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| COCKTAILS HOW TO \MIX THEM L é i Soe emameeenterniben WHAT THIS BOOK 15 ABOUT —— Hundreds of thousands know how to drink a cocktail; but few can mix one. That wat the inception of this book, Robert is well Known as an expert, first at the Royal Automobile Club, then the Criterion, finally at the Embassy Club. He gives fall instructions as to the mixing. of all the well-known cocktails, and not only eacktails, bat cobblers, coolers, ¢rusias, egg popes, fiztes, flips, frappis, highballs, joleps, poasse caffs, punches, rickeys, sangarecs, slings, smashes, sours and toddies. Above all, he tells how, with a com- paratively trifling expenditure, it Is posible to give your friends first-class eockiails at home. Fificenth printing completing 98,266 copies MADE AXD PRINTED IN GREAT DRITADC BY EDEXEZER WAYLIE AND 800, LTD. THe TRINFTY PRES! WORCESTER AND LONDON i ! SeeStRRES BP eB ee ssi aaayene A an = in - INTRODUCTION OCKTAILS were first introduced in America more > Whit a hundred years ago; but their exact origin Va rither w mystery, Many stories are told to eaunt for the bulk of the cocktail The one ally accepted is: squire of a litte country inn was very proud hid beautiful daughter, and he was equally d of © magnificent prize-fighting cock. The dtiddenty disappeared and could not be found where, Weary of scarching the country round, Wore and told everybody in the village that the who brought the cock back alive would be d to marry his daughter, hy days passed, until one summer morning a Young cavalry officer rode into the village, stopped i front of the inn, and handed the cock back to Squire, full of joy, produced drinks that all it toast the tail of the cock, who had not lost igle feather. His daughter, either by accident, f excitement at the sight of her future hus- mixed whisky, vermouth, bitters and ice i » Everybody liked this delicious comcoc- on Ao ms ; that it was christened on the spot ock tail," ‘The officer introduced the “cocktail amongst . fellow officers,"and soon it became known to entirg American Army. Gradually its reputa- il and the cocktail became famous all over sai coektail habit is now universal. Men = Wiried to drink them first, women took to them WMerwards, und, as they are more difficult to 7 # COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Please, expert mixers had to invent all kinds of new drinks to satisfy the feminine taste, The two wart aio helped a preal deal to make cocktails popular in England end Eerope, Our Canadian friends and Americun allies wanted thelr cockanil over here pal a4 in Uheir “oven home tows,” and *they are as good judges of cockinils as the Freoch= fan is of wine, or the Boglishman of whisky or beer. It [a stressed in some quarters that excessive cockiuil drivking stimulates a false appetite and is tulnous tothe health, This is probably quite true, just 2s any other habit carried to excess. will eventually produce i effects, but it docs net mean that cockiail should noi be taken in mederation. Tnikeed they form nn excelent stimulant before a ment nnd leave the paluse clean une appesciasive, The waiver, either amateur er professional, should always bear in miod that po standard measures or glasies exist For cocktails amd other mixed drinks, The author has adopted certain matures acl glasses, the copacitica of whach are hore explained beforehand, Gre of Nosom, The atindard measure ed im this book @ the Gill of Nogeia (142 Titre), a recognised measure when dealing in wines or spirit. pint —0.568 Litre. The plaises described in the numerous recipes ane: Toe comcral-cass, which contains about half 4 gill. of ligeid. The mixer should be very eaceful when 4, 2b $. 4. d or 2 are mentioned in a cock= tail recipe; that means § 4. b oa of the capacity of the eocktall glass. For instance, a opeketail which it made of half gio and hall vermouth has 4 the quantity of a half-gill measure or } gill of gin amd } vermouth, itwer gills, oF AIQUEUR GLa contains 3 gill of liquid, Im are mor generally served im a args eee eee up by one-half only ee hola tg oC bait TA GLASS ig similar im size ta the 47 JULEP Guass is a lange glass shaped owl: iit holils half a pint. ake neormsry to explain a few terms iy this work: OF & GWE means mixing the drink with thin spoon (har spoon} by whirling it (aitly until thee iigredicnta are absolutely is penerally done in the bar glass, a tall plas with a strong botiom, Some Plssses (Hl the whaler, others hove a lip for wt purposes and te nveld apilling the Hhake A TINK means fastening the shaker the bar glass or the two nickel receptaches | Se i un Genie are property | d amd cold cnovgh. . STWAIN A DRINK, fit the brainer into the th of tbe ber gles or shaker, and pour the into the serving glass, hofding back tle ice, : Metkera have a straines Gtted im the top: bit they are act to be recommended, the straining cing too much time. SQUEEE2 Lemon Peet on top, take e piece of peel, teist it berween the fingers over the ee 10 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Se drink to extract the oil and throw the peel aside, The Ikmon peel should only be put in the glass when specially required, and also in a few drinks where mentioned in this book. Some nyvixers prefer squeezing the lemon peel in the glass before pouring the ingredients into it; this js merely a matter of taste. 