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An Op.n to,






and Mill.r.


On Tn.aday, April 25, 150 .tud.nt rch.d to the ott ice. at

the O. at I. Foundation. Our d anda 1) the O. at I.
!!l it tockholdinqa in corporation. doinn huain in South
Africa 2) the tollowinq individu.l. r i"n .ith.r tro. the
Boarda of th.a. corporation. or tro. thair poaition with the
U. at I. Foundation:
Tho a Hurphy
~illia. G. ~arn
Aobert St.wart
Donald C. "illar
Thi, action r.-attird .nd atr.nqthene~ the daci.ion at
.tud.nt. on la.t vaar'. ca.pu.-wid. r.~.randuD. Tha Foundation
otficial. ~.tua.d to .van h.a~ our d.~anda.
You can't hid. tor.v.r. Thi. l.tter 1ntor you that
an op.n chall.noa to d.hat. haa i,aoad
(in today',
D.I.). Tha topic at d.bat. will he the U. of I.'. cont1nued
1nv tm.nt in aparth.1d.
Your .11ence turthe~ condamn. you.
~ xp.ct a r.aponae to the challenn. b.tora nOOn on
Moodey. Hay J. L vq. for Diane ~eia.nhelt.r at
3441351. Furth.r. the dahate .uat b. oo.n to the oublic
end taka place by PridaY, .av 5. Th. ti~. haa co to tac.
eha con quane of your eetion.:
Chaepaion-Orbana Coalition
Anainae Apartheid

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