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Student-Led Conference Goals

1. My ACADEMIC goal is . . . maintain my record of getting

all As in every class this year.
The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:
Study for every test in every class, even if I think it
will be easy.
Take extra time to do my homework and study to
make sure I do it right.
c.)Minimize distractions that could affect me while Im
My parents can help me by encouraging me to study and
helping me minimize distractions.
My teachers can help me by giving me notice about when
tests will be and what they will be like in general, and having
study sessions for major tests.
2. My SOCIAL goal is participate in at least three social
activities, like clubs and sports, powered by Carmel Clay
The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:
Find out about clubs and sports that interest me.
Make a commitment to go to meetings and
c.)Make friends with other kids who have the same
interests as me.
My parents can help me by arranging transportation to and
from events and encouraging me to try new activities.
My teachers can help me by making sure the room is extra
quiet during announcements so everyone can hear.
3. My PERSONAL goal is try at least three new foods
before the school year is over.

The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:

Look for foods that I would like to try.
Try foods even if I think they look icky.
c.)Actually taste foods instead of just nibbling off a tiny
My parents can help me by encouraging me to try new foods
and helping me find ones that sound good.
My teachers can help me by reminding all the students to
work on their goals.
I discussed this with my parents on: __________________

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