4 A pastor Birrees Is equal to } of a teaspoonful. are between 16 and 18 in a cocktail glass (} gill measure). When mixing drinks there are certain things that should always be remembered: 1. Use clean lee, and hantile with the ice scoop. Artificial ice is more economical than natural tee, it is nol so slimy and keeps clear, 2 Use the best brands of liqueurs. It is im possible to mix a good drink whea using materials of poor quality. 3, Minerals should be kept cold enough to be served without icc. Syphons should never be kept on icc, aa they may explode when sub- jected toa sudden change of temperature. 4, Use plain Syrup, that is Sugar Syrup, or even Gum Syrup, in preference to powdered sugar. The Syrup mines better with the drink, It should, however, be borne in mind that certain drinks are always prepared with sugar, i.e. the old- fashioned cocktail, the Champagne Cocktuil, the Collins’, etc, 3. Bitters, Cordials and Syrups should be uted with the greatest core. A little too much changes the entire taste ofa drink, spoiling instead of improving it a3 it should de. They should be kept in a moderne tempers, but not put an ice. Care should be taken to prevent insects from cotering the mising bottles, When using the mixing bottles (algo called bitter bottles) keep ome INTRODUCTION on the stopper to prevent it dropping into lass or shaker. at fruit juice should be kept cool to e their freshness, Fruits cut in slices should ced with a fork, and when used fo ina drink they should be placed on the top fasieful manner, then add a spoon and |, Wien wing egss for drinka, always breale upin the shaker first, or ina separate glass to ‘first; then come the bitters, fruit juice, the Hgqueurs (ihe heavier ones first), It matters little in what order the ingredients en pul into the shaker, as they are all dup or shaken before being etrained and served. Uteadls @ professional mixer of cocktails whe pro= hundreds in the day requires the following il MeHSuire, 2. A mixing of bar glass and a mixing spoon, (A shaker, that is to say a pair of nickel Plackes which fit ome into the other. (The glass. aleoukd also fit into the larger receptacte.) A straincr with a sprig that fits into the Hatt glass and the shaker. 12 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM ee decanter botties with siopper filled Orange Bitters. A ‘Bitters, Pasha Albsinthes. Plain or Gum Svrup, Sometimes a sicth Bitter decanter & filled with Grenadine of Respbery sccording to lye 6, A lemon knife and a sqyueezer. 7. A ruddler to crush anges, feud and mint, EA corkscrew and a mineral-water opener. S.A machine to chop the bee, an ice pick, and a gooop or tongs to hamdle the ice O. A fork and spoon for handling fruit. V1. Straws and wooden picks for chenies aed Olives put in the enckinil-glasees, Th A suteneg grater, salt, red pepper, vineger, fomake ketchup, Wisrcesfer mocc, eyes, milk, hemes, oranges, frelt acoording to scosen, and f. 5 Tin annie: canal well with nombers. 1,23, 4. The other mocesary utensils can be found jn any ordinary kitchen, The Cocktail at Home Many people wish to exjoy at home what they have enjoyed out—but bow? Some guidance asd instnaction are obviowsly desimabie, and to provide thes: in simple terms Ls the purpose of this boot, Tris possible to perfect quite a good selection of excellent cockiaila at home. To aedat the amatcur mixer, I give a few hists, For one thing INTRODUCTION desires to fit up a tar at the end of his conmequenity | indicate what may with comparatively few bottles of a misce” sbould keep on his bat of Bey Gin of superior quality. 14 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM XYZ, Yellow Rattler ond Wax Cocktails, besides various kinds of cobblers, cups, egg noges, flips, flexea, cic, ofc. Although I call this book Cackraile: How to Mix Theer, L have included particulars as to the preparation of many other drinks, such a coer blers, coolers, crustas, cups, daisies, egg fizxes, fips, frappés, French apéciifa, Mahal Invalid drinks, juleps, lemonades, pousse cafés, Absinthe mixing Absinthe is probably one of bile and least understood, the American stylo, the French styte, yt. is vuoene the caute of « Wete aaeees Fill the ié COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM pes eee Shake thoroughly and strain ioto a tembler. Some poople shake the Absinthe without the water and strain it into a lumber, sdding cold Soda Water instead, Absindbo—Fronch Styte ft Is superfluous to explain here tha old- fachioned French way of mixing Absinthe, because the real Absinthe glasses are now absolutely ‘uibebtsina ble. Jin before Absinthe was prohibited in France, it was usually mixed as follows: Put inte a good-sized tumbler, & gill of Absinthe, 1 lump of ice, and put across the top of the gis te Abeinihe-mpocd “wire | or 2 anos of ugar on it according to taste (the Absinthe- iva flat spoon with plenty of Male holes in Now pour, drop by drop, water on ihe sugar, witer dropping through the Absinthe-apoon melts the sugar and swertens the drink at the same nl ies dcr oat ie fal slit up lightly with the