Assignment Mek Ma 2 From Caca

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Distinguish the types of safety by providing your example from teachers

perspective? (12 marks)
Safety Precautions

Proper warm up with a few flexibility and conditioning exercises prior to

practice or competition to prepare the body and prevent injury

Wear shoes that are suitable for the individual events and make sure they
fit properly

Take proper care of equipment

Use caution in all throwing events. Carry the implements back to the
thrower and make sure the throwing area is clear

Check all jumping surfaces for stability and firmness. Take special
precautions for wet, slippery conditions

Medical supervision should be available at all major events

Playing areas should be kept clean and safe
Games should be scheduled that result in equal and safe
Injured players should be examined by a physician and administered
proper treatment
A physician should be present at all games and practices involving
the most strenuous contact sport
Only equipment that is fully certified as offering the best protection
for the student-athlete should be purchased and utilized
All protective equipment should fit players properly
Playing fields and surfaces should meet standards for size and safety
for the participants
School registration forms should include a section for medical
history. The medical certificate should be signed by a doctor

2. In your opinion, how the leader should responsible on the safety aspects? Relates your
answer with the school environment. (8 marks)
3. Briefly explain the Needs theory with the appropriate examples. (12 marks)
4. Discuss the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation by choosing your own situation as an
example (8 marks)
Introduction of Instrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivators include fascination with the subject, a sense of its relevance to life and
the world, a sense of accomplishment in mastering it, and a sense of calling to it.
Students who are intrinsically motivated might say things like the following.

Literature interests me.

Learning math enables me to think clearly.
I feel good when I succeed in class.

Advantages: Intrinsic motivation can be long-lasting and self-sustaining. Efforts to build this
kind of motivation are also typically efforts at promoting student learning. Such efforts often
focus on the subject rather than rewards or punishments.
Disadvantages: On the other hand, efforts at fostering intrinsic motivation can be slow to
affect behavior and can require special and lengthy preparation. Students are individuals, so a
variety of approaches may be needed to motivate different students. It is often helpful to know
what interests ones students in order to connect these interests with the subject matter. This
requires getting to know ones students. Also, it helps if the instructor is interested in the
subject to begin with!
Introduction of Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivators include parental expectations, expectations of other trusted role models,
earning potential of a course of study, and grades (which keep scholarships coming).
Students who are extrinsically motivated might say things like the following.

I need a A or straight As- in statistics to get into premier school.

If I flunk chemistry, I will lose my scholarship.
Our instructor will bring us donuts if we do well on todays quiz.

Advantages: Extrinsic motivators more readily produce behavior changes and typically
involve relatively little effort or preparation. Also, efforts at applying extrinsic motivators
often do not require extensive knowledge of individual students.
Disadvantages: On the other hand, extrinsic motivators can often distract students from
learning the subject at hand. It can be challenging to devise appropriate rewards and
punishments for student behaviors. Often, one needs to escalate the rewards and punishments
over time to maintain a certain effect level. Also, extrinsic motivators typically do not work
over the long term. Once the rewards or punishments are removed, students lose their
Furthermore, research indicates that extrinsic rewards can have a negative impact on
intrinsic motivation. In one series of experiments, psychologist Edward Deci had two groups
of college students play with a puzzle called Soma. One group of students was paid for each
puzzle they solved; the other wasnt. He found that the group that was paid to solve puzzles
stopped solving puzzles as soon as the experiment and the payment ended. However, the
group that wasnt paid kept solving the puzzles even after the experiment was over. They had
found the puzzles intrinsically interesting. Deci argued that the group that had been paid to
solve puzzles might have found the puzzles intrinsically interesting as well, but the extrinsic,
monetary reward had reduced their intrinsic interest.

