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The Laryngoscope

C 2014 The American Laryngological,


Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

Economic Evaluation of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Versus Continued

Medical Therapy for Refractory Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Luke Rudmik, MD, MSc; Zachary M. Soler, MD, MSc; Jess C. Mace, MPH; Rodney J. Schlosser, MD;
Timothy L. Smith, MD, MPH
Objectives/Hypothesis: To evaluate the long-term cost-effectiveness of endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) compared to
continued medical therapy for patients with refractory chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).
Study Design: Cohort-style Markov decision-tree economic evaluation.
Methods: The economic perspective was the U.S. third-party payer with a 30-year time horizon. The two comparative
treatment strategies were: 1) ESS, followed by appropriate postoperative medical therapy; and 2) continued medical therapy
alone. Primary outcome was the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Costs were discounted at a rate of
3.5% in the reference case. Multiple sensitivity analyses were performed, including differing time-horizons, discounting scenarios, and a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA).
Results: The reference case demonstrated that the ESS strategy cost a total of $48,838.38 and produced a total of 20.50
QALYs. The medical therapy alone strategy cost a total of $28,948.98 and produced a total of 17.13 QALYs. The incremental
cost effectiveness ratio for ESS versus medical therapy alone is $5,901.90 per QALY. The cost-effectiveness acceptability curve
from the PSA demonstrated that there is a 74% certainty that the ESS strategy is the most cost-effective decision for any willingness to pay a threshold greater than $25,000. The time-horizon analysis suggests that ESS becomes the cost-effective intervention within the third year after surgery.
Conclusion: Results from this study suggest that employing an ESS treatment strategy is the most cost-effective intervention compared to continued medical therapy alone for the long-term management of patients with refractory CRS.
Key Words: Chronic rhinosinusitis, sinusitis, endoscopic sinus surgery, medical therapy, Markov, decision tree, economic
evaluation, cost effectiveness.
Level of Evidence: N/A.
Laryngoscope, 125:2532, 2015

Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common disabling
illness, affecting approximately 6% to 16% of the population.1,2 CRS is characterized by diffuse sinonasal inflammation that produces symptoms of nasal congestion,
facial pain, reduction or complete loss of smell, head-

From the Division of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery,

Department of Surgery; University of Calgary (L.R.), Calgary, Alberta,
Canada; the Division of Rhinology and Sinus Surgery, Department of
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, Medical University of South
Carolina (Z.M.S., R.J.S.), Charleston, South Carolina; and the Division of
Rhinology and Sinus Surgery, Oregon Sinus Center, Department of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, Oregon Health and Science University (J.C.M., T.L.S.), Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Editors Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication
August 6, 2014.
Funding and support: T.LS., Z.M.S., and J.C.M. are supported by a
grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research Project
Grant DC005805. R.J.S. is a consultant for BrainLAB, Olympus, United
Allergy; grant support from Medtronic, Arthrocare, Intersect ENT, Optinose, and NeilMed. a consultant for Intersect ENT Inc. (Menlo
Park, CA). The NIH had no role in the preparation, review, or approval
of this manuscript or decision to submit it for publication. The authors
have no other funding, financial relationships, or conflicts of interest to
Send correspondence to Dr. Luke Rudmik, Division of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Calgary, Foothills Medical Centre, South Tower Suite 602, 140329th St.
NW T2N 2T9, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. E-mail:
DOI: 10.1002/lary.24916

Laryngoscope 125: January 2015

ache, and fatigue.3 Furthermore, there are substantial

negative impacts on sleep4 and daily productivity.5 The
economic burden of CRS is substantial, with annual
direct costs exceeding $8.6 billion, which can be predominantly attributed to physician office visits, emergency
department encounters, and medication use.6
Following a diagnosis of CRS, the accepted primary
management strategy begins with medical therapy to
reduce mucosal inflammation and improve sinonasal
function. Despite best medical efforts, a subset of
patients will have persistent symptoms and are considered refractory. Strong evidence supports the use of
endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) in this cohort of patients
with refractory CRS to improve clinical outcomes; however, the costs of surgery have not been justified by
means of a rigorous economic evaluation with a longterm time horizon. Therefore, it is unknown whether
ESS or continued medical therapy alone is the most
cost-effective option in managing patients with refractory CRS over a lifetime.
The purpose of this economic evaluation is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of an ESS treatment strategy compared to continued medical therapy alone
for patients with refractory CRS. A cost-utility
analysis was performed using a cohort-style Markov
decision-tree model to determine if the short-term
increase in costs associated with performing ESS is
Rudmik et al.: ESS vs. Medical Therapy for Refractory CRS


Fig. 1. Economic decision tree for intra- and postoperative outcomes for ESS.
CRS 5 chronic rhinosinusitis; OR 5 operating room.

justified during the long-term management of refractory CRS.