spoon, and your drink is ready. The French amateur Absinthe drinker usually takes 13 to 20 minutes to Gnish this wordler!ul stimulator. Absintho—Swisa Style This ifs the most simple way: Pt $ gill of Absiness in a tumbler, add o little plain Syrup, Grenadine, or Anisette, and fll op the balance with feed winter. ‘This drink is ago very popular in France and ftaly. When Grenadine ia used it is generally wn the spaca, Strain inte a cockwll- Low top. Apple Jack Cocktnil e large bar glass, half full of broken egemes, se mirlng spoon, eens. soe # aid ‘olive or cherry and squeere 18 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Bacardi Cocktail Fill the shaker baif full of broken ice, and add: gill of fresh Lime Juice. f alll of Bacardi. Sugar Syrup according to tase, Shake well and strain inte a eocktall-glasa, i change rye ae et. ena ase mn ’ This cocktail is in great demand in London, Tn the USA, it is undoubtedly mor popular than any other cocktail, Bambee Cocktail Fill the lange bar glass balf fall of broken ice and add: Stir up well, strain into a cocktail.giass, and squeere lemoa-peel on top. ‘This drink is very popular amongst the Britlh resxients in India, and is also culled “Reform Cocktail.” Beanett Cocktail sig the shaker half full of broken fee and 2 dashes of Angodnure Bitters, } gill of Old Tom Gin, gill of fresh Lime Juice, Seen asheare gpa dias roa tase cep a ore ser paasvrebe- ier al gic ope popular land- owner and millionaire of that country. COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Eleston Cocktail, of the British Navy. The ingredients are sinned up in the midng gis and suloed into a cocktail gilt of Ptymoeth Gin. I 2 gill of French Vermouth. 1 dath of Angostura Bitbor, No lemon squeezed on top. Bloodhound Cocktail Fa a ne oe ee 2 gill of French Vermouth. gill of Ttaling Vermouth, Shake well and airain into a cocktail-giass. Pop the large bar glass, hall fell of broken ice, to which the following ingredients have been added; 2 dashes of Maraschine. 1 dash of Angeatura Bitters. £ gill of Gin, gill of French Vermouth. oat at Isiian Vermouth. Stir wp weil, stesin into a cockiail-glasi, add a cheery and lecwon-poel squeezed oo the top. 22 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Champagne Cocktail In a wine-glass put 1 lump of sugar, soak with Angostura Bitters, squeeze the esence Zor? pleces of lemon-peel in the glass, and 1 of ice, and fill the glass with toed champagne. Stir up dlightly with the mixing spoon, #queeze and drop another piece to Note that a bottle: of Champagne makes from 3 to 6 cocktails. ban (Chicago Cocktail The Chicago Cocktail is also called “Fancy Brundy Cocktail." Tt is a plain Brandy Cocktal with @ litt Champagne on the top, Fe ae the squeezed Jemon-pool dropped in the straining the mixture into the moisten the outside borders of the glass Lemon Juice and dip into pulverised sugar. (Chinese Cocktail Fill the bar glass half full of broken ice and add: Lor 2 dashes of Angostura Bitters, 3 dashes of Maraschino. 3 dashes of Curagao. 2 dashes of Grenadine, 4 gill of Jamaica Rum. Stir op well, strain into a cocktail-glass, add o cherry, and squeeze Ilemon-peel on top. res terolte. ee ee known it e Hand seu into a small wine-glass,, fo hand, lemons are usually i fine i often substituted for Raa Clover Club is made with the yotk white of epg. Leaf isa Clover Club shaken up Sprigs of fresh mint and decorated leaf on the top, i 24 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM pl a a Coffee Cocktail The Coffee Cocktail, also called “Law's Cock- tail" ia made with: The yolk of a new-laid cxg. 1 Waspoondul of Suga’ v Syrup. gill of Brandy. # gill of Port Shake these ingredients well with ke acd strain [nto a amall wine-glass with grated nutmeg on 1op. Cooperstown Cocktail The Coopersoen ig a Martinl Cocktail shaken up with 2 aprige of fresh mint. ‘This drink i very popular amongel the cow. boys in America, The recipe was given to me by 8 well-known member of the Peerage who lived ee ae ate ee bail of Seville Orange Bitters, f gill of Dry Gin, Shake well, strain inte a cocktall-glam, put the » peel of an olive in the gloss, and squeeat lemon- peel on top. ‘This drink has a delicious orange favour which is peculiar to the Seville orange cut of which the ‘Soville Orange Bisvers is meds. Gils « ‘reckiak lies, add an cite ond ct o kereon-pesl on the top, 26 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Dempsey Cockiall Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: 2. dashes of Absinthe. 1 teaspoontul of Grenadine. b gill of Gin, @ gill of Calvades, Shake well and strain into a cocktail-glasa. This drink was introduced at Deauville, 1921, after Dempsey's victory over Carpentier, Depth Bomb Cocktail Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add; Shake well ond strain into 1 cocktail-glass, ‘This drink was very popular in the Royal Air Force of the British Empire during the Great War. It is called after the famous bomb which was dropped from the bombarding air machines that caused panic amongst the German troopa behind the lines. Derby Cocktail This cocktail is made exactly in the same way ag the “East India Cockiall," bot a dash of Champagne is added before serving. amd strain into a cocktail-glass. red pepper on the top. : @ 4poon, strain into a cocktail- squeere lemon-peel on top; add cherry e251 an is Philippines), who is now 37 years ee ee ee this cocktail at y. a a phere February, 1922, TT M COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Diplomate Cocktail Fill a bar gloss balf fell of broken ie and Sur pelos pm inte a cocktail-gias, and yuecrd ora oe top. ‘When desired dry, me 2 gill of Gin and | gill of Dubonnet instead of equal paris, In San Francisco the Dubonost Cocktail is made differently. Ite ingredients are: 3 dashes of Orange Bitters. F gill of Dubonmes. 