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Omega 30 (2002) 325 333

A model for reverse logistics entry by third-party providers

Dennis W. Krumwiedea; , Chwen Sheub
b College

a College of Business, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209-8020, USA

of Business, Department of Management, Calvin Hall Room 101, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA

Received 20 June 2001; accepted 31 August 2002

Reverse logistics has become an important entity in the US economy. Nonetheless, many companies are not capable of or
are unwilling to enter the reverse logistics market. Such reluctance appears to be attributed to lack of knowledge of reverse
logistics. This paper reviews current industry practices in reverse logistics. Speci0cally, we examine the issues and processes
that an organization has to address to engage in the reverse logistics business. A reverse logistics decision-making model is
developed to guide the process of examining the feasibility of implementing reverse logistics in third-party providers such as
transportation companies. The purpose of this model is to help those companies who would like to pursue reverse logistics as a
new market. A 0eld study was conducted with a larger US transportation company to validate the proposed model.
? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Supply chain management; Logistics; Reverse logistics; Disposition; Retrieval; Transportation

1. Introduction
The goal of manufacturing companies is to ship goods
through their plants to their customers. This movement of
goods most often means a pro0t to all involved. These same
companies, however, do not want products to be returned for
any reason. They do not plan for the backward movement or
return of goods, known as reverse logistics, as these returns
represent a substantial cost rather than a pro0t. Some CEOs
even perceive returned goods as a failure of their system
[1,2]. Sometimes reverse logistics is regarded as a recycling
process involving aluminum cans, papers, plastic and glass.
Reverse logistics is actually very involved and can be
extremely complex. Many companies with limited resources outsource their reverse logistics operation needs to
third-party providers [3]. As an example, many companies
use NetReturn, an Internet system that Federal Express has
developed for reverse logistics management. NetReturn facilitates returns for merchants once a customer has requested

Corresponding author. Fax: +1-208-282-3506.

E-mail addresses: (D.W. Krumwiede), (C. Sheu).

a return and been provided authorization to return a product. These third-party companies such as FedEx, ASTRA
and GENCO, not only aid the return process of goods by
scheduling the pickup and transportation, they also collect
customer information and track the status of returned items.
Over the last decade, reverse logistics has had a signi0cant economic impact on industry as well as society. This
impact can be seen either as detrimental to a company, and
thus avoided, or as a competitive advantage with potential
for capturing market share. Companies that receive items
back from the customer who try to hide from the signi0cance
of reverse logistics miss pro0t-making opportunities [4,5].
On the other hand, companies that use reverse logistics as
an opportunity for enhanced business will prosper by maintaining customer support, the ultimate issue for pro0tability.
While recognizing the importance of reverse logistics,
companies and especially e-businesses are increasingly
outsourcing their reverse logistics eCorts to third-party
providers [3]. Even some major discount stores such as
K-Mart are choosing to outsource their reverse logistics operations to third-party providers like GENCO Distribution
System [6]. Gooley [7] has developed a process for companies considering the creation of their own reverse logistics

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D.W. Krumwiede, C. Sheu / Omega 30 (2002) 325 333

operations. What has not been de0ned in the literature,

however, is a process or model for third-party providers
who wish to enter the reverse logistics market. Third-party
providers are recognizing the opportunities associated
with reverse logistics, but do not understand the processes
necessary to embark upon this business in a logical manner. The intent of this paper is to provide a set of steps or
a decision-making model for potential implementation of
reverse logistics by these third-party providers.
The process of model development is multi-faceted. We
begin by de0ning logistics and reverse logistics and discussing the signi0cance of reverse logistics in supply chain
management. Next we conduct a comprehensive review of
current industry practices in reverse logistics. Finally, we
present and discuss the reverse logistics decision-making
model followed by a 0eld study to validate the model.
2. Reverse logistics: denition and signicance
Logistics involves the movement of physical goods from
one location to another and third-party transportation companies (such as JB. Hunt) provide a substantial portion of
this service. Some of the earliest documentation of the use of
logistics can be traced to the military. Simpson and Weiner
[8] referenced an article written in 1898 describing logistics as a strategy for handling troops during war, including
the moving and quartering of troops. The military has since
de0ned logistics as encompassing all activities and methods connected with supplying the military, including storage
requirements, transport and distribution [9].
Several business groups have recently de0ned logistics
for the private sector. American Production and Inventory
Control Society (APICS) de0nes logistics: In an industrial context, the art and science of obtaining, producing,
and distributing material and product in the proper place
and in proper quantities [10]. The Council of Logistics
Management (CLM) de0nes logistics as The process of
planning, implementing, and controlling the eNcient, cost
eCective Oow of raw materials, in-process inventory, 0nished goods and related information from the point of origin
to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to
customer requirements [11]. All of these de0nitions involve
the movement of goods from one point to another. The business of goods movement or logistics has created the need for
substantial infrastructures such as railroads, highways, river
ports, seaports and airports. Cities and towns have emerged
and grown along active logistics routes, demonstrating the
importance and power of logistics.
Reverse logistics can be de0ned as the reverse process of
logistics [9]. Traditionally, reverse logistics has been viewed
primarily as the process of recycling products. Today, definitions vary depending on what company or segment of
industry is attempting to de0ne it. Retailers see reverse
logistics as a way to get product that has been returned by
a consumer back to the vendor [12]. Manufacturers tend to