5. What is persuasion? How this approach can be applied in your workplace. (12 marks)
Persuasion is something meant to get you to do or believe something. If
youre not sure you want to go somewhere, your friend might use
persuasion to talk you into it. Being of a certain persuasion or belief,
means you already have your mind made up.
Another meaning for persuasion is the act of influencing someone to do
something or to change their mind. For example, good salespeople use
persuasion to get people to buy things, just as children use persuasion to
get permission to do certain things.
Application the persuasion
I use one of my experienced in application the persuasion technique in my
classroom. The situation is, I am teaching mathematics. Some of them are so
lazy in thinking. They often answer my questions without thinking. And some of
them also early decide that they will be a singer, dancers, fisherman, athletes,
house-wives and etc so they don't need mathematics.
To make them more focusing in my lesson and classroom i use the persuasion
technique as below: it in positive ways such as pursuid Myself to do work better, did not delay,
make it done as soon as possible, never give up
To succeed in business you must identify the people who have the greatest power and authority to propel your
projects and promote your career. Bosses, of course, fall into this category. While it is certainly important to
persuade others in your workplace, nothing is more important than to persuade your bossevery day.
Getting your way is not what your boss is all about. What your boss wants is her way, which, if shes a good
leader, is what she perceives will benefit the entire organization. Your goal, therefore, is wholly to identify what
you want with what she wants and, by implication, with what will be good for the enterprise as a whole.
Before you approach your boss to sell an idea or a project or a point of view, be certain that you know what you
are talking about. This does not mean that you have to write out a formal presentation every time you want to talk
to your boss about something important. It does mean that you should diligently prepare for spontaneity. Avoid
shooting from the hip. Do the necessary research. Learn something about your subject before you bring it up.
For example, suppose you want to persuade your boss to give you a raise. You could try spontaneity by blurting
out, My adjustable-rate mortgage has gone up, my daughter needs a load of orthodontic work, my old car is
ready to bite the dust; please, please, please, I need more money!
Honest? Heartfelt? Yes and yes. But this approach wont do you a bit of good.
Count on it: Your boss just doesnt sufficiently care about what you need. The far more effective approach is to
avoid spontaneity and, instead, prepare a case so that you can present a persuasive argument demonstrating
that it is in your bosss self-interest to raise your salary. Heres how:
1. Do some self-research. Compile a list of ways that you not only meet but exceed the demands of your job. Do
not rely on your bosss having kept score for you. Showing is always better than telling. Nouns and verbs are
more persuasive than adjectives and adverbs. Mentally review the facts concerning people, events, and
achievements that demonstrate your great value to the organization and, therefore, to your boss. Instead of using

