Middleton Students Guaranteed To Pass

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miss and matke sure it is turned in. If a student is absent when an assignment is collected, it will be posted as a zero until it is handed in. Tardy Policy Students should be inside the classroom when the bell rings. Students who are not in class when the bell rings will receive a tardy. If you are late and don't want a tardy, make sure you have a pass from an authority. If students are tardy over three times, discipline will be enforced. Maize sure you are not a distraction to the class when you enter after class has started. Late Work Per Middleton Middle School's Social Studies Department policy, | will accept student's late work, but will do so with a “to be determined” late work penalty. However, No late work will be accepted two weelts after the instructional unit and wil remain a zero in the grade book. Accommodations lam big believer and supporter in making accommodations and adaptions for my students in order for them to have successful educational outcomes in my classroom. If ai student and/or their parents feel like they need specific accommodations or modifications please contact me and make me aware of the situation and to the best of my ability will | try to make the necessary changes. am here to help and support all my students. Homework Passes Each student will be given 3 Homework pastes each quarter. These passes can be used for a tardy pass, hall pass or to extend a due date for any assignment (this excludes tests/quizzes). So for example, if student forgot to do, bring or turn in their assignment, they can use one of their passes and then bring the assignment in the following day and still get full credit. Stucents will be rewarded if they have not used all three Homework Passes at the end of the quarter. give all my students a guarantee or a promise at the beginning of the year. This guarantee states that if students have a 90% attendance record, have no missing assignments, put forth good effort and display ‘good/positive behavior, throughout the year, then no matter what their grade is, | will pass them with a 70%, In other words, if « students grade is at a 50%, but has shown good class behavior, tried really hard, turned all of his/her assignments in and has established solid attendance, then his/her grade at the end of the year, will be bumped up to a 70%. That is my promise to my students and I call it STUDENT EXPECTATIONS AND CLASSROOM RULES. Students at Middleton Middle School and in my classroom are expected to be safe, respectful and responsible. Failure to comply with these expectations may result in disciplinary action.

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