BAR and MRR Collection in Ericsson

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Ultima Forte Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure


Binary Format Files

Binary format files contain C/I measurements. BA list recordings (BAR) Recordings

BAR recordings should be performed during three to five consecutive working days.
The BAR recording is activated by the:

RNO interface (if available)

BSC command interface

To perform BAR recordings using the RNO interface:

1. Log in to OSS.
2. Start RNO.
3. Go to FileNew RecordingNCS.
4. Name the recording session.
5. Set the Relative SS Threshold to -12db.
6. Set the Absolute SS Threshold to -80dbm.
7. Set the BA List Change interval to 15 minutes.
8. Set the number of test frequencies to add to each interval to 10.
9. Enter a start date.
10. Enter a repeat value (set to daily) and a number of repetitions (set to 5).
11. Enter a date type, working days only (Monday to Friday five consecutive working days,
for example).
12. Enter an hour range (Four hours should be defined to include the network busy hour).
13. Select the cell set or BSC (including every cell in the entire network).
14. Set the Cell Filter to a desired (available) frequency band (The recorded cell set should
be limited to a specified frequency band.)
15. Select Frequencies. Create a Frequency Set for BAR recordings, including all frequencies
used for BCCH in the desired band for the entire network.
16. Save and schedule the recording.

In a dual band network, recordings should be made separately, based on the cell band.
However, to provide full functionality of handover optimization, inter-band recordings

Required Information and Data

should be performed. Each band cell set should record a frequency set with the BCCH
frequencies for both bands. Multi Band Cells Reported (MBCR), is a cell parameter that
defines the number of neighbors from each frequency band are reported in the
measurement report. The recommended setting is either 2 or 3 in a multi-band network
for mobiles to report measurements from the opposite band.

While BAR files can also be generated with the Frequency Allocation Support (FAS), the
Neighboring Cell Support (NCS) should be used if possible.

The NCCPERM defines the allowed NCCs on the BCCH carriers for which the MSs are
permitted to send measurement reports. Hence, if all NCCs are used NCCPERM should
be set accordingly (i.e., all NCCs included in the NCC parameter) so that all NCCs are
reported. NCCPERM has no impact on idle mode behavior, since Idle mode cell
reselection is based on CGI, and not ARFCN/BSIC.

The Active BA list Recording result may sometimes contain measurement results with
unexpected, disallowed BSICs, (e.g., 00 or 77). This occurs when some MSs report
irrelevant BSICs initially, before decoding actual BSIC information and is not related to a
fault in the BA List recordings feature.

If an operator has not purchased the RNO application to activate BAR recordings through NCS,
the BAR recordings can be activated by using the BSC command line interface, as follows:
1. RABRE:RID=RARID00; Terminate an NCS recording.
2. RABIE:RID=BARID00; Delete a recording.
3. RABII; Initiate a new recording.
4. RABRP:RID=BARID00; Print a BAR recording status (optional).
5. RABDC:RID=BARID00, CELL=ALL; All cells of a BSC are recorded.
6. RABDC:RID=BARID00,TMBCCHNO=50&&124; Frequencies to measure 50 to 124.*
7. RABDC:RID=BARID00,NUMFREQ=10; The number of test frequencies at each interval.
8. RABDC:RID=BARID00,SEGTIME=15; The recording segment time in minutes.
9. RABDC:RID=BARID00,RELSSN=12; Negative signal strength thresholds.
10. RABDC:RID=BARID00,RELSS2P=0; Positive signal strength thresholds.
11. RABDC:RID=BARID00, ABSS=80; Absolute signal strength (means negative dBm).
12. RABDP:RID=BARID00; View recording properties.
13. RABRI:RID=BARID00,DTIME=120; Recording period time in minutes; recording starts as
soon as this command is entered!
14. RABTI:RID=BARID00,IO=FILE; After recording is complete, this command should be run
to create the output binary file in the OSS.

Ultima Forte Required Data Inputs for Ericsson Infrastructure

15. RABTI:RID=BARID00, IO=AT-##; Substitute at-## with the number of the AT device
seen when connecting to this BSC. The text output will be produced at AT-## device**.
* - The relevant frequency set should be used for each specific case.
** - If, for some reason, a binary file cannot be created, the BAR text output can be
generated at the BSC command terminal, with the generated printout being stored as a
text file.
Once recording is finished, store the BARFILs files for each BSC on FTP. If this is not done
within 48 hours after the recording, it will be deleted from the system.
Binary BARFILs files are located in the following OSS directories:


R9/R10 and later with IOG20:




R9/R10 and later with APG40:



When BARFILs are transferred from UNIX to Windows via FTP, the binary transfer method
should be used. All BARFILs recorded on the same day should be stored in the same directory.
The Appendix contains instructions on troubleshooting situations in which BAR files are not
created. MRR Recordings

Measurements Results Recordings (MRR) Recordings files contain RxLevel, Rxqual, and traffic
MRR recordings should be generated with, and for the same cell set as, BAR recordings. No
filtering or thresholds should be applied to MRR recordings.
An MRR recording may be activated via:

RNO interface (if available)

BSC command interface

To make MRR recordings using the RNO interface:

1. Log in to OSS.

Required Information and Data

2. Start RNO.
3. Go to FileNew RecordingMRR.
4. Name the recording session.
5. Enter a Start date.
6. Enter a repeat value (set to daily) and a number of repetitions (set to 5).
7. Enter a date type, working days only (Monday to Friday five consecutive working
8. Enter hour range (Three hours should be defined to include the network busy hour).
9. Select the cell set or BSC (including every cell in the entire network).
10. Set Cell Filter to a desired (available) frequency band (The recorded cell set is limited to
a specified frequency band.)
11. Save and schedule the recording.
If an operator has not purchased the RNO application to activate MRR recordings, the MRR
recordings can be activated by using the BSC command line interface, as follows:
1. RAMRE: RID=MRRID00; Terminate an MRR recording.
2. RAMIE: RID=MRRID00; Delete a recording
3. RAMII; Initialize a new recording
4. RAMRP: RID=MRRID00; Print status (optional).
5. RAMDC: RID=MRRID00, CELL=ALL; All cells of a BSC are recorded.
6. RAMDC: RID=MRRID00, MEASTYPE=NOTYPE; All measurement types are collected.
7. RAMRI: RID=MRRID00, DTIME=120; Recording period time; the recording starts as
soon as this command is entered!
8. RAMRP: RID=MRRID00; Print status (optional).
9. RAMTI: RID=MRRID00; After the recording is finished, this command should be run to
create the output file.
When the recording is finished, store the MRRFILs files for each BSC on an FTP. If this is not
done within 48 hours after the recording, it will be deleted from the system.
Binary MRRFILs files are located in the following OSS directories:



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