view reverse logistics as the process of receiving defective

products or reusable containers back from the user. CLM
de0nes reverse logistics as The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the eNcient, cost eCective Oow
of raw materials, in-process inventory, 0nished goods and
related information from the point of consumption to the
point of origin for the purpose of recapturing value or proper
disposal [13].
Fig. 1 illustrates the concept of forward and reverse logistics within the supply chain system. Reverse logistics generally involves events necessary to retrieve, transport and
dispose of goods. These goods are moved backward from
the consumer and the process includes the information Oows
associated with tracking and credit processes.
A complete supply chain system includes both forward
logistics and reverse logistics as shown in Fig. 1. Management traditionally concentrated on improving forward logistics operations to enhance a 0rms competitiveness. Forward
logistics operations subsequently increase reverse logistics
activities and thus its importance to an organizations success. US companies are spending in excess of $35 billion
per year on handling, transportation, and processing of returned goods [2]. These estimated costs do not include the
management of these processes as well as the transformation
process of converting unusable goods into usable goods. On
average reverse logistics activities make up approximately
4% of total logistics costs to a company [15]. Companies
who purchase reverse logistics assistance from third-party
providers could reduce up to 10% of their companys annual
logistics costs [15]. High-tech companies have reduced inventories along with improving 0eld engineer productivity
by as much as 40% through appropriate handling of reverse
logistics [15]. Reverse logistics is obviously emerging as
very important entity in the supply chain.
Internet is credited for increasing the demand of reverse
logistics services due to returns generated by the marketing
strategies of Internet connected companies.
has a marketing strategy that includes a liberal return policy, which allows its customers to return items for numerous reasons. Reverse logistics can be particularly crucial for
e-commerce as the rate of returns from on-line purchases
can be as much as 50% of goods shipped through normal
logistics channels [16]. A major contributor to the growing
need for eNcient reverse logistics processes can be traced to
liberal return policies of many retailers such as Wal-Mart,
K-Mart, ShopKo, Fred Myers, etc. These companies have
varied, but liberal, return policies giving customers some
control of the product they purchase by allowing them to
return items for a variety of reasons. Customers rightfully,
and sometimes wrongfully, take advantage of this opportunity. The need for management of returned goods inventories has dramatically increased as customers take advantage
of the various return policies.
Because of this growth in reverse logistics, many companies like Xerox, Home Depot, Mobil and Eastman Kodak have tailored reverse logistics to their industry in an

D.W. Krumwiede, C. Sheu / Omega 30 (2002) 325 333







Information Flow

Reverse Logistics

Supply Chain Nodes

* Company owned or third-party providers perform transportation needs.

