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// To use this file, rename it to GameModes_Server.

// Values here override the default gamemodes.txt

game_type 0
game_type 1

Casual Mode
Arms Race

game_mode 0
game_mode 1
Competitive Mode

// Note that maxplayers doesn't go in the convar block.


// Another way to set maxplayers is to add -maxplayers_override XX to the cmd li

"my_atos_competitive.cfg" //vorher auf dem Server im Ordner \csgo\cfg\ ablegen
// List of mapgroups valid for this game mode ( competitive )
//Welche Mapgroup zum Einsatz kommt, wird per Startparameter an den Server weite
//Das kann in dieser Datei also nicht festgelegt werden.
//Der Startparameter fr die Mapgroup lautet: +mapgroup namedermapgroup


// List of mapgroups valid for this game mode ( casual )


// Map groups
// To use a mapgroup, it needs to be defined in a keyvalues
// block such as the example below, as well as listed in the
// 'mapgroupsMP' block within the game mode that will run it,
// such as the example above.
// Then launch the server with '+mapgroup MAPGROUPNAME'
// Example:
// srcds -game csgo +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb_se +map de_nuke_se
// Check the developer wiki for updated community info

"mg_bomb_se" // mapgroup definition
"name" "mg_bomb_se"
"de_dust" ""
"de_dust2" ""
"de_nuke" ""
"de_train" ""
"de_inferno" ""
"de_aztec" ""

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