The perspective of this economic evaluation was from the
U.S. government payer. All costs are expressed in U.S. dollars
as of June 2013 (published costs prior to 2013 were adjusted to
account for inflation). The primary outcome is the cost per
quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Because refractory CRS is a
chronic nonterminal condition, normal life expectancy was
assumed based on U.S. population norms and a 30-year time
horizon considered for this analysis.
All costs and effects are presented in disaggregated and
aggregated form, and incremental cost effectiveness ratios
(ICERs) are presented for the primary outcome. The ICER is a
commonly used equation in health economics to provide important information to resource allocation decision makers. It is
the ratio of change in costs between two strategies to the
change in effectiveness between the two strategies: (cost strategy A cost strategy B) / (effectiveness strategy
A 2 effectiveness strategy B).7 Therefore, the ICER provides the
additional cost associated with the additional benefit of the new
intervention being evaluated.
Costs were discounted at a rate of 3.5% for the reference
case, and multiple forms of sensitivity analysis were performed
to account for inherent data uncertainty. The reporting of this
economic evaluation followed the 2013 Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards guidelines.8,9

potential perioperative outcome pathways, including intraoperative and postoperative complications (Fig. 1). In this model, a
major intraoperative complication involved experiencing one
of three events: intraoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak,
intraoperative orbital injury, and major vascular injury. We did
not include the probability of having a second CSF leak (in the
postoperative period) in patients who sustained a major intraoperative complication to prevent the risk of inappropriately double counting. The risk of death from routine ESS was not
included because it was felt to be negligible.
Because refractory CRS is a nonterminal chronic condition, the second portion involves performing a Markov model.
The cycle duration was defined as 1 year. Based on national
U.S. life expectancy statistics11 and using an average age of 45
years old for CRS patients,10 this model used a total Markov
model duration of 30 cycles to reach an average age of 75 years
old (rounded down from 75.4). Half-cycle corrections were added
for all initial and final reward values. The medical-therapyalone group entered directly into the Markov model, whereas
the ESS group entered into the Markov model after they completed the ESS decision tree. Patients entered the Markov
model into one of the following four refractory CRS health
states based on their utility score: low-, moderate-, or highutility state, or death. Following each cycle, patients either
stayed in their current health state or transitioned into one of
the other three health states based on transition probabilities
(Fig. 2).

Effectiveness: Utility Values

A cohort-style, state transition, Markov decision-tree
model was constructed to simulate the clinical management
patients with refractory CRS. Refractory CRS was defined as
persistent disease, despite a minimum of 3 months topical sinonasal corticosteroid therapy, along with a minimum of a 7-day
course of systemic corticosteroids 6 2-week course of broadspectrum antibiotics.10
In the model, the two comparative treatment groups for
managing refractory CRS included: 1) ESS, followed by postoperative medical therapy; and 2) continued medical therapy
alone. For the ESS group, the first portion of the model involves
a decision-tree analysis, which moves the patient through

Health state utility data for this economic evaluation was

obtained using the health-state utility scores (SF-6D) instrument. The SF-6D are derived from responses to six separate
items indicated on both the SF-36 and SF-12 using a commercially available weighted algorithm derived by the Department
of Health Economics and Decision Science at the University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom. This algorithm application was used to calculate standardized health-state utility values (range: 0.0 5 death 1.0 5 perfect health) from follow-up
survey responses provided by each study subject. One disadvantage of using the SF-6D utility scoring system is that it is
based on a standard gamble valuation technique performed in
the U.K. general population; therefore, it may not truly reflect
U.S. population preferences.