4b gill of Dry Pale Sherry. * Dubonnel iy one of the bext-kioen in the wel, Tila ol andy sed Row cocking bit aba cooker and bothball, “fa tlle after ‘Senator. Frirbask, friend of the tate President Roosevelt, 3% COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Fernet Cocktall a 1 dash of Angostura Bitters, 2 dashet of plain Sagar or Gum Syrep. ¢ gall of Pernet Branca. + gill of Cognac Brandy, or Rye Whky Stir up well with a spoon, strain into 2 cocktall- Ths cok il ae much capeies by the is tail Is Canadians of Toronta, Floope Cocktall Fill the mixing glass tsalf full of broken ice and 't gill of ftalian Vermouth. Morsicur ia all along the Riviert, ty everybody, from prince to cabman. Gibson Cocktail The Gitson Cocktail is well known in Japan, principally ia Yokohama, [tia a Marin’ Ceckeail with a tiny white oxbon lin it. Glad Eye Fill the shaker half full of broken kee and add: A call of Absinthe Permed. {gillof Peppermint Get. j Shake uatil froaen and strain into a cockhail- i 32 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM seta ear a I H.P.W. Cocktail This cocktail was invented by the famoun bartender “Charlie,” of the Racket Club in New York, as a compliment to the prominent millionaire member of the Club, Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. [ngrecients: igi of Gin, i gill of Ttalian Vermouth. 1 slice of an orange. Shake well and stealn into a cocktail-glass. Howla-Eoula Cocktail Fill the shaker half full of broken ico and ud; 2 gill of Gin. $ gill of Grange Juice. 1 teaspoonful of Curayen Shake well and strain inte a cocktnil-glass. This drink originates from Hawaii. Tea Cocktall _ il ta tar shes in fll of been Kon an 2 dashes of Orgeat Syrup. atmin into a cocktail-giass, add an 2 dashes of Orange Bitters. pee }aill of Piymouth Gin. dali of French Vermouth. k e 2 gill of Dery Pale Sheery. hiker half full of broken ice ond Stir up well, strain into a cocktail-glass, aol add a amall picee of pine-apple. Squeeze a little orange-peel on Lop. This cocktail was Invented by H.C Harrison, who supervises the American bara of the Gordon Hotels in England. 34 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Shake well and strain into a cockinil-glass. This cocktail was. invented by Mr. Luigi Naintré, the proprietor of the Embassy Club, who became famous at Romano's, Ciro's, and the Criterion, He is one of the best-known restanr- afewrs ie the workd and has an enormous and faith- ful following wherever be goes. This cocktail is one of the most popular in London, Manhattan Cocktail = Fill a bar glass half full of broken ice and add: 1 or 2 dashes of Angostura Bitters. 2-or 3 dashes of Gum Syrup or Curagao. } gill of Ryo Whisky. 4 gill of Malian Vermouth. 1 dash of Abainthe if required. Stir wp well, strain into a cocktail-giasa, add cherry, and squeeze lemon-peel on top, This isa very old, but still one of the best- known cocktails, called after the district in Mew York. When required dry, use French Vermonth inttead of Dalian Vermouth. When desired Medium, wie: } gill of Rye. 4 gill of French Vermouth. 4 gill of allan Vermouth. Martinez, Cocktall The Martine Cocktail is very similar to the Manhation Cocktail, but Gin is used instead of Whisky. F glass half full of hroken ice and n into a cocktail-glass, add laste, otal squeeze Iemon-peel dar ion the Continent. ‘Cocktail generally nla: as with lemon-peel 36 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Rosington Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and aed: if gill of Dry Gin, £ gill of Italian Vermouth. A. piece of orange-peel. Shake well, strain into a cocktail-glass, ond squeere orange-peel on top. To certain parts of U.S.A. this drink bb known as “Roselyn. Martini Cocktail Here is the exact _ Fille bar glas ul wit broken ice amid 1 dosh of Orange Bitters. 4 alll of Ttalian Vermouth # gill of Dry Gin, Stir up and strain inte a cockiail-glass. Squeeze on top. Medium Martini The Medium Martini Cocktail 4 a Martini Cocktail made with: gill of Gin, # gill of Italian Vermouth. 4 gill of French Vermouth. Sweet Mortini The Sweet Martini Cocktail is a Martini Cock- tail made with: Martin’ Cocktail should be pre mixing gloss ard stirred up. In wer, it has been the fashion, since this cocktail until thoroughly 38 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM : Mikade Cocktall Fill the bar glass half full of broken ice and add: 2 daches of Angostura Hitters. 2 dashes of Moyau. 2 dashes of Orgeat. 