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is 11921 Pg: 318 waa Bk: 119219: 318 Page: 4 of 7 Recorded: 0412712015 03:38 PM AGREEMENT BETWEEN ‘THE TOWN OF AMHERST BUILDING COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION SERVICE AND. GP AMHERST LLC ‘Whereas, the TOWN OF AMHERST BUILDING COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION SERVICE (Building Commissioner) and GP AMHERST LLC (Owner) to clarify and resolve differences regarding the two-unit owner-occupied property ai 321 Lincoln Avenue, Amherst, Massachusetts do agree to the following. ‘This agreement is entered into between Owner and Building Commissioner, to enhance the property and to be fully compliant with the 1993 Special permit regarding this property as an owner-occupied 2-family. ‘Although the curreat owner purchased the property as a 3-family designllayout, this agreement isto help future owners understand the applicable town of Amherst regulations. Floor plans (attached) have been modified to clearly show the extent of dwelling Unit #1 and dwelling Unit #2 to remove any ambiguity about a third unit on the third floor. More specifically, the third floor will be clearly marked as being a part of dwelling Unit #2. Use is limited to two dwelling units in accordance with SP ZBA FY93-62 (1993) and ZBA FY96-0039 (1996) unless otherwise approved by the Town, Floor Plan (Attachment #1) Revisions t Floor Plan - “Proposed Configuration Unit #1” Revised 4-13-15 * Add “Unit #1” somewhere on first floor plan * Verify entry door to dvvelling unit #1 from the foyer * Modify closet and door in left bedroom to become entry for bedroom from unit #1 (see Attachment #1). © Relocate the existing main front entry door to unit one towards the front of the building (further into the common entry foyer), elongating the hallway within unit 1 enough to allow the front left bedroom door to be within unit one ‘* Revise note at rear entry to read “entry door to unit #1” ‘* Add revision date on plan 2. Second Floor Plan “Unit #2 Floor Plan~2™ Floor” Revised 4-13-15 « Provide proposed opening size at old existing kitchen entry ‘* Remove part of wallfcasing on rear wall at enlarged opening and make flush + Provide detail and fire rating of new Unit #2 entry door and wall «Provide door size at new Unit #2 entry * Check for accuracy of 2 interior egress door from unit # Label front room between bedroom and living room, verify door to the hall # Add “Unit #2" somewhere on floor plan # Add revision date to plan 3. Third Floor Plan ~ “Unit 2 Floor Plan ~ 3" Floor” Revised 4-13-15 '* Convert kitchenette area established by previous owner back to laundry room + Remove any door, opening, wall and casing at top of stairs «Add “Unit #2” somewhere on floor plan ‘Add revision date to plan. —- A Page 1 Bk: 11821 Pg: 314 AGREEMENT BETWEEN ‘THE TOWN OF AMHERST BUILDING COMMISSIONER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION SERVICE, AND GP AMHERST LLC Site Plan/Parking Control Measures (Attach. #2) “321 Lincoln Avenue Site Plan” Revised 4/7/13 + Provide plan accurately drawn to scale and provide legend, date, ete « Label parking spaces on plan (2 owner spaces in garage and 2 spaces for Unit #t at rear of building as approved) + Leave “Resident Only Parking” sign on garage + Add language to lease agreements for parking (see Lease Agreement section below) Lease Agreement ‘Add language to fture leases for both dwelling units (#1 and #2) to provide a more detailed and complete description of the entire premises. For unit #1 ‘Leased premises 321 Lincoln Ave unit | is comprised of 4 bedrooms, .iving room, kitehen, bathroom, all on the first floor of the building. Premises includes shared access to rear entry porch and basement for use of laundry only, no storage permitted in basement. Parking is only allowed in 2 spaces designated as outlined on the parking / site plan on file with Town of Amherst and provided to Lessees with lease documents, For unit #2, Leased premises 321 Lincoln Ave Unit 2 is comprised of the second and third floor ofthe building, including 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 office spaces, laundry area and 3 season porch Premises includes shared access to basement for use of laundry only, no storage is permitted in basement, Parking is only allowed in 2 spaces designated as ‘outlined on the parking site plan on file with Town of Amherst and provided to Lessees with lease documents, All necessary permits for alterations will be applied for by no later than May. All work will be completed, including town inspections, by no later than July 1* and prior to occupancy of Unit #2. Follow up inspection by Inspection Services one year after Certificate of Occupancy and annually from that point on, upon 48 hours notice. In the event of that the Owner violates this agreement, the Owner shall be subject to such enforcement and penalties as may be required by the Building Code, Zoning Bylaw and Residential Rental Property regulations. ‘This agreement will be registered in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds for the purpose of serving as additional notification to future owners. yt Signed thislb ‘day of April, 2015 A Ah Building Commissioner - ~~ Page 2 - Bk 11921 Pg: 318, = 5 a == : NVId ALIS ~

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