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Microbiology of Brewing
Kate Godfrey, Michael Laflin, Kyle Mitchell, Jonathan Villalta


Table of Contents

Background and History

Page 3

Malting, Mashing and Filtration

Page 4


Page 6


Page 7

Bottling Process

Page 7


Page 8

Works Cited

Page 9

Background and History

Beer is one of the oldest beverages produced by humans, dating back to 6000 B.C.
when the Babylonians first fermented beer. 2000 years later, the Egyptians fermented beer and
leavened bread with yeast. Paintings of these processes have been found on walls of Egyptian
cities. It wasnt until much later that these beverages were refined to a form familiar to what
we drink today. In 700 A.D., the Germans began adding hops to beer. 600 year later, distilled
alcoholic beverages could be found in Europe. The process remained somewhat of a mystery
until 1860, when Louis Pasteur connected the process with microorganisms. He found that
ethanol production always resulted in increased number of yeast cells, disproving the theory of
spontaneous generation. Fermented beverages have been economically important throughout
human history, and today exists as a massive global industry.
Beer is a fermented good, which makes it a microbial product. In every step of the beer
production process, systematic bioprocessing is carried out inside microbes, with enzymes
performing specific purposes. Brewing involves several different types of microbes, each of
which uniquely contributes to the final product. The quality of the beer relies on microbial
activity and the brewers ability to purify the product. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, pH,
and other factors affect the final product and must be monitored closely. Beer production
includes three main steps: malting, fermenting, and bottling.
Various biological factors determine beer type and the method required to produce it.
The type of yeast used, lager or ale, is the main determining parameter. Lager yeast produces a
light and crisp taste, while ale yeast produces a heavier, more flavorful taste. The choice of
grain, usually barley, is the next most important element in beer production. The cells and

proteins of the barley contain starch, which the yeast uses to produce ethanol found in the final
product, beer. Malting is the process used to make the starch accessible to the yeast.
Malting, Mashing and Filtration

Malt production takes advantage of several complex biological processes and reactions
that take place during grain germination. The main purpose of malting is to release enzymes
inside the grain that break down complex sugars into simple, yeast-friendly sugars. Malting
involves three main steps: steeping, germination, and kilning. After the malting process,
mashing is necessary to break down the sugars to be used by the yeast.
Steeping is the first step of malting the barley. The barley is first cleaned, and then
placed in steeping tanks where it is soaked in water. The grains are aerated to ensure access to
sufficient oxygen. This process takes about two days, or until the moisture content of the grain
reaches about 45%. The water and oxygen allow for the first steps of germination to take
place, where the endosperm breaks down and allows access to starch reserves.
During germination, the barley is moved from the steep tanks to germination
compartments. Germination continues, with proteins and carbohydrates slowly breaking down.
For greater control of germination, the compartments are aerated and kept at constant
temperature. The grain is also frequently rotated so that the sprouts do not grow together.
When the seeds have germinated for about four and a half days, the germination is halted for

Kilning is the process of drying the barley seeds. If germination were to continue, all
the starch reserves and enzymes would be used up. The variance of temperature and kilning
time are used to develop certain flavor profiles.
The malting process also utilizes a vast microbial community of bacteria, yeast, and
fungi. Malting conditions are ideal for microbial growth due to the availability of nutrients,
temperature range, moisture content, and available gases. Microbes greatly influence the
efficiency of the malting process. Depending on which microbes are present, the malt may be
benefitted or harmed.

For example, the fungi Fusarium can cause packaged beer to

excessively foam over. On the other hand, Pediococcus pentosaceus bacteria can be added to
the steeping water to restrict the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, like Fusarium. The
microbial environment has a direct effect on taste, aroma, alcohol content, and color of the
product. If there is an unfavorable microbe in the malt, it could ruin the entire batch and
possibly contaminate other batches. Other consequences from non-ideal microbial activity
include mold, myotoxins, and gushing factors.
After malting is complete, the newly malted barley is mashed. The process of mashing
could be described as hot water steeping. The malted barley is soaked in hot water and aerated
so that further modification can occur. The main purpose of the mashing process is to convert
the readily available starch into starch-fermenting sugars. The enzymes that were released
during malting function at certain temperatures, and have a specific function. For example,
phytase works best between 86 and 126 degrees Fahrenheit and its purpose is to lower the pH
of the mash. Protease operates best between 113 and 131 degrees Fahrenheit and its purpose is
to break apart large proteins. Several other enzymes are involved with mashing to convert all
of the starch to readily available sugars.

Lastly, before the yeast can be pitched into the mixture, it must be filtered and cooled.
The solids must be separated from the liquid substrate. This is usually done with a whirling
method. The mixture is whirled and solid particles are forced to drop to the bottom and the
liquid substrate, known as wort, remains. Since the wort is at relatively high temperatures, it
must be cooled before the yeast is added for fermentation. If the mixture is too hot it will kill
the yeast. After it is cooled, the yeast is pitched in and fermentation begins.