2 daghea of Curagaa. } gill of Cognac Irandy. Stir up well, strain Into a cocktail-glass, add a eherry, and squeeze lemon-prel on top. This cockiail is also called "Japanese Cocktail." Nfillionaire Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and add: The white of a fresh egg. 2 dashes of Curagaa, j gill of Grenadine. i gill of Rye Whisky. Shake well and strain into a small wine-glass. Adash of Absinthe may be added if requitod, Tht cocktail ia well known to the patrons of the Ritz Hotel, London. Monkey's Gland Cockrall tae the shaker half full of broken ice aad 2 teaspoonful of Absinthe. 2 teaspoonfuls of Grenadine, tell of Gm. t gill of fresh Orange Juice, Shake well anal sirain into a cocktail-glass, This cocktail is very popular in Deauville and London, Harry MacElhone, the welkknown bar= tender of Ciro's Club, invented it. COCKTAILS 39 Niorning Cocktail Fill the bar giass half full of broken ice and add: 2 dathes of Curngao, 2 dashes of Maraschino. 2 dashes of Orange Bitters, 2 dashes of Abainibe, gill of Brandy. + gill of French Vermouth. Stir op and strain into a cockiail-glass, add 9 Cherry and Iemon-pecl twisted on top. Midnight Cocktatl This cocktail wed to be very mach appreciated amongst the dancing people at the Savoy Hotel in Londen a few years ago. Its a Bronx Cocktail shaken up with a dash of Absinthe. In China this cocktail Is known as the Minne- Aahe Cockeail, but the Absinthe is poured in afterwards, ne¢ shaken with the mixture. Minno- habia i the Indian (U.S.A) for “Laughing Water,” Nick's Own Fill the bar glass half fall of broken fee and ack: 1 dash of Angestura Bitters. 1 dash of Absinthe, } gill of Cognac Brandy. 4 gill of Italian Vermouth. Stir up well, strain into a cockinil-glass, and add cherry and lemon-peel squeezed on top. (Recipe Ay AL Nicholls, London, 1922.) 4 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM ‘(O1d-Fashioned Cockinil Put a piece of sugar ina tumbler with a strong better and soak with Angestera Bitters, Reduce it with a muddier or spoon, ade 9 gill of Rye Whisky and o hump of ite. Sth up aad drop a Little loman-pocl squcemd in the gli. Serve a glow of iood water (a chatcr) af the sime time, to drink afterwards. 0 should be noted that the old-fashioned eock- fail is prepared and served in the sanve glass, ‘Olivetie Cocktall The Gliveite Cocktail is a London cue made with Plymouth Gin instead of Londen G ‘Orange Bless Cocktail 4 gill of Gin and | gill of Orange Juice iced and well shaken with a Gtth dash of Orange Bitters, and a dath of Grenadine if required sweet, (Recipe by Malloy of Pittrbarg.) Parodie Cocktail FI a add: 4 gill of Orango Julce. é gill of Apricet Brandy, + gill of Gin, Shake well and etrabs into a cocktail-glas, COCKTAILS 4l Perfect Cockiail This cocktail is always well shaken. Tt is com- j gill of Dry Gin. $ gill of French Vermouth. dell so Sapeom Vermouth, A pioce of orange-pee! ia aqucered en top! a dash of Absinthe, if required, improves It. Ping-Pong Cocktall (Recine by Boothby af San Francisco.) Pristets Mary Sl meh oes ce “Pill of Dry Gin. | Laill of 2 gill of fresh cream. Shake well and strain mio a eocktail-glaas. Harry, of Ciro’s Club, introduced this cocktail in honour of Princess Mary's wedding to Lond Lascelles, February, 1922. Queen's Cockinil Souish a slice of orange and pine-apple in the atinker, add ioe anid i gill of Gin, 4 ei) of French Vermouth. 7 cil of Italian Vermouth, Shake well and strain into 2 cocktail-glaas, (Recipe dy Horry Crockbek, New Fork.) 4 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM RAC. Cocktail ee ee Oe ee ee + ell of Dry Gin, 4 gill of French Vermouth. } gill of Italian Vermouth. | dash of Grenadine. Stir up weil, strain into a cocktnil-glass, add a cherry, and squecze orange-peel on tap, BAC. owen Royal Automobile Gub, This is the largest club in London, with over 16,000 members. (Recipe by Fred Farcks, 1914.) Rob Roy Cocktail an the large bar glass half full of broken ice and add: 2 of 3 dashes of Gum Syrup or Caragaa, 1 or 2 dashes of Anpostura Bitters. i gill of Scotch Whisky. ¢ gill of French Vermouth, Stir up well, strain into a cocktail-glass, add a cherry, and aqueezs lemon-peel on top. Rose Cocktail oan the bar glass half fall of broken ice and 3 dashes of Grenadine. $ gill of Dey Gin. 4 lll of French Vermouth, 4 gill of Dubonnet, Stir up well, strain iat a eocktoil-gless, add a cherry, afd squeeze lemon-peel on top. Sidney Knight, the famous bar-tender af the ¥. ee COCKTAILS 43 Motel Cecil in London, introduced this cocktall in London at the Alhanibra Theatre many years apo, Royal Cockiall eee nee FM of Sectoid Stir up well, strain inte a cockiail-glas, add a cherry, and squecac lemon-peel on top. This ditink is called Royal because it was fies intro- duced af the Royal Heel in Dieppe, 1921, San Martin Cocktail This well-known Soath American drink must he will dhaken. Tt contzina no Ditters of any description, but: 4 gl of Gin. } ill of Iulian Vermouth. 1 teaspoonful of Yellow Chartreuse. A litte emoo-peel @ squeered on top. Sensaiion tine stake half full of broken ice and ak: 3 dashes of Maraschina, 4 sprigs of Fresh mini. 4} call of Lemon Juice, } gill of Dry Gin, Sbake well and sirain into a cockiail-gies, (Recipe Oy James Berkelmans, Paris.) 44 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM "75" Cocktail Fill the shaker balf full of broken ive and add: 2 deshes of Gronmdine. 