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Darius and Jeffrey are sitting in lawn chairs, no talking.

Jeffrey takes a makes

hift crossbow out from under his chair, Darius retrieves a box clearely labeled
"Dead Batteries" from under his chair. The two begin firing dead batteries over
the fence from their chairs. after several shots, a loud disgruntled cat is hear
d. The two exchange high fives.
D: Damn..
j: Yeah, Hey I have been thinking andD: And?
J: We really need to just do something.
Both Nod to each other and get up, scene ends
---D & J are walking briskly down street. J leading.
D: So where are we going?
J: This place I found, trust me, it's amazing.
they continue until they reach a dry creekbed and start walking down it. they co
ntinue, perhaps with small talk until reaching the end, with several cement pipe
s going in all directions.
D: So where is this place?
J: Right here, *gestures towards a pipe*
D: Damn are you sure? we don't have any flashlights?
J: Come'on, it's fine.
Three figures approach D & J.
Figure 1: Hey look at these kids
Figure 2: I wonder what they are doing on the wrong side of town
Figure 3: Whadda'ya say we do to them?
Figure 1: I say we teach them not to go where they aren't welcome.
the 3 figures proceed to walk towards them threateningly
J: Here, Quick! *jumps inside tube and begins crawling, D follows reluctantly. F
igures nearly get them. light gets cut out as they get deeper, eventually the sh
uffling of D & J is the only thing heard. Mesh into "Speak To Me/Breathe" by Pin
k Floyd. Visual patterns begin flashing.*

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