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Formular eficienta clienti

Rev A
Letitia Samargi
15 January 2014
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Customer: ________________________________________________________________

Please use a 5-point scale where 1 is Very Dissatisfied and 5 is Very Satisfied:

Customer appreciation mark


How convenient is our company to use?

How professional is our company?

Compared to our competitors, is our product quality better,

worse, or about the same?


Compared to our competitors, are our prices more reasonable,

less reasonable, or about the same?

How responsive is our company?

Overall, are you satisfied with the employees at our company,

neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with them, or dissatisfied with

How likely are you to recommend our company to other

companies you know?

Please rate the delivery of our products?

If you have any suggestions or /and observations regarding how we may improve our
cooperation, please, note them here below:


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