1 ‘teas poonfial of Lemon Juice. 2 gill of Calvados, 2 alll of Dry Gin, Shake well and sirain into a cocktall-glasa, This cockiail was weary weil appreciated in Puris during the wor, it bas bees culled after the fameus light French field gun, and wos introdoced by Heory of Henry's bar fame in Paria. Side-Car a the shaker half full of broken ke ond fail of fresh Lemon Jalee. f gill of Cointreau, ¢ gill of Cognac Brandy, Shake well and strais inte a oocktail-piasn, This cocktail |s very popular in Fromes. It was firt introducad in Leadon by MacGuary, the celebmted bar-tender of Buck": Clab, Silver Cockinil oe the bar glast half full of broken ice and 3 of 4 dashes of Maroschine, 2 dashes of Orange Bitters. + will of Gin, Egil of French Vermouth, Str up well, strain into a covktail-glass, and add squccned lemon-peel on top. COCKTAILS 45 ‘Ster Streak Fill the shaker bolf full of broken ice and pill of Kimmel, gill of Dry Gin. Shake well and strain into a cocktail-glass, Spanish Costictadl Cockiail, or Spanish Delight, sae al trot, ‘The ingredients are: dt strong dashes of Anpoetura Bier. bail of Tralisn Vermouth. — Before straining into the corktail-glass squeeze the ceignes of 3 or 4 plecea of lemon-peel in the es. Pour the mixture inte the glass and drop amatbeer prece of squecaed kemon-peel into the the Spanishspeaking Star Cockinll A Kivadyke Cocktail with 2 dashes of Orange ‘Curagne in it, Stinger Cocktail FU the shuker half full ef broken lee ard § gall of Peppermint. fall! of Cid Brandy, and grin inteea qocktall-giess, Some people think a dazh of Absinthe rane : 4 46 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Sunshine Cocktail This favourite concoction of the famous Olympia Qub at "Frisco contains: Stit ap well, strain into a cocktnil-gias, aod add Jemon-peel squecaed on top, Thistle Cocktail ooo half fall of and 2 dashes of Angeatura Bitters, ‘ermeaih. Squeeze on tog. This cocktail is also called “Work Cocktail.” Turf Cocktail an ae ae See Pe a eee eae 2 daches of Orange Batters. 2 dashes of Maraschine, 2 daghes of Absinthe. 4 gill of Plymouth Gin, 4 gill of French Vermouth, ee ee een wi, Node especially no aqucezed lemon-peel on top. (Recipe by Hovry Joinson, New Orleans.) I, strain into a cocktail-plass, adhd a queen: lemon=peel on top. MCs of the Benen Trocae, 910 ee 48 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM _——_—_—— Stir up well and strain inte « cocktail-gles, add a cherry and lemon-peel squeeced on cop. This drink was first made at the Kursaal in Ostend during a veh of Colonel Cornellas Vandere hilt, the American millionaire, who was drowned on the Lurifania during the war. Velocity Cocktall This drink ia similar to the HLP-W., bat the proportions of the ingredients are revesed. The “Velocity” contains a slice of orange and j gill of Gin, ond 4 gill of Tialian Vermouth, Well shaken are strained into a cocktail-glass. Ward Eight Cockiall This cocktail must be well shaken. Tt is com posed af: | teaspoonful of Grenadine. + gill of Grange Juice. b gill of Lemon Juice. | gill of Rye Whitky. This cockinil originates from Bosien (U.S.A.), aciey divided into eight wards. Wax Cocktail Fill up a bar glass half full of broken ke and 5 dewheo of Orange Matters. yall of Plymouth Gin, Stir up well, strain inte a cocktail-glas, add cherry, and squeeze a little arange-peel on top. ‘Tha drink # well knoen in Vancouver and also in British Columbia. * COCKTAILS io i Whip Cocktail | This cocktail is well known amongst the naval QWicers of the Meditertancan Squadron, The n Eve they call it “K = in. fe “gall it “Kurbag,” which @ the Arabic word for whip. White Cocktail ee half full of broken lee and 2 deshes of Orange Bitters. 2 teaspoonfuls of Anisette. j gill of Dry Gin, Stir up well, atramn into a cocktail-glass, add oe olive, and squeeze lemnon-peel oa top. (Reelpe by Marry Brecker, Antwerp.) Whit-Bang ee ee Tak Bl of Creer’ ton nad add: 2 dashes of Change Bitters. 2 dashes of Grenadine. 2 dashes of Absinihe. 4 ei of French Vermouth. (ei of Scotch Whisky. Stir up well and stroin inte a cocktail-glasa, Squeene lemon-peel Ch EOP. ee Burron, Sports" Clb, Lond i This cocktail ia named after the high-velocity 4 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM alvtlls, so-called by the ‘“Tomanies" during the wir, because.all you heard was.a whiz and iheexplosion of the ebell immediately afterwards. YZ This cocktail is made-exactly like the Brona, but Lemon Juice is used instead of Orange Juice, and a Gitte plain Syrup or Gomme is added to avweeten the cocktall, Yellow Parrot Cocktail This Boston drink is made af: dell of Absinthe. Pell of Yellow Chartreuse, 2 gill of Apricot Brandy, Shake well and strain into a cocktail-alass, Yellow Rattler Cocktal Th Cowboys' Cockiail is similar to ihe Cooperstown Cocktail, but a small bruised white: onion @ ued imbead of the brumed fresh mint sprigs. IF ————————— ______ NOM-ALCOHOLIC COCKTAILS 451 NON-ALCOHOLIC COCKTAILS Ansber Cocktail Cur a few white grape in halves, take oot the feeds, cul some pine=apple inteslices and also sore | mix with lemon juice and add Pine-apple according to taste; me well until the fruit fives are well blended. Serve in sherbet glass. Nere—A sherbet glass is Uke a amall vembler, | holding about 4 gill. Ut ia uinally served on a amnall dish of plate surrounded wih shaved ice to keep its coments thoroughly cold. | Apricot Cocktail _ Cut op a few apricots, add a litths Apricot | eee Boe of femora Solos, cubes of ees, oe. Cover with whipped cream and grated dry mois, Serve well iced in dlerbet giass. Florida ‘Corktail Pill the shaker hall full of broken ice and add; Tejas teen 3 dashes of Anpostura Bitters. 