After malting and mashing, the yeast is used to ferment the sugars from wort to ethanol, giving
beer its alcohol content. The choice of yeast will determine the final flavors and aromas of the beer, and
is up to the brewer. To brew beer, a strain of either lager yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or ale yeast,
Saccharomyces uvarum must be used during fermentation. Each species of yeast requires different
fermentation conditions and will produce different flavors and aromas.
Lager yeast, commonly referred to as bottom-fermenting yeast due to its tendency to flocculate
near the bottom of the fermenter, requires relatively cool temperatures to complete fermentation. The
cooler temperature inhibits the production of certain functional groups that yield the fruity, spicy
flavors usually associated with ale beers. The longer conditioning time lagers must go through to
complete fermentation allow the yeast to break down more complex sugars, giving the beer a light and
crisp taste.
Ale yeast, commonly referred to as top-fermenting yeast, requires a warmer temperature than
ale yeast. The warm temperature allows for the production of functional groups like esters and phenols
that yield the fruity and spicy flavor that ale is known for. The shorter conditioning time gives the beer
a much heavier taste than that of lagers.


The second step of the brewing process is fermentation. There are three stages to
fermenting: primary, secondary, and conditioning. After the wort is cooled to the proper
temperature, the yeast is pitched into the tank. Primary fermentation begins as soon as the
yeast is added to the wart. The yeast starts in an aerobic phase and uses the oxygen suspended
in the wort to produce sterols. Sterols are vital to ensure that the yeast will grow and expand.
Once all the oxygen is used, the yeast switches to an anaerobic phase. This is when the yeast
begins to convert sugars into ethanol and carbon dioxide, and when the most growth takes
place. The rate at which the yeast grows will determine what flavors and aromas are produced.
Secondary fermentation begins with a drastic drop in the rate of fermentation. During
this stage, the yeast will ferment the last of the sugars and reduce several of the byproducts
formed during primary fermentation. Once the final density is reached, the yeast begins to
At this point, the conditioning phase begins and the mixture is cooled to about 35
degree Fahrenheit. During this time, the yeast finishes flocculating and continues to reduce
unfavorable compound. Lagers is allowed to condition longer than ales, because over time, ale
yeast will continue to reduce desirable flavor compounds, while lager yeast will not. At the
end of the conditioning stage, the flavors are stabilized and the beer is ready for bottling.
Bottling Process

The final portion of the process is bottling and packaging. This process can vary based
on the type of beer, and the brewery. Filtration is usually the first step, and then the beer is

either pasteurized to kill microbes that cause spoilage, or centrifuged. One of the main
contaminants in packaged beer is Saccharomyces diastaticus, which utilizes dextrins left in the
beer that brewer yeasts cannot degrade. Pasteurizations purpose is to eliminate these
microorganisms. There are different types of pasteurization, and each has advantages and
disadvantages. For example, flash pasteurization is quick and effective, but the uneven heating
causes flavor defects in the beer. Next, the empty bottles are cleaned and filled with both the
beer and inert gas, to lower oxygen content. Lower oxygen content is desirable to reduce the
risk of oxidation of the product. After this, labels are added and the product is prepared for

The production of beer is a complex process of controlling temperatures, pH, microbial

growth and much more. Each individual step plays a huge role in the final beer product.

Works Cited
Bokulich, N. A., and C. W. Bamforth. "The Microbiology of Malting and
Brewing." Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 77.2 (2013): 157-72. Web.
"Brewing Process." The Beer Temple. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.
"Fermentation." Wyeast Laboratories : Home Enthusiasts : Brewers : Technical Information :.
N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.
Kleyn, J., and J. Hough. "The Microbiology of Brewing." Annual Review of Microbiology 25.1
(1971): 583-608. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
"Malt - The Malting Process." Briess Processes. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.
Laitila, Arja, Hannele Sweins, Arvi Vilpola, Erja Kotaviita, Juhani Olkku, Silja Home, and
Auli Haikara. "AndStarter Cultures as a Tool for Microflora Management in Malting and
for Enhancement of Malt Processability." Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry 54.11 (2006): 3840-851. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
Palmer, John. "How to Brew - By John Palmer - Mashing Defined." How to Brew - By John
Palmer - Mashing Defined. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
Stevens, Mark. "MALTING PROCESS IN A NUTSHELL." Malting Process in a Nutshell.
N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2015.
Vriesekoop, Frank, Moritz Krahl, Barry Hucker, and Garry Menz. "125Anniversary Review:
Bacteria in Brewing: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." Journal of the Institute of
Brewing 118.4 (2012): 335-45. Web. 18 Apr. 2015.

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