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Ethics and Technology : Herman T.


"Is privacy universally valued? Or is it valued mainly in Western, industrialized societies where
greater importance is placed on the individual? Is privacy something that is valued for its own
sake-that is, does it have intrinsic value? Or is it valued as a means to an end, in which case it
only instrumental worth? "

What I expect to learn :

I expect to learn more and enhance my learnings about the Ethical issues in an Age of
Information nowadays

Review :

Concerns about personal privacy existed long before the advent of computers and
cybertechnology. Prior to the information era. Cybertechnology makes it possible to collect and
store much information about individuals than was possible in the precomputer era. The amount
of personal information that could be collected in the precomputer era was determined by
practical considerations, such as the physical space required to store the data and the time and
difficulty involved in collecting data. In the past, practices involving the retention of personal data
were perhaps more forgiving. Because of practical limitations, such as physical storage space,
that affected how long personal data could be kept on file, much of the personal information
collected and stored had to be destroyed after a certain number of years. As information could
not be archived independently, people with blemished records sometime had the opportunity to
start over again-Deleting record from the past provided a kind of frontier of which one could go
west and begin again.
Personal privacy us a concept that is either clearly understood nor easily defined. We often hear
that one's privacy has been lost, diminished, intruded upon, invaded, violated, breached, and so
forth.Privacy is sometimes viewed as an all-or-nothing concept something that one either has pr
does not have all. At other times privacy viewed as something that can be deminished.

What I have learned :

I learned that privacy is something that we should respect for others.

Integrative questions :
1.) What is personal privacy?
2.) What is RFID?
3.) How do we transfer and exchange of personal information across and between databases?
4.) How do internet searches and online public works?
5.) Are existing privacy laws and data protection schemes adequate in the Internet Era?

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