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Dear Parents:

This Friday, Grade 2 will host a celebration of culture with a side of science!
We will be learning about the sense of smell and taste on Friday afternoon with
food being the main example. In addition, we will learn about your culture as you
and your child present your food dish to the class. Please feel free to bring some
kind of traditional food that comes from your country on Friday at 1:00 PM
(13:00) in our classroom. This event is only for Grade 2 students and their family
members who do not have school that day and are able to attend. There are 11
students and myself, so 12 people in all, but Im sure many of you who are
cooking would like to know how many people are coming with parents and family
included. Please fill in the following form tonight (by circling or writing in answers)
and have your child return this paper by tomorrow so that I can know how many
people in total will be coming. Also, please include your email address if you plan
to bring food so that I can email you a head count tomorrow so that you know
how much food to prepare. I would appreciate if anyone is able to bring plates,
cups, and forks on Friday to feed people. Thank you for your participation in this
event and I look forward to seeing, smelling, and tasting together! Have a great
Miss. Kristin Peterson
1. Can you come to join us on
Friday at 1:00 PM?
2. If you can come, how many
people in your family are
coming who are not members
of our class?
3. Do you, your child, or anyone
else coming have any food
allergies? If so, please list.
4. Can you bring food?
(Meal, snack, or dessert is fine)
5. Can you bring: plates, forks,
cups, or a drink?



I will bring (#) _____ people:
____ adults
____ children
If Yes, please list: _________________
I will bring: ______________________
I will bring: ______________________

I am the parent of _______________ and my email address is __________________________.

6. What do you identify as your


My nationality is ________________.
My culture is ___________________.

I am the parent of _______________ and my email address is __________________________.

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