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An Oracle White Paper

December 2013

Business Object Key Map Extract for

Fusion HCM File Based Loader
Release 5
Technical White Paper

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Business Object Key Map Extract...................................................... 2
Getting Started .................................................................................. 4
Step 1: Create a Copy of the Seeded Extract ................................ 5
Step 2: Define Parameter Attributes for the Extract ....................... 5
Step 3: Generate and Compile the Fast Formulas ......................... 6
Steps to Run the Extract ................................................................ 7
Extract Output Next Steps ........................................................ 12
Summary ..................................................................................... 16

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

This white paper provides background and usage of the seeded System Extract template
Business Object Key Map.
This seeded template enables File-Based Loader (FBL) integrators to extract GUID (Globally
Unique Identifier) Key Mapping information into a report or XML file. It also allows users to
generate GUIDs for user defined entities in Fusion. This key map information is used to aid in
foreign key resolution when transferring data from a source application into the target Fusion
This White Paper is not a tutorial on how to construct the data files for import into FBL. Please
review the document Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management File-Based Loader Users
Guide for detailed information.
Whilst this document is not particularly technical in nature it is mainly of interest to integration
architects and developers needing to understand how interact with FBL when defining data
files to import into Fusion.

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Business Object Key Map Extract

This extract provides a number of options which may be required by the user when interacting with
FBL. A report can be written in BI Publisher to convert the output data (XML) from the extract into
any desired format that the source system can use.
The generation options available for this extract definition are as follows:

GUID Generation and Key Map Extract

Key Map Extract

Generate Cross Reference File

Each of these is discussed in turn below.

GUID Generation and Key Map Extract

Certain objects which are normally loaded via FBL may also be created in Fusion via an appropriate UI
or other means like a web service. Where such data exists then there will be no entry in the cross
reference table (HRC_LOADER_BATCH_KEY_MAP) that FBL uses when importing data to match
foreign keys for these objects. Capability has been provided in these cases to generate GUIDs in the
cross reference key map table. The Key Map Extract then extracts this key map information in much
the same way as the Cross Reference File does. It can then be used in the source system for records
which may refer to these records which have been created in Fusion.
Both the GUID generation and the resultant key map can be run for all of the objects below or
individually. It is selectable by a parameter when the Extract is run.



Business Unit


Content Item










Job Family


HR Job




Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader







Rating Model




Work Relationship


Key Map Extract

As described above, it extracts key map data for specific instances of objects which have been created
outside of FBL. However, it does not generate GUIDs on the selected objects. You may want to run
this if you have previously done GUID generation and simply need to regenerate the Key Map report
Generate Cross Reference File

This option was previously provided as an independent process Generate Mapping File for HCM
Business Objects. The purpose of it is to provide foreign key information on objects that have been
set-up in fusion. This data is used in the source system, for example PeopleSoft, EBS, etc. to reference
common objects in the records that are to be uploaded to Fusion. For example, when loading People,
reference may need to be made to Person Type which is an object in Fusion and is required as part of
the load data. This cross reference mapping information is sourced from the Fusion table
Note: If new seed data has been delivered by Oracle then you should re-generate cross reference file.
This will ensure that any new seed data has GUIDs attached.

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Details on how cross reference data should be used can be found in the main File Based Loader User



Employment Action Reason


Person Assignment Status Type




Talent Profile Content Item


Talent Profile Content Type


Talent Profile Type


Talent Instance Qualifier Set


Legal Entity


Legislative Data Group


Payroll Element Type


Payroll Element Input Value


Person Type


Application Reference Data Set


Getting Started
Oracle recommends that users make a copy of the seeded System Extract Business Object Key Map
in order to make use of this functionality. Adopting this approach gives the user more flexibility when
defining output options and formatting choices. With that in mind this white paper will lead the user
through the steps required to copy the extract and then modify it to obtain the desired functionality.
The basic steps are as follows: 1. Create a copy of the seeded extract.

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

2. Define the parameter attributes for the extract.

3. Generate and Compile the Fast Formula utilized by the extract.
4. Define the BI Publisher Report.
5. Run the Extract.

Step 1: Create a Copy of the Seeded Extract

1. Navigate to Data Exchange Work Area.
2. In the Tasks section, click Manage HCM Extract Definitions.
3. Search for Business Object Key Map.
4. Select the extract and click the copy icon, providing a new name when prompted to do so.

Figure 1. Creating a Copy of the Seeded Extract

Step 2: Define Parameter Attributes for the Extract

1. Navigate to the task Refine HCM Extracts within Data Exchange Work Area and search for the

copy of the extract made in the previous step.

2. Navigate to the Parameters tab and make the following changes described below, then Save and

Submit. [Note: The parameters below are presented to the user each time that the extract is run. The
sequence number change simply ensures that the relevant parameters are displayed in the correct

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader







No we will default this to the system date with the SQL below so we dont
need to display it.

Parameter Basis

Context Binding

Basis Value

System Date



No a start date is not needed for this extract so we can hide it.


Display Format

Lookup Choice List




set value to be numerically higher than sequence for EXTRACT TYPE

Display Format

Lookup Choice List




set value to be numerically higher less than sequence for BUSINESS



Figure 2.Modifying Parameters for Copied Extract [Note: Payroll Flow Patterns is underlying UI]

Step 3: Generate and Compile the Fast Formulas

The System Extract Business Object Key Map copy made in the earlier step now needs to have its
Fast Formula compiled as described in the following steps:
1. In the Data Exchange Work Area, search for the copied extract and click on the edit icon.
2. In the object tree browser click on Key Mapping within the Business Object block.
3. From the Actions drop down select Generate Formula and then select Compile.
4. Repeat step 3 for Business Objects within the Business Object List block.
5. Save and Close changes and then re-query. Confirmation of successful compilation of formula is

indicated by green tick in the Extract Records.