Laryngoscope 125: January 2015

Rudmik et al.: ESS vs. Medical Therapy for Refractory CRS

Economic Model


Fig. 2. Markov model bubble diagram for refractory CRS health

states. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is
available at]
Utility estimates were obtained from the prospective
observational cohort study (clinical trial no.: National Clinical
Trial [NCT] 00799097; National Institutes of Health [NIH]:
Research Project Grant DC005805) evaluating clinical outcomes
following ESS for the management of refractory CRS.10 Utility
scores on 168 patients with a mean follow-up of 1.5 years were
obtained. Plotting the distribution of post-ESS utility scores
demonstrated three naturally occurring tertiles based on the
following utility cut-points: low: 0.000.55, moderate: 0.560.69,
and high: 0.70 and 1.00. These utility cut-points were used to
define the three refractory CRS Markov health states. Evaluation of potential confounding variables, such as age, gender,
allergies, asthma, and other comorbidities, demonstrated that
there were no differences between the ESS and medical therapy
The effect value assigned to each Markov state was determined by calculating the mean utility score of all patients
within each of the three health states. The mean utility value
per health state was used to assign the effect per cycle. The
average utility score for patients in the low health-state group
was 0.499, in the moderate health-state group was 0.619, and
in the high health-state group was 0.786 (Table I).

All ESS perioperative complication probabilities were
extracted from the medical literature. The literature search
involved querying Ovid MEDLINE (1947August 2012) for
studies evaluating complications associated with ESS. The
complication$ were combined and produced an initial result of
408 studies. To input the highest level of evidence into the
model,13 the search was limited to meta-analyses or systematic
reviews and yielded a total of 15 articles. The reference lists of
all 15 studies were examined to ensure that all relevant studies
were captured. Data was extracted from four systematic
reviews,1417 and probabilities are presented in Table I.
Markov state entrance data was obtained from the prospective observational study (clinical trial no.: NCT01332136)
evaluating clinical outcomes of patients who self-selected management with either ESS or continued medical therapy for
refractory CRS. Because it has been demonstrated that patients
will self-select into either medical or ESS treatment arms based
on their baseline level of quality-of-life (QoL) impairment,18,19
we had to account for this potential confounding variable to prevent inaccurate health state entrance and transition probabilities. To obtain the baseline health state entrance probabilities,
all patients were assumed to receive either ESS or medical

Laryngoscope 125: January 2015

therapy alone. Therefore, this removed the selection bias associated with patients self-selecting into the medical therapy group
with better baseline utility scores. Transition probabilities in
the medical therapy group were calculated using patients with
characteristics that matched those in the ESS group to ensure
that selection bias did not influence the year-to-year
As of March 2013, a total of 442 patients were enrolled
into both the ESS and medical therapy treatment arms. Following ESS, the proportion of patients entering into each of the
three Markov states were: low 5 3.4%, moderate 5 24.1%, and
high 5 72.4%. Following continued medical therapy, the proportion of patients entering into each of the three Markov states
were: low 5 16.1%, moderate 5 38%, and high 5 45.9%.
NCT00799097),10 transition probabilities were generated for
each of the three Markov states based on year-to-year movements of patients through each state (Tables II and III). The
transition probabilities are supported by two recent studies that
demonstrated patients with refractory CRS receive stable longterm utility improvements following ESS,20 and patients who
have significantly reduced baseline QoL are unlikely to receive
further improvements from ongoing medical therapy.21

A U.S.-based study by Bhattacharyya et al. reported the
mean cost of uncomplicated outpatient ESS to be $7,726 (range
$7,554$7,898).22 Based on a recent study from the perspective
of the Canadian government, a cost of $3,510 was included in
the sensitivity analysis.23 The cost of ESS with major complication was obtained from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) database produced by the U.S. Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality.24 Using the diagnosticrelated group (DRG) code for sinus and mastoid procedures
with major complication and comorbid conditions (DRG 135),
the mean charge was $57,449. Following cost-to-charge ratio
conversion, the mean cost of DRG 135 was $16,877 (Table I).
This cost was applied to all major complications requiring hospital admission such as CSF leak, orbital hematoma, and
medial rectus injury.
The three potential postoperative complications included
in this economic evaluation were: 1) epistaxis, 2) infection, and
3) CSF leak (Table I). Postoperative complication costs were
obtained from the physician fee schedule for the Centers of
Medicare and Medicaid Services using the corresponding CPT
code25 and the HCUP database.24 For this model, a postoperative sinus infection would receive prednisone 30 mg for 10 days
($6.80), along with a broad-spectrum antibiotic for 14 days
($302.45).26 The most expensive common oral antibiotic (moxifloxacin) prescribed for CRS was chosen in order to stack the
costs against ESS.
Based on the reported annual cost of refractory CRS
before and after ESS22 combined with the mean utility levels
before and after ESS,27 the moderate utility health state would
cost an average of $2,449 per year, and the high utility health
state would cost an average of $1,118 per year for patients with
refractory CRS. Because CRS-specific health care resource consumption is correlated to the severity of QoL reductions,28 the
low-utility health state was assumed to cost more than the
moderate-utility health state (Table I).

