Testing Procedure of CTs

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a The following tes hen 6. 10. ML. ROUTIN Rev 01 NG PROCEDURE PAGE OL OF 06 'S FOR CURR RANSFORMER re to carried out on routine basis Verification of terminal marking and polarity. Power Frequency test on Primary Winding, Partial discharge measurement. Power Frequency test on Secondary windings, Over Voltage Inter Turn test. Measurement of Secondary Winding Resistance, Demagnetisation test. Excitation current test. Measurement of Composite Error for * P” class cores Determination of accuracy. Insulation Resistance test. SPECIAL TE Measurement of capacitance and Di-clectrie ion factor (‘Tan delta ). REFERENCE STANDARDS. Is ~ 2705 (1992) TEC - 44 -1 (1996) BS 3938 (1973) TOTAL NUMBER CF SHEETS : 06. CHECKED BY: a __ APPROVED BY LA Rev 01 pee CT TESTING PROCEDURE PACENOSTORTOG 1. VERIFICATION OF TERMINAL MARKINGS AND POLARITY: 182705 Cl : > The terminal markings of the CT should be verified as per the customer approved drawings, > Polarity test is dane white doing determination of error test. If the polarity is incorrect the Transformer accuracy bridge will show OUT OF RANGE Acceptance criterion = > The green LED of the bridge should glow & the error values are to be displayed, Purpose: > To know in phase of ow of current in secondary with respect to the primary, 2. HIGH VOLTAGE POWER FREQUENCY TEST ON PRIMARY WINDING AND PARTIAL DISCHARGE TEST. IEC 44-1 CL CONNECTION DIAGRAM: a cr . Reactor 1 eT P2 440 vots 22 A; OMe 3 is Measuring IL, AC supply $2 capactor 1 I | \ Secondary | | | | | a) To LD Vottmater > Make the connections as shown above, > Pnsure the CT secondary terminals and ground terminals are solidly’ grounded. Connect “C™ terminal of the CT to ground . Ensure proper connection of primary to HV source, > Increase the voltage to specified power frequeney voltage & maintain it for one minute. Decrease the voltage to prestress: level i.e 80 % of power Trequency voltage and maintain it for one min, Decrease the voltage to Highest system vollave & note down the PD value further decrease the voltage to 1.2 Um /V3 & note down the PD value, ithe CT has more than one primary winding all the primary terminals to be shorted before HV & PD test In case of Primary Reconnection type of CTS apply spet as mentioned below as a additional test 3KV rms as per [S~2705 (1992) & IFC ~ 44-1 (1996) 2kV rm.sas per BS 3938 (1973) Tf necessary Suitable aluminium shield to mounted on the domeltop tank/eollar to avoid corona during HV and PD test Any repetition of P.F. voltage (est to be done at 80 % of the specified level. In case repetition of the PD test . prestress voltage to be applied before measuring PD. fed voltage between section oF prinnny winditigs for ene minute y \ Acceptance criterion + > CT should withstand the applied PF test voltage without any flash over > Measured Partial Discharge values should be less than 5 pC at 1,2. X Uy /V3 & 10 pC at U,, Voltage. Um = HSV Purpose: + Tocheck the PF, voltage withstand level with respect to BIL of the system, > To check the Internal ionisation caused by loose connections & any voids inside the CT Te | Revor CT TESTING PROCEDURE | PAGE 03 OF 06 |_AREVA 3, HIGH VOLTAGE POWER FREQUENCY TEST ON SECONDARY WINDING CONNECTION DIAGRAM : Primary winging es >> short cireital the secondary windings individually and connect she HV termina) ‘ofthe HV breakdown fester to any cme Sretiog Connect ll remaining secondary windings which are not under fest 10 ‘ground along with ground terminal of the HIV breakdown tester. > Avy apciid veltage for one minute. Repeat the above procedure for cor pee SV rims as per IEC- 18 (1987), 18-2705 (1992) EC 40-1 (0000) ‘Apply 2KV tm. as per AS 1675 (1986) BS 3938 1973), CANS- C13-MB3 ‘As per GTP & customer specification. whichever is applicable ‘Acceptance criterion = P There should not be any disruptive discharge during the test Purpose = > Tocheck the PF voltage withstand level ofthe Secondary winding of Transformer 4, OVER VOLTAGE INTER TURN TEST = t pg Pemany Wess po nt HN, ei? te le es . aL econeary Wining ay +> shurtcireit all econdary windings which are not under test, Connect Peak yolimeles ‘across the full winding under test ‘Connect one end of the peak voltmeter to ground. > Pass the eurent through the primary winding in such a way that the induced voltage across the secondary winding should be the specified voltage. Maintain the same for one minute, Fed woe Mak as per IEC- 185 (1987), 1S~ 2705 (1992), TEC — 44-4 0996) 1 Fa Ay Pe the rated knee point ex or 10 KY peak which ever is low = 8 PEt AS 1675 (1986), BS 3938 (1973), CAN3- C13-M83 IF primary injection method fs not possible then secondary injection ‘method is to be followed in Fine with, ‘proceire mentioned in relevant standards, ‘Acceptance criterion : peretere should not be any disruptive discharge during the test Purpose = } Tocheck inter tum insulation of the secondary winding. rl : = Aa terol REE CT TESTING PROCEDURE PAGE 04 OF 06 5, MEASUREMENT OF SECONDARY WINDING RESISTANCE: ’ > Measure the winding resistance at ambient temperature. > Correct the measured secondary resistance to 75 °C by using the formula given below. (2345475) x Ret RIS= 234.5401 Where 61 = Ambient temperature in deg. C Ret = Secondary winding resistance at ambient temperature Acceptance criterion : > The corrected R 75 values should be less than specified limits. Purpose: > To know CT internal burden for protection windings. 