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10 Make the Commitment to Student Success by Taking AVID Schoolwide By Denis A. Jotstor, Ph.D. In 2010, AVID Center changed its mission to include al students, not just students In the academic middle, This came as a result of our continual growth In the understanding ofthe impact AVID has on students, teachers, administrators, and Institutions overall For more then 30 years, AVID has supported secondary schools in the implementation of the AVID Elective and the traning of staff in inquiry-based pedagogical strategies designed to ‘exercise and strengthen the metacognitive skls necessary for students to engage rigorous curiculum ‘and be successful in postsecondary education. Today, AVI has moved beyond elective classrooms and is designed to be implemented schoolwide so as to touch all students on a campus In support of our new mission, So what does schoolwide AVID look like? Schoolwide AVIO atthe secondary level doesn't mean that all students are emrlled in an AVID Elective class. What it does mean i that all students thrive in an environment where academic. expectations are held hig inquiry based pedagogy and collabo ‘axldenced hal classroom: students; and campus leadership has cultivated a culture of college readiness and success for air staat. When stepping onto a campus where AID ts schoolwide, itis not uncommon ta soe al students taking Comell notes; using some form of binder, agenda planner, or other organizational tool; ‘and engaging in collaborative, dynamic ‘academic activities in classrooms facilitated by AVID-trained teachers. Students have open access to rigorous courses like honors, advanced math, ‘Advanced Placement®, International Baccalaureate®, and dual enroliment. Moreover, academic support structures are often offered throughout the schoo! day so that all students have ‘opoortunities to thrive How is schoolwide AVID different from the AVID Elective experience? In most respects, when AVID is implemented with fidelity schoolwide there is tle that cistingushes an AVID Elective cassrdom from any ater. The most obvious difference i the tutolal opportunites afforded AVID lective students that aren't ypicaly seen Schoolwide, AVID tatorals are dynamic study groups, actated by college students that gccurtwice a we Tutorials area etal support structure for AVID students, 2s those inthe academic middle trcktionally have not beon offered these types of services in any consistent orsystematl fashion ‘Students in the upper academic quartile are often not in need of intensive tutarial support but can benefit greatly from the metacognitive skil development that AVID affords, e.g, organizational sil, time management, speaking and listening skills, and Cornell note-taking strategies. Students in the lowest academic quartile, on the other hand, tend to have many support structures in place, some of which are required through local and federal legislation, eg, Title 1, double blocks of mathematies and language arts courses, and specialized reading labs. How does a school transform into an AVID Schoolwide school? Over the years we have learned that there are many paths schools take to censure all students are touched by AVID. As a result of our experiences and a Teview of relevant literature, a team of researchers, educators, and iministrators developed the AVID Schoolwide College Readiness Coaching Tool, which AVID members can find in National Demonstration School MyAVID, under File Sharing. Ths tool is used to coach schools to address the four domains of, Leadership, Systems, Instruction, and Culture, in such a we 50 a5 to ensure that all students are held to high expectations, ae afforded appropriate support structures, and are ready for the rigors of college upon graduation, One of the most common characteristics among schools that have taken AVID schoolwide Is that 2 significant percentage oftheir teachers and administrators attended AVID's ‘Summer Institute or AVID Path training, This has led to changes in the culture on these campuses, allowing for more rapid adoption of inquiry-based instructional strategies, open-access to rigorous courses, and the implementation of academic supports for all students Strong AVID site teams can help move this transformation forward How can the AVID Center support your school on its journey to schoolwide AVID? AVID Center provides extensive support to our member sites through our program managers and state and divisional office staff. AVID Center staff members throughout the country are trained to work with district rectors and AVID site teams as they continue thelr journey from AVID Elective implementation to schoolwide AVID, Just as you ara committed to your students, we are committed to you in providing world class professional learning at Summer Institute and through our Path, Leadership fr College Readiness (LCR), and Data Analysis trainings, Please contact your district director, AVID program manager, or divisional office it you have addtional questions or would {ke more information regarding increasing your commitment to students by taking AVID schoolwide! Denis, hastons Chit Research Oe at io Canter, AVID Institute Pre-Conference Meeting Agenda 1. AVID @ AVHS (Michael & Theresa) a, Brief history of AVID at AVHS b, AVID Structure at AVHS c 14-15 Goals and Site Plan review d Future Goals for 15-16 Site Plan and beyond e. Evaluation tools and feedback AVID Institute (Michael) a Strands being attended by our team and areas of focus b. Plan and expectations for Team Time c Pre-Conference Launch (online learning prior to Institute) d. Site Plan 15-16 District Travel Policies (Michael) a. Flights/Transportation Super Shuttle $12 each way 1-800-974-8885 Taxi $15 b. — Food/Hotel Omni San Diego 675 L Street San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 231-6664 Questions and Discussion (All)

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