Fig. 1. Consumer supply chain. Source: Lummus et al. [14].

attempt to control the costs associated with it [7]. These

companies have discovered that cost reductions in inventory
carrying costs, transportation, and waste disposal can be substantial with an eNcient reverse logistics program. The same
companies have also recognized the importance of public
image and how reverse logistic policies aCect that image.
The public generally views companies who eNciently and
eCectively handle reverse logistics of hazardous materials
as good citizens.
At the same time that the importance of reverse logistics
is increasing, Meyer [2] and Rosen [17] indicate that the process of reverse logistics is also becoming increasingly complicated. Many companies are unable to handle the complex
networking necessary to have an eNcient reverse logistics
process. These companies are therefore outsourcing all or
part of the reverse logistics process to third-party providers.
Outsourcing has provided many third-party providers with
a unique opportunity to enter the reverse logistics market,
since they have many of the necessary resources to facilitate reverse logistics. However, the president of manufacturing at GENCO Distribution System, a third-party provider
of reverse logistics, says : : : We often have to convince
companies they have a problem before we can tell them we
have a solution. [2]. Frequently in many organizations, employees do not know who is in charge of the reverse logistics process. One upper level manager within the third-party
provider industry commented:
Many companies dont even come close to understanding how their existing returns process aCects

repeat business with their customers. The service aspect of the returns process can ultimately determine
the loyalty of customers for additional business and
referrals based on the handling of existing return goods
accounts. Companies must 0rst accept that returns are
a problem for the customer and that it will impact
future sales.
In summary, there seems to be a lack of understanding
of reverse logistics in industry, which certainly could reduce the eCectiveness of supply chain management. The next
section reviews the current practices of reverse logistics,
prior to developing the reverse logistics decision-making

3. Current industry practices for reverse logistics

A comprehensive review of reverse logistics practices was
conducted through literature review, WEB searches and survey methodologies. The purpose was to determine the needs
of third-party logistics company customers in reverse logistics as well as current strategies of their competitors and the
needs of the competitors customers. In general, the practice
of reverse logistics involves three distinct stages: retrieval,
transportation, and disposition. Table 1 is a list of terms
generally used in all stages. Each stage has a set of people
or organizations involved with the reverse logistics process,
each having their own special interests [7]. Each stage will
be discussed in detail.


D.W. Krumwiede, C. Sheu / Omega 30 (2002) 325 333

Table 1
Reverse logistics terms with de0nitions


Product recalls
Inventory returns
Warranty returns
Core returns
Reusable containers
Damaged goods
Seasonal items
Hazardous materials
Stock adjustments

Goods the manufacturer has recalled and must be picked up for return.
Goods returned to reduce inventory at an outlet other than the manufacturer.
Goods a store/distributor/wholesaler knows are in need of warranty return.
Reusable goods, those items that can be remanufactured.
Shipping containers that product was shipped in and must be returned to the manufacturer.
Goods damaged in shipment or damaged on site.
Items returned due to the end of a season, which causes the item to have no retail value in the next season (s).
Items considered hazardous and yet must be returned. Also known as HAZMAT.
Goods transported to correct a situation where there is an abundance of items at one location and lacking in
another location.

3.1. Stage 1Retrieval

3.3. Stage 3Disposition

Retrieval can best be described as the process of collecting and removing goods from a customer. This stage
is aCected by the type of product picked up and who does
the retrieval from the customer. There are several diCerent operations of the retrieval process. These operations

The disposition process involves decisions and actions

associated with the fate of a product once a customer
demonstrates product dissatisfaction. There are two types
of disposition, on-site and oC-site. On-site disposition involves activities that take place at the customers facility
to handle issues related to product concerns. The product
may be repaired or replaced on-site. OC-site disposition
involves shipping the defective product to a diCerent
facility for repair, replacement, or disposal. A basic Oow
of the disposition process can be seen in Fig. 2. This 0gure illustrates the forward movement of goods, or forward
logistics, in the supply chain by the use of narrow arrows.
Bold arrows illustrate possible reverse logistics Oow at all
nodes in a products forward logistics path. At every node,
there is potential need for on-site or oC-site disposition. The
forward movement of goods represents the normal Oow of
material from raw material to 0nished goods to the ultimate
consumer. Corporate-owned transportation systems, such
as Wal-Mart, or third-party logistics companies, such as
Consolidated Freight Inc., perform this process. The reverse
logistics Oow is more complicated as the product being
dispositioned can be handled in many diCerent ways. As
Fig. 2 illustrates, the returned product can be serviced at the
customers facility (on-site disposition) or sent oC-site for
further considerations. The product would be shipped once
again using either corporate-owned transportation systems
or third-party providers to oC-site facilities (oC-site disposition). The oC-site disposition can include product repair,
replacement, disassembly, liquidation sales, or even land0ll
Companies such as Wal-Mart use dedicated redistribution or processing centers for their oC-site processing eCorts. A processing center can be responsible
for many aspects of the reverse logistics eCort which

