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Block: ____
Poster Rubric


Above Average

Define the topic

Completely, clearly, and Sufficiently defines

accurately defines the the topic.
15 points


Well researched; subject knowledge is evident throughout. All

information is clear,
appropriate & correct.
15 points

Explanations &/
or descriptions

13 points

Subject knowledge is
evident in much of the
content. Information
is clear, appropriate &
13 points



Topic defined but lacks Did not complete.

completeness, clarity,
& /or accuracy.
12 points

Some subject knowledge is evident. Some

information is confusing, incorrect or
12 points

10 points

Subject knowledge is
not evident. Information is confusing, incorrect, or flawed.
10 points

Completely, clearly, and Sufficiently explained

accurately explains &/ & / or describes the
or describes the topic. topic.
25 points

Topic explained or de- Poster does not exfined, but lacks complain or describe the
pleteness, clarity, &/or topic.
22 points
17 points
20 points


All items of importance

are clearly labeled with
a label that can be
read from at least 3 ft.
10 points

Almost all items of

importance are clearly
labeled with labels that
can be read from at
least 3 ft. away.
9 points

Many items of imporLabels are too small to

tance are clearly laview OR no important
beled with labels that
items were labeled.
can be read from at
least 3 ft. away.
8 points
7 points


More than 3 visual

pictures/ illustrations/
graphics that pertain
to the topic.

More than 2 visual pictures/ illustrations/

graphics that pertain
to the topic.

Less than 2 visual pictures/ illustrations/

graphics that pertain
to the topic.

10 points

9 points

8 points

Graphics do not pertain to the topic.

7 points

Spelling and

Poster has no more

Poster has no more
Poster has no more
Poster five or more
than one error in spell- than two errors in
than four errors in
errors in spelling &
ing & grammar.
spelling & grammar.
spelling & grammar.
10 points
9 points
8 points
7 points

Visual Appeal

Very colorful, neat,

Colorful, neat, detailed, Requires more color,
Significantly lacking in
detailed, inviting, pro& professional.
neatness, &/or details. color, detail, neatness,
fessional, & eye&/or professionalism.
15 points
13 points
12 points
10 points

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