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

A summary of these steps are show in the following two screen shots.

Figure 3. Generating Formula for Key Mapping Block

Figure 4. Verifying Successful Compilation of Fast Formula

Steps to Run the Extract
1. Navigate to the Data Exchange Work Area.
2. In Tasks Pane select Submit an HCM Process and Search / Select the Extract defined earlier.

The parameter page will be displayed with the following options:


Payroll Flow Name Provide a name for the extract you want to create [Note: This
name is referred to when running subsequent report].

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

b. Extract Type select one of the following (functionality described earlier in this


Generate Cross Reference File

Key Map Extract

GUID Generation and Key Map Extract

Business Object either select specific object or leave blank for all [Note: this
parameter is not applicable if Extract Type = Generate Cross Reference File].

d. Process Configuration Group leave blank for default [Used to control error logging
for this extract submission, details below].

Figure 5. Providing the Extract Details

3. Click Next until you see the Schedule page.
4. Provide desired schedule parameter, review and Submit.

The Payroll Flow checklist page provides status information on the submitted Extract.

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Figure 6. Review of Extract Submission Prior to its Submission

Figure 7. Confirmation that Extract has been submitted click OK to view progress

Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Figure 8. Results of selected extract displayed in Checklist

If status is in error then you will need to navigate to Schedule Processes in Tools section and review
the log.
The Go to Task link provides ability for the user to view the extract if a BIP Template and Delivery
Options has optionally been configured in the System Extract definition. For more details of how to
do this please refer to one of the following guides which are available on MOS. The Extract Guide is
the main reference whereas the other guides the user through steps to create a simple extract.:

Oracle Fusion HCM Extracts Guide MOS Note ID 155912701

Defining a Simple HR Outbound Interface Using HCM Extracts MOS Note ID 1429892.1

System Extract Parameter Process Configuration Group

For debugging purposes the System Extract parameter Process Configuration Group is available for
Payroll process configuration groups provide sets of payroll action parameters, primarily related to
logging and performance, for your processes and reports [System Extract falls in this category]. When
you run a process, you can select a process configuration group. If you do not select a process
configuration group, the application uses the parameter values in the default group meaning logging
would normally be off [unless this has been modified by the customer].
Normal operation for this extract is to leave the parameter blank.

If it is required to debug an issue with this extract and the underlying data then a Process
Configuration Group should be supplied which has had logging enabled. Follow these steps:-


Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

1. Navigate to the task Manage Payroll Process Configuration which can be reached in the Setup and

Maintenance menu item in System Navigator

2. Create a new group giving it a meaningful name, Save and Close.
3. Select newly created group and in the Configuration Group Details window below, edit Logging

Category and put in the value GMFZT, Save and Exit

4. Resubmit your extract adding in this group when prompted in the Extract Parameters page

Full details of the above may be found in the section titled Manage Payroll Process Configuration in
the Fusion Applications Workforce Deployment Implementation Guide.

The log can then be found in the System Extract Log File which is available in the Schedule Process UI
or in the Payroll Checklist UI.

Figure 9. Reviewing Extract Submission using Payroll Checklist UI

Note: It is possible that incomplete information will be seen in the error log if the extract
fails. There can be a number of reasons for this for example: Incorrect Parameter Definition
E.g. if EFFECTIVE_DATE has display flag set to N and the parameter basis/value is not correctly
set then the extract will fail since effect date is mandatory so needs to be supplied with a default value.


Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Formula Compilation
Ensure that all of the three Fast Formulas have been correctly compiled. You can review this by
ensuring that there is a check flag as shown in figure 4 above.

Extract Output Next Steps

As it stands the previous steps detailed above simply enable extract data to be generated per supplied
parameters. However, depending on your own implementation usage of FBL you will then need to
define a report so the cross reference data can be used.

The steps below describe how to create a simple report which makes available the basic XML data for
both Key Map and Cross Reference File.
1. Navigate to Tools > Reports and Analytics Work Area
2. Click Create and select Report from the sub menu. [Ensure popup is enabled for your browser]

Figure 10. Create Report from Reports and Analytics Work Area

3. Select Data Model. Select /Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Data

Models/globalReportsDataModel.xdm and click Next


Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Figure 11. Selected the data model to base the BI Publisher report definition on

4. Select Use Report Editor option and click Finish

5. Save the report as XX XRef Extract Report under Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital

6. Click Save (Save icon on the top right section)


Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Figure 12. Saving Report Layout

7. Click View Report button

8. Provide the Flow name from the previously submitted Extract
9. Click Apply to view the XML report


Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

Figure 13. Viewing the XML output from Key Map Generation System Extract

Figure 14. Accessing defined report via Report and Analytics Work Area


Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion HCM File-Based Loader

A basic outline on how to generate an xml output from the System Extract has been provided in the
previous steps. The reader is free to generate the output in whichever format is suitable for
consumption by the source system. This may be the XML file as provided or could be a delimited file
such a comma/pipe separated file. Full details on how to write different outputs is provided in
documentation for BI Publisher.


Business Object Key Map Extract for Fusion

Copyright 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

HCM File-Based Loader

December 2013
Author: Pardhasaradhirao

This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This


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Contributing Authors: Bill Kerr

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