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"My name is.......


Huh... It seems that I can't remember my name....
Who is that....
Huh? Regius... Is that my name?
"Do...t... M...e....."
Is she crying....?
-Sudden light appeared-------------------------------------------*Sounds of wind howling inside the house as if a monstrous howl from an
animal was inside*

"Oh god no!! It's already 11:30!! I'm gonna be late!!!!"
-My name is Regius Valdo, currently I am a waiter at a caf at my hometown. I
am 21 years old, living alone since....... I can't remember that part. Why is that
I can't remember that, is because I have amnesia. I have wounds from my
head (back), it was just a bump in the head I guess and I have a severe long
cut from my chest. I don't know why but I know how to fight, whether it be
hand-to-hand or sword or magic I know it. The last thing to note is that this is a
fantasy world with elves, goblins, orcs, you name it.
"God damn it!! If I wasn't up that late I would have gone early!!"
"Hmm? Ah! It's Regius-kun."
"Ah! Alisa-san! Good morning!"
This is Alisa Nagasawa; she is around my age (I guess younger than me?
Doesn't want to say her age). She is a waitress at a caf I'm been working on
and I guess I am under her. Her height is 5'1 and weight.... I don't know. She
got a cute-approachable appearance-long hair and green hair; has blue eyes,
she feels tsundere-ish and I can manage that. Also she's an elf, so no need
for explanations in some parts of her
"Is "he" here?"
She looked at me and then nods a yes in her head. I look carefully in my
surrounding but then.......

*Intensely hugging Regius*
"MUHAHAHAHA! Do you think you can escape me?"
"*Gasp* St...opp.... STOP IT!! Your hugs are killing me!"
"Aw, I just wanted to hug you that's all :D"
Well this guy name is Uzami Nayoto, he's the manager/cashier of this caf
and he likes fooling around that much that he only annoys me a lot. But then
again he is strangely reliable at certain situations. He got a shaky hairdo and
has Grey hair and his eyes are a rare kind of color.....Red eyes.... I thought
that people with red eyes are already extinct... Because the demon race has
been defeated by the human race and they are the only ones who have red
"Anyway, Regius you are 15 minutes late. You have to make up for that."
Damn, he said it in a serious tone with his face completely emotionless and
here I thought he wouldn't notice
"Aw, don't be like that Regius. Now get to work!"
-The caf look like any caf shop look like, it has 4 tables and 2 chairs outside
the building. It is made by bricks; the name of the caf is "Caf Azualre".
Inside there are 5 tables with 4 chairs .There are 2 restroom stations and 1
washroom station. The cashier which is Uzami, is on a corner near the upperright of the caf.

-As I enter the caf it feels like it's another world due to the fact that it got
some interesting people. People come to this caf due to its popularity with
our coffee and such; it even attracted some nations namely the Zerigius.
Hmm? I heard two people talking near to me.
"Psst hey, have you heard that there was a runaway thief near the city"
"Eh? No way I bet the King won't be too happy with this....."
A Thief in the city? Hmm..... Well I doubt it would come to this caf......Right?
"They say he is swift as the wind and vicious as a snake."
What's with this cheesy description? Anyway, I got to go to work.
~ 5 Hours Later ~
"Ah....... Finally I can go home."
"Don't forget to wake up early again Re-gi-us-kun"
"Don't worry I'm just gonna go home and sleep."
It was already 5:40, because of me showing up late at work I got to do extra
work in the caf and even let Alisa help me. God she's such a good girl!
As I was walking towards my home, in a single long road I just happen to met
someone by fate......
"Uhm.... Are you lost somehow?"
Hm.... The shy type huh.
"I could help you find your home if you lik-"

Before I could get near the silhouette, and even finish my sentence......
*Sword pointing at Regius*
"Hey hey! No need for violence!"
"Who are you."
"I said who are you!!"
"Wa-wait, I don't understand you...Ack!!"
I was too soft on this person; I thought things wouldn't end this way.
The person hit me in the head with the hilt of their sword and the last image I
saw was a long flowing silver hair dancing in the moonlight.

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