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Manual formulation of test questionnaires was noticed by the developers. With

this, the developers proposed the idea of making a system wherein it could determine
the level of difficulty, the power of discrimination as well the test reliability of item
questions so that there will be a match between what is taught and what is assessed.
Furthermore, the developer proposed a system not just to generate exams but to
analyze each test item. The purpose of this project is to determine the level of difficulty
in every question of the examination. Item difficulty is determined in every question
through obtaining the number of students getting a particular item correct with the
total test score. In the same way the system will also determine the power of
discrimination in which the difficult items tend to discriminate between those who
know and those who do not know the answer and for that it measures that whether an
item can discriminate between these two groups of students. On the other hand, the
system determines test reliability, the degree to which an assessment tool produces
stable and consistent results and the extent to which measures learning consistently.
The project enables to know students strengths and weakness by extracting their
results and have it interpreted. Upon this, developers have reviewed and considered in
particular the different process and activity of the current system as basis in
developing the system. Henceforth, they had thoroughly studied the gathered data
especially in extracting the results as basis for the item analysis. And with the use of
this innovative program the school will become more competitive for the future years.

Key terms:
Item Analysis, item difficulty, item discrimination, test reliability, item statistics

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