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GENERAL INFORMATION ABSENCE REPORTING VOICEMAIL - 952-431-8299 ENDEtT+ ‘Types of Absences: School-Authorized (exempt) School-authorized absences not counted in the maximum absence rule include, but are not limited to: + Pre-authorized school-sponsored curricular and cocurricular activities, © Offical religious holidays. + Death of an immediate family member (parent, step-parent, guardian, sibling, grandparents). + Authorized appointments with school personnel. + Court Appearances. ‘+ In-schoo! suspension and out-of-school suspension. ‘ABSENCES Excused ‘Absences which are verified by the parent/guardian with reasons accepted by the school. Accepted reasons are: + illness, ‘+ Medical or dental appointments that cannot be made outside of the school time. ‘ + Pre-authorized, pre-planned absence of one day or more. This should be arranged prior (preferably atleast one week) to the absence in order to receive any homework assignments. ‘+ These absences are counted in the maximum absence rule. Unexcused Unexcused absences, counted in the maximum absence rule, are absences not school authorized or verified. The student chooses to be absent from class without the approval of the school or his or her parent/guardian. Such absences include, but are not limited to, truancy, oversleeping, car trouble or planned absences which were not pre-approved by the school. Consequences such as detention, restitution, recovery of lost learning time, in- school suspension of out-of-school suspension may be assigned to students who have unexcused absences. Students who are unexcused for all or part of 7 days may be referred to the office of the Dakota County Attorney for truancy. Tardies ‘Tardies are being late to class without an authorized pass. Three tardies per class equals one absence and will be counted in the maximum absence rule. Consequences such as detention, restitution, recovery of lost learning time, in-school suspension fof out-of-school suspension may be assigned to students with tardies. Consequences Upon the tenth absence (excused or unexcused) in any class, the student may receive a grade of No Credit (NC) or a failing grade (F). The grade of “NC” will be given ifthe student remains in lass, follows behavioral as well as attendance expectations and meets all course requirements by the end of the trimester. A grade of "F” is given ifthe student is disruptive in class and has to be removed and placed in a study hall, or if he or she falls to meet the course requirements by the end of the trimester. An “F” grade will have a negative effect on the student's grade point average. Notification/Intervention Process Parents have access to student attendance, discipline and class grades via the internet using the Parent Portal [(go to www. istrict196/avhs) to sign up for the Parent Portal] Prior to the imposition of loss of credit in a trimester course, absences ‘accumulated through unusual circumstances or chronie/long-term illness may be submitted for administrative review to determine exceptions to the maximum absence rule. An administrative conference with the student will be held prior to the Imposition of loss of credit or removal from class for an “F” for a trimester course. When @ student exceeds the maximum absence rule for a specific trimester course, a no credit notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian. ifthe student is removed from the class and placed in study hall, written notification will be mailed to the student's home and an “F” grade will be assigned. Appeals Process ‘The student and/or parent/guardian have aright toappeal the loss of credit when the student exceeds the maximum absence rule. The student and/or parent/guardian should request an appeal from the appropriate administrator within five days of receipt of the loss of credit or fallure notice. The Appeals Committee will meet to review and make a decision on the appeal. Students are to continue in class unless a schedule change is made by a school administrator. ADMITS Whenever a student is absent from school, parents/guardians are to call the Apple Valley High School Attendance Voice Mail '952-431-8299 before 1:00 p.m. each day their student is absent. Please refer to each calendar page for a detailed explanation of absence reporting. After receiving parent notification of a student's absence, attendance personnel verify the absence and provide notification to the student’s teachers, thereby eliminating the need for the student to obtain a written admit. This allows the student to report directly to class. ALCOHOL OR DRUGS Possession and use of alcohol or drugs (or look-a-ltkes) on the premises is prohibited. Being under the influence of intoxicating beverages or drugs is also prohibited on the school grounds or at school activities. Any person found in violation will be referred to local authorities and suspended according to District Policy. ‘Minnesota Public Law 691 Students and parents should be aware that Minnesota PL. 691, ‘mandates that police inform school officials of any violation of ‘minor possession and consumption in the community. These students will be referred to a team composed of counselors and administrators who determine if there is a need for intervention for outside referral. Any such referrals will be shared with ‘administrators and Minnesota State High Schoo! League rules will, be enforced with the eCeption of noted