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Syllabus for General Chemistry

Contact Information:
Instructors Name:
Kelsey Mohapp
In person (Room 148):
Planning Time: 1st period
Enrichment Period: 11:58am-12:23pm
Wednesdays: 7:45am-8:25am
Daily after school 3:30pm-3:45pm or by appointment
Classroom Website:

or scan here from your digital device:

Course Description:
This is an engaging chemistry course, that follows the
Next Generation Science Standards
. Students will
learn about the structure and properties of matter and chemical reactions through projects and lessons
that have real life applications. Students can look forward to labs, projects, team work, collaboration,
professional connections and technology all within this curriculum.

Semester 1

Semester 2

Unit 1: Nature of Science

Unit 6: Chemical Equations and Reactions

Unit 2: Atomic Theory and Structure

Unit 7: Stoichiometry

Unit 3: Electrons

Unit 8: Equillibrium

Unit 4: Periodic Table/ Periodic Trends

Unit 9: Reaction Kinetics

Unit 5: Ions and Chemical Bonding

Unit 10: Thermochemistry

Mac computer (provided by the school)
Scientific calculator

Loose Leaf Paper or Notebook

Three ring binder
Pens, pencils and erasers

Classroom Expectations:
Consistent attendance is critical!
Be in class and on time every day. Be an active learner...this

means to pay close attention in class, record due dates in your calendar, dont be afraid to ask questions,
and come in for academic assistance as needed.
- Disrespectful behavior, use of profanity and disruptive, rude or violent behavior is
unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action.
Computer Use
- Students are privileged to have MacBook computers to serve our educational needs.
These computers are the school's property and are to be used with extreme care and
ONLY for
educational purposes.
Misuse of the computers will result in disciplinary action.
Cell Phone Use
Cell phones must be out of sight and set to silent or turned off during class time so
they do not become a distraction. Occasionally, and only with the teacher's approval, cell phones may be
used for educational purposes.
Headphones and Digital Devices
- Please put these devices away during class time unless special
permission is granted by the instructor.
Clean up after yourself-
Do NOT place garbage or papers in the classroom drawers or sinks. Wash
and dry your glassware and lab table and
put away all lab supplies in the correct places
after every lab.

Science and Engineering Practices

In this class students will be expected to follow the 8 science and engineering practices:
1. Ask questions and define problems
2. Develop and Use Models
3. Plan and carry out investigations
4. Analyze and Interpret Data
5. Use mathematics and computational thinking
6. Construct explanations and design solutions
7. Engage in argument from evidence
8. Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

Grading Scale:
100%-90% A
89%-80% B
79%-70% C
69%- 60% D
59%- 0% F

Final course grade is weighted by:

15% Practice Work/Homework/Activities
60% Quizzes, Tests, Projects and Labs
20% Final Exam
Binders - This is a measure of your employability skills, which includes your organizational
skills, neatness, completeness, and timeliness of all work. This will be graded at the end of each
unit. Your binder will contain practice work, notes, vocabulary words, labs, and projects.

Policy on Absences:
If a student is absent it is
responsibility to communicate with their classmates and teacher and
gather the necessary materials to get caught up in a

Late work policy:

Late work will be accepted only if the assignment is completed under teacher supervision; during
enrichment, before school Wednesdays, or by appointment.

Re-Take Policy
A different version of a test can be retaken if a student attends a week of enrichment to learn the

Policy on Cheating/Plagiarism:
Score will result in a zero for copied work (for the student that copied and for the student that provided the
work to be copied), parents will be notified and an alternative assessment may be assigned.

I have read this syllabus and agree to follow the above terms to the best of my ability. I also agree to ask
questions to clarify any misunderstandings that I have
X_____________________________________________________________________________________ X_______________________________________
student signature

X_____________________________________________________________________________________ X_______________________________________
parent signature

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