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Rationale & Background

To provide an information about our administrative sector

To know what it is all about
To awaken the minds of the Filipino Citizens
For them to be aware regarding the issue about our
To give them an idea of who will they vote in coming 2016
Definition of Administrative/Government sector
Type of Government running in the Philippines
Summary Sona 2010-2014 (programs, plataforms)

Definition of Terms

A group of people that governs a community or unit.
It sets and administers public policy and exercises executive,
political and sovereign power through customs, institutions,
and laws within a state. A government can be classified into many
types. The democracy, republic, monarchy, aristocracy, and
dictatorship are just a few.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary offers three definitions of
1. The group of people who control and make decisions for a
2. A particular system used for controlling a country.
3. The process or manner of controlling a country, state, etc.
Notice here that government can be defined by the people
involved the system in place, or the process in use.

As a noun, a people permanently occupying a fixed territory boun
d together by common habits and custom into one body politic ex
ercising,through the medium of an organized government, indepe
ndent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within i
ts boundaries,capable of making war and peace and of entering in
to international relations with other states.The section of territory
occupied by one of the United States.
The people of a state, in their collective capacity, considered
as the party wronged by a criminal deed, the public, as in the title
of a case.The circumstances or condition of a being or thing at a
given time
Politics: (Written usually with a lowercase or common letter 's')
Geographical area within defined territorial boundaries and with a
distinct set of political institutions, ruled by a government through
laws conformance to which is imposed by force (if necessary) in
the common interest. Whereas the term 'state' emphasizes a selfgoverning legal and political entity, 'nation' emphasizes a
particular community of people with shared culture and history,
and 'country' the physical dimensions and boundaries of a
geographical area.

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