JOURNAL References 03

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Format of References

References Related to Journals


V. Nagesha and S. Kay, "Spectral analysis based on the canonical autoregressive decomposition,''
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 44, pp. 1719-1733, July. 1996.


B. Sadler, G Giannakis, and S. Shamsunder, "Noise subspace techniques in non-Gaussian noise using
cumulants," IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst,. vol. 31, pp.1009-1018, 1995.


Swami and J. M Mendel, "Cumulant-based approach to the harmonic retrieval and related problems,"
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 39, pp. 1099-1109, Apr. 1991.
References Related to Books

F. R. Gantmacher, Applications of the Theory of Matrices, 2nd Edition, Interscience, New York,
NY, 1959.


S. A. Kassam, Signal Detection in Non-Gaussian Noise, Springer-Verlag, New York 1988.


C. W. Therrien, Discrete Random Signals and Statistical Signal Processing.: Prentice-Hall,

Englewood Cliffs, NJ,USA, 1992.


E. J. Wegman, S. C. Schwartz, and J. B. Thomas, Topics in Non-Gaussian Signal Processing,

Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989.

In case, the reference is from a chapter in a book, which is written by several authors, and has
been edited by an editor or editors separately,
Wienhard K, Bailey DL, Bol A, et al. Applications of 3D PET. In: Bendriem B, Townsend DW,
eds. The Theory and Practice of 3D PET, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands 1998:133167.


References Related to conferences


J. A. Cadzow, "Spectral estimation: An overdetermined rational model equation approach,'' Proc.

IEEE, vol. 70, pp. 907-939, 1982.


C. L. Nikias and M. R. Raghuveer, "Bispectrum estimation: A digital signal processing

framework," Proc. IEEE, vol.75, pp. 869-891, 1987.


S. A. Khan and D. Habib, "Parallel mapping of digital signal processing algorithms on VLIW
architecture," Proceedings of the FAST IEEE Conf. on Computer Science and Information
Technology, Islamabad, 1998.

References from Internet Sources

There are several cases for writing the references taken form internet.
When author is available
Gerard M Blair, Basic Management Skills, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Edinburgh, Scotland UK, 2004.
When author is not available, the following format should be used for writing the reference

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Organizations name or Department Name, Title of the article, Organizations name or Department Name
with complete postal address, year of the publication or website updated date or year.
Complete URL to the point from where the file has been picked up.

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