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Name: ____________________________

Periodio: _____________

House Drawing
You will be drawing a floor plan of your house (or your ideal
house) and label the rooms in Spanish. You must include all
drawing of all 8 rooms listed on p. 62 with at least one item drawn
in each room. Then you will correctly label each of the rooms in
Spanish. Also include flowers and a fountain somewhere in or
outside your house and label in Spanish (p. 64). Then write a
sentence in Spanish saying where you live. I live in an (apartment)

_______Sentence saying I live in a ______ (2 pts)

Drawing with a picture and Label:

_______bathroom (2 pts)
_______bedroom (2 pts)
_______courtyard/ patio (2 pts)
_______ kitchen (2 pts)
_______ dining room (2 pts)
_______ living room (2 pts)
_______ garden (2 pts)
_______ garage (2 pts)
_______ flower (1 pt)
_______ fountain (1 pt)

Total: ____________ / 20

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