(a) Store level returns retrievalsStore level returns

are those returns that are retrieved from any type of
store/outlet. This type of return is made up of product recalls, inventory returns, warranty returns, core
returns, reusable containers, damaged goods, seasonal
items, hazardous materials (HAZMAT) and stock
(b) Consumer returns retrievalsConsumer returns are
collected from the ultimate consumer. These returns
include product recalls, warranty returns and damaged
(c) Collection center retrievalsThese retrievals involve
product recalls, warranty returns, inventory returns,
core returns, reusable container returns, damaged
goods, seasonal items and hazardous materials.

3.2. Stage 2Transportation

The transportation stage of the reverse logistics process
is considered to be the actual movement of goods from
one location back to another location. The transportation
stage is extensively involved in all aspects of reverse logistics, since manufacturers are often unwilling to be the
0nal destination of their returned goods. Instead, they
prefer to have an outside source or third-party logistics
company dispose of these goods. As a result, transportation companies are often left holding the goods waiting for
disposition information. These companies are recognizing
the pro0table situation of handling otherwise unwanted
returned goods.

(a) RepairsGoods that have been returned and are in

need of repair at a processing center.

D.W. Krumwiede, C. Sheu / Omega 30 (2002) 325 333




On Site


(Brick and / or


Off Site




Reverse Logistics

Forward Logistics

Fig. 2. On-site and oC-site disposition processes.

(b) Replacement part return to customerItems that have

been collected from the end user upon delivering the
replacement part to the consumer.
(c) InspectionReturned goods shipped to a processing
center that require inspection, which may include
visual, mechanical or electrical testing.
(d) SalvageGoods that are either physically destroyed,
disposed of (such as delivered to a land0ll), or dismantled.
(e) ReworksGoods that need to be modi0ed such as upgrades (putting a new module in a system per upgrade
instructions), refurbishments and repackaging.
In practice, the oC-site disposition stage can also involve
liquidation centers and secondary market outlets. Liquidation outlets resell returned goods either through a WEB site
(click) consignment process or a brick and mortar (brick)
consignment process. Returned goods processed in this manner are auctioned oC to the highest bidder. This liquidation
process is usually called the secondary market and is broken
down into its own primary and secondary markets. Based
on industry practice this primary market consists of major
discount retail brick chains such as K-Mart, and the secondary market consists of second level discount stores such
as Dollar General as well as Mom & Pop operations. In relation to click operations, online auctions like

and sell everything from computers to cameras to

household products and appliances on the WEB. Ebay even
goes further with the sales of automobiles, car parts, furniture, and other such diverse items. Some of these items are
refurbished returns, others are overstocks and out of date
products. Many of which are returned to a central point or
consolidation points for resale.
With the knowledge of current industry practices, we
developed a model that would serve as a guideline for
implementing reverse logistics. The model is discussed in
detail in the following section.
4. Reverse logistics decision-making model
We developed a reverse logistics decision-making model
for strategic reverse logistics decision-making (Fig. 3). The
model was based on literature review and interviews with
0ve logistics managers at prominent third-party logistics
companies headquartered in the United States. The interviews were informal with conversation directed around their
perceptions of issues that would aCect their desire to enter
the reverse logistics market. A common pattern emerged
that lead to the model. The purpose of this model is to help
third-party logistics companies desiring to pursue reverse logistics as a potential new market. The model depicts several


D.W. Krumwiede, C. Sheu / Omega 30 (2002) 325 333

(1a) Research existing
reverse logistics issues

(1b) Identify reverse

logistics customers
(Existing and potential)

(2) Survey existing

repeat customer needs
(Existing and potential)

(3a) Survey
competitors reverse
logistics practices

(3b) Survey
competitors customer

(4) Conduct gap analysis

(5) Perform feasibility


(6) Develop positioning


Fig. 3. Reverse logistics strategic decision-making model.

