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Publicly-held Company

Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ) 08.807.432/0001-10

Company Registry (NIRE) 33.3.0028205-0


Preliminary Results of the Mais Mdicos Call Notice and Accreditation of University
Estcio Participaes S.A. (Estcio or Company - Bovespa: ESTC3) hereby informs the market
and the public in general that the Ministry of Education (MEC) disclosed, on July 10, 2015, the
preliminary results of Public Call Notice no. 6/2014/SERES/MEC, which refers to the process of
selecting institutions to get authorization to offer Medicine courses.
The preliminary results revealed that Estcio and its institutions won five (5) of the proposals, as
Controlling Institution - SESES:
City: Angra dos Reis/RJ: 55 seats
City: Alagoinhas/BA: 65 seats
City: Jaragu do Sul/SC: 50 seats
Controlling Institution - IREP:
City: Juazeiro/BA: 55 seats
Controlling Institution - UNISEB:
City: Iju/RS: 50 seats
The period for appeals will go from July 13 to July 22 and the definitive result shall be disclosed on
August 28, 2015, but the positive preliminary results already show the quality of our proposals and
the opportunity to grow our Medicine courses.
We also take the opportunity to highlight another important regulatory achievement. On July 1, 2015,
the Ministry of Education (MEC) published Ordinances no. 664 and 668 in the Official Gazette, which
announced the accreditation of our institutions in Juiz de Fora/MG and Boa Vista/RR as Centros
Universitrios (University Centers). Therefore, Faculdade Estcio de S de Juiz de Fora is now called
Centro Universitrio Estcio de S e a Estcio Atual Faculdade Estcio da Amaznia is now accredited
as Centro Universitrio Estcio da Amaznia.
Estcio celebrates the acquired status of University Center for these institutions, which will allow the
Company to open new courses and seats in the cities of Juiz de Fora and Boa Vista.

Rio de Janeiro, July 13, 2015.

Virglio Deloy Capobianco Gibbon
Investor Relations Officer
Estcio Participaes S.A.

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