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Sample Discussion 1

Student A (paper is attached as a file)

I chose this topic because I am Rh negative (blood type A-) and my daughter is Rh positive
(blood type AB+). So I had some experience in this situation, but I wanted to know more about
it. The information I found was very informative and interesting. I'm very glad that I picked this
Student B

This was such an interesting paper to read! We all know about the four types of blood, but I
never knew that there was another protein in our blood type that further categorized us. You did
an excellent job of describing what the Rh-incompatibility is, how to test for it, how it can effect
the lives of mothers and their unborn babies, and how treatment can hopefully reduce the risk of
complications during childbirth. Maybe this is a crazy question, but what do you think would
happen if the mother had twins, and one baby was Rh-positive and the other was Rh-negative?
Or both of the babies were the same Rh type? What would be the effect on the mother and the
twins? Hmm. Anyways excellent, informative paper! :)
Student A

Well in the situation that you have described, the child that is Rh-negative would not affect the
mother or child at all. If the second baby is Rh-positive it has a potential of causing issues. But as
I explained in my paper, if this is the first pregnancy, it is highly unlikely that it would cause any
problems with that pregnancy. It's the subsequent pregnancies that could be effected.
Student C

I thought your paper was very interesting. You did a very good job of explaining what Rh +/- are
and the treatments that are used to protect both mom and baby. You also had really good sources
to back you up. It's nice knowing that all mothers are tested for this at the beginning of
pregnancy as a precaution. Is this something that is inherited?
Student A

Well this is not like a disease or anything like that, that would be inherited. Your blood type is, in
a sense, inherited as far as, your blood type comes from your parents.
As an example: I am A- and my daughter is AB+. This means that her father's blood type was
most likely AB+ as well. She got the + part from him, as if we had both been - she would also
have been negative.

Sample Discussion 2
Student A (paper is attached as a file)

I enjoyed writing this paper but I know there are a few citations I need to add to the paper. It is a
rough draft but I think it's close to what I'll be turning in. Again, please check my organization,
any critiques will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Student B

This is a very well written paper with clear information. The gene information is good but a little
more clarification would be great. A question I had bout the topic is can an unborn child be
tested or Cystic Fibrosis?
Student A

During pregnancy, a doctor can do multiple tests to determine if the child has CF. First, they
would look at the medical records of both parents to determine if they are carriers before they do
an actual test on the fetus. The test for an adult is just a small blood sample or a cheek swab test.
If the parents do carry the recessive gene then there are two options. The doctor will either take a
tissue sample from the placenta to determine if the fetus is a carrier or has CF or they'll take a
sample of the amniotic fluid using a needle. It's safer and more comfortable to find out before a
pregnancy occurs.
Student C

Good job on this paper! I like the layout and how you cover many different aspect about this
horrible disease. Your essay is also very easy to read. I was curious about the life expectancy
when living with CF and how successful symptom treatment is currently.
Nicely done!
Student A

People with CF can actually live up to their 90's, it's just difficult because they have to undergo
constant supervising and treatments. The symptom treatments are temporary meaning they do
come back but the treatments are they to alleviate the symptoms. The symptoms are not curable
but they can be prevented and taken care of when present.
Student D

A well written paper!! Your paragraphs are organized well and you are very clear on what cystic
fibrosis is and what it does to your body. In paragraph three there could be a comma after "clogs
airways" and a semi-colon after "breathing difficult" before "some symptoms involve". Overall
a great paper that went into depth about a serious condition.

Sample Discussion 3
Student A (paper is attached as a file; missing reflection)
Student B

Packed with a lot of good information. Might want to mention that there is more than one kind of
strep throat.
Student C

This was a good paper, strep throat is always interesting because it is so particular. One I would
say is go through and reread, some words I felt were out of place and not used in the right tense
and also like the comment below I would go through and add the different types of strep
throat.But other then that good job it was very insightful!
Student D

You did a great job with explaining what it is, how it is spread, and how it is treated.
Some suggestions:
1. The first sentence in the third paragraph may be easier read if you wrote it "In rare cases, if the
virus is left untreated, strep throat can lead to rheumatic fever."
2. You may want to consider breaking the third paragraph into three separate paragraphs, the
second starting with the sentence "For testing for strep throat...", and the third starting with the
sentence "There is also another test..." This way it makes it flow a little easier. When a
paragraph is super long, it makes it a little harder to get through and remember the information
you just read.
3. You may want to include a small paragraph at the end regarding how to prevent the spread of
the bacteria. Would be a nice conclusion to your paper!
Student E

Very good information. Maybe try adding a little more to the introduction.

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