key steps necessary for a company to take in determining its

current and future potential in the reverse logistics market.
The steps of this process of evaluation are discussed below.
(1) Research existing reverse logistics issues and identify
customers. A third-party logistics company that is considering entering the reverse logistics market must 0rst research
current issues pertaining to reverse logistics. The company
should conduct market research involving literature review
of current academic 0ndings in reverse logistics in conjunction with WEB-based research. The knowledge gained will
provide the company with current best practices allowing
for educated decisions to be made in their reverse logistics
endeavor. This step is especially important as the reverse
logistics market is expanding and changing so rapidly that
even a month of lapsed time can make a substantial diCerence in the needs of the reverse logistics customer base.
In parallel to literature review, the third-party logistics
company should identify and study existing customers who
have had the company return goods for them. If for some
reason their existing customer base has not utilized the
third-party logistics company for reverse logistics eCorts,
these potential customer needs should be investigated. If the
company currently has reverse logistics customers, it should

investigate frequency of use and pro0tability from each customer. All knowledge gained in this stage is used later to
develop the survey for collecting more information from
potential customers.
(2) Survey existing repeat customer needs. Once potential customers are identi0ed, the third-party logistics company should survey their existing and potential needs for
reverse logistics service. Table 2 provides a sample set of
questions for this survey. The sample survey mentioned in
this paper is to be conducted via telephone interview with
appropriate logistics personnel on both ends.
With the understanding of current reverse logistics issues, this survey would obtain information related to existing or potential reverse logistics needs that their customers
may have. This information is invaluable when determining
the companys current position regarding reverse logistics
and establishing direction for the future of the companys
reverse logistics involvement. The company can also use
this information to design a survey for understanding competitors and their customers in the reverse logistics business,
discussed in Step (3). Refer to Table 2 for survey questions
asked of competitors and competitors customers.
(3) Survey competitors and competitors customers.
Viable competitors of the third-party logistics company
should be identi0ed to assess their capabilities in reverse
logistics capabilities. WEB usage and other research prove
to be very eCective in this step. A survey developed to
understand competitors should be conducted to further
understand the strength of competitors. Another source
of information that must be studied is the competitors
customers. The same process that is used to understand
competitors is applied. A customer survey derived from
knowledge gained in Step 1 can assess the needs of the
competitors customers and their perception of the service.
Table 2 provides a list of sample survey questions for this
(4) Conduct gap analysis. Based on the needs of existing customers and competitors customers, the third-party
logistics company can then perform a gap analysis. The gap
analysis evaluates and compares the company and its competitors current reverse logistics position in the market with
the needs of current and future customers. The analysis will
provide the company with necessary information to make
decisions on its strategic positioning in the reverse logistics
(5) Perform feasibility study. In this stage the third-party
logistics company should utilize all information gained from
previous eCorts to conduct a feasibility study, which involves analysis of its current 0nancial position and the feasibility of entering the reverse logistics market. The company
should compute the costs of obtaining the necessary additional resources to provide the extended service identi0ed
through the gap analysis. The company must also revisit its
existing customers to determine if reverse logistics would
bene0t these customers using existing resources. These bene0ts could be realized through a more planned and eCective

D.W. Krumwiede, C. Sheu / Omega 30 (2002) 325 333


Table 2
Sample survey questions for a third-party logistics analysis

Sample question

Type of survey






Are you using our company for third-party logistics service for product
Do you provide third-party logistics service for product recall?
Do you receive third-party logistics services from a vendor for product

Are you using our company for third-party logistics service for reusable
Do you provide third-party logistics service for reusable containers?
Do you receive third-party logistics services from a vendor for reusable

Are you using our company for third-party logistics service for on-site
Do you provide third-party logistics service for on-site disposition?
Do you receive third-party logistics services from a vendor for on-site

Are you using our company for third-party logistics service for on-site
Do you provide third-party logistics service for on-site disposition?
Do you receive third-party logistics services from a vendor for on-site

Are you using our company for third-party logistics service for liquidation?
Do you provide third-party logistics service for liquidation?
Do you receive third-party logistics services from a vendor for liquidation?

return operation gained from a fuller implementation of

reverse logistics.
To fully implement a reverse logistics operation, legacy
systems within the company have to be scrutinized. A decision to enter the reverse logistics market would probably result either in a substantial programming eCort within legacy
systems or the desire to purchase a canned system from
a reputable vendor. Such a decision would be costly, since
it would require pilot runs to ensure the system is functionally capable of meeting the needs of the reverse logistics
(6) Develop a positioning strategy. All of the previous
steps of the model were developed to aid in making the
third-party logistics companys 0nal decision, What will
their position in the reverse logistics market consist of? If
the feasibility study indicated the company could enter the
reverse logistics market with reasonable expectation of making a pro0t and if the resources are available, the company
should decide to proceed. With this information, management could then strategically position reverse logistics in
the companys long-term plans. For instance, the company
may decide that it will oCer a full reverse logistics service.



