A Hernandez English 11 Syllabus 2015-16

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English 11


English 11
Ms. Hernandez
Rooms: 144 & 148
Office Phone: 310-214-3400
Office Hours: Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30pm, ROOM 144 or by appointment

Course Description
In this class, students will strengthen their ability to read and write the world
and the word, understanding that anything can serve as a text when
viewed through a critical lens. In community, we will read a variety of texts
to acquire and refine language to name our identities and personal
experiences, analyze these experiences through sophisticated discussion,
and reflect and act on our analysis by writing and speaking with power and
precision. Together, we will explore how we can re-discover and strengthen
our power to create a more just world through reading and writing in

What We Need for This Class

Materials: These materials need to be purchased and brought to class no
later than Tuesday Sept. 1/ or Wednesday Sept. 2, depending on the day on
which your class falls.
1. Section in a 2 binder
2. 8.5 x 11 white college-ruled paper or notebook. I will not accept
work that is completed on paper that is not 8.5 x 11
3. Single-subject college-ruled notebook
4. Black or blue pens plus a pen of a different color (not red)
5. 3 highlighters of different colors
6. Book for Silent Sustained Reading


English 11


Students will be graded on a 0-4 scale. All assignments must be complete

when they are turned in or else will receive a grade of 0.
Learning Targets for Semester 1
1.0 Analysis of Literary Text: 40%
3.0 Persuasion:
4.0 Writing: 20%
5.0 Presentation: 20%

Grading Policy
Grading at ECHS is based on a 4-point scale
100% = 4
90% = 3.5
85% = 3
75% = 2.5
65% = 2
60% = 1.5
50% = 1

Frequent and Regular

As a community, we will be exploring complex themes that are academically
and emotionally rigorous. When doing this work, it is important to take time
alone to process and analyze the information and experiences you encounter
in order to deepen your understanding of the texts and yourself. The length
of these reflections will be short at first and gradually increase throughout
the year. Reflections will be completed in your single-subject
college-ruled notebook which is due 9/1 or 9/2.

Silent Sustained Reading Assignments

Throughout the year, you will be required to read several books
independently. Once a week, time will be set aside in class for about 20
minutes for you to read a book of your choice silently. It is very important
that you pick a book that is interesting to you for these assignments. You will
complete reading logs to document your reading progress and you will
receive several options for demonstrating what youve learned from your
book. You must bring your book for SSR by 9/1 or 9/2.

Behavior & Expectations

I do not allow late work, but I do allow extensions for benchmarks only; not
for homework. Extensions require students to advocate for themselves and
to understand what is possible and what is not. Students may ask for an
extension 48 hours before an assignment/project/paper is due. Extensions
need to be requested by email (arisela_hernandez@ecsonline.org) and
should be responded to in 24 hours. If I do not respond to an extension
request 24 hours before the assignment is due, it is still due on the original
All students must be in their seats with their pen/pencil and agenda out
writing the days homework. Headphones must be put away before entering
class and cell phones may be used only within the first minute of class with
the sole purpose of taking a picture of the homework or else you will be
marked tardy unless you have a pass. No exceptions.
If you are absent, it is 100% your responsibility to acquire all handouts,
notes, assignments, announcements, and other information that you missed.

English 11


I will not take class time to meet with you about what you missed, so if you
need to speak with me about this, come to my office hours or schedule an
appointment with me outside of class time.
If a homework assignment was due on the day that you were absent, you are
expected to turn in that assignment by the next time our class meets. If the
assignment is not turned in the day that you return to school, it will be
considered late and will not be accepted unless you bring a note signed by
your parent/guardian stating that you were unable to complete the
assignment during your absence.
If a homework assignment was assigned on the day that you were absent,
you are expected to acquire the information that you need for the
Cell Phones/Headphones
Cell phones and headphones are expected to be removed and put away upon
entering the classroom. Cell phones may only be used during the first
minute of class to take a picture of the homework. Otherwise, cell phones
and headphones may not be used during class unless given permission by
Ms. Hernandez. Charging electronic devices is also not permitted.
Students may go to the bathroom whenever they need to one at a time.
Similarly to absences, students will be 100% responsible for anything that
they miss while they are gone and I will not take class time to meet with you
about what you missed.
Parents or supporters of students can email me directly at
arisela_hernandez@ecsonline.org. They may also contact me through
the front office. Also, my door is always open to any parent, sibling,
guardian, or student supporter to visit our class and observe. I would love to
have you.
I (parent/guardian) of ____________________________________ have read
and support Ms. Hernandezs class requirements, video permission,
and expectations for 11th grade English
Parent Signature: ______________________________ Student

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