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17-Aug-2015, Mr. ARIF KHAN L ‘S/O. LATHEEF KHAN PERIYAMBADI VILLAGE YADAMARI MANDAL. CHITTOOR DIST. Dear Mr. ARIF KHAN L, Welcome to the family of Apollo Hospitals. With reference to your application and the subsequent selection process you had with us, it is our pleasure to provide you training as per the training scheme as 2 PHARMACY TRAINEE under the following terms and conditions. 4. Date of Commencement 2) Your training period will be effective from the date of joining i.e. 17-Aug-2015. 2. Period Of Training: Your training will be for a period of three months from the date of joining. Unless terminated earlier, your training programme will autornatically cease ‘on (3 Months). During the period of training or thereatter you may be required to undergo training for different periods in any establishment / branch of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd., or in any of its associated group organizations or such other training forum as deemed fit by the Management. in such case, you will be governed by the terms and conditions as applicable. 3. Stipend: You will be paid a consolidated all-inclusive stipend of Rs.7315.00/- per month. ase Contd...2 4, Hours of Work As a Trainee on the job you will be called for training during hours and days, as may be fixed by the company from time to time. Normally your training timing would bbe that of normal shift working hours of the establishment where you are posted for the time being. Weekly off days together with all national holidays observed by the establishment would be normally appiicable to you. You may however be called upon to attend training as and when required on holidays. 5. Leave During your period of training, you will be entitled to leave as per Leave Rules of the company applicable to trainees and paid holidays as applicable to your location. Your leave will need the prior written approval and otherwise it willbe treated as Leave without pay and also as misconduct. 6. Completion Of Training: This training scheme does not automatically entail you for a job in the company after successful completion of training. On completion of training you will immediately surrender to the company all specifications, formulae, documents, literature, effects, or records, etc., belonging to the company or relating to its business and shall not make or retain copies of these items. 7. Medical Fitness: This letter of engagement will be subjected to your being found medically ft by the Residential Medical Officer specified by the company. Your continuation in the training will be subject to your remaining medically fit 8. Confidential Information: You will not at any time without the consent of Designated Official disclose or divulge or make public, any informaton/documentation regarding the company's affairs or administration or research carried out whether the same may be confided to you or become known to you in the course of training or otherwise. 9. Other Work: During your training with the Organisation, you shall devote yourseff exclusively to engaging yourself as a Trainee in the Organisation. You will not take up any other work for remuneration (part time / other wise) or work on advisory capacity, or be interested directly or indirectly except as a share holder or debenture holder in any ther trade or business, during the training without permission in writing from the Management. See Contd...3 10. Protection Of Interest: During the period of training # you conceive any new or advance methods of improving processes! formulae / systems in relation to the operation of the company, such developments will be fully communicated to the company and will be and remain the sole property of the company. 11. Responsibilities and Duties: Your responsibilities and duties during the training period in the organization willbe governed by the Service Rules and the rules and regulations as promulgated by the company from time to time in relation to conduct, discipline and other matters, as appitcable.In all matters including those not specifically covered in this letter, you will be governed by such rules in force that are relevant to personnel of your category in the company's employment 12. Past Record And Misconduct: Not withstanding the condition regarding written notice of termination, the ‘company shall have the right fo terminate your trairing without any notice or payment in lieu therefore if any information furnished by you regarding your experience, qualification etc. are found to be inadequate or not true, oF if you are found to have wilfully suppressed any material information, you commit breach of any condition thereof and / or / you are found guilty of wilful negligence or any act of misconduct for which the company shall along be the judge. 13. Termination: Not withstanding any clauses of this letter of engagement, the company reserves the right in its sole discretion of terminating your engagement during the training period without assigning any reason by giving 25 days notice or payment of ffteen days stipend, in lieu of notice. Your engagement in training will be subject to the receipt of satisfactory report with regar< to the verification of the particulars furnished by you in your application znd information given at the time of interview, including the reference given by you 414, Address for Communication: At the time of joining, you shall advise the company of the address to which ‘communications meant for you should be sent and communications sent to you at such address shall be deemed to have been properly sent by us and receved by you. Contd...4 45. Deemed Termination Of Contract: Hfyou remain absent without any intimation and permission for a continuous period of 10 days or more, you shall be deemed to have terminated the contract of, traineeship with effect from the day you complete 10 days of such absence. ‘The above terms and conditions are subject to policies governing trom time to time. You will be required to submt a joining report on the date of your joining the Company. Please confirm that the above terms and conkitions are acceptable to you and that you accept the appointment as training under the company-training scheme as trainee Apollo Hospitals Group has pioneered investor-owned hospitals in the country and has already buitt 2 reputation for itself across the globe. We have every hope that your contributions to the Group will be mutually rewarding and look forward to a long and fruitful association with you and wish you Good Luck. Your's sincerely, For APOLLO HOSPITALS ENTERPRISE Ltd. aS |. SUDHAKAR RAO ‘SR. GENERAL MANAGER - HR. ENDORSEMENT |, accept the terms and conditions stipulated in the above letter of engagement | shall report for undergoing training on Ihave also received a copy of Service and Leave Rules Book along with my Job description, Place: Date: ‘Signature of the Candidate.

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