An annual discount rate of 3.5% was applied to all future
costs used in the reference case29 and the sensitivity analysis

Rudmik et al.: ESS vs. Medical Therapy for Refractory CRS


Reference Case Model Data.


Mean Value



Annual utility value for patients in the

high-utility Markov state
Annual utility value for patients in the
moderate-utility Markov state
Annual utility value for patients in the
low-utility Markov state


Probability of major intraoperative

complication during ESS
Probability of any postoperative
Probability that a postoperative complication is a hemorrhage (i.e., epistaxis)


Ramakrishnan et al.14


Stankiewicz et al.15 Dalziel et al.16

Ramakrishnan et al.14
Stankiewicz et al.15


Probability that postoperative epistaxis

requires OR treatment


Stankiewicz et al.15


Probability that a postoperative

complication is an infection


Dalziel et al.16


Probability that a postoperative

complication is a CSF leak
Probability that a postoperative CSF leak
is controlled with conservative Tx


Ramakrishnan et al.14


Lindstrom et al.17



Clinical Trials NCT00799097 NIH:

R01 DC005805
Clinical Trials NCT00799097 NIH:
R01 DC005805
Clinical Trials NCT00799097 NIH:
R01 DC005805



Cost of ESS with no complication

Cost of ESS with major intraoperative
Cost of controlling a postoperative
epistaxis with nonoperative therapy


Bhattacharyya et al.22
HCUPnet DRG 135


(CPT 99214), (CPT 31231), (CPT



Cost of controlling a postoperative

epistaxis requiring an OR


Assumption based on original cost

of ESS


Cost of a postoperative infection


(CPT 99214), (CPT 31231), Moxiflaxacin and prednisone


Cost of managing a postoperative CSF

leak conservatively
Cost of managing a postoperative CSF
leak using operative repair


DRG 52 following CCR conversion


DRG 136 following CCR conversion


Annual cost for patients in the high-utility

Markov state


Bhattacharyya et al.


Soler et al.20


Annual costs for patients in the moderateutility Markov state


Bhattacharyya et al.


Soler et al.20


Annual costs for patients in the low-utility

Markov state


Bhattacharyya et al.


Soler et al.20



CCR 5 cost-to-charge ratio; CPT 5current procedural terminology; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DRG 5 diagnostic-related group; ESS, endoscopic sinus surgery; HCUP 5 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project; NCT 5 National Clinical Trial; NIH, National Institutes of Health; OR, operating room; R01 5 Research
Project Grant.

applied a discount rate of 0 and 6%.30 The reference case did

not discount effectiveness, but two scenarios were included in
the sensitivity analysis in which both costs and effects were discounted at a rate of 3.5% and 6%.

Following current recommendations, we have performed

several sensitivity analyses to test the influence of inherent
data variability on the economic outcomes of this model. First,
we performed multiple analyses evaluating the change in discounting rates and time horizons.8,2931 Lastly, a multivariate
probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) using a Monte Carlo
simulation with 15,000 scenarios was performed. For each

parameter category, the following data distributions were

applied: cost 5 gamma distribution, probabilities 5 beta distribution, and utilities 5 beta distribution. Probabilities from a
chance node with three or more branches were assigned a
Dirichlet distribution to ensure that all values were coherent.
Each parameter in the model received a mean point estimate
and standard error based on the study sample size.32 Mean
point estimates generated from smaller sample sizes possess
high levels of parameter uncertainty; therefore, they received
higher standard errors to test several plausible values in the
Monte Carlo simulation. Results are presented in both a costeffectiveness acceptability curve (CEAC) and ICER scatter plot.
The CEAC is a technique used to graphically represent
the uncertainty in an economic evaluation.33 It is a very

Laryngoscope 125: January 2015

Rudmik et al.: ESS vs. Medical Therapy for Refractory CRS

Sensitivity Analysis


Transition Probabilities for Patients With Refractory CRS Following

Transition Probabilities for Patients With Refractory CRS Treated
With Medical Therapy Alone.

Time 1 1


Time 1 1














CRS 5 chronic rhinosinusitis; ESS 5 endoscopic sinus surgery.