school ences, are expected to attend every at risk of losing credit for a class High school student authorized and verified class, every day. Students les equal 3 nonce) and authorind absences EBagonstothemarimum absence ple may be mace for croie/long og ies (vere by a ddGtor) or for unusual circumstances authoBized by a school administrator. VHS COLLEGE AND CAREER CENTER The AVHS College and Career Center, located in room 133, provides students in grades 9-12 with a number of career services and information. Students are required to obtain passes from a counselor or teacher to visit the Career Center. ‘The Career Center provides the following functions: Computer Based Career Searches Financial Aid information Informational Meetings with College/Vocational Representatives General College/Military Program Information + College Entrance Exam Registration and Preparation Materials Parent volunteers staff the Career Center and are supervised by the Guidance Office, Additional volunteers are always welcome. CELL PHONES Students are welcome to use their cell phones before school, during passing time, during lunch, and after school, As a general rule, students should NOT have their cell phones visible or audible while in the classroom. At times, cell phones are used as a learning tool in the classroom. As such, cell phone use in the classroom Is at the teacher's discretion. Teachers can refer students to the office for inappropriate use of a cell phone during school hours. Any picture-capture device (including cell phones) is ‘not to be visible, audible or used in the locker rooms or restrooms: as any time (MSHSL guideline). Inappropriate use of technology In schoo! or at school events (including cell phones) can result in disciplinary action. EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Students who are 18 years old or older, regardless of adult status ‘ranted by state statute, are stil obligated to abide by all school district policies and the regulations outlined in the Student/ Parent/Guardian Handbook. Students who are 18 years old (or older) may write their own excuses ifthey bring in anate from their parent/guardian. Aschool official will cal to confirm the request. An 18 year old student may write notes for thelr absences and may submit notes to arrange for an advanced absence make-up slip. Excuses for appointments ‘may be verified by school personnel. The definitions for excused and unexcused absences (as detailed in the Attendance Policy) apply toall students. FIREWORKS ON SCHOOL PROPERTY According to Apple Valley's City Ordinance .and based on Minnesota Statute: 1, Itshall be unlawful for any person to offer for sale, expose for sale, sell or retal, or wholesale, possess, use, or advertise any fireworks, 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to use or explode any fireworks, Violations of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not ‘more than $700.00 or by imprisonment in the county jall for not more than $0 days. Students in possession of fireworks will be subject to a 3-day (05S for the first offense. Students caught lighting or shooting off fireworks in the building or on school grounds will be subject to a S-day OSS for the first offense. Parents will be notified of such infraction, The local law enforcement agency may be contacted at the discretion of the administration GAMBLING Gambling Is against school policy. Students are prohibited from playing cards, tossing dice, Fipping coins, betting on horse races, betting on sporting events, or any other form of gambling on school property, tems may be confiscated and any student that violates this policy may be subject to detention, restitution, recovery of ost learning time or ISS/OSS. GANG RELATED ACTIVITIES Gang related activities including gang Identified clothing, pants rolled, caps, caps turned, colors, insignias or hand gestures are riot acceptable in school. Disciplinary action will result for gang related activities. Parents will be notified. GENERAL MISCONDUCT General misconduct may include, but is not limited to the following behaviors: Inappropriate language, fighting, forgery, horseplay, possession of squirt guns, card playing, harassment, plagiarism, and cheating. Inappropriate hand gestures in any school photo, team/club picture, or video of any school event will result in detention and/or ISS/0SS. General misconduct will result in detention, restitution, recovery of lost learning time or 1SS/ 055, depending on the individual Incident, Parents willbe notified and/ara parent conference will be scheduled. In cases warranting greater concern, the police may be notified. If the student's ‘misconduct continues, progressive consequences will be given. HARASSMENT District 196 is committed to maintaining an education and employment environment that Is free from sexual, gender, racial or religious harassment and violence. District 196 prohibits any form of sexual, gender, racial or religious harassment and violence, Its a violation for any District 196 personnel or student to harass an employee, student, visitor or other persons through conduct (or communication of @ sexual nature-or regarding gender, race or religion. ttis a violation fér any District 196 personnel or student ‘0 inflict, threaten to inflict, or attempt to Inflict-sexual, gender, racial or religious violence upon any employee, student, visitor or ‘other person.

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