6. DEMAGNETISATION OF CURRENT TRANSFORMER; CIRCUIT DIAGRA! Briruary Winding | > Connect the CT each secondary core to the source one by one. Increase the source voltage gradually as follows: = Formetering core for each tap pass the rated secondary current with & without compensating coil (ifapplicable ) about 4 - 5 times. = For 2P” class cores apply the secondary limiting voltage ( Vsel)& slowly reduce itto zero about 4— 5 times. = Tor"S? or"X" class cores apply the specified knee point voltage & stowly reduce it fo zero about 4—S times. = Do not exceed rated secondary current of the CT. While doing the test on one ‘winding all other secondary windings and primary winding sbould be open circuited. } This testis to be caried out for CT aftr the DC application. i.e IR value, Polarity test, Ret measurement, Purpose : To nullify the effect of residual magnetism caused by DC eurrent/ voltage Rev 01 aX CT TESTING PROCEDURE PAGE 05 OF 06 AREVA 7, EXCITATION CURRENT TEST : connection diagram: pa Primary Winding pp 1 ‘supply ‘This tes is to be carried out for PS or X class CTs. “The secondary cores should be demagnetised before this test. ‘A gradual increase in sinusoidal voltage at rated frequency should be applied of specified knee point vollags up to 10% more than the specified knee point voltage. For each step note down the excitation current in mA. Ensure thatthe specified knee point voltage (Vk) i lesser than the actual knee point voltage. This can be decided by seeing the excitation current reading at Vk and 1.1 Vk ithe rise in current from Vk 0 1-1 Vk should be less ‘than 50 % The measured Excitation current at Vk should be less than or equal to guaranteed value > Ensure proper earthing of supply transformer and open circuit ofall secondary and primary windings. vovvY ‘Acceptance criterion : > The rise in excitation eurent measured ftom 1.0 VK to 1.1 VK shouldbe less than 50 % At specified knee point voltage excitation current should be less than specified as per approved drg/GTP Purpose : > To know the V-I characteristics of the CT secondary core. § DETERMINATION OF COMPOSITE ERROR FOR “P” CORES > Connection diagram is same as clause 7. Connect only “‘P” class cores tothe source and keep open all secondary and primary winding > Calculate the secondary limiting emf as per the formula given below: Vues =(ALF # 1g) V {Ry Res +06) ‘Where ALF = Accuracy limiting factor 1, =Rated Secondary current (A) R, = Burden registance (Q) = (VAIL? ) 0.8 X, = Burden reactance (0) = (VAM(,)) 0.6 Rex =CT secondary resistance corrected to 75°C. > Apply the secondary limiting emf Vsel Jand note down the corresponding excitation current in Ampere. 5 Determine the composite the error by using the formula given below: % C.E= Excitation current in amps. X 100 ‘Rated secondary current x ALF ‘The calculated value should be within guaranteed value ‘Acceptance eriterion : > Composite error (% ) should be less than standard requirement/eustomer specified limits Purpose : To know the characteristics ofthe core during the flow of fault curment AX Rev 01 peur CT TESTING PROCEDURE iD GE 06 OF 06 9, DETERMINATION OF ACCURACY: CONNECTION DIAGRAM : 2 Phase a un v Connect the standard CT (N) and test CT (X) as shown above CAUTION : The secondary winding which are not ‘under test should be short cicuited. Increase the input voltage gradually so as to pass the required curent through the primary K-L and P1-P2.. This ‘rent will be indicated as a percentage ofthe Rated current (P4In) inthe transformer accuracy bridge. Note down the ratio error (R-E%6) and Phase displacement error (P-E_ in Minutes) Ensure proper burden (ouput is connected tothe test CT {eas specified by the cwstoret ‘After increasing the east to the required level decrease the current slowly. Never switch ofthe supply suddenly, Metering CT : For 0.5 and 1.0 class conduct the % RE and PDE from 20 % 19 120% orup to the extended primary current specified by the customer at 25 % and 100 % burden. For acciriey Jess than 0.5, conduct the % Bn SDE ftom 5%. 20%, 100%, 120% or upto the speified extended current a 25 26 and 100% burden ‘The measured values should be within claimed accuracy class vv v v Note: while doing accuracy test as atype test the procedure mentioned for les than 0.5% accuracy to be followed. clase cores: Measure the % RE and PDF. at rated current and burden - PS or X class core : Measure the % RE at rated current and 1.25 VA, UPF burden. Important points to be noted while doing accuracy (est are as follows: Set the ratio of the standard CT in line with test CT correctly. «Short circuit the secondary cores which are not under test before this test. vv Acceptance criterion : > Themeasured accuracy values shouldbe within class of accuracy / standard requirement & as per customer specification. 5 Purpose : } Toknow the accuracy ofeach typeof core to eliminate the erors in ‘measuring / protection system.

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