This decision would probably involve the construction of

redistribution centers strategically located in its customer
network, the purchase of an extensive software management
system, training of personnel, rescheduling of transportation
resources and other pertinent reverse logistics issues.
5. Field study
We performed a 0eld study with a larger US third-party
transportation 0rm to validate this decision-making model.
The transportation company chosen was very interested
in entering the reverse logistics market. The companys
primary service was the movement of goods between facilities for other companies in the United States. Similar to
many such companies in the US, this transportation 0rm provided a limited level of reverse logistics services for its customers. The company recognized opportunities associated
with more aggressively entering the reverse logistics market
as a competitive advantage and chose to perform a feasibility study. This study was performed following the reverse
logistics decision-making model. Based on this model, the


D.W. Krumwiede, C. Sheu / Omega 30 (2002) 325 333

transportation company researched current reverse logistics

issues. The company then identi0ed their existing reverse
logistics customers. Over 50 existing customers were then
contacted by telephone. Thirty-six customers were willing
to respond to survey questions over the telephone. Table 2
depicts sample questions that were asked of these customers. Next, 15 leading potential competitors were identi0ed to determine their reverse logistics services. Seven
companies were willing to respond to survey questions
such as those in Table 2. The competitors customers were
found by searching the web sites of the competitors. Over
35 customers were contacted using the telephone with 15
responding, see Table 2 once again for sample questions.
The surveys provided the transportation company with information that helped determine a gap in their service compared to their competitors service. This gap was based on
the needs of the competitors customers as well as the transportation companys customers needs.
The company conducted a feasibility study based on the
gap analysis. This analysis revealed the need for processing
centers, which were not in existence. The feasibility study
indicated that such an expense could not be justi0ed based
on the companys existing customer base. If they chose to
become involved in all reverse logistics stages, they would
have to signi0cantly expand their customer base and move
into market segments that would require substantial investment. The company considered their situation and decided
that their best strategic position was to stay in their current
position while attempting to develop a richer reverse logistics customer base.
6. Conclusions
Reverse logistics has become an important segment in the
US economy. Increasingly, customers are demanding resolution for products that are considered to be defective. They
are returning items more frequently as companies are driven
to loosen return policies due to competition. Many of these
companies having items returned to them will not be able
to aCord the resources necessary to eCectively handle the
processes required for appropriately handling increasing volumes of returned goods. The need for third-party companies providing partial or full reverse logistics services for
companies receiving returned goods will increase as policies
aCecting returned products continues to favor the customer.
Unfortunately, many third-party companies desiring to enter the reverse logistics service market are not prepared to
eCectively address these service needs due to the lack of
knowledge of reverse logistics [1]. They are either not capable or unsure of the process of entering the reverse logistics
market. All of these third-party companies would bene0t
from a framework for decision making to determine if entry
into this market is feasible for them.
In this study we investigated and summarized the current status of reverse logistics. We then developed a reverse

logistics decision-making model. We also conducted a 0eld

study using the reverse logistics decision-making model to
evaluate its use by a third-party logistics company considering expanding its reverse logistics business. The model
helped the third-party logistics company in making the decision to more aggressively enter the reverse logistics business or to decline. The model provided structure to the
decision and gave the company the guidance needed for such
a decision.
Based on the results of the 0eld study conducted, the
model proposed will guide third-party providers through
the process of deciding if they should enter the logistics
market. If they decide to enter, they should gain enough
pertinent information to provide a sound basis for decisions
related to the depth of their involvement. Those companies
who decide not to enter after following the model should
also have gained enough information to help them decide
to take a do nothing stance. Naturally, these third-party
logistics companies should continue to evaluate the market,
their customers, and the competitors and their customers
to determine if their status has changed. Future research
should be performed to further validate the reverse logistics decision-making model. A 0eld study using the model
provided invaluable information for the company involved.
However, additional 0eld studies would provide further
evidence of the models value.

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