1 or 2 dashes of Gum Syrup if required, sweet, Shake well and strain inte a emall wine-glaas. Jersey Cockiail sere ieee tate half fall with broken foe and 3 dashes of Gum Syrap. ; or 2 dashes of Angostura Biter, 1 wine-glass of non-aloobolic Cider. Stir up weil, strain into a wine-glast, add a cherry, aod squeeze lemoa-peel om top. a $2 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Lobster Cocktail Prepare a sauce of tomate catsup, a fitthe grape: fruit juice, and lemon juice, Add sak, paprika, plate eurounded by ice, In London some reputed saitres difrels add a litt ceam and penerally a Little vinegar instead of the rape fruli juice, ‘The Oyster, Crab, and Sivimp Cocktails ore prepared in the mame way. Pessyfost Cocktail ‘This i the wuthor's own recipe in admiration for plucky Pussyfoot Johnson, the world's total abstadners” chaniplon, Fill a shaker half fall of broken ice and add: The juice of | lemon. The juice of 1 orange. A little plait aarup or apricot synap. 3 epeiga of mint, A ole white of ex. Shelke well and strain inte a small wine-glass, Rese Cocktall Fill the shaker half full cf broken ike and add: 9or 2 strawberries cut in pees, Half a slice of pine-apple cut in paces. The juice of half a lemon, The juice of | orange. A few dashes of fret d'orcager. Sweeten to iste wilh any fruit syep. Shake well, strain into a small wine-plass, and decorate with rose petals, HON-ALCOMOLIC COCKTAILS 53 Summer Cocktail Mush a few currants, msphberties, and attra flea hebl pean Strain the juice very i jnto the sheker, half filed with broken “fe, auld a little lemon juice and the same quantity ‘of water. Shake well and strain imo @ small iE Tomato Cocktail Pal a nice rips tomato for 1 or 2 minatea in wiwnter. This will make it easy to take the skin. i Now put into o sherbet glam altemathvely slice of tomate and 1 slice of ornepe without the . Cover with o eauce compored of orange f little tarragon vinegar, and olive oil, Finkle with chopped pardey, ard serve well Vegrtabte Cocktall Use cooked spring vegetables, chopped very amall, mix like salad with oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and fine herbs. Serve in sherbet glass surrounded by ice. rr 34 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM COBBLERS Tae Cebblert are long drinks and very refreahing during the hot weather. They can be made with mimost any kind of wines, and abo with Whisky Gin, Beandy, ete. Sherry Cobbber In the cid daya thia drink used to be prepared aod served in the sume glass. Mow it id generilly prepared iin the shaker or in the mixing gloss, The ingredients are: 1 easpoonfl of Sagar Syrup. 1 waspoontul of Pime-apple Syrup (American style) or Curagan (French style). 1 gill of Sherry, top. Serve with straws and a spoon. Champagee Cobbler The Champapie Cobier mut be etined up gently, No Part is poured on top, but a litle lemon juice mised with & improves it. Coffee Cobbler ‘The base liquer is Old Brandy. Tea Cobbler The baac Wiquer bs Od Jomaicn Rem, COOLERS. Es COOLERS The name of these long drinks describes the effect they produce on thove that consume them. Some are made with liquors; others are ahso- futely nonalcohoke drinks. Boston Cooler Put ina lars tumbler the whole peel of a lemon, a hump of ice, with equal paris of Sarsaparilla acl Ginger Ale. Serve and drink when fiery. Brunswick Cooler Tn o lange tunsbber pts The strained juice of a ermon. 1 tesspoonful of Sugar Syrup. Lor 2 humps of ice, and add cold Ginger Als, Stir op carchully and serve, Bull Dog Put a big lump of ice into @ large tumbler. Add: 4 gill of Dry Gin, : A little Sagar Syrup (if desired sweet). Fill up with iced Melfast Ginger Ale, Stir up curefully and serve, Cabbegram Use Rye Whisky instead of Gin, os in the Bull eee i6 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM a Mara-klel The Hara-kiri is a Whisky sour strained into a large tumbler, and the balance is filed op with cold Vichy water. Tha drink is usually decorated with fraits in stason cut in slice. Serve with a spoon. Kotsen Cooler A Remsen Cooler is made like the Bull Dog, but Remsen’s Scmch Whisky is used inswad of om, Recky Meuniain Cooler ae the shaker half full of broken ice anct The whole of a fresh epg, Sugar Syrup according to taste. Thea juice of & Jenson. Shake well and strain into a tumbler, 60 up the balance with cold Cider and grate a litte outesg oo top. Saratoga Cooler A Saratoga Cooler is a Brunswick Cooler made with fresh lime juice instead of lemon juice, Tod's Cooler fa a lange tumbler put: The julce of haifa lemon, 4 gill of Dry Gin. 4 gill of Casgic de Dijon, Log 2 humps of ice, Fill op with cold Soda. Sur up gently. and serve. COOLERS very popular in racing circles 1910 in Ostend ard Brutsck, Howlng winter on the Riviers. jockey to taste, } gill