CRS 5 chronic rhinosinusitis.

important outcome for policy makers because it provides the

degree of certainty in an economic conclusion at several different willingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholds. The ICER scatterplot
is a technique used to visually demonstrate the costeffectiveness of all the different ICERs generated from the
15,000 iterations of the PSA. The ICERs are plotted onto the
cost-effectiveness plane, which is divided into four quadrants.34
Quadrant II ICERs are both cheaper and more effective and
thus the dominant intervention. On the other hand, quadrant
IV ICERs are more expensive and less effective, and thus considered dominated and typically rejected. Decisions to accept
the alternative intervention in quadrants I and III depend on
the maximum ICER for which policy makers are willing to
accept (i.e., willingness-to-pay threshold).

Reference Case
The reference case managed a cohort of patients
with refractory CRS for 30 years and demonstrated that
the ESS strategy cost a total of $48,838.38 and produced
a total of 20.50 QALYs. The medical-therapy-alone strategy cost a total of $28,948.98 and produced a total of
17.13 QALYs. The ICER for ESS versus medical therapy
alone is $5,901.90 per QALY (Table IV).

Sensitivity Analysis
Discounting Sensitivity Analysis. Using both the
National Institute of Clinical Excellence and World
Health Organization guidelines,29,30 an additional four
scenarios were considered that discount both costs and
effects at different rates. The results demonstrate that
ESS remains the most cost-effective decision, with a
maximum ICER of $11,030.24 per QALY when both costs
and effects are discounted at 6% per year (Table IV).

Time Horizon Sensitivity Analysis. The reference

case assumed a treatment duration of 30 years to cover
the life span of an average patient cohort with refractory
CRS. The time-horizon sensitivity analysis from this
model demonstrates that ESS becomes the most costeffective intervention following the third year after ESS
with an ICER of $49,238.94 per QALY (Table V).
Multi-way: Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis.
The CEAC is displayed in Figure 3 and demonstrates
that there is 74.5% and 77.8% certainty that the ESS
strategy is the most cost-effective decision at a WTP
threshold of $25,000 and $50,000 per QALY, respectively.
When plotting the ICERs from the PSA onto the costeffectiveness plane, it demonstrates that over 74% of
individual ICER outcomes (blue dots) are below the
$50,000-per-QALY threshold (Fig. 4).

This study evaluated the cost-effectiveness of managing a cohort of patients with refractory CRS with
either ESS or continued medical therapy alone. Results
from this economic evaluation based on state transition
modeling suggest that managing refractory CRS patients
with the ESS strategy is the most cost-effective intervention. The probabilistic sensitivity analysis demonstrated
that ESS was the most cost-effective management
option, with more than 74% certainty for any willingness
to pay threshold greater than $25,000 per QALY.
Chronic rhinosinusitis is a highly prevalent inflammatory disease of the nasal and sinus cavities that often
reduces patient QoL, produces a significant financial
burden on health systems around the globe,3538 and is
associated with substantial productivity costs.5 Current

Discount Rate Sensitivity Analysis Outcomes.


1 (reference case)



Total Cost
of ESS


Total Cost

Total Medical
Therapy QALYs


Medical Therapy



























ESS 5 endoscopic sinus surgery; ICER 5 incremental cost effectiveness ratio; QALY 5quality adjusted life year.

Laryngoscope 125: January 2015

Rudmik et al.: ESS vs. Medical Therapy for Refractory CRS


Time Horizon Sensitivity Analysis Outcomes.
Years From Time 5 0

Cost of ESS

of ESS (QALYs)

Cost of
Medical Therapy

Effectiveness of Medical
Therapy (QALYs)

ICER (ESS vs. Medical

Therapy Alone)






















ESS 5 endoscopic sinus surgery; ICER 5 incremental cost effectiveness ratio; QALY 5quality-adjusted life year.

accepted practice dictates that CRS is initially treated

with medical management because the majority of
patients will improve and require no further interventions.35,36,39 Initial medical therapy typically includes
topical high-volume sinonasal saline irrigations, topical
intranasal corticosteroid sprays, short courses of systemic antibiotics, and systemic corticosteroids.4042 The
challenge remains that, despite best initial medical therapy, a fraction of patients will fail to respond and continue to suffer with persistent symptoms and reduced
QoL. Options for ongoing management of refractory CRS
include either ESS or continued medical therapy. An
estimated 240,000 ESS procedures are performed yearly
in the United States (and the rates appear to be increasing), but a decision to pursue surgery can be difficult
given trade-offs in up-front costs and risks of surgery
versus potential long-term improvements. Data from
this study supporting cost-effectiveness of ESS for
refractory CRS helps inform this decision, and the
robustness of findings applies to both governmental and
third-party payer scenarios.

