Syllabus sp2 2015 16

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La clase de Espaol II con el Seor Riley

Students shall develop the ability to communicate directly and effectively in Spanish. The course
continues the basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will learn
vocabulary and grammatical structures necessary to communicate in everyday situations. A variety of
activities such as TPR*, vocabulary**, applying that vocabulary to written translations in exercises and in
free-response mini projects or oral presentations will reinforce language skills and introduce various
aspects of the Spanish-speaking culture. EXPECT to be required to speak BASIC Spanish in class and to
understand/read basic Spanish instructions on notes, quizzes, tests, etc. You will HEAR me using a large
amount in each class. Why? This is SPANISH class, NOT English class--and you cannot improve your
Spanish unless you hear, comprehend, write and speak it. Rest assured this ONLY includes words you can
guess (cognates) or mostly vocabulary you will study. Also expect to develop an alternate vocabulary bank
for new words from what I use in class, but that I intend to repeat often; these will be recorded each class,
to test you on in some way later.

I strongly encourage student-led TPR, *but* each student wishing to do so will have to review the
TPR commands at least TWICE on Quizlet (the student shows me proof) and give me a short
demonstration regarding pronunciation to be approved.


Vocabulary lists will be found at and students will be required to use these for
study by creating an account and being invited by me as a member of that class. This will count as 20
points of your participation grade for each six weeks. Create a quizlet account with the same school sign
in so I can easily identify you.
Link: or search

Espaol 2--Champion HS

Textbook: Exprsate, Holt Spanish 2
Folder with brads or 3-ring binder (recommended--more durable)
2 Spiral Notebooks: one for notes, one for daily warm ups/listening activities
Pen (blue or black ink ONLY) or pencil
notebook paper
Box of Kleenex (optionalfor class use)

*I recommend a Spanish/English dictionary:

Collins Spanish Concise Dictionary, 6th Edition (Collins Language) (order from
Amazon--the best)
50% Exams, Projects, Presentations, participation (speaking), etc. (Teacher discretion)--minimum 2 tests
per 9 weeksbut expect 4.
25% Quizzes, minimum 3 grades
25% Daily assignments, homework, practices (warm ups), participation, etc. (Teacher discretion)--@ least
Twelve-grade minimum: 2 Tests/3 Quizzes/7 Daily. However, may be 15-18 .

Late policy:
Deductions will be 10 points PER SCHOOL DAY. For example, if you turn in work 3 days late from the
due date, then the highest starting grade is 70 and deductions taken from that .

If you are absent it is your responsibility to get the notes and assignments you missed from the teacher on
your day of return before or after class. In general, you will have one day to turn in any assignment for
each day absent. Please hand your make up work to me personally, so that I may give you proper credit.
However, this only applies to EXCUSED absences; you cannot makeup work for UNEXCUSED ones .

I expect everyone to be honest when taking a test or quiz. If I catch you cheating, or looking at notes,
phone, ipod, another students paper, etc. while you are testing, you will receive a zero on the test.
THERE WILL NOT BE A MAKE UP EXAM OR QUIZ. (The SAME cheating policy applies all
daily/homework grades.)

A student may retest if he or she fails a test. The highest grade a student may receive retesting is a 70; but
if you score LOWER on the retest, you keep the lower grade. Students must arrange a re-teaching session
after school to make corrections and discuss any questions before retesting (so the student arranges the
tutorial and a testing session w/me). Retests will be after school at 400-430 (except Fri). Students must
finish by 430; those who are late will ONLY have until 430. If the student fails to complete the reteaching criteria or misses the retest, the student forfeits his/her opportunity. If the student is absent
(excused) from school on the retest date, see teacher immediately upon return .

Conduct consequences
Grades (like your class average) and this are ASSIGNED based on how responsible you are combined with
your class behavior. So be aware that excessive parent contacts will result in either an N or a U for the 9
weeks. I document misbehavior.
1st offense:
verbal warning
guardian contact
IF you seriously disrupt class, you will be immediately sent to the office or Ill call an administrator to
remove you.

ONLINE TRANSLATORS: Do NOT use these; they do not work. The only recommended sites
are these: and If I note you used an online translator for work,
the work will earn a zero and be considered cheating.

