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Jesus walks on the sea

(John 6:1621)
When it was evening, the disciples of Jesus went to the
shore, where they climbed into a boat to cross over to
Capernaum. It was dark, and Jesus still had not come to
join them.
A strong wind began to blow, which made the waves very
difficult for their boat to travel through. When the disciples
had rowed about three or four miles, they saw a man
walking on the sea, coming toward the boat. The disciples
were terrified. But it was Jesus, and He said to them, Its
Me. Dont be afraid.
The disciples let Jesus into the boat, and immediately the
boat reached the land that they were headed for.
This story is also found in Matthew 14:2233.

S&S link: Christian Life and Faith: Biblical and Christian Foundation: Jesus, Gods Son-1f;
Christian Life and Faith: Spiritual Insight and Awareness: Miracles-1a
All scriptures are paraphrased from the King James Version by Didier Martin. Illustration and design by Didier Martin.
Copyright 2015 by Didier Martin. Used by permission.

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