of Gin, 2 of jee, Fill up the glass with cold Soda with a pleco of pine- % COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM CRUSTAS ‘Tem Crustas are pemerally made whih Gin, Whisky, Brody, or Rum, and are therefore called accord= ingly, that is to say, when Gin is used as the base: fiquer, it @ called « Gin Crusta, Always remember that the Crusis glass, a geal pear should = prepared before the mixture ia the following wa: Moistem the ediges with lemon, and dip the glass in. palverised sugar, Cut the ends of a clean lemon, io the reat like an apple, and pot this peel in the wine-glass so that it linea the whole inside of the glaes, To prepare the Gin Crea fill the shaker half fall of broken ice and ack: Piake oe of Maraschinea. Tacks ot Annie Biwei: The jusce of a quarter of 4 lemon, f gall of Gin, Shake well, strain into 2 Crusta glass, and add afew alice of frail. Serve with a epoon, St. Croix Crusta. A Rum Crosta, but use St. Croix Rus only, CUPS 59 Champagne Cup Pat a large fump of ice in u big jug and add: 1 Tiqueur glass of Absicotine, V liqueur glass of Curagac. 3 liqueur glasses of Brandy. 1 bottle of jecd Champagne. 1 bottle of cold Soda Water. Stir up well and decorate with different kind of fruit imseason. A sprig of fresh mint or bornge, or even a alice of cucumber-peel, are often added. Cider Cop Put a large piece of ioe in a big jug and add: 2 of i Fe hose ot tie best Cider: The rind of a whole lemon. Sair Op and serve. ‘Claret Cup @ Claret is made in the same way a5 oe Sec but a litte Lemon Juice instead of of Abricotine improves it @ COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM Dancer's Cop Pats large lump of ice inte a big jug and add 1 liqueur gia of Orgeat Syrup. Fill the jug with equal parts of the beat lord Cher and cold Soda. pee oe STA wines of Od Brandy inrove this Cop tremendously Heck Cop A delicous Hock Cup is made in 2 similar way at the beforementioned Champagne Cup by dabatitning Hock for Champagne and omitting the Absicotins, Madera Cap Put a large piece of Ice in a big jog and add: 1 bottle of Dry Madeira Wine, 1 bottle of cold Soda Water. Stir up well and decorate with thinly cut alices af kmoa and a Little borage. Orange Cup ‘This Temperance Cup is very good Ta a large pe ps 8 bit a big lomp of ice, add 1 pint of strained juice and the juice of | lemon to five ita tang ree with 4 pall of Sugar Synap and } gi of Apricot Syrup. Fill the jug up with feel water or equal para of water and Soda Water, Decorate with thinly cut slices of oranges, after having slired these Ingredients up well, The Cup is very much appreciated at dance and garden partics, CUPS & Peace Cop Smosh 3 of 4 slices of fresh pine-appk and anid a bottle of cold Soda Water. Stir ep well and decors with pieces of pire-apple cut into dice anid little strawberries, ee 62 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM jnoiibhe bs ie DAISIES Darsies are delicious drinks, but they should be made carefully, The best known are those pre= pared with Gin, Rum, Whisky, ete. Here is a recipe for a Morning Glory Daisy The oe Daisy ia made of the follow- ‘ing ii The white of a fresh egg. The juice of half'a bemon. 1 teaspoonful of Sugar Syrup. + gill of Gin, Whisky, or Brandy, according to taste. 3 dashes of Absinthe. Ice well and shake. Strain into a wine-glass. Rum Daisy Dissolve a linthe sugar and water in the shaker, add ice, the juice of half a lemon, 4 gill of Curagac or Yellow Chartreuse, and § gill of Rum. Shake well and arain into a wi Decorate the top with fruit cut in slices, Serve with a spoon. Noete—Some bar-tendera serve the daisiés in a tumbler, which they then fill up with cold soda water. r EGG NOGGS 63 EGG NOGGS Boo Nooos are very nourishing. They invariably contain fresh eggs and milk, and can be served iced, of bot by using boiling milk instead of the ice and cold milk. Plain Egg Nope Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and oad: 1 fresh egg. 1 teaspoonful of Sugar Syrup. 2 gill of Brandy, Rum, Gin, Whisky, etc. according to taste, The balance rich milk. Shake well and strain into: a tumbler, Add Brated nutmeg on top. Egg Nogg The egg nogg is made in the same way, but the 4 gill of Rum. Tt is therefore slightly stronger than the plain Che mOEE. Raltimore Eg orn This egg noge is stronger than the usually Prepared epg noges becuwie it contains: A fresh cag. 1 teaspoonful of Sugar Syrup. 1 gill of Madeira, 4 gill of Brandy. } gill of Jamaica Rum. Shake up with fresh milk and strain into a large tumbler with grated nutmeg on top. 4 COCKTAILS—HOW TO MIX THEM ————————S Breakfast ‘This ee nope used to be very popular amongat the regular customert of the Criterion American Bar in London some yeara ago. The ingredients. are; Tee well, shake, and strain into a tumbler. Grate Gnnamon on bop. ‘(General Harrison's Ege Nowe This drink is very old and well kmown through- FIZZES nen are very good dicks in the morning. They id be drusde as S000 a8 they ane eondly bocase (Cream Ficz _ A Cream Fizz is a Gin Fizz to which a litle cerca has buen added. ‘Gin Fizz a Fill the shaker half full of broken ice and acd: A teaspoonful of Sugar Syrup. The juice of ont komen. Three-

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