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I find that humanities pertaining to human rights are some of the most basic

rights a person can have, but what if you dont have those rights? What you
couldn't use a public restroom without being scrutinized? What if you couldn't
marry the person you love? What if you couldn't wear your favorite clothes
because other people dont like it? What if you knew you were not what everyone
else thought you were, but were forced to remain what everyone else wants
because they dont want you to be anything else?
I would put an end to it all, if I were President. How? with the way LGBT
rights are going on in the real world, it could be several presidencies after my own
before anyone even agrees to discuss the topic. The only way I viably see any
possibility for change before an LGBT genocide, self inflicted or not, is by way of
Executive Order. Any President can issue an Executive Order pertaining to
anything that can be arguably unconstitutional.
My Order would allow Same-Sex Marriage, along with helping the very
much abused Transgender Community. Conversion Therapies would be banned
across the board, they are dangerous to the health of all who partake in it and use
various torture methods to try to change a persons own sexual identity or
attraction. These therapies are also very often unsafe because they are conducted
by religious figures instead of actual psychologists, because several Psychological
Study Associations have concluded that sexual identity and attraction cannot be
cured or changed. Imagine going to your church service and seeing your pastor
going to another room after and strapping electrical wires to his wife for being
attracted to him, it is the same for Same-Sex couples, only no one is angry when it
happens to them.
Electrocution is not the only method of this Therapy. Victims of this
Therapy Can also expect to be subjected to being institutionalized, or for men,
even castration. There are even reported cases of burning, freezing, physical
beatings Need I go on?
Also the ban on using the restroom assigned to the gender of which you
identify with will be lifted in all states. In this country you are supposed to be
guilty until proven innocent, so all arguments about Men going into a Womens
restroom are legally invalid until a rape report is given. Sadly these cases can only
be prevented if everyone respects the rights of other human beings, something I as
President am trying to spread. Rape can and will happen anywhere at anytime
regardless if a sign says one sex may go in a room and the other may not. Anyone

may go in any room with any sign even if you will be punished after, you may still
enter in the first place, because a sign is not a shield. So why not let people use the
sign they feel comfortable with? Its the same as forcing a person to wear
sweatpants because you dont want people wearing jeans to use your public
bathroom, because you know, you can make that call.
What if a transgendered person wants to finally go all the way and get rid of
their assigned sex for the one they want? Well unless you have thousands of dollars
just sitting around to shell out it can be pretty hard. And diet and exercise will
probably not help the person feel any better. So it should be required by health care
coverage so more people who need it can get it without needing to win a game
show. I will offer tax breaks to those who donate for the coverage of these people
who need these surgeries, this way good people get what they deserve all around.
Also, continuing President Obamas lift of the Dont Ask, Dont Tell
military ban, I shall offer the same to the Transgender community. Because While
Obama did a good job with lifting the ban for the gay community and allowing
homosexual soldiers to serve in the military without need to hide their same-sex
attraction, he seemed to forget the Transgender community has to hide too, or face
discharge. It seems silly to have to worry about people seeing you naked and losing
the ability to fight for your country on top of the possibility you could die doing
just that.
But why is this important? I mean, how many people does this actually
apply to? Why should anyone care about it? Its not like people die because of this
stuff right? Well the fact of the matter is, they do:
LGBT individuals make up 30% of all Suicides per year. 50+% of
transgendered individuals attempt suicide per year.
55% of transgendered youth report physical attacks based on their gender identity,
74% report sexual harassment for the same reason. more than 1 murder of a
transgendered person is carried out per month by Anti-transgender attacks, 51
youth have been reported murdered in the US in the last 10 years.
I realize many people who are not concerned with the rights of others and
only themselves will be concerned for their own rights, to those people I promise
you the following: You will not be forced to comply with a gender identity you
dont agree with, marry someone you dont love, or use a bathroom you dont
agree with, hide your cisgendered-ness in the military, or pay thousands of dollars
to be your gender.

This has been an issue not really brought about for most of Americas
history. Mainly because the LGBT community then was not brave enough to show
off their rainbow, nobody cared, nobody knew, religion was way more influential
back then, and several reasons more. But in the last 10 years the rainbow has
shown brighter than ever and will not be going away until equal rights are met.
My intentions are simple, equal rights for all. There is no other way to put it.
All the protections I offered you are rights you already have now and always will,
the problem is that the LGBT Community is not currently given all these rights in
society today. All I ask is for the cooperation and open-mindedness of the people,
its the only way this order will succeed.
This order will not be counted as a success until all people are equal and no
one can tell you how or who to be. I will make this order a success. I promise, that
is to say I would. If I were President...

Works Cited
Snyder, Riley. "Transgender Advocates Furious over Nevada Proposed bathroom
Bill." LGBTQ Nation RSS. Associated Press, 10 Apr. 2015. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
"Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal Supports Bill Allowing Businesses to Refuse
Service to LGBT People." LGBTQ Nation RSS. N.p., 7 Apr. 2015. Web. 14 Apr.
2015. <http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2015/04/louisiana-governor-bobby-jindalsupports-bill-allowing-businesses-to-refuse-service-to-gays/>.
Rowen, Beth. "Important Supreme Court Decisions in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and
Transgender History." Infoplease. Infoplease, 2015. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.
Barnes, Robert. "Supreme Court to Make History by Ruling on Whether the
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"The Lies and Dangers of Efforts to Change Sexual Orientation." Human Rights
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"Facts About Suicide." Facts About Suicide. The Trevor Project, 2015. Web. 20
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Calame, Byron. "New York Times Suggests Bisexuals Are 'Lying'" FAIR. NY
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Wong, Curtis M. "Bisexuality Not Deemed A 'Legitimate Sexual Orientation' By
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Sprigg, Peter. "Family Research Council." Family Research Council. Family
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Beech, Eric, Sandra Maler, and Eric Walsh. "Obama Calls for End to Conversion
Therapy for LGBT Youth." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 08 Apr. 2015. Web. 19 Apr.
2015. <http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/04/09/us-usa-obama-gayidUSKBN0N000R20150409>.

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