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Christian Formation

Group # 4 ( 10-Excellence )
Falcon, Franchesca

Maglalang, Abighail Rizon, Wyn

Limon, Patricia

Carrillo, Matthew


Papal encyclical issued by Pope John XXIII on April 11, 1963 on nuclear non-

last encyclical drafted by John XXIII
diagnosed with cancer in September 1962 and
and died two months after the encyclical's
Biographer Peter Hebblethwaite called it Pope John's "last will and

Published on Holy Thursday, Pope christened it his "Easter Gift"
Full title of the encyclical:
On establishing universal peace in truth, justice, charity and liberty
The short title Pacem in terris, is derived from the opening words (incipit) of the
encyclical, as is customary with papal documents:
"Peace on earth, for which all men of every era have most eagerly yearned,
cannot be firmly established unless the order which God laid down is
dutifully observed."
" Pacem in terris, quam homines universi cupidissime quovis tempore
appetiverunt, condi confirmarique non posse constat, nisi ordine, quem

Deus constituit, sancte servato."

First encyclical that a pope addressed to "All men of good will", rather than only

to Catholics
He linked peace with justice

He stressed the following points:

1. The rights and duties of people

Human rights must be respected by individuals, public authorities,

national government, and the world communities
2. The duty of the people to take part in public life
All people ( Catholic & non-Catholics ) are challenged ( morally
obliged )to work together on matters of social change
There should be mutual cooperation in all levels of
relationships: individual, national, and international.
3. The significance of socialism
John XXIII distinguished between the philosophical teachings of
socialism is inadequate in its philosophical teachings. It can be
effective in leading the people to be involved in the work of social
justice. Thus, cooperation with socialism was for time seen

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