Tutorials will be after school on We, 400-430 or by appointment (sign-up with time/date required).
Although I will take walk-ins, you should sign up for the day/time you plan to attend (I will keep a
tutorial log). If no one shows during the first 5-10 mins. of tutorials (or youve signed up but dont show),
I will leave and you will lose the extra help or any possible benefit that could have been gained (like


A Day:
230-400 4th Period
B Day:
855-1025, 5th period, 830-357-2670
Students: I encourage all students throughout their Spanish studies to practice the target language
consistently in the classroom and outside the classroom with teachers, peers, parents, community
members, etc. I look forward to having you in my class.

Parents: I encourage all parents to use online family access so that you may check your childs grades
throughout the year. If you have any questions, concerns or if you would like to discuss your childs
progress in the class, please contact me.

How to be successful in Spanish class:

Stay organized, listen and take neat

notes, use notes for work and to prepare for tests, use a dictionary to translate a word, ask questions,
complete/turn in all assignments, warm-ups, attend tutorials when needed, retest if necessary,
participate, and STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!

Topics to be covered (subject to change as needed):

Espaol IIOtoo
Captulos 1 a 4
Asking about people, routines and activities
Likes and dislikes
Adjectives to describe people
Nouns & adjectives with gustar
Review present tense verbs
Reflexive pronouns
Offering help and talking about chores
Talking about plans and places
Vacation activities
Tener idioms
Verbs and ir a followed by infinitives
Present progressive
Using direct object pronouns
Affirmative and negative informal commands
Asking what people do for a living
Introdcing people and responding to introductions
Indirect objects and indirect object pronouns
Present of dar and decir
Saber and conocer
Using ser with adjectives of nationality
Describing a house
Saying what needs to be done and complaining
Rooms of the house and furniture
Ser and estar
Expressions followed by infinitives
Preterite or ar/er/ir verbs + hacer/ir 1ra 9 semanas

Asking for/giving information

Talking about what you did
Stories and places around town
impersonal se
preterite of car/-gar-zar/conocer
asking/giving directions
places in the city
Formal commands-reg. verbs
irregular formal commands
commands w/ pronouns/inf. commands
Asking how something turned out
reacting to events
preterite of ponerse/decir
preterite of stem-changing ir verbs
preterite of ser/estar
getting hurt
asking/giving advice
body parts
verbs w/reflexive pron and direct obj.
past participles used as infinitives
preterite of caerse

Espaol 2Primavera
Captulos 5 a 8, 9 (parte?)
Telling someone to hurry
Reminding someone to do something
Daily routine
Preterite of poder and tener
Verbs w/reflexive pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Expressing interest/disinterest

ordering in a restaurant
talking about how food tastes
using double object pronouns
talking about diet
describing food preparation

Talking about how long somethings gone on
Negative expressions with ninguno/a
Using hace with time expressions
Using pero and sino
What you used to like and dislike
What you used to want to be
Childhood pastimes
Imperfect of regular verbs
Imperfect of ir/ver
Verbs with reciprocal pronouns
Describing people and things in the past
Emotional reactions
Descriptive adjectives
Imperfect of ser/haber
Preterite with mental and emotional states
Preterite of creer/leer/construer/oir/caerle a uno

cooking terms
more uses of imperfect
past participles used as adjectives
Trying on clothes/how they fit
shopping for clothes
clothing and shopping
Imperfect vs. preterite
ir a + infinitive w/imperfect/preterite
comparatives and superlatives
bargaining in a market
stating preferences
handicrafts and materials
using por and para
demonstrative adjectives and place adverbs
using adjectives as nouns

When entering class, get your assigned # book from the back and check for graded papers in the
class boxes. You may also sharpen pencils at this time. Once done, start on the warmup or if one is not
yet on the board, work on something QUIETLY.
Turn in all classwork at a designated spot for any timed assignments or to the back class boxes
when due at the end of class, also returning books to back IN ORDER.

Raise your hand and ask questions once called upon when confused.

Follow all teacher instructions and if you are still unclear or have some kind of issue, you can
request to talk to me OUTSIDE but remember to be respectful.
Be quiet and orderly participating in class activities, when going to another room, the library or
outside with the class during fire drills.

I have read and understood Mr. Rileys expectations in the classroom.

Print student first and last name

Student Signature

Print parent first and last name

Parent Signature

Parent cell/home phone

parent email address

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