Results from the reference case and all sensitivity

analyses suggest that, when managing patients with
refractory CRS, an ESS strategy was the more costeffective intervention compared to continued medical therapy alone. However, despite the results from this economic
evaluation, the outcomes must be taken into context given
inherent study limitations. In an ideal situation, all data
used in a model would be derived from meta-analyses, or
the economic evaluation would be performed alongside a
large randomized controlled trial (RCT). An RCT evaluating ESS versus continued medical therapy would generate
accurate patient level costs and effects; however, the feasibility of this RCT is low for several reasons. Ethical implications aside, it would be difficult to enroll patients and
ask them to be randomly allocated to medical therapy in
the face of strong effectiveness data supporting surgery.
On the contrary, some patients may wish to avoid surgery
regardless of the possibility of improved benefit given concerns over complications or perioperative discomfort. Additionally, blinding of patients as to whether or not surgery
was performed would be impossible without attempts at a

Fig. 3. Cost effectiveness acceptability curve for ESS versus continued medical therapy for refractory
CRS. [Color figure can be viewed in
the online issue, which is available

Laryngoscope 125: January 2015


Rudmik et al.: ESS vs. Medical Therapy for Refractory CRS

costeffectiveness ratio scatterplot on
the cost-effectiveness plane.
WTP 5 willingness-to-pay.
figure can be viewed in the online
issue, which is available at www.]

sham procedure. Because CRS is a nonterminal disease,

the RCT would also require extensive follow-up (i.e., > 30
years) to accurately define long-term costs and effects
without extrapolations. The paucity of published RCTs on
CRS speaks to these difficulties, and no large trials are
currently underway or planned for the future. To overcome the lack of RCT data on this topic, we included the
highest level of available evidence and patient-level data
from two large NIH-funded prospective observational
studies.43,44 For all variables that required an assumption,
the highest-quality available evidence was used to generate values, and uncertainty was accounted for using broad
ranges and large standard deviations. The sensitivity
analysis failed to demonstrate that any of these parameters fundamentally changed the economic conclusions of
this study.
For this model, we assumed that refractory CRS
was a single-disease entity; however, it is likely that
CRS represents a heterogeneous group of sinonasal
inflammatory disorders for which endotypes are just
beginning to be explored. In the future, it is likely that
distinct subclasses of CRS will be defined, with
responses to either medical therapy or surgery, which
will differ compared to when the CRS cohort is considered to be a single entity. If these subgroups are identified, then future economic evaluations will have to
account for these differences to further refine the efficient management of this chronic inflammatory disease.
However, despite inherent limitations with any model,
this economic evaluation is strengthened by its longterm time horizon (30 years), patient-level data on
health state transition probabilities, and robust sensitivity analyses including differing discount rates, timehorizons, and multivariate analysis.


Laryngoscope 125: January 2015

Rudmik et al.: ESS vs. Medical Therapy for Refractory CRS

Chronic rhinosinusitis is a common inflammatory

disease that produces significant deleterious effects on
patients and creates a substantial burden to the health
care system. This cohort-style Markov decision treemodel evaluated the cost-effectiveness of the ESS strategy compared to continued medical therapy alone for
patients with refractory CRS. The purpose was to determine if the short-term increases in cost associated with
performing ESS are justified in the long-term management of refractory CRS. When the CRS cohort is considered to be one single entity, the results from this initial
study suggest that employing an ESS treatment strategy
to manage patients with refractory CRS is likely to be
the most cost-effective intervention compared to continued medical therapy alone. Future studies will need to
evaluate the role of ESS in specific CRS endotypes.

This was the thesis project for Dr. Luke Rudmiks MSc in
Health Economics from the London School of Economics
(LSE). The authors would like to thank Dr. Caroline
Rudisill-Michaelsen (LSE), Dr. Paul Dolan (LSE), and Dr.
Michael Drummond (University of York) for their supervision during this project.

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Laryngoscope 125: January 2015

Rudmik et al.: ESS vs. Medical Therapy for Refractory CRS


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