

B) are made
B) is spoken
B) asked
B) are

C) made
C) speak
C) is often asked
C) are be

3. When do we use the suffixes (-er; -ation; -ment; -ion )?

Write a definition and give two examples for each suffix !
4. Write a definition about reported (indirect speech) and then put the following
statement into the reported speech.

1) Julie doesnt like going out much

He works in a bank
We dont travel much
Tony hates mushrooms

5. Circle the correct answer. Use the reported speech!

2."Why do volcanoes erupt?"

1. "Where do your parents


She wondered why...

a. volcanoes erupt
b. volcanoes had erupted
c. volcanoes erupted
d. did volcanoes erupt?

Jim wants to know where...

a. did my parents live?
b. my parents lives
c. my parents had lived
d. does my parents live?

3."Do you know why he is

so happy?"

4."How much money

have you got?"

He asked me if.....so happy

a. I know why he is
b. you know why he was
c. did I know why he was
d. I knew why he was.

He wants to know how

a. money I had got
b. money you have got
c. money had I got?
d. money I have got.

6. Name the sports and match them with the pictures.

10 2 =20

0-30 =



7 + 8 = 15


7 + 12 = 19




8 2,5 = 20

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