abstract adjectives like great, efficient, imaginative, create a presentation about your accomplishments that
speaks the language of businessin other words, that talks in dollars: Two years ago, when you started in the
department, sales volume was $XX. Today, it is $XXX. The promotional program you worked on was responsible
for $XX in revenue last year. The new program slated for next year is projected to bring in $XXX.
2. Research what othersin similar positions, with similar duties, and in similar companiesget paid. If
you discover that the average is significantly higher than what you currently receive, congratulations! You have
found a point for your argument in favor of getting a raise. If you discover that your compensation is about
average, hold this information in reserve. Should your boss point out that your compensation is about standard for
the industry, you should be prepared to show the ways in which you outperform the industry standard. Of course,
it is possible that you may discover that you are getting paid substantially more than the going rate. In this case,
start researching the possibilities of a promotion rather than a raise.
3. Study the results of your research. Be ready to reel off your most important accomplishments
4. Focus your research but dont ignore key peripheral facts. For instance, you should be fully aware of how
well (or how poorly) your company and department performed during the past year. Be sure that you know your
job as well as its place in and impact on the company as a whole.
5. Before you meet with your boss, use your research to formulate a target salary level. Dont just spin the
wheel of fortune. Prepare yourself with a firm idea of what you can reasonably expect.
The subject of salary negotiation is just one example. Whatever idea, project, or course of action you want to
persuade your boss to buy into, build your eloquence on a foundation of fact. Speak from knowledge.
Negotiating a Raise or Promotion
We have already discussed the preparation necessary for entering into a negotiation for a raise: prepare yourself
with the appropriate research. Having researched the case for your raise, call on your boss and take the following
1. Decide not to ask for a raise but to negotiate for one. Asking sets up a one-way transaction. The boss
gives, you take. From the bosss point of view, it is not a very good bargain. As for you, it puts you in the position
of a child or a beggar. In contrast, negotiation is an exchange, between equals, of value for value.
2. Make a specific appointment. Ensure that time is set aside. With luck, this precaution will avoid interruptions.
The meeting should not appear spontaneous or spur of the moment. You dont want to surprise your boss with a
request for more money.
3. Think body language. Walk into the negotiation briskly and confidently. Make strong and frequent eye contact.
If your boss is behind her desk, pull your chair to the side of her desk (if possible) to avoid having the desktop
serve as a barrier between the two of you. If you cant sit to the side, get as close to the desk as you can. If
feasible, sit higher than your boss or, at least, at the same level.
4. Begin by thanking your boss for the meeting. This serves two purposes. First, it is common courtesy.
Second, the thanks should serve to remind your boss that, by agreeing to the meeting, she has decided you are
sufficiently important to invest time in. Your thanks affirms the wisdom of her investment decision.
5. Make your case. Review your record, focusing on facts. Describe your achievements using nouns and verbs,
instead of making mere assertions consisting of adverbs and adjectives. Make your pitch. Heres how it might go:
Thanks for making time, Mary [if you customarily call your boss by her first name]. As you know, Ive been with
our firm for four yearstwo in sales, and two in marketing. This last year, I helped support the XYZ account,
which weve transformed into a major profit center, generating $XX this last quarter. I have every reason to
believe that the ABC account, which weve just taken on, will show similar results. I really appreciate the creative
room youve given me, and Ive used it to build our business. Since Ive been here Ive amassed a great many
responsibilities, and I think it is appropriate at this time to bring my salary up to the level of my responsibilities and
my achievements. What do you think?
Here, you have presented your case in brief. Without mentioning a number, you have nevertheless outlined your
expectations: a salary up to the level of your responsibilities and achievements. You have, that is, proposed an
exchange of fair value for fair value. In addition, you have given your boss the feeling that she is both fair and
astute. After all, she hired you, and you are producing excellent results.

You are reminding her that she has already invested in you, and that the investment has paid off. This opening
makes a positive response possible, and the question at the end of the appeal actively engages the bosss
thought. No demand is made. Instead, this argument shifts the focus from you to your boss, subtly translating
your self-interest into terms of her self-interest and the interests of the organization.
Expect resistance, the commonest form of which is a bid to delay consideration. Your boss may reply that she
cant consider the request now or that it will have to wait until later. Respond by negotiating for a specific
appointment date for the salary review:
I see. Lets set a date for the discussion, then.
Can we set up a meeting now for a week from Monday?
Dont leave with nothing more than a vague plan to meet again later. Make an appointment.
The hardest form of resistance is the outright no. The answer may be final, as far as this particular discussion
session is concerned, but dont let it be the last word.
Boss: I just cant accommodate you at this time.
You: What can I do to make it possible, say, in another three months?
Remain engaged. Use the negative response to gain insight into your place in the organization and to learn what
your boss really needs and how you can be successful next time.
And remember, the most persuasive argument you can make with any supervisor or boss always looks toward the
future. While past performance can provide good evidence to build a persuasive argument, the past should never
be the thrust of your communication. The future is promise, and promise is the very meat of persuasive discourse.
If things are good now, argue that you will make them even better tomorrow. If they are not so good at the
moment, persuade your boss that they will improvetomorrowbecause of you.
2007 Alan Axelrod. All rights reserved.
Adapted, with permission of the publisher, from Getting Your Way Every Day: Mastering the Lost Art of Pure
Persuasion (ISBN-10:0814473350), published by AMACOM, a division of American Management Association,

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